Honnōji Academy [Inactive]


Junior Member
WhiteJester submitted a new role play:

Honnōji Academy - Join Honnōji Academy, an Academy headed by the Kiryun Family and with a particular Class System.

Welcome to Honnōji Academy, A Highschool located atop Honnō City, an Artifical Island located in the Sea of Japan. Thousands of Students attend the prestigious Honnōji Academy. However, a dark secret lies within Honnōji Academy and within the Kiryun family. Recently, a group of Transfer Students have arrived, stirring up trouble wherever they go.
The students at Honnōji Academy wear Uniforms, outside of a select class, called "Ultima Uniforms" composed of a Substance called "Life Fibers". Life...
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Jacques sat in his study, classical music playing as he began to read the script for the new piece he was working on. "Ah,. . .music simply can't compare. . .", smiling to himself, he set the script down, simply enjoying the music. "I love this position. . .". He sat back, sinking farther into his rather comfy chair, closing his eyes as he just sat there, tapping his fingers to the beat of the music.
"We'll that went well." Alastair said to himself. He had managed to pull of a organized ranking system based upon past experiences and contributions. The ranks where organized by color. Yellows where the brutes, white jacket worker, the blues ran teams of select groups to preform a function, and the one or two greens would preform more private work. Most of the time what the blues teams did was shake someone up, pay someone to start a fight, other things that require little effort. "I should see how the disciplinary office reacted to my last coup." He thought to himself. He had paid some people in five randomly selected clubs to have a leader switch and sent some points of the school into chaos but it helped Alastair with his plan. He walked swiftly, his coat tails fluttering behind him. Just before the disciplinary office he stopped and set a hand on a taser. "Time to pay a little visit."
Noah sat down in front of his computer in his room. As he sat down he smoothed out some wrinkles in his blue overcoat that was over his robes. Noah's blue robe signified that he was a Foreman in the Intelligence Club. Noah opened his computer and opened up his heavily secured email. Inside contained regular day to day messages and important messages such as anything from the Intelligence Club, or anyone willing to divulge information. Noah craved anything that he could use against anyone. To him, information was power. That was why he joined his club. Noah stretched a bit more before continuing through his email and also sending replies.
As usual, Sayuri was in the Disciplinary office leaning back into her chair. She was supposed to be looking over papers and such about those who had caused trouble recently, but it was a pain. This wasn't her slacking off or being lazy. After all, she does her job perfectly. Rather, this was just her relaxing a bit. There wasn't many times when she got to let loose, especially in the office. The papers always seemed to be stacking up somewhere. She released a long, inaudible sigh. Today was certainly slow.
In one of the gyms located in Honnōji Academy, the members of the Fight Club were sparing with each other. Everyone were wearing their gym clothes as they tried to beat each other up over the mats on the gym's floor. Sung enters the gym with a smile on his face. All the No-Star and One-Star club members stopped sparring and bowed their heads down to their club leader. "Hey everyone! No need to stop beating each other up just because I arrived! So keep on sparing as I watch you all over at the bleachers." After telling his subordinates that, he walks over to the bleachers and starts using his smartphone. The club members bow once more before sparring again. Okay, lets see who's coming to tonight's match? Hmm... less spectators this time. Probably scared because of the sudden interference by the Council a few days ago. Putting his smartphone away, he watches the club members spar. A No-Star managed to knock a One-Star unconscious with a uppercut to the jaw. Seems like some of the No-Stars might actually have a chance on passing the class advancement test. For physical ability anyway, since their intelligence is a different story to talk about. Sung lays his head down on the seat behind him and starts planning out who would join in tonight's secret match in the Ghetto. Hopefully nobody would discover the new location of the match this time. Damn Information Committee and their club members...
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Alastair knocked on the office door. Not even waiting for a reply he walked in. "Three hostile takeovers your not done with your papers. He said as he pulled up a chair in the cramped office. And another four if the information committee does it for you." He leaned down in the chair. Alastair needed to keep his avant age in full swing and came right back. "Bet you will want to take a look at this." He said as he tossed a file onto the desk. "Criminal records of every student council president in the past ten years. Some pretty gritty stuff if you ask me. Courtesy of the extortion office." He leaned back and set his hands on his taser's. "Now your going to punish some people or this information, along with the film of everything that has ever been done in this school goes public."
