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HOTD rp - Seshimaru and Zyther


Saving people, hunting things, the family business

And here it is!
Damn that Gami, I knew he didn't get around to fixing this thing

Vexen sighed softly. He wiped his brow with a towel and continued to try and adjust a few bolts on his motorcycle. It was showing signs of jamming up, and he pulled over before it got any worse. He had believed that a friend of his known as Gami had fixed the bike, but it was apparent that he had not got around to it. He would have to berate him about it later. He quietly looked back to the school that was full of kids at lunch at the moment. Vexen himself had just gotten his lunch that he forgot back at home, but now was having to spend the majority of his time having to fix up his bike. Life just would not cut him a break.

His thoughts began to roam back out to when he first attended the school. It was hard to fit in at first, not being a Japanese citizen at first, and being a German male, that was intensely tall, and built like a superhero. He was feared at first, but through alot of work and preserverence he eventually was able to fit in with everyone else, and even made a best friend named Gami. Of course Gami is shy and won't ever come into daylight. He was most likely hiding in the shadows right now, since he always spent his lunch alone. However, Vexen shook his head, trying to forget that creepy friend of his and looked out to all the kids having lunch, his eyes roamed over the girls at some point and he fantasized slightly about having a girlfriend. Since he has been enrolled here, it never really came up, but with school ending soon, he looked to the girls and felt that he missed out on trying to go for that sort of thing. Although he knew he was attractive and was strong, he was still an outsider to some people's eyes. And it worried him. But again, these girls deal with perverts on a daily basis, people sneaking into dressing rooms, trying to flip skirts, or even trying to cop a feel with everyone watching. It made Vexen realize maybe just how bad it was before he came along. After all he busted quite a few heads when the girls where being harassed, and people now don't do it without fear of being stomped on. But Vexen quietly set down his tools and looked out to all the kids. Thinking if there was anyone out there that would go for someone like him.
Mina was standing with her little crowd of girls and laughing about some scenarios they were discussing about the boys. She leaned over to one of them and whispered in her ear, making the girl giggle into her hands. The things she said was not even that funny, Mina knew that. However, she also knew that these girls would laugh if she told them to, they would go get her food if she told them to, and they would talk behind her back no matter what she tried to do. It was because that she knew all these things that everything worked out. The other girls were fine with being tools and then whisper behind her back. Everyone was happy with the arrangement. The only girl in the crowd who wouldn’t gossip about Mina was probably Yuuki. She was always her loyal right hand in any case. She was quiet though, on the border to shy, but she was her best friend.

Mina suddenly noticed movement out of her eye, and her fake smile dropped. She spun around with a look of dismay on her face, hair floating over her shoulder’s and she narrowed her eyes. “Excuse me, what are you do- hey!” she exclaimed. It was one of the guys a year under her. He had been bugging her quite a bit for a while, and now he had actually gone so far to snatch her phone from her bag and made a run for it when she addressed him. “Oh no, you don’t!” she said and started chasing him down. Yuuki looked surprised, and stepped out from the crowd to look after them.

“I just want your num-“ the guy had started as he ran, until he had accidentally made a run right into someone. He shook his head and then lifted his gaze. “Sorry..” he said, but froze when he saw that it was that german guy Vexen.
Vexen's wrench flew out of his hand from the impact, but Vexen himself was a mountain, no one in this school couldn't even budge him, hell there was a day that literally everyone in the Gym where pulling a Rope, and Vexen was on the other side. Of course they won, but they sure did have a hell of a time at first, some girls even fell over while trying to pull that same rope.

Looking down to the man he rolled his eyes and laughed softly, but even softly his laugh was a rumbling earthquake of sorts.

"You got to watch out...."

Vexen reached down and pulled the guy up by his wrist, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Just be glad you didn't run out in the road..."

