• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
> Be Dann

Okay, so, this gonna need some work, but... Part of you is unsure you can manage upgrading your shit with what you got around the house. Rocks aside your shit is kinda good as is until you... Yea know... Find rhymn or reason for this shiz.

Obviously others are fiddling with stuff now, so, best watch and learn rather than crash and burn.

No master was made in a day young samurai.

>Check on Ciel

Opening up the sburb app on your protable device you realize the game being on moble is... Actually rather easy to navigate.


At least you don't need to play a fucking lottery and pay out the ass for a CHANCE for a good item.

Like average moble games.

But Ciel is lookin like shes busy, mixin stuff together and... Wait shes mixing obsidian with her staff?

Obsidian is fragile and better for cutting, its basicly glass... That can be chipped down to an edge that can cut to near atomic levels.

With a staff? Used to bonk?

You hope it dosen't snap in two.

Plus side, those snapped pieces would be hellah sharp.

But you can 100% agree with the fairy dress.

Legit sweet ass idea.


But... you do remember that you gotta fiddle around with the whole building up portion.

Eyeing the grist you notice playing god still needs materials. Man made from clay still needs clay.

You start building small stuff uppwards, building from the platform you made earlier. Another bit of stairs, platform, stairs, platform.

You got into a groove, you got this thing down. But still abit more to go before you reach the top.

You head outside and look up at the gate, farrr off from you. And only abit done to get there...

AA: Yo, wana help build up?
AA: Wana get up in that portal.
AA: Anya?
AA: You alive?

No responce... That... is pretty suspicious...

Must be making shit.

Either way... You gotta find a way up. A branch up above hits the portal, if only you could climb up like a squrriel...



You eye your drill, then the giant red wood, once again to the drill, then the tree's bark.

Plan, hatched.​
&& and/or ||
> Ciel: Become Santa.

You make a pair of COMPUSPECS, and a (non flight capable) FAIRY DRESS.

Whatever OBSIDIAN && STAFF maxes requires some type of grist you DON'T HAVE.

FAIRYSPRITE: Once ya out explorin' ya can find a Return Gate that should warp ya back here. I can talk ta ya from whereva, though it's only fa when it's absolutely necessary.
> Bart: Become Santa.

Your double-punch experiment (||) produces a SPIDER-MAN BLANKET. Neat, but not what you were looking for. You try overlapping the cards (&&) and create the PARKER PARKA, warm enough for taking photos of the webslinger in the arctic.

You also perform a HEADPHONES || LAPTOP && SCOUTER operation to create... well exactly what you think it'd create. You the run out of GRIST.
> Dann: Do something stupid.

You attempt to drill your way through the MEGASEQUOIA.

The bark of the tree is too hard to break through! What is this stuff made of?
> Anya: slep.

You continue to dream about something you don't quite understand, not yet, anyway.

You do hear the faint noise of lasers though.

Orikanyo Orikanyo Venchi1986 Venchi1986 SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0
> ==>

Your experiments were a succes you put the PARKER PARKA into your index after taking out the now no longer useful plain blankets, laptop and scouter printout . You then place your new hands free communicator into a card and check out the code.

That done you put it on and install pesterchum and begin downloading the two SBURB files.

> ==>
To make sure the "screen" doesn't get in the way of you navigating you decide to post your findings on the MEMO while you bring your new BLANKETS to your bedroom.

RR: Okay I'm sure most of you have already figured out how combining works but just in case. You can either overlap the holes on the cards or only use the holes that are on all cards. These methods even when combining the same items seem to give different resulst.
RR: Here are two codes that might be useful, the first gives a blank card to ensure you don't run out , since punched cards are useless 11111111.
RR: Second code makes a handsfree communication device for those who don't have it already HndFrc0m.
RR: Might be a good idea for everyone to post useful codes here, also if you haven't already deploy the grist torrent cd, it allows us to share unused grist.

> Try talking to your sprite again.

You're not looking forward to being deafened again but you have to know if it's volume is alright now.

RR: So, how come you couldn't talk before and do you any functions besides a guide?

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> Be Dann

Come on it wasn't that stupid.

Have drill will dig right?

Or in this case carve.

