• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
>Bart: Be embarrassed.

You know Anya has a point but still that was not something you wanted to hear. Luckily the platform seems to offer you a way out of even more embarrassment. While you're not sure what happened to the rock or what -ify means you're reasonably sure it didn't disintegrate since there should be some dust left.

>Step on the platform.

You're about to do so when you get a better idea. One that doesn't involve blindly stepping on a potentially deadly platform, just so you can avoid being carried down a mountain by a girl.
RR: I'm gonna ask if the others know anything about this, can you check with your devil friend?

RR: Anya placed a rock on the platform and it either disappeared or turned into green text saying "-IFY" somehow.
RR: Anyone know something about this?

> Dann: What



Life comes with many a suprise, while this is most certainly not life you dare not think it as death. You gotta be dreaming right? Theres four doors... Guess... Theres one door for each of you? You can't go back, the room is locked as soon as you left it.

Wierd ass dream, what do you need a dream journal to decipher it's bullshit?

Cause you don't need that shit right now you got a temple to explore.

And now a place to also explore...


Fuck it just explore.

You begin by fiddling with the door that DOSEN'T have the vague forboding symbol on it across the room

You figure its best try the one ahead of you rather than be turned away by other doors behind you. Onward and forward.

Heres hoping this dosen't turn into a nightmare.​
> Ciel: Rock?


RA: A rock?
RA: I might know something.
RA: Hold on

Picking up the rock, you move to activate the TRANSPORTILIZER. It'd be nice to see Bart and Anya again! Thus, you activate it and IFY yourself!
CIEL: Hi Bart! Hi Anya!
CIEL: Glad to see you two are safe and sound.
CIEL: Umm...
CIEL: I guess I should show you guys where I was, huh?
CIEL: I saw some 'weird shit' I guess is the best way to put it

Without another word, you go back to the huge grid-room of TRANSPORTILIZERS and step off of the platform, waiting for your friends. In the mean time, you tear a small bit of fabric off of your dress, wrapping it around the cut on your hand.
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> ==>


Oh. That just happened.

Means your sniper culprit is most likely there with Ciel, wherever this transportalizer leads to. You take the steps forward, making your way onto the platform and away.

> ==>

You find yourself within the TRANSPORTALIZER MEGAGRID, inside a building you have no clue the whereabouts of. You're glad you don't even understand that you should be confused, because otherwise you would be. This place must be the gateway to a lot of spots all over. You get back to your intel game, per Bart's suggestion.

-- arcticRecluse [AR] begun pestering adieuxEnchiridion [AE] --
AR: Is there anything you know about this?
AR: A way to know where they lead? Origin?

AR: Purpose?

> Anya: Concern.

After starting up another interrogation, you begin wandering about, perusing the room. You stop yourself short as you notice the piece of torn fabric wrapped around Ciel's hand, withdrawing a LEATHER BANDAGE ROLL from your SYLLADEX. All of you are pretty messed up from past encounters, so you check your own body for any bleeding wounds as well.
ANYA: Did you cut yourself? Around here?
ANYA: You should wash that first.
ANYA: I don't want you risking infection.
ANYA: This is my land, isn't it?

ANYA: Water should be plenty.
> Be Dann.

You enter a MUCH LARGER ROOM through the west wall, much more grand as well, as if it were a CASTLE. there are three main points of interest in this room.

Firstly, the LARGE MURALS being painted on the walls of this place, depicting humanoid shaopes with strange symbols, though it's hard to make them out though the SCAFFOLDING without FURTHER INSPECTION. Secondly, the four YELLOW and PURPLE BANNERS bearing the DOOR SYMBOLS on the north wall, there are plaques beneath them with some writing. And thirdly, there are about 2 dozen BLACK and WHITE CHESS-LIKE INDIVIDUALS here, all hanging out, some of which are painting the aforementioned MURALS.

Which do you inspect first?
> Be Ciel, Anya, and Bart.

The three of you enter the TRANSPORTALIZER ROOM together.

Who knows what kind of wacky shenanigans you could get up to in here.