Almost as if she was expecting for this to happen, Sayuri simply released another sigh before glaring at Alastair. She found this man to be extremely irritating, especially when he told her what to do. "Blackmailing me? If something happens to the school, you will be effected as well. And if you had come to ask me to punish someone nicely like a civilized person, I would most definitely oblige. But I don't quite like the way you are speaking to me, so try again, " she said with a glare. People who were rude irritated her immensely and she didn't quite feel like listening to him.
Noah's eye brow raised so very slightly at a new email. Apparently tonight was the Fight Club's sparring match. These things were secret so Noah took an interest in the email. The sender was unknown but divulged that the secret match was today. What frustrated Noah though was that he didn't have much time to find information where the match was. The Information Club and its members has had found it before, and Noah would love to crash it again, but where would he find the information? Sighing, Noah closed his computer and stood up. Perhaps it would be best for a visit to the gym. Noah walked out of his room and headed to a gym that he knew the fight club uses after school. He opened the door and walked into the vast gym seeing many fight club members sparring. Noah also noticed the smell of body in the air and he slightly scrunched his nose at this. On of the few curses of his heightened senses. Noah walked up a few bleachers and sat in an area near the corner. He activates his robe power and diminishes one sense to empower another. Noah decided to cut the smell sense. Closing his eyes to focus, Noah felt the smell of anything and everything fade from his nose, and the sound of the room grew louder along with the chatter and fighting of others.
Sung approaches Noah after noticing him enter the gym earlier. He looks at Noah's face and decides to pull up their eyelids. "Why are closing your eyes? You don't enjoy the view much?" He asked as several club members stop sparring and approach Noah while cracking their hands. Seems like someone's going to die today. After letting go of Noah's eyelids, Sung sits right next to the council member with a smile on his face. "Now what are you doing here the Information Committee's Foreman? You trying to get a good look at the ladies in the club?" One of the female club members cracks her neck. "If you are... hope you enjoy getting a dislocated shoulder." He joked while putting his hand on Noah's shoulder.
Noah heard approaching footsteps but decided to ignore them and pretend like he didn't notice. He suddenly felt the person's hands on his eyelids and open them. This offended Noah as he had actually physically touched him and entered rather close into his personal space. Noah noticed all the athletically superior people surrounding him. Rather worried, Noah thought it would be best to leave without causing any confrontations. "Well...I am here for the view, somewhat." Noah said. He was rather uncomfortable with the Fight Clubs Leader's hand on his shoulder. "As you can see, I am not the most strongest. So would it not be prudent to watch and perhaps pick up a few things?" Noah asks. He had his other robe ability ready just in case things got sticky. He began looking around his surroundings through his peripheral for possible escape routes. Noah began analyzing some of the members in front of him seeing who seemed the most tired and the most simple path. Perhaps coming here was not the best idea.
Sung stares at Noah for a moment, before laughing out of nowhere. He lifts his hand off of the student and waves his subordinates to go away. After the club members left while still glaring at Noah, the club leader puts his chin on top of his armored right hand. "So what do you want pick up during your stay here? Want to learn some new moves for yourself?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Knowing about the rumors that surrounded the 2nd-level student, he gets off the bench and turns around with a smirk. "Want to experience the moves up-close? I promise that the members won't beat the living s*** out of you during your little practice spar with them."
Noah felt relief wash over him after Sung had finished laughing and the members walked away. Now all he had to do was get out of the odious gym full of body odor. Hearing Sung's proposal made Noah purse his lips. He doubted he would be a match for any of the members here. Plus, he didn't want to get near anyone that would assault his senses with sweat. "Well...uh that does sound tempting. However I think I'll pass." Noah says standing up. "I'm sure they have training to do, so I'll be off and on my way."
Sung shakes his head in disappointment as he snaps his fingers. The club members all stop sparing and some of them closes the gym doors, locking them with spare keys they had with them. They stood in front of the doors with arms crossed while the other members covered any other exits. "No, no, no! Don't worry about distracting them with their training! They have all afternoon to train, plus your only going to spar with a No-Star student." He walks over to the cleared mats and points at a student that was shorter then Noah. "If you can at least beat him, then I'll let you go. Only rules is that you are to fight him without your weapon and Ultima Uniform on." Two students approach Noah with a new set of gym uniform that fit his size and a mat to cover him when he changes. If he changes that is...
