~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]


Pounce Ninja
Shura11 submitted a new role play:

Hope & Despair - Magi War - Despair corrupts everything, even the saviors chosen to fight it A 3 way war between forces of Magic


Note: This RP is loosely based in the world of Madoka Magica however you do not need to know the show to play a part in the story

In a world full of so much misery, despair and pointless violence one often wonders why there is so much of it. Why must there be so much suffering. What causes normal people to do such horrid and unspeakable things? The answer?


An unseen...

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Sian sat on the bench in the business district waiting for a criminal of some sorts to start trouble or will just start some trouble of her own. She had been sitting there for a few hours now and was getting bored. She saw a van drive wildly and screech in front of a bank that was small but had a lot of money in it. the me ran in with what looked like pistols. "well looks like it is time for some fun, Si-si ran to the bank door with a gun she bought to help her take care of people so she won't have to waste her gem. the men looked like they had been drinking alot. She screamed while walking through the door, "you guys are in for some trouble", she the 3 men in the head when they turned around and took some of the money they had in their bags and set fire to the bank with some gas and lighters the bank robbbers had used to block the front entrance and keep the cops from getting them while htye escaped from the back but she used it to set fire to the bank while the people ran out but some of them were on fire and had been killed. Si-si just walked away and counted the money she had just stolen.
The sun shined brightly over the city as most kids and teens in the area were outside or doing last minute shopping for the new school year enjoying the last bit of freedom left. Nyx has slept in most of the day after being up all night until nearly 5am. She yawned loudly as she shuffled down the side walk bags in hand of some school supplies she needed. “How am I supposed to hunt witches and keep up with school” She whined mentally “I guess I don’t have to actively hunt them per say. At least until my gem gets low…” She rationalized. She’s only been hunting witches for a few weeks and even then she mostly fought familiars and had nothing to show for it other than her sleep cycle being thrown off. Then again not many witches spawned around the suburbs, most were in the city but she couldn’t be bothered with going all the way out there. Especially with other gem holders out there hunting the same prey.

“Hmmm have to do something or the fur ball will start bugging me again.” She sighed looking at the ring on her hand. “I could do some searching now since I’m already out…” she muttered before hearing several fire trucks and ambulance rush down the street sirens screaming the whole time. “Wonder what’s going on now…” She curiously followed to see what all the commotion was about.

"Kana, time to wake up!" Mamoru ran up the steps like a herd of elephants, stomping on each individual stair to make as much noise as possible. "C'mon! You said you were just going to take a nap for a half-hour, and that was two hours ago!" He had actually grabbed a small frying pan. He was generally not this obnoxious, but she had promised to take him out "to the park" today. She knew that he just wanted to practice his Magical Powers, and he would not be put off any longer. Mamoru came bounding into her room, banging the pan with a wooden spoon, hollering "Wake! Up! Wake! Up!" She pretended to roll over and ignore him, and he would have none of that. When he dropped the pan and spoon, she prepared herself for the charge that she knew was coming. He ran at her, letting out a battle-cry that would make a samurai proud, and tackled onto her bed. She moved out of the way, rolling off the bed and onto the floor, just in time for him to completely miss her and dive straight into the wall. "Owww," He said, sitting up and rubbing the middle of his face with the back of his hand, "Not fair." Kana had stood up by now, and she pressed a single finger onto his now-red and slightly swollen nose. "You deserved that, pea-brain," she said with a loving chuckle. "Let me get my shoes on, and we can go for a walk to the park, alright?" He stopped messing with his dented nose and sat up straight, that exicited smile on his face that seemed to live there constantly. "Yeah~! Let's go!" he cried out, and stormed down the stairs as loudly as he had come up them. Kana looked around her room, wondering if she would need to bring anything else to practice with, besides her softly glowing, purple Soul Gem. "He just left the frying pan on my floor again," she grumbled jokingly on her way out the door.
Nyz saw the smoke before she could see what was going on. there was a large crowd gathering around the bank. "The heck... did someone try to rob the bank or just a fire...?" she muttered. She couldn't see from the crows and was started to get crowded by other. "Ugh! no thank you!" she pushed her way out of the crowd she moving past it. She started wonder if a witch might have been involved but couldn't be sure. She shifted her ring into gem form before pulling it out of her pocket watching it carefully to see if the blue gem pulsated from at all. which it did from sky blue to nearly white. however she wasn't 100% sure if that meant witch or another soul gem. "Usually it pulsates dark if there's a witch... hmmm"

They had just left the house, grabbing their bikes from the garage, when Kanashi saw the smoke rising over the center of the city. "Oh, please," she whispered to herself, "don't let Mamoru see it. He'll head straight for it, and I don't want him getting into any trouble this early." But, it was too late, he was already pointing and shouting, "Kana! What if it's a familiar, or even a witch? We should go make sure everyone's alright!" He took off in a whirring, pedaling excitement before she could say a single word to stop him. "Mamoru, wait for me! We should just leave it alone, Mamo." His reply came quickly, "But this is our territory, we have to make sure that we don't spawn any witches here." He had already begun to think of this as his territory, he had already made up his mind to defend it. Kanashi had no choice but to keep up with him, as he was already a full block ahead.
Charles walked stood beside the flaming bank, looking up at the fire curiously, "Now what just caused this. . .I mean I know it looks pretty but this is hardly a work of art. . ." Charles seemed to be speaking to himself again, He always did this, with a sigh to himself Charles looked around, and then down at his ring "I wonder if. . .Nah! No one with a Soul Gem is that evil!" He let out a laugh to himself, thinking it to be a joke, he then shrugged and smiled to himself, looking around at the people, feeling sorry for the ones that had burned.
Nyx tried to use her soul gem to find the source of the pulse. which honestly couldn't pick a direction to go in. "More than one? Must be soul gems then..." Nyx concluded. Kyubey really hadn't been much of a teacher bearly going over anything regarding her soul gem or witches. A lot of her experience had been trial and error so far. Curious still she decided to follow her gem to at least get an idea as to who the other magic users in the city were.
Charles yawned and began to walk off, smiling to himself despite the tragedy that just happened at the bank, trying to keep it off his mind though it doesn't work completely as he begins to cry as he walks, thinking about the loss of life, "They didn't deserve to die. . .", he mutters to himself, obviously disturbed as he stands out from the crowd and cries to himself, stopping the walk and standing in place, ignoring his ring for now.