But either way the tree wins out in the general hardness test, so that sucks. Need to upgrade the drill sometime then. Maybe chill on that for abit, not like you got much grist, plus there is larger concerns at the moment.

Where did these imps come from?

And a handful has noticed your drill revving.

Time to reclaim your home.


Keeping on the ASSAULT you rush forwards, pinning the bastard to the wall revving up twice to inflict more damage and the first one pops.

The second one swipes in retalliation, which your gel based life bar takes damage from, really is an odd mechanism to tell health from and the bars being...

Like that is kinda wierd.

You ASSAIL the imp with your own attack, crushing the thing under the weight of the drill and revving for more assurity.

>End strife

Seems not as more imps have turned up, seriously, how many are there...?

Figuring its best to stay moving you get your weapon spinning fully and just sorta use it like a jousting lance as you run through.

This may take abit....

AA: Yo buddy can yea help?
> ==>

CIEL: Understood.
CIEL: I appreciate the information...
CIEL: In that case, I'll get going.

Packing up your stuff, you move up to the portal, killing any imps along the way. Then...

> Ciel: Descend
> Be Bart.

BATMANSPRITE: I am a Sprite. It is my inherit duty to guide you through the game, assist in battle, and dispense justice.
> Be Dann.


Molesprite begins shooting FRICKIN' LASERS everywhere, assisting you in battle.
> Ciel: Ascend.

After you enter the FIRST GATE, you find yourself in an even more dreary setting.

You are in a GRAVEYARD.

Despite the fact that there are no visible celestial bodies here, it is a FULL MOON out tonight. A heavy mist lingers here, and darkness obscures even more. It is not a nice place. Up ahead you see a pathway out of this solemn ground surrounded by withering trees.
> Be Anya.

You are suddenly woken up by a CORAL IMP being launched at you. They aren't very heavy, but it is startling enough to rouse you from your slumber.

You are surrounded by a sizable PILE OF GRIST, both of BUILD and MOLD, and a single piece of CORAL. Seems SANDLERSPRITE has been busy.

Orikanyo Orikanyo Venchi1986 Venchi1986 SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0

RR: I see, anyway I'm gonna farm Imps a bit.
RR: Wanna help out?

Wanting to experiment with combing some more and having plans to upgrade your weapon as well as warm clothes and away to keep in touch with the others you decide to explore your apartment's new location.

> Go Imp hunting.

You put on the PARKER PARKA and set foot outside for the first time. You immediately see that Ciel has been doing some building but for now you're not going through the Gate.

It doesn't take until you spot your next opponent, another TIN IMP unlike the last one this one has the bat logo on it's chest.

> Assault.

No, you can't lose control again. Instead you will just ..

> Aggress.

With Batmansprite at your side you approach the imp, while taking out your CHAIN. Seems like you have initiative, assuming this game has those mechanics, and your chain hits the imp in the face.

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> Anya: Triple coral imp backhand pirouette!

You jump up from your sleeping position as an imp finds itself lobbed straight at you! Like a polar wolf, you grasp it right around the throat, delivering three merciless backhands, releasing your grip at the third. You watch dazedly as the imp performs an involuntary spazz-pirouette, torpedoing through the air.

You slept through a whole bunch of imp-violence, huh?

> ==>

Shaking your head as a wake-up aid, you blink... Uh, you mean wink--

Curses, right. "Bwink" in confusion at all the grist littering the ground. Not seeing anything better to do, you pick all of it up, scoring a fine haul of abstract building materials. You should probably do something nice for yourself and your friends with this stuff.

ANYA: Thanks.

> ==>

Reading up on the newest alchemy tips from the memo, you bring yourself over to your array of machines. Using the provided code, you alchemize a whole bunch of blank cards first, expanding your SYLLADEX SPACE vastly.

Then you go about trying a bunch of stuff out. Well, you would, if you weren't missing like a dozen different types of grist. Turns out, you'll have to atomize some more imps, or imp TYPES? You're not sure, but one of the creatures did drop a piece of CORAL GRIST. Save that theory for later.

ANYA: I had a very unique dream.
ANYA: I think.
ANYA: Because I don't really recall anything that happened in it.
ANYA: It was very serene. It felt vast.