> Dann: Admire the arts

While you are no connosure of the arts, in most any sense, you do know that knowing what is good is part of it. Hell, all this feels like you just walked in on a foyer being given the final touches. Thinking about it almost gives you slight hint of luxury within this hall. You take in this momentary peace, you had been on the go for so long, having a moment to drop this weight on your shoulders is nice.

Perhaps it is best to go examine the murral, the chess persons working on it is very very focused, how good it must be to be so absorbed in something like that.

Must be how he looks when digging up a particularly rich deposit!

After that, you figure the banners and their plaques should be next.

You give a small wave at the fellows doing the painting, hoping not to disturb them.​
> Ciel: Oh crap

She's right, you should have disinfected it. You appreciate her concern and all but...



Yeah you'll just uh... go do that.

CIEL: You are indeed correct about that
CIEL: L-Let me go wash it, I'll be back
CIEL: If you go through any of the transportilizers, could you put something down to mark which one you went through?

CIEL: Th-Thanks.

You can't excuse yourself fast enough, leaving back through the transportilizer and out of the power plant to rinse the wound before you embarrass yourself further.

As you sit on the sand, hand in the water, you begin to feel frustrated. Why were you so weird??? Anya's a friend, so you don't need to be shy... agh...

panel 2.png

It was nice that she was concerned, though...

panel 3.png

Maybe Dann will have some input?

radiantAgate [RA] has begun pestering abberantAbilation [AA]

RA: I feel like I just embarrassed myself
RA: Anya literally just showed concern for a small cut I got
RA: And I was all weird about it
RA: Felt like I was going to pass out or something.

RA: Why in the world am I like this???

> Ciel: Return

Washing your face in hopes of calming yourself down a little, you then head back to the transportilizer room to meet back up with Bart and Anya.
> Bart: Meet Ciel

You like Anya just fine but after the whole leg biting incident you've been a little uncomfortable around her, only worsened by her offer to carry you back down and your belief she would and could do it. You know that you feeling like this is your fault and don't doubt you will get over it, but you're still glad to finally meet up with Ciel.

Before you can say anything to your serverplayer though she leaves to clean up a wound on her hand on Anya's advice.

>Look for signs of sniper.

Worried you might accidentally do something to upset Anya, given your current awkwardness, you decide to look for any signs the sniper has been here while she is checking herself for any wounds. Not wanting to get lost you use your automatic cretin opener to scratch arrows in the floor every so often.

Eventually you come across what looks like a broken window with a bullet hole.

RR: Okay our mysterious sniper has been here, there is a window with a bullet hole in it.
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> Anya: Okay.


ANYA: Okay.

> ==>

Was she feeling lightheaded already? You don't really know how old the cut is, but fever is a tell-tale symptom of a festering infection. Considering the redness of the face... You'll monitor when you get back shortly. The sniper either has little ill-intent, or has long since disappeared past one of these transportation machines.

Wrapping up your wound inspection, some exploration is in due order. You walk around the grid for a while, focusing on one of the less dusty transportalizers and stepping towards it. You do all of this while continuing your conversation with AE.

AR: Sounds more time-wasting than fun.
AR: I still don't understand that. Fun in this scenario.
AR: I thought about what you said. About self-expression.

AR: ▷--🞀 But all I could think of was playing the words. o.֊
AR: And pasting those symbols takes time.
AR: I will skip out on it.

> ==>

Cracking your knuckles just in case, you situate yourself on top of the device, waiting to be sent all the way to nowhere.
> Be Dann.

The MURAL depicts four individuals of an ambiguous humanoid species, more the IDEA of a person, joining hands and each bearing a MYSTERIOUS SYMBOL on their chest, with two exceptions. The PINK HALF-FILLED HEART, and the YELLOW SUN seem normal and mysterious enough, but the third person has both a GREEN SWIRLY CIRCLE on their chest as well as a BLACK SPIKED SKULL on their forehead. The fourth person has what to most people might appear to be two cyan squiggles, but to your trained eye, you recognize it as the mark of the HERO OF BREATH.