He looked down to see a phone he dropped, however he noticed that the phone couldn't be his, for, the phone itself was very feminine, having bright colors, and cutesy stickers on it. He leaned down and picked the phone up, that joyful go lucky look on his face was suddenly a very unimpressed disapointed look, which had a tinge of scary features in the corners of it. He turned his eyes down to the guy and spoke in a menacing manner.

"You have five seconds."

Was the only words he said before he quietly took off his leather jacket and draped it over his bike. Underneath he wore a tank top that showed off those immense muscles on both his shoulders and his arms.


He muttered as he clenched one fist, and the sound of the skin stretching and the knuckles popping into place was very similiar to a shotgun being reloaded, and the outcome would be very similiar if this man chose not to run.
Mina had made it to the scene, out of breath with a hand over her chest and an annoyed look on her face. But it soon changed to surprise when she saw that the boy had stopped by the foreign guy from her year. He looked a lot like a delinquent to be honest, especially next to that motorcycle. The thief was clearly talking with him about something, not seeming too comfortable. The guy stared at Vexen with disbelief for a moment, until he realized that he had guessed that the phone didn’t belong to him. “I-it belongs to my sister,” he hurried to say, lifting his hands.

Mina stepped closer and shook her head. “It’s my phone, you perverted jerk,” she announced as she walked closer with heavy steps. The guy knew he had lost at that point, and quickly got on his way before Vexen could finish with his countdown. Mina let out an annoyed sound and looked after him, clearly looking like she debated wether to continue running after him, just so he didn’t get off completely unharmed, but in the end she sighed deeply instead. She put a hand on her hip and looked over at Vexen.

She figured the least she could do was seem grateful to him. She put on her best populare-girl smile and tilted her head. “Thank you very much,” she said sweetly and held her hand out to retrieve the phone again. “If you ever need a favor, feel free to ask, okay?”
Vexen watched silently as the boy ran off, he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh.

People these days...So gutless...Didn't this country have people who would kill themselves to remain honorable?

Vexen then looked to the girl. He recognized her, but not all that much. She was always surrounded by other girls so it was hard to see her sometimes. So this was the first time he actually had an upclose vision of her. And she was quite pretty, even though there was an odd feeling from the girl.

"Uh..No favor needed, just doing the right thing."

Vexen then waved to her as he turned back and sat back down on his bike, where he put his jacket back on and withdrew his boxed lunch. It was nothing special, just rice with a couple onigiri's. He had acclimated to the food here quite quickly, he found it to be quite simple and rather well made kind of stuff. However Vexen looked back to the girl quietly, why did he get the impression that she was not really grateful for what he did? In some aspects she was the most popular girl in the school, and the rumors that always flew about where not always positive, but again, how much are actually rumors, and how much is fact?
Mina was actually a little surprised that he was so casual about it, even when she had flashed him one of her smiles that usually got her what she wanted. She took her phone and put it into a pocket in her jacket. “Yeah, but there are not a lot of boys at this school that would do the right thing,” she commented back, when he was being so modest. This school was filled with guys like the one who ran just off, so it was not like she would have blamed him. She send him another one of her smiles. “What’s your name? I’m Mina,” she told him and put a hand on her chest to present herself.

Then her eyes fell on the motorcycle and she walked over toward it, not seeming to take into account if he wanted to eat in peace. Her fake demeanor dropped a little, and she looked truly curiously at the vehicle. “I have never tried to run one of these, is it your parents?” she asked him, and ran her fingers down the steering wheel of it. She had wanted to try it, but she had never known anyone who would ride one, most people were not old enough to drive it yet.
"They just need a better role model...The fact that looking up a girls skirt is a hobby is not exactly a good thing for men to have."

Vexen then took a big bite out of his onigiri, munching quietly before he opened one eye to see that she was eyeing his bike. He ha to admit, ever since he got it two years ago, it definitely has gotten alot of attention from both guys and girls. Jealousy from the men, and a curiousity from the girls.

"No, its mine. My mom wouldn't touch this damned thing with a ten foot pole."