> ==>

For now, you'll have to stick to the basics. Firstly, you definitely need a new getup, you're DYING in this coat.

A picture laying nearby catches your attention. Just two Grown Ups doing their thing, you think to yourself... as you rip it in half. You combine the TROPICAL ADAM SANDLER IMAGE with some of the GENERIC CLOTHING sitting around, both ways creating two distinct results.

ANYA: I enjoyed it. It was like losing yourself in a ballad.

> Generic tropical clothing.

Your new getup for this scorching seaside realm.
anya tropical.png


> Generic Adam Sandler clothing...?

You... really don't think anyone will mind if you grant this one the Going Overboard treatment. You chuck the disgusting item right into the ocean.

ANYA: Is the Medium at fault of this?
ANYA: Sorry. The Medium.

> Anya: Build.

You get back to your LAPTOP. There, you utilize your grist to build platforms and stairs along the face of the MEGASEQUOIA, occasionally swatting imps away, letting them fall to their doom. You'll look into acquiring a more ergonomic and portable computing device later.
> ==>

Despite the eerie silence and darkness, you try and take comfort in the light of the moon. Kneeling close to the ground, you try and read some of the gravestones... who in the world could be buried here...? Maybe some of those imp things?

Being greeted by a bunch of graves...its ominous to say the least... please don't let this be an omen

ciel in da graveyard.png

[credit for body base - here ]

> Ciel: Examine graves

You try and make out the carvings on the stones, although the lack of light and heavy fog makes it difficult to read anything at all. The stone seems old, cold... like it had been out in the rain. Whoever is buried here... you offer a small prayer communicating your hopes that these souls made it somewhere better. You'd leave something if you had anything to give... maybe you'll come back later and leave some flowers from your garden.

> Ciel: Move forward

You get the feeling you aren't going to find much here, not at this light level. You'll wait until day... lord your sleep schedule is going to get screwed over. Might as well see if you can find anything else... that path seems like a good a place as any. You get on the path, and continue exploring this moonlight dreamscape.

RA: I have found myself in a peculiar area...
RA: I went through my portal
RA: It led me to a graveyard
RA: I can't really make out much of what's here because of how damn foggy it is
RA: I'll come back when it's brighter
RA: I'm going to continue exploring... I don't know what awaits you all in your own lands, but please do be careful
RA: It could be anything
RA: The amount of graves....
RA: I hope it isn't an omen.
> Be Dann

You examine the field, or rather branch of slaughter, you kept popping imps, and they kept coming, the battle of the branch was as legendary as it was off screen.

You pat lazer mole buddy for their hard work, which of course requires you to hop up due to his newly found sprite height.

You were unsure how much grist you grabbed, but... It should be enough right?


> Do a dance

Hopping up and doing a quick spin you land with a hand in the air, your face covered by the other in what could be seen as a possible jrpg victory after battle pose.

Why not?

>Go do something

You figure the empty captchlogue cards could be used to open up some inventory space, popping a few out in the alchemizer you assume this prudency should be helpful.

And procede to fill it with your favorite rocks.

Graphite(big chunk downstairs tossed by Anya, more likely to break things rather than break itself.)
Ruby (karat for karat worth more than diamond.)
Tiger's eye
Sapphire and their siblings, all in a bag written with the words corrundum on it.
The blue star sapphire however stays out and latched onto its little podium. A brilliant showing of asterism and one of your prized stones.
Brimestone, in a box for scent problems.
A chunk o sulpher, same as above, unpleasant smell.
Pretty rose quartz, it is nice, its like a wild flower you would give to your mother.
Sand rose, a litteral stone flower, unlike above.
Thorium, the cooler friend of uranium that is safe, easier to keep, easier to extract energy from and generally is a cool dude.
Bismuth, sharp square dude, cool bro.
Now the bad boy of the bunch, in it's own steel and glass case you have a large double fist sized chunk of uranium 235, while not a gemstone it is, without a doubt, a good rock. It is in a steel and glass container for protective means of handling, you didn't make the container, you found the thing laying in a small secluded opening after you blew open a hole in the deepest parts of the mine.