Wait, how do you know that?
> Be Anya.

You are -IFY'd to another TRANSPORTALIZER in what appears to be the LAND OF MEGAFLORA AND FROGS, you can tell because you are in a hollow cavity of a GIANT TREE, and you can hear the EVER PRESENT RAIN on the planet. An elephant-sized BEE can be found in the hollow, taking a break from the rain flying it was most likely doing before you arrived.

> Be Ciel and Bart.

The two of you return to the TRANSPORTALIZER ROOM and watch as Anya -IFYs away.

SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Orikanyo Orikanyo
> Bart: head back.

Yeah this is a dead end, you might as well go back and discus your next course of action with the girls. While you follow the marks you left on the floor you come across Ciel and the two of you start talking.

CIEL: Sorry about that! I'm back!
CIEL: I'm sure Anya made sure you weren't hurt and all, but I just want to make sure...
CIEL: Are you alright? I'm glad you're safe.

Bart: Don't worry about it, not getting infections is important.
Bart: I'm somewhat hurt yes but I don't think any injuries are big enough to have to worry about infections.
Bart: You know anything about a window with a bullethole?

CIEL: I'm glad you're mostly alright, then.
CIEL: I'll do my best to patch you up soon, though!
CIEL: The window?
CIEL: Yes. That is what I cut myself on accidentally.
CIEL: I'm not sure if it was like this before I got here or not, to be honest.
CIEL: I saw something down the hall and followed, heard a sound, and then found it like that.
CIEL: I was fighting a Giclops actually, and it transportilized here...
CIEL: It most likely went through one of the other pads, although heavens know which one.
CIEL: Do you need to go back to one of our houses? Or should we keep exploring?

Bart: Quite a coincidence then.
Bart: I'm thinking the thing you saw was our mysterious sniper.
Bart: I am fine with both. I honestly want to keep chasing the sniper, but that is probably impossible at this point.
Bart: On the other hand I should really alchemize a lighter weapon.
Bart: What do you want to do?

CIEL: That seems likely.
CIEL: I'm not sure if we'll be able to catch up, at this point...
CIEL: It would probably be better for you to get some rest :(
CIEL: I'd like to explore more... and I'm a bit worried about Anya
CIEL: But it's probably fine. She's probably fine.
CIEL: Let me make sure you get back safely, I don't want you getting hurt :(
CIEL: Speaking of those injuries...
CIEL: How did it go?

Bart: Okay, lets meet up with Anya at the platform we arrived from.

Bart: As to how it went, better then expected Anya had the idea to lay down traps. Still we ended up caught in its legs before the sniper shot it like I said in the memo.
Bart: Speaking of legs she somehow managed to bite one off. No idea what she was thinking or how she did it.

CIEL: Sounds good.
CIEL: Let me take the lead.

>Follow Ciel.

You let Ciel take the lead and when you notices her taking out her staf you follow her example and take out your automatic cretin opener.

CIEL: Strange...
CIEL: I'm glad you're both safe then
CIEL: This sniper... I wonder if they're an ally?
CIEL: I hope so...
CIEL: Anya managed to bite one off? How peculiar...
CIEL: She must be very strong then...
CIEL: That would make sense, I suppose.
CIEL: I haven't heard anything from Dann in a little bit... I messaged him earlier about
CIEL: Something
CIEL: And he hasn't said anything in the memo...

Bart: Fine with me.
Bart: Definitely stronger then me at least.
Bart: I'm sure he is fine. Maybe his communication device is broken or he is asleep. We can ask Anya if she can see him on her screen.

> ==>

You don't like how upset you are over the fact that a girl is stronger than you and you also wonder what Ciel tried to talk to Dann about but you're not gonna pry. Luckily she resumes the conversation before any awkward pauses ensue.

CIEL: Oh true. I'll ask her to when I go back.
CIEL: You're strong in your own way, Bart.

> Arrive at platform.

You walk the rest of the way in silence, both on the look out for any threats.

