Honnōji Academy [Inactive]

Sung feels relieved when he was freed from his punishment. He tries twisting his body around but only felt a stinging pain over his shoulder and stomach. The burns will affect his ability to fight for a while. "Yes mam, I understand. No more trouble from now on." He replied back while sticking his tongue out at her. Waving farewell to the council member, he slowly walks out of the office. He heads to the infirmary and gets himself inside with another batch of spare keys. He always carried emergency back-up keys just in case the authorities took his original ones. Entering the dark room, he gets himself some bandages and other medical supplies. After patching himself up, he lays on one of the empty beds with the burn marks still stinging his body. I better get myself a spare uniform from the mansion later. But for now, I'll just take one off a One-Star later in the morning... He falls asleep as time silently goes by.
Alastair got out a box labeled "forgery" and opened it. Carefully grabbing out the stamp labeled "Saruyi" and looked at the paper work. Several hours and two cups of coffee later he had organized them into hand back to get read and stamping piles. One more cup of coffee later he had finished his task. He put each in a folder and slid them under the door of the disciplinary room. Walking back he saw sung walking into the infirmary. "Now time to wait." He said standing in from of the door.
Noah relaxed in his room after the rumble. He was still a little sore and could do for the relaxation. Noah was sure that Sayuri had disciplined/punished Sung and Alastair was off....doing whatever is that he does. Noah began looking through his phone for anything interesting messages. After that, Noah sat on his bed looking through a thick book of fighting styles. After the job at the rumble, Noah decided it would be good to learn a bit more about fighting. Soon after reading through many, many pages, Noah began dozing off.
"Better eat some rest." Alastair thought to himself. Sing couldn't be contained anymore, at least he was t busting some poor fools skull open in the streets. Alastair walked to the student council room, which naturally he was a part of, and fixed himself a cup of black tea. "Lets just relax." He said slowly to himself. After the whole 'rumble' he was completely sprung. He pulled out his phone and checked the texts. Some more BS from the secret club, a new phone got tapped, blah blah blah. It was quite boring on the information committee. After finishing his tea he walked out the the track field and manually turned on every light in the stadium. Finding a good spot to start he ran. And he ran and ran and ran and ran until his heart couldn't pound any faster and his lungs simply stopped working. Collapsed on the ground with little air energy or sanity left he sat there until he slowly descended ito sleep.
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