And finally... A big only chunk of "Idon'tknowhwatthefuckthisisium" it emits light of all colors, brittle, yet hard, maybe a crystal, but also a rock, roughly in the shape of ya boi bismuth, but still has the pointy buisness.

Into the captcha it goes.​
==> act 2: psychoelectroswing
> Be Bart

You and and your close personal friend Batman spend a couple minutes roughing up some IMPS of the TIN variety, netting you some grist, including a single piece of TIN GRIST.

While in the middle of an absent-minded thrashing, you take notice of your surroundings. Your entire yard is surrounded by STONE WALLS, as if you had been dropped into a CRATER. Snow is everywhere here. Is this what it's like to be Anya?
> Be Anya.

SANDLERSPRITE: Yeah, dreams kinda get weird here. In fact, there's another you somewhere out in The Incipisphere. A Dream Self that is awake when you're asleep... well, not yet anyway. You'd need to Wake Up to start going on dream adventures, though I'm not really supposed to say how.
> Be Ciel.

As you wander through the decaying wood, you begin to feel less and less at ease, like something could be stalking you through the forest. The path is a little hard to see in the fog, but you manage to follow it to it's terminus out of the woods, literally, but not metaphorically.

You see a large field of black grass, barely seen through an OMNIPRESENT MIST. Giant GRAVE MARKERS just out along the landscape, towering over everything. DEAD TREES loom over stagnant ponds of something that you AREN'T SURE IS WATER. This place is GRIM, and a small line of text appears at the top of your vision to inform you of your present location.


A sudden notification from your sylladex nearly makes you jump out of your skin. It seems one of your friend is trying to contact you. Wait...

Who is eloquentAdvocate?
> Be Dann.

You collect the spoils: grist of BUILD, MOLD, and a single piece of SAP.
> You.

You collect the various rocks and store them into your sylladex, sure is handy!
> You there, boy.

Hm? You thought you heard something, must have been your imagination.
> Boy, quit all this scurrying around at once.

Okay, you definitely heard... something that time.
> Be ???

You are now ???, and it's time to get to work, let's start with her...
> ???: Contact Human.

-- eloquentAdvocate [EA] began torturing radiant Agate [RA] --

EA: Welll welll welll.

EA: Today's the day you finallly change everything.
EA: Isn't it, Ms. Sweeney?

Somewhere, an oft-forgotten figure recovers a piece of discarded technology, hidden away in the garbage.


SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow Orikanyo Orikanyo Venchi1986 Venchi1986 AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0
>Examine head

Did the bonk earlier really mess you up that bad?

Are you finally hitting funky town?

Kicking the sanity bucket?

Going fucking insane?

or maybe it was your own heartbeat?

Best ignore it and look at your phone, maybe pester Anya.

AA: Eyyo
AA: Hows it hangin?
AA: I got Ciel to her portal thingie, itchin to get climbin' myself.
AA: Just a small hint hint nudge nudge.
AA: Don't wana push yea or nothing.
AA: But more like a pretty please and thank you asking thing.
AA: Time for adventure.

You then spend some time flipping through pictures you've taken of your mole buddies,
not quite understanding that they were currently running free from the basket all around your living room about now.​
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> ==>

RR: Thanks for the help.

You collect all the grist eyeing the First Gate. Part of you wants to go through it right now, but you know it;s a bad idea. After all you don't know when you'll get back to make more items or if you'll have enough time to build for Anya. You just hope the quest to save SIS isn't timed or something,

> Go back inside and improve your weapon.

As you head back to the frontdoor you check up on Anya and are surprised by the mountain of grist her SPRITE got her while she was asleep.

As you mess around with the options on screen in an attempt to find buidling material you find you can move the camera as well as zoom in and out. With your knowledge you find what looks like a small metal shack and get to copying and editing and what not to help her reach the First Gate.

Back in your regular clothes you walk up to Punch Desginix and take several cards out of your sylladex. You place the cards holding the KITCHEN KNIFE, SEVIPER PRINTOUT, and your CHAIN on top of each other and type in the code for remaining holes before punching your blank card.

Curious as to the different result will be you then more or less repeat the process, but only overlap the KNIFE and CHAIN before entering their new code. You then read the code for the SEVIPER PRINTOUT and punch that code into the same card.