When you arrive at the platform though Anya has already left.

CIEL: Alright, we're here.
CIEL: Do you need help with your wounds? I can go fetch bandages or pain medication if it hurts too bad.

Bart: I'm fine mostly. Thanks.
Bart: Not gonna lie, I'm worried about my sister and was hoping the sniper knew anything about her.
Bart: Oh and your brother, Dann's dad and Anya's...whatever he is of course.

CIEL: Ah... Yes... Me too
CIEL: My brother was a bit strange at times... But I do miss him
CIEL: I'm sure we'll see them again soon. Maybe we have to beat the game first?
CIEL: If that's the case, that makes me even more motivated to find them.
CIEL: And that means your rest is all the more vital.
CIEL: If you're sure, I'll go ahead and get back to it.
CIEL: Everything will end up fine, I truly believe that, I promise. So try not to worry, okay?
CIEL: Message me if you need anything
CIEL: See you soon! :)

Bart: R..right,of course.

Bart: Bye and good luck.

> ==>

You're caught of guard when Ciel suddenly hugs you while talking and turn as red as she, unknown to you, did when talking to Anya earlier. Luckily for you it seems she has left without noticing. Still you feel like you wasted an opportunity and decide you will tell next time you see her. You quickly change your mind since with the game, the missing guardians and who knows what else you're under enough stress without a change in your relation.

Instead you will tell her after the four have won this game.

>Pick a random platform and leave.

You have no idea where any of these platforms lead or how to find out so you just pick one at random in hopes it will either lead to a place where you can do some alchemy or a clue on what to do next.​
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>Dann: Appreciate art.

You would, but it seems some unintended thoughts are intersecting your own. Hero of breath...? What kinda weird thing dose a hero of BREATH do? Prevent you from drowning? Breath hotter air? Hold their breath longer?

You shrug, concluding that it is, in fact, kinda dumb.

Hero out there trying to blow away enemies like a god damn dandelion seed or something.

Since that was the hero of breath.. Lets try and guesstimate the rest.

First one... Hero of... Love? heart? Courage? gumption? valentines?

Sounds wierd.

Next is hero of.. Sun? Light? Solar?


Next has two things, you label that one the Hero of DOOMSPIRALS because it sounds cool...ish.

brilliant deductions aside, you now go over to the banners, figuring they should be your most prudent next choice.
> Ciel: Return

Once you're sure that Bart is safe and will be okay, you give him a quick hug before making your way back to the transportilizer that Anya went through. You really hope you didn't worry her.

With a zap, you find yourself in Dann's land and... That is a large ass bee. It's so cute... Oh, right, Anya

CIEL: Hey!
CIEL: Sorry that took so long, I made sure Bart got home safely and took care of his wounds
CIEL: I can't let him push himself or anything, so I insisted that he rest.
CIEL: But umm
CIEL: I washed the cut and everything, so please don't worry.
CIEL: Are you alright? Not hurt?
CIEL: Y-you're the survival expert here, so you're probably fine...
CIEL: Aha, I'm rambling aren't I?
CIEL: S-Sorry

CIEL: We haven't heard from Dann in a while, though. Could you check on him, please? I-If you don't mind, that is. I'm just worried about him is all
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> Anya: Stare at bee.


A pale beam of light illuminates the fuzzy creature, as if sending some sort of cryptic message. You behold the BEE with a curious calm, regarding it as a fellow survivor in this frantic game of death. For the briefest of moments, you feel a real connection starting to form, which is when Ciel decides to pop up right behind you.

You turn towards her, raising an eyebrow as she stumbles over her words. That better not be fever, that's the last thing you'd like to see.

ANYA: Took long?
ANYA: Nevermind. It is good he should rest.
ANYA: The next few days could be worse.
ANYA: I will check. But.
ANYA: Are you sure you are fine?
ANYA: You have an unusual stutter.

CIEL: Yes, I'm fine! :)
CIEL: Just worried is all
CIEL: Playing this game has made me very stressed to say the least

CIEL: But I'll be okay

> ==>

You shrug, able to relate to the struggle of stress. Though you've essentially gotten over it, you know how it feels to be lost in this exact scenario, this "game."