Kanashi was such a slowpoke. She was at least two blocks behind by now. "Does she not want to see what that fire was all about? What if there are people we could help?" He pedaled faster, knowing that Kana would catch up eventually. He rounded the last corner to see the bank had been set on fire, the front wall blown out by some type of explosive. "Dang, we are too late to stop them!" He looked around, saw a guy standing on the sidewalk. "I-Is he crying?" Mamoru asked himself. He noticed his ring glowing on his finger, slightly warm, more noticeable as he drew closer. He hopped off of his bike and ran up to the crying person, "Hey mister, you alright? Do you know what happened?"

Just then, Kanashi came around the corner as well. She saw him and called out "Mamoru, stand back!" He dismounted her bicycle and ran over to the pair of them, gently pushing Mamoru out of the way. "I'm sorry if he was bothering you, sir, is everything alright? Are you injured at all? Mamoru, go in my purse on my bike and get my phone. We may need to call an ambulance." She turned to look over at the man now, looking him over for any apparent injuries or blood.
Charles calmed down a little, taking some deep breathes as he wiped away his tears, looking at the two, "Oh, yes I-I'm fine, I was just thinking about those people. . ." He looks down at his hand, looking at his ring, feeling the pulse but not saying anything about it, he takes another deep sigh, "Thank you though." He smiled at the two, "Though no, everything is not alright, the bank is on fire, a lot of people have died."
Nyx managed to get past the huge crowd of people and saw how bright her gem was glowing it was glowing much brighter than before. "She looked around trying to find anything out of the ordinary she she shifted closer to a smaller group of three people which is where is seemed to glow brightest. She looked over seeing a a young boy around her age and two teen who looked older. "All three...?" she muttered shifting slightly to blend more with the crowd watching from a far.
His eyes suddenly widened, ever so slightly, his Ring glowing in response to the other ones, "So many. . ." He whispers to himself, looking around curiously. His attention was then turned away from the two children, looking around for the third Magi, "Who could it be. . .so many people. . ." He wonders aloud to himself. Apparently, having forgotten about the Children.
Nyx glanced over at the trio noticing the older boy looking around as if searching and got a bit anxious adjusting her hat a bit before looking back at the scene as the ambulance started to leave taking the first round of injured with it. She suddenly felt really sad as she finally caught a gimps of the bank seeing a bunch of covered bodies on the ground.
Charles look around, seeming in a daze, looking at the girl in the hat, gazing at her for a few seconds, enough to make any normal uncomfortable, he then turns his gaze to the rest of the crowd, continuing to look around, fingering his ring all the while.
Nyx glanced over at the blond again getting uncomfortable, the fact that the crowd was starting to pack together did not help her anxiety. "Arg! enough of this." she shifted her gem back into a ring so it couldn't get lost before pushing away from the crowd. She was looking fairly frazzled as she started to walk away from the scene.
Charles began to follow her, subconsciously fingering his ring, watching the girl as he follows her, trying his best not to make his presence known, but failing pretty hard. He seems to be causing more commotion behind her than he means and draws a lot of attention.
Nyx looked over her shoulder and saw the blond one starting to follow her and narrowed her eyes a bit before looking forward again. "Don't cause a scene.." She muttered to herself trying to remain calm. She hadn't interacted with any other Magi so it was a little unnerving being around so many at once.
Hana sat in the park with her little sisters. She had a soft smile on her face as she watched Ryū stick her hand in the small pond. Kōri giggled and tried to splash Ryū. Hana laughed softly.
After a while, Charles gains his confidence, taking a deep breath he runs up to the girl, puts a hand on her shoulder, trying to get her attention. "Excuse me, can we talk for a second? It's really important." A worried look appeared on his face, as he looked at her, he wasn't exactly the best people person but still, but meeting new Magi was always interesting, providing they didn't want to battle you.
Nyx nearly jumped out of her skin when her shoulder was grabbed she whirled around taking a few steps back into a defensive stance. "Just talk?" she questioned with an eyebrow quirked skeptically.
"Er. . .Yea. . .We. . .seem to have something in common, I figure the park would be a nice place to go. . .", he makes a motion to his ring and hers. I mean, I promise I won't attack you, It's just strange to see another one of us, I don't see too many of them. . ." He blushes a little, looking down, a little afraid that he made the wrong move in trying to confront this Magi.
Hana looked at her ring and saw it start to glow."ok you two,its time to head back"She said with a soft smile. She led them towards the park enterence.
Nyx relaxed slightly. "Alright... I haven't seen many around either." She admitted, he didn't seem aggressive or like he wanted to hurt her. They both had the same goal didn't they? To kill witches. She sighed softly easing her stance to follow him to the park. It was an open enough place.

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