Honnōji Academy [Inactive]

Noah grinned at the cooperation of the No-Star student. What a pathetic person. He didn't just make one mistake of divulging information to Noah, he made one other mistake too. "Well.. thank you." Noah applied pressure to an area on the No-star students neck causing him to pass out. Once Noah felt his opponent's body go weak, he got off a exhaled loudly. Rubbing his jaw, Noah walked over to Sung. "I would like to leave now." Noah stated slightly irritated at the pain in his jaw. However he was happy inside. Not only did he retrieve information about the "rumble" but now he could blackmail the No-star student. Despite the no-star lacking power, he was helpful in starting fights or doing dirty work. How would he like it, if Sung Oh found out that he had leaked information to Noah?

(Gotta go to bed. Had fun. Night.)
Sung sighs when he saw his subordinate lose against Noah. Sure the No-Star was the worst fighter ever, but he should at least gotten two more hits on his opponent. "Yeah, you can leave. My subordinates will show you the way out." Scratching the back of his head in slight irritation, he watches Noah be led out of the gym and leave down the hallway. After the gym doors were closed, he walks over to the unconscious student. "Get this piece of s*** out of my sight. But get him prepared for the first match in tonight's 'Rumble' when he wakes up. I want him to go against Rambo with no weapons on him." Bowing their heads to Sung, several club members pull the unconscious student away from the mats. Then they begin cleaning up the gym due to it almost being time to officially leave Honnōji Academy. "Make sure to bring all of your friends along to tonight's 'Rumble'! Also have your betting money prepared for the first match, since it's going to be a easy bet! See you all later!" Sung yelled out to the club members before leaving the gym with a smirk. Now it was time to head to the city and get the secret match ready for tonight.
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Jacques, after several hours of cat napping, awoke, stretching and yawning, heading towards the Student Council meeting room. "Now then. . .What's been going on since I fell asleep. . ." he asked sheepishly to himself. "Hmmm. . .", shrugging he headed towards the Disciplinary Committee's office, walking in without entering. "Hey! Sorry for rushing in, but what happened while I was sleeping which would be. . .for the past several hours."
"If you won't do your duties fine by me, but I should best be off. Secret fight club rumble in the ghetto. Come along if you want the paper work done again." Alastair said as he rushed out of the small office. He pulled out his cell phone. "Thanks." He punched in sending it to Noah. He rushed down to the gym just a Noah was walking out. "Your going to come with me." He said. "Why do hey always have to fight." He thought to himself. Once they where in a safe spot he wheeled around. "Now your going to tell me everything about the rumble now." He reached deep into his pocket. "And send little prices of the information at a time to the discipline office." He said as he pulled out a nondescript flip phone. "At three minutes two the fight trash the phone. Get into round two to get the whole story and come out a hero." Alastair said before tossing him the phone. "And a little blood doesn't hurt."
Sayuri watched Alastair leave with a glare. Of course, being the Head of the Disciplinary Committee, she would attend the 'Rumble.' She released an irritated sigh before looking over at Jacques. "Nothing happened, but it would seem we have to supervise a club even for Fight Club. Will you be attending?" She stared at him, her constant glare never fading from her eyes. She wasn't particularly mad at the moment, just a bit irritated.
Noah walked out of the gym and into the hallway where he felt his phone buzz. He also saw the head of the Information Committee tell him to follow. Noah quickly walks in stride behind Alastair. Once they were in a safe area, Noah was asked for the information. "Ah, well the 'Rumble' is going to be held tonight in a basement in the western part of the Ghetto." Noah said recalling the information. "But the password to get in is Black Zero Demon Sword." Noah says catching the phone. He wasn't fond of heading to another fight. Plus he wanted to go back to his room and treat his sore jaw. Reluctantly, Noah said "Yes sir." He didn't want to disobey or disappoint the head of the club, especially when he has his taser.
Alastair jumped away from Noah, not even thanking him. He ran up to the disciplinary office, his head screaming at him for doing this. "Western ghetto, password black zero demon sword." He bent over letting out a weak smile. "Running across the school is hard. Lesson of the day." He walked off from a rather surprised Jacques and annoyed "disciplinary lady" as he called her. He pulled out his phone, and called the brute squad leader. "Get brute squad to the second floor hallway." He barked. Alastair half walked half run to the meeting place. "Follow me. An loose the jackets." He said. "Where going to the fight club."
Sung took the bus to head down to the city. He sees his mansion as the vehicle went down the hill, which wasn't really as extravagant like the other Two-Star homes. Listening to some metal music through his earphones, he puts on his jacket's hood when he arrived at the city. He gets out and walks into the dark alleyways in between the huge buildings. After a few minutes, he arrived at the worse part of the city, which was referred as the 'Ghetto' due to all the old buildings there. He sighs from seeing the wretched sight before heading west. Entering through a guarded door that was below a old warehouse, several club members were preparing the basement for tonight's match. The room was really huge and looked like a indoor gladiator arena. Food stands were set up in the back while a electronic scoreboard installed above the playing field was turned on. That was where the scenes of the matches could be replayed and the betting scores too. Sung looks at his phone while normal students were starting to arrive in the basement. It's almost showtime. Better have the Shadows get the escape routes ready and the Shields prepared for any outside interference. Anything could happen... He sends messages to his subordinates before discussing something to the guards. Everything will go smoothly, no matter what happens tonight.