You take a gander at your WATCH, tapping away at some prompts and getting a clear view of Dann's house. He isn't there, though the atmosphere of the scene is rather serene.
ANYA: It is a terrible game.
ANYA: But we will push through.
ANYA: I will be there to make sure of it.
ANYA: Plus there is nothing to return to anyway.
CIEL: Yes that's true.

CIEL: We have each other after all!
CIEL: Oh um
CIEL: Sorry if that was weird?
CIEL: But it is comforting to know that you're here with me

CIEL: Everyone e-else too
ANYA: We do have each other.
ANYA: It is not weird to state objective facts, Ciel.

ANYA: Dann is not at his house. That is all I can say on that matter.

> ==>

While still holding up your watch, you decide to finish up the conversation with the devil very briefly.

AR: Games don't take lives away.
-- arcticRecluse [AR] stopped pestering adieuxEnchiridion [AE] --

> ==>

You face your friend again, occasionally letting your eye drift back to the resting bee in contemplation.

CIEL: Ah sorry
CIEL: Thank you for checking, though.
CIEL: I hope he's alright.
CIEL: Where were you going to go...?
CIEL: There are a lot of transportilizers

CIEL: As well as the next gate I think I unlocked...
ANYA: I was looking for the platform with the least dust.
ANYA: That could've meant it was used.
ANYA: But there is only this bee here.
ANYA: So I will go back and progress while I can.
CIEL: Could I come with you?

CIEL: I want to help how I can and
CIEL: I think I'd feel better if we were together and all

CIEL: Since w-we haven't heard from Dann and it seems dangerous to be alone right now.
ANYA: Of course.
ANYA: If he doesn't report back soon I will make it a priority to find him.
ANYA: We have already lost too much.
ANYA: I will not dwell. But I will not let any more slip by either.
CIEL: That sounds like a good plan.

CIEL: Let's do our best, yeah? :)
CIEL: Let's go!

> ==>

The two of you begin walking back towards the transportalizer from whence you -ifyied from. As you are about to step onto the device, you feel a sudden warmth wrap itself around your hand. This causes you to stop for a split second, one that you need to realize that it's just Ciel. Is this what comrades do for comfort? You take note of that, which definitely, for sure won't cause any awkward, embarrassing moment later down the line. Definitely.

You both then head back and proceed to kick ass and progress through your land for a while.
They Wait.
> Be Bart.

You hop on a random TRANSPORTALIZER and -IFY away.

When you reappear, you are standing atop a large GOLDEN CROCODILE STATUE, deep underground in a LAVA CAVE. This must be the TEMPLE Dann was heading to. You notice the a collection of UNDERLINGS are making their way across the bridge to enter the TEMPLE themselves.
> Be Dann.

You gaze at the four YELLOW and PURPLE BANNERS, noting that their symbols are identical to the ones on the COLORFUL DOORS. You read each banner's PLAQUE, from left to right.


"They wait for she who would prepare the symphony feared impossible to play, raising the conductors baton."
"They wait for he who would produce the note desolation plays to keep its instrument in tune."
"They wait for he who would slumber in the folds of winter, forgotten in the fire as they dreamt."
"They wait for she who would set the record straight on this global turn-tizzle."
> Be Ciel and Anya.

You return to the LOWAP POWER PLANT from whence Ciel came, you exit to find the calm ocean breeze return.

You begin the journey to Anya's THIRD GATE.

SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Orikanyo Orikanyo
>Bart: Figure out how to get down.

Well judging by the fact that you're on top of a giant golden crocodile you are definitely back on your planet. So if you can get down it shouldn't be too hard to get back home.

Problem is how will you get down?

Jumping is out of the question, even if it wasn't for the lava and Underlings. As for climbing? Yeah no maybe that Anya could manage it but you're sure you'll end up either taking an involuntary swim or meeting the underlings by landing on top of one.

