Honnōji Academy [Inactive]

Noah raised an eyebrow at the third match. The fighters seemed like complete savages doing whatever they could to reach whatever it was in the suitcase. As it was revealed, it was Brute Squad members poisoned and the antidote lay in the case. Noah couldn't help but be impressed by Sung Oh's devious plan. Sung suddenly called out Alastair and other members of the Committee to come out. This made Noah nervous, and hesitant whether or not to come out. Alastair and Sayuri came out to the ring both ready for some action. To be honest, Noah didn't really care for some of the Brute Squad members that were in the arena. Since Alastair and Sayuri were already up there, Noah decided that they could handle it. He adjusts the hood over his head and Noah watches on.
"Hmm... whatever. As long as the crowd is satisfied with the show, then I don't care who gets hurt. But don't forget that I never had the food stands here inspected. Sometimes bad things happen when you eat a free complimentary hotdog." Sung replied back as Alastair's Brute Squad started falling onto their knees in pain. The hotdogs were poisoned with the same toxin in the other suffering students, who were now puking from its effects. He whistles loudly, which caused three dozen of the Fight Club's Gladiators to rush into the arena with their Ultima Uniforms on and weapons in their hands. They start beating up the disorganized I.C members with no resistance from them. "I could come down there and fight, but then my subordinates wouldn't be able to get some on-hand training with dangerous opponents like you two. Also the crowd wants to see their own kind beat the living s*** out of Honnōji Academy's very own God Generals! Am I right or not?!" Some parts of the crowds go wild while others start leaving through exits the Shadows were evacuating them through. The club had everything planned out and were prepared for the Council's appearance tonight. "Now show the world that you aren't weak when you all fight together as one! FIGHT!" The Gladiators stop what they were doing and charge toward the Council members with bloodlust in their minds.

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Alastair grabbed his taser's and unloaded a entire clip into the mass. About half of the ones that got hit fell over and crumbled while other had severe muscle spasms. He holstered the taser's and and got ready. "Shoot fire at me on three!" He shouted at Sayuri. Alastair put one leg back and crouched down. "One!" He shot up into the air in a spin grabbed a taser and shot two placed rounds onto the head of the charge, and a third right where he landed. "Two!" He shouted. In a whirl he was trying to dish out the most pain possible, the two stars barely even scratching him beneath his suit. He jumped up and kicked two in the noses most likely giving them a nasty headache before dropping to the ground. "Three!" He screamed as he covered himself with his trench coat. "They where not brute squad." He whispered beneath the coat.
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Hearing Alastair call to Sayuri, she immediately changed into her combat form. When she did, her gloves lit with bright flames as she flexed her arm and tightened her fist. She placed her legs firmly on the ground, throwing a strong punch from 10 feet behind Alastair. As soon as the punch was thrown, a beam of flames shot from her fist, gradually increasing in diameter the longer it went. After the punch, she let out a long yawn as she rubbed her wrist.
Feeling the hot flames over his jacket dies down slowly he stood back up to see a mass of burning one a no stars. "I say tonight was productive." He said to nobody. "So sung, about that group power..." He said as he grabbed both of his taser's. "Now if you know what's good for you your going to come with us." He said as he walked slowly to where sung was standing, keeping both of the taser's trained on him. "Now now, Sung. I thought we learned a lesson last time we tried to pull this off. Us three are going to take a bus ride back to honnōji and then where goin to have a nice long talk. Or you can hand over your suit right now." Alastair let out a long sigh of relief as he put a taser right on Sung's temple.
Noah quickly concealed himself and avoided Fight Club members as they began pummeling other Information Committee members. These people were certainly brutes. A fight club member noticed Noah and charged at him. Pulling out his weapon, a magnifying glass, he holds it up in the air were he managed to get a beam of light and magnify it at the charging brute. Noah effectively created a hot laser and the member fell to the ground in pain. Noah quickly ran to catch up with Alastair who was currently confronting Sung.
Sayuri let out a sigh, glaring at Alastair's back. "Hey, better get your uniform fixed. My flames can turn uniforms to ash," she called over to him before turning her glare to the students on the ground. One had tried to grab her leg, but she simply stepped on it with the heel on her shoe. The long ribbon that was loosely hanging around her neck reached down to the students hand. She caught on end of the ribbon between her fingers and began to rub it. This caused the ribbon to get hot and become covered in flames as well. The student let out a yell in pain as the ribbon burned his hand and slowly made its way to his uniform. "I'll have to thoroughly punish all of you," she said in a sadistic voice, her lips pulling into a small smile.
Sung sighs in disappointment after seeing his subordinates fail their jobs horribly. He jumps off the scoreboard and makes a small hole after landing on the ground. Alastair then arrived to his location and puts a taser on his body. "I'll surrender myself to you all, but don't put that taser on me Alastair. You know I hate being electrified by the likes of you." He grabs the taser and crushes it with his armored hand, which only left pieces of it scatter everywhere on the ground beneath them. He pushes Alastair and Noah out of the way as he walks toward Sayuri with a smile. "Hey Demon! Do you mind not barbecuing my subordinate? I'll greatly appreciate that from the bottom of my mess-up heart!"