You then grab another two Cruxite Dowels and continue building in the few seconds it takes the Totem Lathe to carve your totems and your Alchemiter to make your new weapons.
> ==>

Death and Dread...? How lovely. Hopefully you will not be counted among the dead any time soon, after all, you're still young... you have so much to live for. Still, knowing that the dread and gloom you've been feeling are probably just from this place... and the death, but you know... you'll take what comfort you can get.

RA: It would appear so.
RA: Pardon any rude behavior, but who in the world are you?
RA: I am a bit on edge right now
RA: So a random stranger messaging me out of the blue... it does nothing to ease the nerves.
RA: I hope you understand.
RA: You seem to know more than I... if you have information you can share, I kindly request that you do so...

RA: Apparently, I am in 'The Land of Death and Dread'.
RA: The game has told me that much
RA: Not the most inviting thing ever...

RA: Another reason for us all to be careful.

> Investigate

You move to continue investigating, hoping to stumble across a grave that you can actually read or something else helpful...
> Anya: Answer Dann.

You snap open your Pesterchum and write a reply to your mole-centric friend. Truth be said, his hectic writing style and usage of weird internet words make it hard for you to keep up with the conversation sometimes, though you think you're okay enough for now.

AR: Hello. We have already greeted.
AR: I am "hanging" better than before.
AR: The heat of this place made me hectic.
AR: I already built an entire stair and platform path for you. Anything else would be wasting resources and complicating things.
AR: If you are itching, I recommend checking for parasites.
AR: They can leave you with unwanted diseases.

> ==>

As you are typing, you notice that the group memo was updated yet again. The news of Ciel's location trouble you considerably, especially given the hostile nature of your own land.

AR: The Land of Death and Dread?
AR: Ciel. That sounds incredibly dangerous.
AR: Stay calm and collected, measure out your surroundings and keep alert.
AR: If these gates teleport as forward, I am on my way.
AR: Should any danger overwhelm you, either retreat safely or wait for me or any other backup.
AR: Whatever anyone does. Survive.

> Anya: Make haste.

You leave your tent briskly, grabbing a hide bracelet on the way. Whatever this game actually is, it's definitely lethal chiefly among all. Burning a bunch of grist, you combine your laptop with the bracelet to create a PORTABLE WRIST DEVICE. You guess it's kind of like a computer watch? Practical, if clunky.

Able to keep track of your friends on the go, you begin scaling the platforms as Bart creates them, intent on reaching the gate as fast as possible. With the little time you have, you continue your conversation with SANDLERSPRITE.

ANYA: Why not? Who will retaliate?
ANYA: Is there another threat?
ANYA: Is it hearing us? I have no time for further games.
> Boy.

He has a name, it's Dann.
> My apologies.

> Dann, begin ascent, if you would be so kind.

How very polite of you.
> Be Bart.

You make two objects, one can only be assumed to be some form of WEIRD MODERN ART imitating a SHARP, METAL SNAKE. The other is a SHARP CHAIN with a FAMILIAR SNAKE's head at the end.

Similar, but only one is useful.
> Be Ciel.

EA: Me? I merely represent an... interested party.
EA: But more importantly: I am a friend in your corner.
EA: I know how difficult this game can be.
EA: I'm here to help you out, as it were.

You don't find much as you keep going. The gravestones are written in some language you DON'T UNDERSTAND, one that employs some form of AMPHIBIOUS SYMBOLS.
> Be Anya.
SANDLERSPRITE: No, nothing like that. I just can't. Literally. I can not acutally tell you, like it's againt my script or something.

You make your way to your FIRST GATE. It looms just overhead, waiting for you to jump in.

Venchi1986 Venchi1986 SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow Orikanyo Orikanyo AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0
>be Dann

AA: Wait you did?
AA: Sorry, near blind as a bat
AA: And.. Well..
AA: Guess imps would be parasites
AA: And my drill the cure.

With that knowledge in your mind you figure heading up would be best. You can't wait to see the portal up close and, well, not blurry. With your captchalogue full of stones you make your way outside to figure out the path up, with abit of climbing, eyeing the new area, you start your climb. An imp blocks your path, you plant your drill in his head, find the path, go on upwards, you follow this cycle until you are nearby the portal.