> Go back.

That would seem the easiest solution but who knows what those Underlings are up too. Maybe they can lead you to the missing guardians or they could run into Dann.

> Look around for a way down.

You try and find anything you trust enough to, hopefully silently and unnoticed, make your way down with.​
> Ciel: Overthink

Making your way through Anya's land, you head towards the gate you managed to unlock, defeating any stray imps along your journey. While you move along, you proceed to overthink each word you say to Anya. You really wish you could just be normal around her, but lesbian brain overrides logic brain.

CIEL: So Anya...
CIEL: If you don't mind me asking
CIEL: What was your home like before all this?
CIEL: We didn't talk about it a ton before...
CIEL: But if you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to answer....

ANYA: Comfortable? I don't think I understand.
ANYA: But.
ANYA: It was very desolate. Oppressive.
ANYA: Predominantly cold.
ANYA: Cruel. But I found a beauty in the harshness.
ANYA: Waiting to be expressed.

CIEL: That's very artistic
CIEL: But it sounds lonely
CIEL: Well... anywhere can be lonely
CIEL: I guess your land is pretty warm compared to what you're used to.

ANYA: Art is the soul of struggle.
ANYA: It is warm.
ANYA: The inhabitants sometimes make me feel like a brick though.

CIEL: The consorts?
CIEL: Hm...
CIEL: I think they're cute, if a bit dense...
CIEL: I suppose my home wasn't too different in that sense
CIEL: I didn't really have a lot of friends and my brother was... cryptic

ANYA: Cryptic.
ANYA: I see.
ANYA: A lot has been cryptic lately.
ANYA: Maybe that isn't too much of a change.

CIEL: That's true
CIEL: Although, you and the others aren't cryptic, so that's a nice change.
CIEL: The only real friends I had aside from you guys were the forest animals and the fae
CIEL: T-that makes me sound a bit pathetic, doesn't it?

CIEL: But... my point is... I'm glad you're here now, it's a lot less lonely.
You give her hand a small squeeze, to hopefully emphasize your point.

ANYA: How would it make you pathetic?
ANYA: You found your consolation in the woods. That is it.
ANYA: It is good to be in the presence of others.
ANYA: Living things always find strength in packs.
ANYA: That is one thing my home taught me.

CIEL: Yes... I suppose that is true
CIEL: Thank you
CIEL: It helps to hear it
CIEL: Just... most people would think me strange for believing in faeries and such

ANYA: What affects us is real. Even if not flesh and bone.
ANYA: The needs of your mind are just as real as the needs of your body.
ANYA: Are they not?

CIEL: Mmhm
CIEL: Thanks for hearing me out
CIEL: It's nice to have some time to just talk to each other
CIEL: We've been so busy with this... ah... what's the term...?
CIEL: Oh, yes, 'Shit show'.
CIEL: Not to mention the devils always confuse me a bit
CIEL: It's just nice to have normalcy in you guys

ANYA: Ciel.
ANYA: Vulgarity is not a good way to self-express.
ANYA: But we will figure it out.
ANYA: Eventually. Everything boils down to rules.

CIEL: Vulgarity has a time and place, I feel like with our world having been destroyed that now is a decent time.
CIEL: Well, maybe destroyed isn't the right word.
CIEL: My apologies, though. I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything

ANYA: It was destroyed. That is a fact.
ANYA: It was there. Now it is not.
ANYA: I am not uncomfortable in any way though. These clothes are comfy.

CIEL: Surely something remains...
CIEL: But I meant with my vulgarity, not for physical comfort
CIEL: Social comfort if you will

ANYA: Nothing living.
ANYA: I've had that confirmed.
ANYA: But I'm not sure about social comfort.
ANYA: I've never felt it "disturbed."

CIEL: Ah... good then, I suppose
CIEL: About you not feeling uncomfortable
CIEL: Not about Earth being obliterated.
CIEL: Th-that was probably obvious, though
CIEL: I'm rambling, aren't I?

ANYA: You are talking.
ANYA: That's it.