Noah's lips droop slightly in disappointment. He made a note to not do something like this again. Noah looked at the student he was matched with. A No-star who was shorter than him. Noah raised an eyebrow and formed a condescending look upon the student before turning his attention back to Sung. "Fine, but you will let me go after I beat him." Noah said. As much as he detested fighting, He thought it would be better than getting pummeled by other students. However he did admire the discipline among the members. "I will fight with my robes on thank you. You have my word I will not use them in the fight." Noah steps onto the map with his opponent and began recalling pressure points in his head and focusing on the muscles of the fighter. Noah hoped he would be able to see the muscles tense up and anticipate his opponents movements.
The No-Star student looks at Noah with blank eyes as he got into a boxer's stance. Jumping up and down quickly, he begins circling around his opponent with fists raised up. After seeing a opening, he dashes toward Noah and attempts to uppercut their stomach.
Noah formed another condescending look as the No-star began jumping up and down. To Noah, he looked like an idiot prancing around the mat. Keeping focused upon his opponent, he noticed him dash forward with considerable speed. Noah barely had enough time to move to the side and formed his hand into a fist to punch his opponent from the side hoping that it would at least get him off-balance. Noah furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn't believe he was fighting a person who didn't have a star.
Taking the blow to the side, the student winced in pain from the counter attack. So much for a easy fight. Regaining his balance just in time before falling off his feet, he raises his clenched fists. After jumping up and down at the same spot for a few moments, he suddenly moves forward toward Noah. He jumps up and does a jump kick toward the opponent's face. After his foot connected with Noah's face, the painful force sent the poor student flying away to the other side of the mat. After landing on his feet, he gets back to his boxer's stance and slowly inches toward Noah.
Noah smirked seeing the no-star lose his balance. He stood a good fair chance. That thought soon was knocked out of Noah's head as he felt a foot smacking the side of his face. Noah felts himself slide across the mat and a burning, sore sensation in his jaw. Noah's face was in a full on scowl as he got back up. Frustrated, Noah lashes forward at the no-star student. He lifts one hand and using it in a karate chop shape uses it to strike a pressure point in the neck of the student. His other hand coming up to his rib should he lift his hand to block Noah's initial attack.
Not expecting Noah to recover so fast, the No-Star student took the hits without any time to react. He felt intense pain in his neck just as he attempted to block it, only to feel more pain in his ribs. Jumping back from his sticky situation, he clenches his hands in pain as he fell on one knee. The pain was too much for him to bear. "FINISH HIM!" Sung yelled out to Noah when he saw his subordinate fall on his knee. This was the perfect chance for Noah to end the match quickly, unless the injured fighter had a counter-attack ready for his opponent. But he highly doubts that. That student was never the best fighter among his peers in the Fight Club.
Noah was panting slightly and rubbing his hands and jaw. He has never been in many fights and he was slightly sore. He regained his normal composure and walked over to the No-star kneeling. He kicked the student onto his back and sat on top of him. He placed his hand on his neck so that he would not try anything like a counter. Noah ignored the unruly shouting of Sung. Leaning close to the fighter Noah says "So...I am a man who seeks information. I'll cut you a deal." Noah says in a low voice so that Sung couldn't hear. "I know many pressure points in the body. It's part of information that I love to seek. So if you give me any secrets, knowledge etc. I'll just hold down a certain place in your neck and you'll fall asleep." Noah moves his hand around a bit more on the No-stars neck. "Otherwise its more strikes here and here." Noah states as he points to places on his head such as the temple. "So what's it going to be?" Noah asked with a devious smirk.
The No-Star student was terrified from what Noah said. Sure he haves to stay loyal to the club and its information, but getting more precise hits on his pressure points would probably kill the student's mind with intense pain. One pressure point attack to the neck was enough for him for today. "We'r... we're having another 'Rumble' in a empty basement located in the western section of the Ghetto tonight. To get pass the locked door that leads to the fight, you have to tell the guard a secret password." He silently whispers back to Noah. "The password is 'Black Zero Demon Sword'. The passwords are usually less ridiculous then that, but Sung expects the Council to come. So now that I told you some vital information, can I please get knocked out already? He might suspect something." He asked Noah before making some wheezing noises to fool everyone that he being choked by the student on him.

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