How should Kejak be Executed?

How should kejak Die

  • Have to listen to immaculate sermons

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  • Crucified

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • stoning

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • broken at the correction will

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • handed over to lyta, and her golden mirrors.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sent hunting with dick cheney

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Burned at the stake

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
just curious do either of you have an opinion on the "curing the great curse explanation" I came up with earlier?
I like it and dislike it at the same time.

I like it because really, that is the only way that I think creation has a chance at surviving to the next millenia.

I dislike it because it's a game mechanic that keeps the world in constant turmoil and turmoil = good storytelling.  Also, based on the power of the primordials and the subtleties of the curse, I doubt I will ever see an ordeal that would adequately suit the gravity of such a debilitation.

If you ever did cure the solar curse, I think a large amount of the charm and nuance of the game would flow down the drain and playing in the world after that would be ultimately pointless.

I do think, though, that universally curing the great curse is outside of the realms of what seems realistic for the world.  I think it would be more like Golconda from vampire, a vague ordeal that is handled on a personal level with abstract results.  An individual solar would need to look deep within, identify the corruption and purify themselves through perfecting their mind, body and soul.  Creating some serum and treating the curse like influenza would be a dumb, pulp-hollywood solution.
Creating a Serum.

Good heavens NO!

But how about

:solar Holds A Daiklive To ebon Dragons neck."

"Go on solar... I'll just be reformed..."

"do you look forward to it"

:ebon dragon shrugs: "Not particularly, no"

"then remove the curse"

Ebon dragon shouts bunch of expletives.

"VERY well Solar... but KNOW that curse or no curse SOMEDAY me and my kind will have our"

"Just do it Idiot"

:ebon dragon removes the curse, and the solar lets him go:
The Ebon Dragon can't remove the curse. It was placed by the Neverborn when they died, not the Yozis, and as they were still alive and mostly whole when they did it, the curse would be more powerful than the powers of the Yozis, who have been somewhat reduced by their change.

You'd have to force the entirety of the Yozis to undo it.

And even that might not work.
I'm doubtful of gunboat diplomacy working on Yozis.  When your body has been ripped open, inverted and your heart turned itno a sun, physical threats become somewhat banal.
Then threaten them with Barney reruns or the Teletubbies or something.

Torture usually works.
Yeah gunboat diplomacy would not work

after all it is not like gunboat diplomacy has ben used on them...oh wait surrender treaty

even then it is not like they wont forget it asap, oh ait eclipse caste diplomatic immunity
Curing the grest curse...

first you have to know about it... The Maiden of Secrects knows... but good luck getting her to talk... Lytek knows but hes more then a little prideful himself, getting him to talk about it would be tricky, and that is about how many know about the curse aside from the neverborn and yotzis... so finding out about it, hard as hell...

Curing the damn thing... since it was primordals who layed it, it only stands to reson a primordial can remove it, and while Gaia is a option i doubt she has the power or knowledge how... Auto is probably the only one who could cure it and hes off in the void, even returned he'd need to overly study the exalts to see the cruse and how it worked... and theres a decent chance he might just whipe them out and start from scrach or use his alchys to replace them... why let beings who might wanna kill you keep a army after all?
The Sidereal Great Curse is one of hubris, of believing you know best, and it increases as they group up.

Thing is, that doesn't really include Kejak's "look forward" manner- his philosophy seems to be that, even if he WAS wrong, he'd work on how things are NOW. He might feel some anguish, but I believe he would go on doing what he thinks is right regardless of whether the Curse was in effect.

He strikes me as the kind of guy who would do "what needs to be done" regardless of his own guilt, and that he would have been that way even without the Curse.
Gomen nasai mina-san

I know im renewing this thread which is over 2 years since its last post... but...

Thought of ANOTHER idea...

Have the Reclamation ALMOST Happen...

And The ebon dragon is there boasting to kejak

"FOOLISH KEJAK... Everything you have done to SAVE Creation, instead only aided ME to destroy it... When you Destroyed the solar Deliberative it aided ME , when you created the immaculate order, it aided ME Kejak..."
I dunno.

The Ebon Dragon gets mad when She Who Lives In Her Name (And her Infernals) start blabbing too much.

Not only that, if any of the Yozis would be familiar with the Evil Overlord list, it would be the Ebon Dragon; he being mustache twirling villainy made manifest.