CIEL: Sorry about that, I-I'll stop it since it was mainly just me speaking verbosely

In an attempt to save yourself from further embarrassment, you decide to shut up. You really hope she doesn't comment further on your stuttering and flushed cheeks, it would just make you feel even more embarrassed and that could easily turn into a repeating cycle. Thankfully, the gate is within sight, so you can move on from your own painful attempts at conversation.

> Ciel: Enter gate
>Dann: Think

Well God damn this is fucking weird. Like seriously god damn cool weird. Okay, deepest lore shit, lets go. Okay... You came out the door that had this marking.

Dose that mean this mark refers to you? Theres another four..Err.. Five on the mural on the wall, so.. perhaps those are others..? Two on one of the people, so... The circular squiggle on the other group has two symbols? Or... perhaps it conotates something else..? The only other group you know of is the devils, there are three of them, but once they were four... Oh... Oh dear... How cruel to mark death so hapazardly on the mural.

Regardless, there is one of breath, that you somehow know.

But here none are breath... How many damn symbols are there anyways?

You came out of this symbol's door, the inscription is... curious.. But seems to say you are going, if you are infact the one, to tune the instrument of desolation... Or rather you give the note required for desolation to work? Desolation in tune... Tuning an instrument to make it more accurate to the sound you wish it to make... Either way, the desolation doesn't... sound very good...

The other he... That must be ya boy Bart, slumbering in the folds of winter... forgotten in the fire as they dreamt...? Is this some sort of prophecy how he is going to die..? How horrid... The two shes... you have a 50 50 shot guessing who is who. The first makes them sound like a leader.. or at least somebody controlling things, as you tune desolation's instrument for it to play to their order..?

the other she shows their gonna be the one to resolve this shit... Or fix it...

This makes it sound like you are going to make a horrid misstake... or already have...

...Is it too much to ask for good news...?

You find yourself overcome with melancholy and depression, hand running through your hatless hair roughly pulling as it goes through.Worrying... You can't let yourself fall any deeper, come on Dann, you got this, you have to get this shit. Even if you end up making a misstake you can fix it! You stamp your foot down and reaffirm your stance, no tears today!

Whats next in this room..?

Go do the next thing.

Talk to the wierd people around... The odd chess-like people.​
> Be Bart.

Looking around, the spine and tail of the CROCODILE STATUE you find yourself on seems to snake it's way into a SECRET ENTRANCE to the TEMPLE. You could appear ahead of the UNDERLINGS and cut them off of the path.
> Be Ciel and Anya.

The two of you enter the LAND OF WAVES AND POWER'S FOURTH GATE. You appear atop the tower that is your friend's home, popping out of BART'S FOURTH GATE. Above you lies the FIFTH GATE, which should send you further into Bart's land than ever before.

Or it would, if there wasn't a pair of TITANIUM GICLOPSES guarding it.
> Be Dann.

You begin the volley of walking up to the chess-people and hearing what they have to say. By which you mean interpreting their motions, as none of them seem to speak.

They are all mostly surprised that you are here, though they knew today was going to be the day you woke up, they still weren't ready. The mural isn't even finished yet! The Dersites are new to the arts, but they are trying their best under Prospitian tutelage. They would appreciate it if you could forgive them for not working fast enough. They seem to respect you with some form of REVERENCE.

Dersite? Prospitian? You know what these words mean (somehow), but that doesn't mean it doesn't give you a headache when you hear them.

One of them (a dersite, you gather) advises that you meet with the head of the castle-turned-monastery, the VETERAN ACOLYTE, who can be found in the room beyond the door they point to.

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>Dann: Give your blessing.

You nod softly, somehow understanding... What they are trying to say through their inability to actually say anything, you are not shocked by your ability to understand these beings. You remember somewhat fondly the brief bouts of "EXTREME CHARADES" your father, when he was there, forced you into. It was play or not get food, you give the excuse to nobody but yourself. You faintly remember the fact you have NEVER heard the man's voice either... Further hammering home the fact he WAS NOT REAL.