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Noah sights as Alastair left. Walking to his room, Noah pulled out the phone and texted the disciplinary office leader some information: The ghetto rumble will be in the western part. Noah closed the phone and went into his room. He pulled up a book on human anatomy to look over some more pressure points in case things get sticky again at the rumble. No put on a more concealing beige robe over his regular ones. He didn't want to be recognized at the brawl. Putting the hood on, Noah walked out of his room and walked to a bus stop heading towards the ghettos.
Alastair watched sung from five seats back. He pulled out his phone. Pretending like he wasn't watching him he acted like he was playing a game. "Freaking city, can't even clean up itself." He thought as he glanced out the window. He pulled up his hood as he walked behind sung. He struck up a conversation with one of the undercover brute squad. It went along the lines of "Heard the council is gonna be here." "Yup." "Loose to Noah in round two." "Why?" "Just do it." He proceeded to do this to all other members of the brute squad until he was done. He turned a alleyway and pulled out his phone. He went to contacts, group message, music guy, disciplinary lady, get to the rumble in a hood now. He sent the message and waited for the others.
Sayuri became incredibly irritated at the beeping of her phone as she received the messages from the others. When she was checking the messages, she only looked at the one Noah had sent her, which told her where the Rumble would be at. That was all she needed to know. Ignoring Alastair's message, she got up from her seat, fixing her jacket in the process. She walked out of the room, taking her time to the location of the Rumble. If this proved to be a waste of her time, she would become quite angry.
"That piece of shi-" Alistair it himself off. You would notice Sayuri from a mile away without something. He walked slowly up to her as if he was wandering. "Where is your hood?" He asked angrily. "Oh forget it just braid your hair or tie it up in a pony tail fast. We have to keep track of sung." He said through clenched teeth. "You don't get a text from me everyday you know. At least I blackmail in person." He walked slowly through the ever growing crowed to the entrance.
"Tch," Sayuri replied simply. The very way he talked was irritating her even more and made her want to leave. But seeing as how this may involve the Disciplinary Committee, she had to stay. "I do not take orders from you. And I would rather you talk to me indirectly. The sound of your rude voice makes by ears ring," she said, shooting him a glare as she pulled the hood of her jacket over her head with a huff. She followed closely behind Alastair as she made her way through the crowd.
Noah walked to the basement door where the rumble was located. He put his hood on before knocking on the door. He said the code to the doorman and walked into the area. It was large and spacious. Noah looked around and saw many club members from the Fight Club. He noticed an irritated Alastair with the easy to spot Disciplinary Club leader. Noah walked around the seats looking around hoping he doesn't see Sung. He really didn't want to fight again.
"If your expecting me to exhibit any sort of emotional display from your statement I am truely sorry. Just do this for me, don't mention your a three star." He pushed through the mob. A couple of people tried to push back but got a solid kick to the knee. "Black zero demon blade." He murmered to the guard. The guard moved aside for him. He saw the brute squad over at a food stand. "Probably sniffin a drug or something." He thought. He motioned for them to group around him. "If anything goes wrong get to me and if anybody lays a hand on Noah or Sayuri knock them out. Understood? Good." He walked off into the spectating crowd. "Of course sung is at the announcing podium." Alastair thought. He set his hand on his taser's wrapping his trench coat tight so nobody would notice his ultima hardening. Once it was done he let it go. His taser's where somewhat visible but people would assume they where guns. He looked right at sung waiting for it to start.
Sayuri let out a deep sigh as she silently followed behind Alastair. Though, she didn't think she needed anybody to knock someone out for her. "Why am I here, Alastair? Can't you handle this yourself?" She asked him, her voice clearly filled with irritation and her eyes glaring at everything in sight. The crowds began to annoy her and she wanted to leave. That, or 'discipline' some people to clear her mind. Either way, it seemed as if she was stuck here with him for the time being, no matter how much she hated it.
"Oh come on, admit its a little exciting." Alastair said trying to contain his glee. "The rush, the fights, the people, I am loving it!" He said possibly a little to loudly. "I don't go to crash these things, I come to feel them! Information committee does something's to you. I don't get to go out on the town any more like back before transferring, these are my nights out!" He said spinning around taking it all in. It made Alastair feel alive!
With an even more irritated tone, Sayuri said, "Then why am I here?" She was almost at her limit. The crowds, the irritation, everything. It was unbearable. She'd much rather do paperwork than sit here and watch a bunch of weaklings fight. "Give me a reason to stay, and I might consider. It better be good, like being able to beat up-- I mean, discipline some people." To her, being at such events weren't worth her while if she couldn't participate.
"I can't take on seventy people on my own. It's looking like it might reach a hundred so there." Alastair said. "Go meet some other angry person don't just follow me take it to your advantage! Learn to live a little." He followed up. Alastair ran from crowd to crowd a grin a mile wide stretching across his face. He saw a group of people siting in a bleacher who seemed to be lively and jumped right in there conversation. "I am pumped!" He said loudly, in a haze of adrenaline he got entirely lost in the event.
The lights in the huge basement turn off and the whole room is covered in darkness. Suddenly, the screens of the scoreboard turn on with a live feed of Sung, who was in the center of the arena with a headlight above him. "Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Fight Club's secret event known as the 'Rumble'! Tonight we have a special show you all!" The club leader yelled into a wireless microphone, which caused his voice to be heard over the excited chatter of the spectators. "We have three different fights to present tonight! Part One will showcase a match between two dangerous club members. Part Two is a contest where four volunteers from the crowd will fight for a mystery prize. Part Three is a suprise, but one that would go down in Honnōji Academy's history books!" The crowds full of No-Star and One-Star students go wild from the announcement. Apparently most of them were regulars. "Then lets get this 'Rumble' started! Bring out the contestants!" The two caged gates placed opposite of each other in the arena open up. Spectators lean down from their seats to see who was fighting. "To my right is One-Star member, Rambo! To my left is No-Star member... Bob(?)! They will fight for the honor and glory of the Fight Club! FIGHT!" Sung jumps out of the arena before landing on top of the scoreboard. Bob immediately attempts to escape when he realized Rambo was his opponent. Before he could get away though, Rambo was already in front of him with a metal baseball bat. Minutes of constantly smacking Bob with his bat made the crowd go wild. "Well it seems we know who won more betting money that round!" Sung joked from his position as Rambo dragged Bob's possibly dead body back into the caged gate. "Now who would like to join in Part Two of tonight's event? You'll get a mystery prize if you win!"