Jukashi said:
Ah, so the DKs got to give a hand in the collaborative screwing-up of Creation? Good show.
So why didn't the DKs do anything?
Wonders of the Lost Age, p25: "It is said the Orrery of Arainthu allowed the Dragon Kings to predict the Great Contagion and the Fair Folk invasion, and that the Sidereal Exalted - who failed to see either of these developments - mocked them for their "false" prophecy through their mouthpiece, the Immaculate Order"

(Sorry for the dig-up).

Current topic: Yeah, the Great Curse isn't coming off by Primordial Hands. The Yozi probably reckon it's hilarious - and what are the Chosen going to do to them? Maybe if they invade Hell en masse, united together like shining heroes of old - oh wait, they can't do that. Because of that exact Curse. If a single Solar gets close enough to hold a Fetich to ransom, what then?

"Fine, you've beaten me. I can take the Great Curse off. The catch is that I need to have your shard disconnected from your body to do it."

You going to trust that grin?

That's if the Yozi hold the power to remove it at all - it was a Death Curse from the Neverborn, and as my current game demonstrates, Death Curses are nasty.
CK should be forced to answer silly polls until despair crushes his will and sends his soul to Oblivion.

I think in the books there is something stated that Yozi's would know how to remove the curse, but I dont remember seeing anything stating it requires the unified powers of the Yozi's?

Just a thought, if Auto was ever reawakened, could he remove it?


Jukashi said:
The Ebon Dragon can't remove the curse. It was placed by the Neverborn when they died, not the Yozis, and as they were still alive and mostly whole when they did it, the curse would be more powerful than the powers of the Yozis, who have been somewhat reduced by their change.
The Yozi know enough about the Great Curse mechanics to remove it for their own Infernal Exalted - possibly with Neverborn help, though. It's unlikely they'd ever do the same for a Solar.

Having played in a game where Autobot was reawakened and magically cured the Great Curse with a wave of his hands, my opinion on the latter is no. He should not have that power.
Thanqol said:
Having played in a game where Autobot was reawakened and magically cured the Great Curse with a wave of his hands, my opinion on the latter is no. He should not have that power.
Hand-waving the Great Curse, that's a bad idea. But I think that Auto-kun should be able to show the Exalted how to work on the Great Curse, and eventually break it. Something suitably epic, like pushing all the Neverborn into Oblivion, or breaking all their fetters and sending them to Lethe. (Assuming they could go through Lethe...)
In the 1e Auto book, it does say that he is capable of removing the Great Curse, but the question comes down to: Why would he? The geas that he was forced to place upon his chosen (mountain folk) pissed him off big time, and then he had to deal with being the Solars' bitch. He then came to the conclusion that the longer he stayed in Creation the more likely it would be that his presence would be percieved a threat by the Solars going nutso around him, and they would then turn on him the way they did his brethren.

On a related note, he also has the ability to cleanse a Abyssal shard back to a pure Solar one, and with that, one can extrapolate that the same could be done to one of the Green Sun Princes.
Sherwood said:
In the 1e Auto book, it does say that he is capable of removing the Great Curse, but the question comes down to: Why would he? The geas that he was forced to place upon his chosen (mountain folk) pissed him off big time, and then he had to deal with being the Solars' bitch. He then came to the conclusion that the longer he stayed in Creation the more likely it would be that his presence would be percieved a threat by the Solars going nutso around him, and they would then turn on him the way they did his brethren.
On a related note, he also has the ability to cleanse a Abyssal shard back to a pure Solar one, and with that, one can extrapolate that the same could be done to one of the Green Sun Princes.
Logic Hole detected - if Autobot knew about the Great Curse, he knew it was making the Solars crazy. And he'd know that it was the Curse that resulted in the Geas. In which case, him choosing to go off and sulk in Elsewhere for what people who were cursed to be crazy did while being crazy, while he had the power to remove the crazy, is pure selfish whiney assholery.

Which is exactly what's happened in my version of Exalted. Rather than risk trying to fix the Chosen, he decided to flee because it was safer and he always was a self-serving coward traitor.
I didnt say he knew about the Curse, just that he was able to fix it. But the original point is still the same. Why should he bother doing anything about it? Once he makes his return to Creation, his Exalts will pretty much own everyone they run across, and he's able to put the smackdown on any uppity god that tries to tell him that he's not allowed in Yu-shan any more, so keeping the Great Curse in effect to fuck with the defenders is in his best interest. With the power of his Exalts he'd be able to keep the Solars from getting too powerful to do much damage in their most twisted limit break.
That's something that I wonder. Do Auto and Gaia, as whole primordials, still have the power to just tell the gods to shut up and sit down? Obviously they wouldn't, what with all the Exalts out there ready to get up in their business, but could they?

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