It took alot of convincing for her to even let him get the damn thing, so it took alot of time to get the bike. However he noticed that she was running her fingers along the bike and he quietly smiled.

"We still have an hour...Want to go for a ride?"

He reached down and grabbed a secondary helmet and raised it up to her, it was probably a little big, but that was only because the only other person to ride with him would by Gima. But right now, a rather pretty girl is showing interest, and might as well take advantage of it. Although she kept playing the weird cutesy girl tactic, when he body language constantly screamed the fact that she was a bossy, bad girl that had very little patience. It was shown that she would actually chase people who took her stuff, the constant groups of people, and the fact that her face made alterations when she did not get the reaction she wanted.
“I agree,” she said, and nodded her head, those guys indeed needed to get a better hobby than harassing the girls. It was really getting them nowhere anyway. But she seemed to dismiss more talk about the perverted guys in favor of his bike. It kind of fascinated her to be honest. Her mouth opened slightly when he offered that she went on a ride with him. “On the motorcycle,” she clarified and her eyes sparkled a little in excitement. Then her expression went a little down though, and she looked over her shoulder to check if there was anyone watching.

But then she bit her lip with a smile and grabbed the helmet. “Alright, yes,” she decided in the end. Why not. You never knew when you would get a chance like this again. She waited for him to pack his food away, before getting up on the back of the motorcycle, although she didn’t put her hands around him.
Vexen laughed softly as he rolled up his lunch and put it into his bag. He then swung his leg over the bike and started the motorcycles engine. The bike roared to life for only a second, then went into a slight rumble afterward. He put his helmet on and revved the bike a couple more times.

"You may want to hold on.."

It was not wise to hold onto the bike itself, it was hard to keep your balance that way, but if she insisted then she would have to deal with it then. The bike jumped forward, then roared its way down the road, and soon they where driving down the road towards the mountain road. Cars flew past, and the wind was quite loud, their clothes rippled in the wind, he only hoped that she had been smart enough and had patted down her skirt before they got going.

After awhile, they came to a winding road that was high up above the town, which gave an overlook of the town, and the ocean. He came to a slow stop, and turned off the engine.

"Ok, lets take a break."

Vexen then rolled the bike over to the road guard and parked it against it. He then jumped over the guard and sat down on the grassy cliff. This was his favorite thinking spot, nothing could bother him up here, and the only interfering noise was the occasional passing car. However after a few minutes he noticed that somewhere in town there was glowing lights...But not the average glowing lights...These lights where different. And there was smoke.

A fire?

But as he tried to focus his vision, he was startled by the sudden helicopters that passed by. They where a dark green color with giant guns on the sides, then suddenly from behind them military cars flew past, even completely toppled Vexen's bike, sending it down the road in pieces. Vexen was too startled to even be angry, he got up and looked as they all went by. He was attatched to that bike, but the fact the military where around in such a sudden and unexpected way unnerved him.

"Whats going on..."
Yuuki had just walked around the corner to see Mina drive off with some delinquent and looked quite shocked. Her mouth popped open, and Mina caught her eyes just before they turned a corner on the vehicle and send her a smile. But then the motorcycle started to speed up and she wrapped her arms around Vexen immediately. The adrenaline started pumping and a smile spread across her lips as they sped down the highway, until Vexen seemed to decide that they had arrived. “Where are we.. you’re not thinking of kidnapping me are… you…” she trailed off, and her smile faded off completely when she noticed the light and smoke in the distance. Her mouth popped open and she held her skirt down as a helicopter flew over their head. Then everything seemed to go crazy around them, and military started to show up in armed cars. What in the world…

“I don’t know..” she answered, furrowing her eyebrows and then looked over toward the town. She spared a glance to the shattered bike and then back at the town. Then she looked over at Vexen with a slightly bewildered look, biting her lip. “My parents work close to here… I’m going to check on them,” she said and then started making her way down the hill. If something bad was going on she was going to check if they were alright, even if it was rash.