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Looking down at the crushed taser Alastair simply took the extra round out of the handle. "And Saruyi I wear this trench coat for a reason. It's fire proof." He kicked a couple of unconscious bodies around. "Hey Noah, you want a green jacket for the next information committee meeting?" He asked as he was walking out of the warehouse.
Sayuri didn't even bother to turn to Sung. Instead, she moved the ribbon on top of the student, burning his uniform as he let out another scream. "You should have known what the consequences would be. It's only right to receive suitable punishment for pissing me off and making me waste my time by attending this event," she said as she whipped her ribbon away from the student, leaving a hole in the students uniform. It was clear that she was still mad from before.
Noah eyed Sung Oh before following Alastair out of the rumble arena. The man probably had a few screws dislodged, perhaps from fighting. Noah was careful to avoid Sayuri when walking out, who was in the process of "disciplining" beaten students on the ground. Noah thought to himself how sadistic and mentally unstable these high-ranking people are. "Erm...I would appreciate that sir." Noah said accepting Alastairs offer of moving up in the Information Committee. Hopefully this gain in power did not mean a loss in sanity.
"Woah, chill out Sayuri! I understand what must be done, but let the mastermind take full responsibility for their subordinate's actions. Okay?" Sung raised his arms up in surrender to show he was willing to cooperate with the pissed off Council member. "Now lets go back to the Academy and do what we usually do everytime I'm caught with my pants down." The security force of the island suddenly arrived and started arresting anyone that was still in the basement. They left the arena area alone since they saw Sayuri there.

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Sayuri inhaled deeply before briefly exhaling, attempting to calm herself down. It wasn't very effective, but it did help some. The fire on her ribbon burned out as she wrapped it around her neck. She then turned her blazing glare to Sung. "Your subordinates are spared until we get back to the Academy. They are still going to be punished, just not as severely as you," she said as she reverted back to her normal form. She could just feel the papers stacking up in her office because she wasted her time here.
"I know the drill. Now let's head back to your office." Sung leads Sayuri out of the basement, the guards leaving him alone. They were pretty used to crashing into his events and the sight of him being under the burning wrath of the God General behind him. The pair walks to the nearest bus station in the upper part of the city and board a bus still heading to the closed academy. After arriving minutes later, Sung opens up the entrance to the huge building with spare key he had in his jacket. "Wow... that's a lot of papers there Sayuri. You've been busy all week?" He asked after unlocking the doors to the Discipline Office and turning on the lights in the room.

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Sayuri couldn't help but feel even more irritated. "How did you get the key to my office? Hand them over immediately or the punishment becomes even worse," she said, threatening him with her glare. She walked to her paper-covered desk and sat behind it, leaning back into her chair. It felt nice to be somewhere she felt comfortable in. After letting out a loud sigh, she glanced around the office, occasionally glaring at Sung to make sure he wasn't doing anything. She was, in fact, right about more papers being here. The thought of having to check through all of these made her let out yet another sigh.

