~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

"...This is your Last Breath!" Ivy teleported to the witch and the wind and a slash sent her falling. The tornado that had been forming boosted him onto the same speed as he struck at the witch's weak points. "And now you're done!" With a final slash, the wind converged onto the witch and started to cut her while keeping her airborne. When Ivy landed and sheathed his katana the witch exploded into bloody chunks.
When the first critical slash was landed another version of the monster emerged from its mouth. With each critical slash a newer version would pop out leaving it's old body to fall to bloody ribbons. The last one shot out of the formers mouth aiming for Ivy in retaliation.

"Dammit! Ivy get out of there!" Charles called up to Ivy, his speed still activated as he tried to grab Ivy, attempting to push or grab him out of the way.
Ivy grabbed Charles and teleported them both to the farthest version. "Okay, cutting it into pieces won't work, anyone got massive firepower?" Ivy asked as the wind picked up around them, knocking away any version that came close.
The girl smirked. In a flurry of red and blue flowers, a girl appeared in a fluttering dress covered in flowers and landed on the head of the witch. On her head seemed to be horns forged out of red flowers, just like the ones on her dress. She was barefoot.

"I found you all!" She shrieked at her audience, "You magi. Oh, there's so much of you. This, this will be fun."

The girl waited for her natural ability to begin, for the Witch to go on a rampage. She could not hold back the giggles she had from atop Charlotte.
sian was on another platform readying her bow a for a power that she hasn't used in a long time but could help. She yelled to the other magi "keep that thing focused on you guys for a minute, i may have something to help stop that thing for once and all." sian started to speak an old language that hasn't been used for years and entered a transatic stage and her eyes turned into an empty bright shade of white and was talking in a foreign tongue, while the monster was fighting the rest of the group
The low, rhythmic tones of a childhood song escaped the lips of Taint, the soft whispering only to be heard by the mice in the walls. His footsteps determined, strong but soft as Taint reached the near zenith of the building. In the rooms bellow, the faint but forceful sounds of battle erupted, causing but a little disturbance as they echo'd through the walls.

Taint's foot rested on the edge of the glass roof, slowly tapping as he looked to the conflict below, the vile witch causing quite the conflict, with the others reaching no accomplishment as the battle raged on. Taint began his path to the near center of the room, directly above the witch. He tapped his sword on the glass, looking for the perfect chance to go in.

"Now is as good as ever..." With a swift motion, he took the sword in both hands, thrusting it down strait through the glass, falling in the direct path above the witch, letting out a threatening war cry.
Paranoia said:
The girl smirked. In a flurry of red and blue flowers, a girl appeared in a fluttering dress covered in flowers and landed on the head of the witch. On her head seemed to be horns forged out of red flowers, just like the ones on her dress. She was barefoot.
"I found you all!" She shrieked at her audience, "You magi. Oh, there's so much of you. This, this will be fun."

The girl waited for her natural ability to begin, for the Witch to go on a rampage. She could not hold back the giggles she had from atop Charlotte.
I shall not be ignored!
Nyx charged the witch slaming it twice with her mace before zipping out of the way of its sharp teeth. In herhaste she nearly crashed into one of the pillars. She looked up as not just one but two other Magi made their entrance both from above.


The witchs movements gew more frantic and agressive as it tried to eat any of the Magi on the ground not yet noticing the ones above it. As the blade cut throuh yet another slightly smaller serphent emerged from the olders mouth.
sian was almost done with the chant she was finishing but yelled to the other magi "you guys got 30 seconds to get away from that monster or you'll end up like the witch dead and fried!"
Taint nodded to one of the magi as he leaped off, making sure to dodge any attack the witch would lash out as he descended. He landed on the ground near the other magi's the dust settling back down. Taint did nothing but whisper his name and nod his head. "I'm Taint.."
Nyx saw Sian readying and attack and got a running start before taking off like a bullet at the witch. She slamed her mace into the witch as hard as she could launching it further up into the air. "Sain Now!"
sian finally launched the giant orb of fire to the witch and it set it on fire and could hear the blood curdiling scream come from the witch. but after launching, sian was so tired from it and when she got up she had collapsed from the energy she had to use to launch the attack. she was knocked out from the power she had used.
The witch screamed as the orb hit it and it caught on fire. With no more regenerations left the enraged witch became a fire ball as it crashed into pillars and the walls untill it decintergrated to ash. Just as the witch turned to ashe so did her familiars and the world around the Magi started to fall apart.

Nyx managed to jump up and grab Sain before the platform she was on went crashing to the ground. "I think is safe to say we should get out of here"
Ivy grabbed Charles and leapt out of the barrier, cutting down any obstacle that got in his way. But not before grabbing the Grief Seed
Taint nodded, dropping in on the conversation. He threw the sword to his back, taking both hands and put one behind each of their backs. "We must go now."
Nyx didnt need to be told twice as she sped through the barrier with the rest of the magi the group managing to make it out just before it collapsed. Nyx panted hevily watching as the darkness fade to nothing. The whole school was bck to its noraml state as if nothing had gone wrong in the first place. "Well... that was interesting."
Taint looked back to the school, seeing as it was as normal as it was as he was climbing to the roof. He found his composure and stood strait, sticking his hand out to the crowd of magi, non of which he had never met before. "I am Taint.."
Nyx shifted Sain on her back before holding out hr own hand. "Nyx, thanks for the help back there..."
Ivy popped up from behind them. "I got the Seed!" He said as he held it up. "Time to shaaaaaare!" He paused. "Uh...how do you share?"
sian was still dazed from the use of her power and was trying to talk on her own but couldn't and had the engry that was lost out of her. She tried to talk to the other magi but could only get out short parts of speech " need..someone....to....help.....me....out....don't...feel....well." sian blacked out from the shortness of breathe and was out again. 
sian continues to mutter to herself while being out but she was in her own mind and started to dream about seeing her sister again and being able to live a normal life. after that she woke up for a few seconds to see nyx and the rest of the group. Sian just decided to be quiet and save her energy for when they got out
"I'm not sure... I think we just hold out Gem up to the seed at least that's what Kyubey mentioned...." Nyx Looked over her should at Sian when she started muttering and grew a bit concerned. She looked around seeing everyone had made it out at least though two out of the group seemed to be unconceous from the whole ordeal. "Maybe we should go somewhere a little less troublesome... in case someone heard all the commotion from fighting in the halls. or gets curious in general"
Ivy felt the wind urgently tug at him. He frowned and looked outside as two teachers made their way. "Guys we have company." He said as he head to the roof and jumped away from the direction of the teachers.

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