But these beings are.

You pat the head of those who seem saddened by the state of the mural, turning to the way forward pointed out by the dersite you give a small wave to them, starting towards the new area.

You could only hope this wasn't a trap of some sort.​
> Ciel: STRIFE

You've fought a Giclops by yourself before, so you should be fine fighting two since Anya's here with you. Letting go of Anya's hand, you look to her for a second and give her a small nod and smile. Brandishing your staff, you give her a moment to process and prepare before moving forward to fight. Utilizing your small stature, you look for openings in the Giclopses defenses, striking when possible.

You could also just jump past, but you want the LOOT. Thus, it is time to SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. THAWP!

Even greater than your desire for loot is your desire to look cool in front of Anya. Silly teenage brain go brrrrrr
>Bart: Decide which path to take.

You seem to have two options you can enter the temple or you can use the TRANSPORTILIZER and go somewhere else. The latter seems less dangerous but for all you know when leaving Ciel's planet again you could end up in the midst of even more danger, plus with this many UNDERLINGS there has to be something important here.

You briefly consider throwing your METEOR HAMMER down and trying to crush some of the monsters but if any of them can fly you're screwed. After all if you found a secret entrance so can they.

> Enough stalling.

The longer you wait the harder you're gonna make this on yourself. You made your choice, now it's time to go through with it.

> Enter Temple.

You head inside the giant golden crocodile, keeping an eye out for any potential traps or ambushes as well as anything the UNDERLINGS might be after.​
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warning: flashing imagery

> Anya: Oh no.

You narrow your eyes in disbelief as Ciel begins bolting it towards the GICYCLOPSES without any kind of battleplan. That was brash, but you'll have to have the talk about needless life endangerment later!

ANYA: Ciel. Wait-

>Anya: Call reinforcements.

You'll need some assistance with this. Who knows if your weapons are even capable of inflicting damage to giants made of TITANIUM?

You close your eyes and concentrate, tapping into a leyline of pure, unadulterated power. You call it. For the first time, you call it by its name.
ANYA: We need a helping hand here.
ANYA: We need you.
ANYA: ...Adam.

> ==>

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> ==>

sandler saviour 2.gif

> ==>

sandler saviour 3.gif

SANDLERSPRITE: Yeah, I don't think I can make it, sorry.

> ==>


Without further ado, you charge the closest GICYCLOPS. More-so than murder, you're ready to grab Ciel and run should the odds appear stacked very much against you.
> Be Dann.

You walk up to the door, about to head in, but you pause. Someone is TALKING on the other side of the door.

They say "the worst is yet to come," in some strangely cheerful tone, "but don't worry, your 'grey royals' will put you on the administrator's prewritten path..." Then there is the sound of cards being shuffled: a SYLLADEX has been opened. "... it's destiny." Afterwards there is no more talking, only the sounds of light footsteps pacing around in the room.

That seemed important to you, though you aren't exactly sure why.
> Be Bart.

You YABBA-DABBA-DO your way down the STATUE'S TAIL, dropping off in the middle of a LARGE CHAMBER from a slide hidden behind a banner. From the sounds of the mob, those UNDERLINGS will be in this room any second.

However, presently in this room is also locked LARGE IRON DOOR with a red gear, and asleep in front of it is your friend DANN.
> Be Ciel and Anya.

The two of you STRIFE! against the TITANIUM GICLOPSES for a good 2 MINUTES before you realize you didn't really prepare for this. On the edge of the tower, a small NAME TAG pops up, reading the text SAP IMP, though the creature hasn't appeared yet, it seems to be skulking beyond the edge.

What is one of DANN'S IMPS doing on BART'S PLANET?

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>Bart: Wake Up Dann

You don't know how long Dann has been sleeping or how rested he will be if you wake him up but you can't just let him sleep.Not wanting to make any noise and risk alerting the army of UNDERLINGS you simply shake him with one hand.

You use your other hand to place a finger on your lips in the symbol for "quiet" in an attempt to keep him from saying anything when he wakes up.​

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