You are unsure for a moment, but then figure you don't really have much else to grab here.

No time to get nervous.

The world beyond awaits!

Your pinging phone can wait, you got adventure to be had!

With a heave and a ho you leap towards the portal.

>Dann: Ascend​
> Ciel: Continue exploring

RA: Most interesting...
RA: I would like to trust you, truly.
RA: But my current surroundings and the bizzare-ness of this game...
RA: I am a bit on edge so to speak
RA: What can you tell me? If you share information, then I might be more trusting of you.
RA: That is, if you really are a friend in my corner.

RA: I appreciate the concern
RA: There doesn't seem to be anything here except for me, so at least there's that.
RA: I am remaining alert, though.
RA: I have been contacted by... someone. I know not who they are nor what they want
RA: But they claim to be a friend

RA: I am trying to investigate further

You continue on... hoping to find SOMETHING useful. If not, you'll at least get familiar with the area... but you do wish that there was something else around you could get help from... You try letting your intuition guide you somewhere... no clue where it will take you, but intuition can be a powerful thing if harnessed correctly.
> Inspect creations.

You start with the one that looks like a SHARP METAL SNAKE which is interesting but doen't make for much of a weapon. It's opposite is much better suited for it especially with the new weight at the end. Still you don't want to use without some form of protection for your hands.

So for now you just place your new SEVIPER'S CUTTING CHAIN in your syladex.

It looks like putting the holes together combines the form of items though you want to experiment some more before making any real assumptions.

> Go raid the fridge.

Good idea, it never hurts to have food along with you.

You rush to the kitchen and stock up. While there you also grab the oven mits and cutting board though you know you need something more to create actual useful gloves.

You consider using one of your posters but think it's far more likely to result in something you can't wear at all.

Using SIS'S PRINTER is out of the question as well since it's out of ink.

Not having any ideas you decide to turn to your friends.

RR: Hey does anyone here have a code for a pair of gloves?

> Back to experimenting.

While you wait for an answer you decide to experiment some more with your food and maybe confirm your theory. You start by combining an apple and a banana both ways. The results are something that looks like and tastes like an apple but with the skin of the banana and a truly bizarre piece of fruit that looks like a banana growing out of an apple with the taste of both.

> Look up tin on wikipedia.

Good idea, maybe you can find some weakness that might even apply to the Imps. Looks it's relatively soft and easily cut, not exactly the hint leading to a breakthrough in weapon upgrading you hoping for.

As you keep reading though you find out cans are partly made of tin which does give you an idea and you grab the can opener from your kitchen. You have some reservation about it as an upgrade but you figure it can't hurt to try. Using the overlapping method you combine it with SEVIPER'S CUTTING CHAIN

> ==>


You stand just below the gate, taking one last, deep breath before delving in. You brace yourself for what's to come, though you're pretty sure it cannot be good.

ANYA: I see. You are an actor after all.
ANYA: I don't think I understand them.

> ==>

hand reach.png

ANYA: Games.
> Open your eyes.

Dann opens his eyes.

You are in a FOREST of weird, tall GREEN TREES with NO LEAVES or BRANCHES. They are also pretty closely packed together. You are in a small, circular clearing of these STRANGE FOLIAGE, you can see the DIM BLUE SKY above, still RAINING, you can also see what appears to be a LARGE RED FLOWER, towering over the clearing, branch-like thorns all the way up.

You wish you could get a better VANTAGE POINT.
> Dann, make haste to the large flora.

That's not a horrible idea.
> Be Ciel.

EA: But of course.

EA: Trust is very important in a situation like this.
EA: We know prettty much everything there is to know about this game...
EA: Sooo...

EA: What would you like to know?

Up ahead, you see what seems to be some kind of MACABRE VILLAGE. There is some form of PANIC going on.
> Be Bart.

You make the AUTOMATIC CRETIN OPENER. This chain-mounted baby can cut through UNDERLINGS like nobodies business. Also cans at a mid-range distance.
> Anya: Ascend.

Wow, you didn't know the sky could be this blue.