She pulled up her phone from her jacket pocket and dialed their number, but was immediately receiving the ‘this number is not available’ voice at either one, and that just made her walk faster, putting the phone back in her pocket.
This was when Vexen too followed her, he grabbed her hand and began racing with her.

"Come on, this can't be good."

Vexen ran with her, supporting her as they ran, he was a quick runner but even that was a good distance away, it would take them quite awhile to get back into town even at their own pace. However, he brought this girl up here, so it was his responsibility to get her back safely.

"Follow my lead, if there is any trouble don't be afraid to hide behind me."

Then he kicked it into another gear and ran faster, if she couldn't keep up he could carry her, either way they had to get there.

-Transition to Gami-

Panting fast, and completely bewildered he ran down the halls as the moans from other creatures seemed to follow. Everything had seemed fine a second ago, but suddenly things got out of control quite fast. There where screams, then fires, then there where people trying to kill him, or atleast trying to bite him. They all looked sick, and blind, but this was like they where dead and walking. Something out of an old horror movie. He ran down the halls until he came to one of the nurses offices and ran inside where he turned and barred the door with a nearby pipe. Then sat down gasping for air. Whatever was happening was spreading throughout the school, his only hope was to wait it out and see if he could come up with an escape route.
She blinked surprised when he followed her, and then took her hand to pull her along as well. She looked down at their hands and pouted, but then reprimanded herself mentally. There were more important things to think about. She picked up her pace, also to show him that she was fully capable of running his pace. Then they arrived to the outskirt of the town and an armed car rode past them, making her halt to a stop.

She suddenly noticed a body pulling itself across the ground quite unnaturally. Her first thought was that he most be hurt. “Oh god.. are you alright?” she asked, and hurried over there, letting go of Vexen. The moment she came into range of the person, he bend his neck unnaturally backwards and grabbed around her ankle with a groaning sound. She froze in shock, and with a scream she was pulled down onto the ground, luckily catching herself on the elbows. The man starting to climb up her leg. She gasped and kicked him as hard as she could in the face, luckily getting him off, before scrambling back.

Cecilia had been stunned by the sudden outbreak, but had quickly gone to her office to get supplies for some people who were hurt. Her white shirt covered in spots of blood. Creatures had started banging on the door though, so she hadn’t made it out again. Now the banging had finally stopped, but as it did a boy had searched a hiding place, and chosen this place. The nurse was in here with a small group of girls that she had found around the school. Two were just sitting curled up on the bed, and one girl, Yuuki, was standing by the window and looking through the curtains that had been pulled down.

Cecilia went over to the new boy and grabbed his shoulder’s. “Are you alright?” she asked him, and then inspected him quickly with her eyes. She had seen an actual transformation happen out in the hall, and it seemed to be from a bite, but the boy didn’t seem to be bitten.
Vexen watched in horror as the body actually tried attacking her, but clenching his fist he ran over to her and began to stomp on the body's hands to let her go, but it seemed to only ignore the stomping and was actually trying to bite her, gritting his teeth he began to stomp repeatidly on the head of the creature, until the head began to cave in and finally stop the creature in it's tracks. He pried the hands off of her, and picked her up in his arms and began to run again.

"What in the world is this place coming to...Keep away from everyone, we don't know how bad this has gotten."

Gami looked up to the nurse and quietly nodded he was just trying to be quiet for he did not want to end up being like those things. He looked around the room at the many girls huddled around and boys trying to figure out what to do. He realized that if anyone in here was infected, this entire room would become chaos in a matter of seconds, so his brain worked fast and looked around the room, the office was two stories up, and no fire escapes. Gulping quietly he stood up and pushed his way past the nurse and noticed that there was a leftover ladder from the recent constructions resting against the wall he quickly went over to it and grabbed it. As people began questioning what he was doing, he ignored them and pushed open one of the windows to look outside. The ground below went into the parking lot where a few of the creatures where roaming about. It was a good thing that they where slow, otherwise he would of not went with his plan. He turned his head to the other students and announced in a hushed voice.