(Sleeping. G'Night)
Alastair looked down onto the city below from his apartment. "I need help." He thought to himself. He walked back from the balcony and poured himself a glass of water. He set it down on a table and walked over to a cupboard. He opened it and got a box out. He opened it up and pulled out a red sheet. Tying it over his eyes he powered up his suit. Recently he had been experimenting with augmenting himself to surpass the abilities of only 30% life fibers. When he closed his eyes he instead if seeing darkness saw a green outline around every shape. He reached into the box. He pulled out what looked like a syringe. He rolled up a sleeve of his jacket and help the syringe above it. He pressed itinto a vein and a sharp pain shot through his head. When it went away an due regained stability the outlines had gained a little color. He took off the blind fold and reserved the box. He closed his eyes and walked into the hallway, waiting to see where his vision would take him.
Sung places the key on the desk before taking several sheets of papers. "Reports about the leadership of five clubs changing on the same week? I wonder who would be the cause of that." He said sarcastically while rolling his eyes. Of course he knew who else would cause chaos around the academy, but not for the right reasons. While Sung did it out of fun, the other student did it for a more complex reason. Hopefully whatever this reason was is going to be worth it if they succeed. He sits down on the chair in front of the desk while reading more reports. "It must suck to be stuck with all this paperwork Sayuri, always dealing with the same bullshiz every single day. Have you ever thought about getting yourself a assistant to help you out?" He asked after noticing Sayuri giving him her usual glares.

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Alastair opened his eyes. "Why do I always end up here?" He moaned lethargically when he saw the plaque labeled disciplinary office. "If I am here then it must be for a reason. Think think think. Oh yes papers." He opened the door, feeling no less disgruntled than ever. "I almost forgot to do those papers." He said as he took a stack. "They will be done in the morning." As usual he walked away without saying anything else. He sat down on his sofa once again. "What the hell is going on?" He thought to himself as he looked at where he injected the augmentation. His vein of blood had become a blackish blue. "This can't be helped." He whispered in terror.
"Sung, I swear to God. If you touch any of my things, I will have you neutered. That would be bad, wouldn't it?" Sayuri said with a sadistic smile while retrieving the keys that were set on the desk. She wondered how she would deal with this man. There were so many different ways, but none of them seemed suitable. Instead of going through the hassle of creating a new punishment method, she decided just to burn them. Severely. "I don't need an assistant. I'm capable of doing it myself."
"Uh... yeah. Sorry for touching your things mam." Sung said as he puts the papers back on the desk. Being punished by Sayuri was worse than being arrested by the police, since a person had rights in jail. In the academy though, that woman was the law. The Demon was your judge, jury, and executioner. The warning about being neutered can actually happen, mostly when she makes that scary smile of hers. He's been through a lot of punishments to understand that she was in the mood to 'discipline' someone. Which was him. "But wouldn't you start getting wrinkles on your skin and ribbons from all the stress? It would be a shame to look so old during your school life." He joked in a attempt to brighten up the mood.

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Sayuri stretched her arms over her head as she let out another yawn. "I don't believe I have any wrinkles now, do I?" This man was becoming a bother to her. His constant talking never stopped and he always seemed to make her even more angry. Her uniform changed into Combat Form as she stood up from her chair, making her way to Sung. As she did so, the ribbon around her neck became covered in flames. "Ready for punishment, Sung?"
"Yes mam. I've always been ready for this." Sung replied with smirk. He stood up from the chair and faces Sayuri. Feeling the heat from the flames, he takes a small breath and holds it in. This is going to hurt...

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Sayuri tugged on one side of her ribbon, whipping it off of her neck. In a quick diagonal motion, she whipped the ribbon at him, causing it to wrap over his shoulder. It went around his stomach several times before leaving a bit hanging down by his thigh. Slowly and steadily, it began to burn the uniform and Sung.
Sung clenched his teeth when he felt heat coming out of the ribbon tied around his body. The uniform managed to stay intact for a few moments, but it started to disintegrate into ashes slowly. "Is it just me or is it hot in here?" Trying his best to remain calm, he makes a weak smile as the ribbon started to dig into his bare skin. The smell of burning meat was floating around the office now.

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Sayuri narrowed her eyes at him before pulling her ribbon, tightening it around him for a brief moment. She watched as his skin began to burn and it gave her a feeling of relief. Her uniform reverted back to its Normal Form and the ribbon disappeared. The smell was disgusting and she began to regret doing this in her office. But for now, the punishment was done. "Leave. Next time you cause trouble, I will burn you there," she said, another sadistic smile stretching across her face.

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