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Noah looked on from the crowd with his usual bored demeanor. "Standing here watching No-stars and one-stars beat up each other is amusing....I guess." Noah thought to himself as he watches the body of Bob get dragged away. However, the prospect of round two did seem promising. Perhaps Alastair or the guest he brought along would fight. Noah had no intention of fighting and moved around the crowd again to avoid the gaze of Sung.
Alastair watched gleefully as Rambo decimated bob(?). Happily he raked in some money as he took metal notes upon the happening so he could remeber this night. As the contestants for round two came up he was shocked. Three no stars and a shorter two star. "50 on the two star." He said. Now all he had to do was wait for round three.
One beating later, the unknown Two-Star wins the match by a landslide. Sung gave them a suitcase filled with test answers before returning to his original position on top of the scoreboard. "Now that the match is over, we shall continue on to Part Three! Bring out the contestants!" A group of students with creepy masks enter the arena. In the center of the arena was a standing ladder, while a briefcase was hanging above it. "Get the suitcase if you want to live, scumbags! FIGHT!" Every single contestant ran toward the ladder and tried to reach the suitcase hanging above them. This resulted in mass chaos among the masked students as they started beating each other up like animals. "Watch as the poisoned members of the Information Committee fight for the antidote! Oh right! Did I forget to mention that the contestants are undercover agents working under Council member, Alastair? Well now you know!" The announcer jeered before someone below him managed to get the suitcase down. They opened it and drink the blue antidote inside it. The other students stop fighting and crumble down in defeat. "Now look at those losers! Watch the so called Brute Squad die with no honor or glory!" Suddenly he takes out a small package out of his jacket. He waves it around to show it to the crowd before putting it away. "Unless the members of the Council and their subordinates come into the arena right now! They will get these extra antidotes to save these poor bastards from death, but only by fighting each other in a battle royale! No rules or restrictions! Just pure chaos!" Sung yelled out while looking among the cheering crowds for the hidden Council members. Spotting Sayuri nearby the back of the room, he waves at her with a devious smile. Seems like the Council were actually attending the event tonight.

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"Alastair, it would seem he wants us to fight as well. I won't object, of course. However, I have now deemed this event a violation of school policies," Sayuri said as she slowly put her hood down, revealing her face. Her eyes were blazing with anger while she glared at Sung. "Won't you join in on the fun?" She asked Alastair with a smirk on her face. Taking her time, she made her way to the arena, fixing the collar of her jacket to show the three silver stars, signifying that she was part of the Council.
Alastair took his hood off and with two carefully placed middle fingers walked out into the ring. "Sung. I am not doing it for those sad fools over there, no I say you come down here and stop being a f*cking coward right now. And did I mention those wherent brute squad? BRUTE SQAUD GET OVER HERE." His middle fingers still extended they gathered in a triangle formation. "And sung, next time you get one of my foreman hurt your never going to wake up." He yelled smiling sadistically.

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