"We can't all stay here...Come down the ladder and go home, or pair up with others...We have to now follow all those stupid horror movie rules at this point if we want to get out of here..."

Gami then jumped out the window and slid down the ladder until he landed softly, luckily the few Zombies did not hear him and he began to jog down the road, he was going to head to Vexen's home, he knew it would be safe to law low there, it was seperated from the houses, was big, and it was defendable. And being Gami, he didn't expect any of the other kids to follow him, after all, he was just a ghost to these people.
When she was free from the creature’s grasp that she wouldn’t even call a ‘person’ anymore, she wrapped her hands around Vexen’s shoulder’s, clenching around his shoulder's. She was too startled to actually start being difficult about it and bit her lip like she always did when she was nervous. She looked up at him when she had gathered herself. “What was that… it almost looked like something from a horror movie…” she said and looked back at the corpse until they couldn’t see it any longer. Then she looked back up at him. “Where are we going?”

“I can walk..” she protested, looking around a little warily. She noticed military people running around the streets and also hunched-over people, walking as if in a dream down the street.

When Gami came into the room Yuuki immediately noticed him. Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. She had a small crush on him after seeing him in the library a few times. She stepped away from the window when he went over there, and he didn’t seem to notice her as always, too fixated on his escape. Cecilia on the other hand, stepped after him. “It’s too dangerous.. stay here!” she told him, but he already seemed to have made the jump and she crossed her arms over her chest, shaking her head a little worried. Yuuki contemplated what to do, but then jumped up in the window to follow him. “Yuuki!” Cecilia called, but she had already descended.

The brunette gasped when she noticed some walkers as she came down, and hid in a bush. She peeked up and noticed Gami already gone. She grabbed a large stick that she found inside the bush, and then snuck out of there and followed after him. “Hold on!” she called after him as he had come a bit down the street.
Vexen ignored her, she was too slow when trying to pull her behind, he ran as quickly as he could down the street, rushing past soldiers and strange walkers. U til he came to a gravel road and kept running. He kept going until he came to a large building out in the middle of the forest. It was his own estate, his adoptive mother is a well off business women, who had this estate ready for the both of them whenever they wanted to get out of the city.

He quickly came to the door and put down the girl. He quickly fished out a key out from under the mat and unlocked the door.

"Quickly get in."

He rushed into the house and quickly checked upstairs. However his mother was nowhere to be seen. He sighed in irritation but looked out the window, hoping Gami atleast was going to show up.

Gami looked back up to the window at the nurse.

"We can't stay, there is too many people around, we need to be sure no one else gets killed because of stupidity, you can stay there if you'd like, but just know its not safe anymore, either go home, or follow me."

Gami looked back to one of the girls that followed him, he quickly grabbed her hand and rushed down the road, looking back occassionaly to hopefully see the nurse come to her senses.
Mina looked annoyed when he didn’t seem to answer. “Don’t ignore me,” she said, but held on tight anyway. She only let go as they came to the house. She straightened her clothes and when they were inside she locked the door behind the two of them. She sighed and leaned up against the door, closing her eyes briefly. This was a mess… and a quite sudden one too. She bit her lip and ran her hand through her hair. Then she took up her phone and tried to call her parents again.

Cecilia looked after them with a sigh, not able to leave all the children in this room in favor of following the two. But that’s when a banging on the door started again. She looked over toward the door, and was slightly shocked when the handle actually showed signs of breaking off, with small cracks forming by the wood. The kids started panicking and she quickly directed them toward the window, before having to follow as well.

When down she tried to organize them, but everyone was running for their own place of safety and she decided to go for the two kids from earlier.
{Shall we go ahead and skip forward 10 hours? Establishing that they all got to the same house and are hiding out in it for now? So we don't have to roleplay all of them at once?}

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