You are on a small BEACH, bright warm waves nipping at your feet. The ISLAND you find yourself on is TINY, No bigger than one of your friend's houses. There are several more islands nearby, much larger and more lively. You wouldn't want to swim all the way- oh wait, this 'ocean' is only a couple inches deep. You could walk there. Many PYLONS jut out of the water everywhere, POWER LINES connecting them like a web. This place is pretty chill, and a box of TEXT appears at the top of your vision, informing you of your location.


SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Orikanyo Orikanyo Venchi1986 Venchi1986
> ==>

Now that you have your newest weapon in hand, you decide to check if anyone actually posted in the memo between you giving away codes and asking for gloves.

Turns out Ciel is in a graveyard and apparently talking to some stranger. You doubt she is likely to run into anything too dangerous but still feel kinda bad not checking that stuff before.

RR: So I missed the the posts about Ciel's situation, sorry about that.
RR: At least I don't think you are gonna have to worry about powerful monsters, we should still be in the low level areas.

There now you have to go back to waiting for that glove code and you can be on your way.

> Talk to Batmansprite.

Wanting to do at least something useful you start talking with your sprite.

RR: So I had this idea of using my comics in the whole alchemy process.
RR: Would that result in giving the items powers related to them if used with the method of overlapping the holes or would it be cosmetic?

You're not sure if the sprites have this kinda knowledge about alchemy but you have no idea what else you can do at the moment.

> Anya: Converse with friends.

beach talky.gif

AR: I am in the Land of Waves and Power.
AR: My gloves and alchemy are not here.
AR: The sprite confirmed that these Gates will become harder to reach as we continue.
AR: The sooner we group up, the better.
AR: Don't trust any obvious traps, be careful.
AR: But try to gather information. Information is vital for survival.
AR: Speaking of both those things, there is "two" of us each.
AR: "Dream selves."
AR: They can wake up, whatever that means.
AR: The sprite won't tell how. Sprites have scripts.
AR: They cannot tell you some things. Doubting that would be stupid when so little makes sense.
AR: I will learn and tell anything else I can. Until then stay safe.

-- arcticRecluse [AR] has ceased responding to memo --

> ==>

You will investigate this archipelago and keep on asking questions. You briefly glance over the pylons towering in the distance, their cold steel contrasting the lively islands drastically. You save away the imagery for later, and begin dredging your way through the shallow waters.

Everything is so pleasantly warm, but you have no time to appreciate the change of pace. Needless to say, you are terrible at enjoying games.

ANYA: So, do our lands connect? Where do the next Gates lead?
ANYA: Are there more dangers than those imps?
> ==>

Games don't involve the threat imminent demise in your opinion, though. You cross over to the nearest island and begin to take in the fuss.
> Ciel: Investigate

Jesus you really can't catch a break here, can you?

RA: We?
RA: Are there more of you?

You realize you should probably ask something about the game... maybe you could get more information about these 'dream selves' that Anya just mentioned.

RA: Do you know anything about dream selves?
RA: We don't really know much about them, it seems.

In the meantime, you make your way to the village. Maybe you can help ease whatever panic there is.
> Be Dann

Yea know, this ain't to bad. The trees here are... More like pins. They don't have branches or even leaves but they are trees regardless.

In a sense they are kinda...

Pointy stakes?

Or like somebody making the game ran out of budget to make actual trees or the machine's processing power couldn't handle actual tree modles into the thousands, so stuck with this somewhat tree shape. Fine enough but you certainly sort of put them in the "unimportant" bin of game objects for now. Where as the big flower thing? Yea that looks like a important thing.

> Cure wierd thumping in ears

Dosen't happen often, but you ever get those times you can hear your own heartbeat or something seems off with your ears? You recently cleared them so shouldn't be any trouble. With your eyes shitty without your glasses you take good care of your ears.

You could hear a pin drop, or a mole fart.

Clearing the wierd from your head you begin LAD SCAMPERING across the land to the big flower, certain it would bring forth much enjoyment!

Espeacially since the "trees" are a bust, they don't even produce a cool stick to use... Maybe go all stone age and tie a rock to it and bonk more imps.

> Answer pesterlogs

To busy scampering.​

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