• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
> Be Ciel.

EA: Your second gate should be atop a nearby death stone.
EA: It's stufff you humans wouldn't understand, I'm now realizing.
EA: Also...

EA: It's Slevis.

You meander around LODAD and sure enough, atop one of the COLOSSAL GRAVE MARKERS, you see a REDDISH GATE of light.

> Mourn fallen digging apparatus.

Your DRILL has broke. Leaving you with the 1/2DRILLKIND SPECIBUS until you can figure out how to FIX IT. Damn.

Though the BASILISK has fallen, The IMPS still remain.

> Be Bart.

As you finish off the IMPS, the ELEVATOR takes you and the CROCODILE deep underground. Is it getting hot in here or is it just you?

You descend further.

You enter an ENORMOUS UNDERGROUND CAVERN. The majority of the floor beneath you is LAVA, though various rocky platforms and pillars are present. METAL SCAFFOLDING and WALKWAYS hang from the CEILING like a web stretching around the inside of the planet. There seems to be a whole CROCODILE-RUN MINING OPERATION down here. You also get the impression that this is your real land, especially since a box of text tells you so.


> Be Anya.

You trudge along into ocean. After a while of wading, you realize you have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING. It is just then that DING comes from your sylladex. One of your comrades is trying to message you.

Wait, nope. You have no idea who adieuxEnchiridion is.

> Be adieuxEnchiridion.

-- adieuxEnchiridion [AE] began torturing arcticRecluse [AR] --



> Ciel: Ascend

At least, you try to. Looking for any stairs, ladders, ropes, anything of the sort, you look to ASCEND towards the gate and see what it's all about. Hell, you'll even do some rock climbing if it's an option. But if not, you'll see about alchemizing some actual wings, a hovercraft, a huge ladder... literally anything to help you get up there.

RA: Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Slevis. I appreciate your help. If I can help you in return, just say the word.
RA: I need to see about climbing this grave though...
RA: But you say 'you humans'...
RA: Are you not a human? If so, what?
RA: Did you come with the game, like the sprites?
RA: I still don't understand what you mean by 'trying to make a pact' with me...
RA: Ah... I'm asking a lot of questions, my apologies if I have been too invasive.

RA: Just a heads up
RA: These people who are helping us...
RA: Might not be human
RA: That's what one of them said, at least
RA: It's possible they came with the game, but they would act similar to sprites, so I'm not sure about that.
RA: Just be on your guard
RA: Also, there are these adorable little salamanders here in my land and oh my god they are so cute I am going to cry
RA: I want to give them a hat.
> Dann: Avenge fallen drill

You already have, now its kinda of a broken hunk of metal to beat things with.

Which you do, sap imps are kinda chumps compaired to the basilisk.

A swift BONK, POW, CRUNCH, SMASH later yoi are clear of pesky imps. And pretty sure more things are falling outta your drill... Part of you thinks maybe utilizing an important tool as a weapon was a bad idea. Or atleast one that was kinda on its last legs to begin with... You sadly steoke the hull of the poor drill, solemnly sighing for you poor unfortunate friend.

You need a better weapon, one designed to be an actual weapon.

At least you have a syladex slot for one... But it is always a serious desision when it comes to strife specibi, like a samurai and their blade you cannot be so flagarent with your choices... If that is the right word for it.

For now your hunk of steel will work, until you get a good idea how to either fix it or get a new weapon and retire you favorite drill.

> Check on village

You figure it best to go around see if the new folks you have yet to meet are okay.

AA: Blue Iguana bois and their steeds
AA: They ride giant bugs guys.
AA: Ants are pretty cool when horse sized.
AA: But, well, on topic of wierd people.
AA: Well, wierd things
AA: Fought a thing called a basilisk, spat stuff at me, tougher than imps, alot tougher.
AA: And why don't these cool people only talk to you Ciel?
AA: I kinda wana talk to the wierdos to.

> Anya: Backtrack.

anya lost.png

Ugh! What were you even doing in the first place?! You just wanted to ease up with your friends a little! Now your friends could be in immediate peril, the Earth is gone, and you feel like you're losing your MIND!! You're supposed to be collected, calculated, not a shambling mound skittering around guidelessly!

You're just so lost... everything feels like it's flying right over your head. You put so much of your confidence into being a master of your environment, so to be stripped away of that and tossed into a new world, the basics of which you don't understand? It's scary.

> ==>

You need an anchor point. You're in a fairytale world with kings and queens, cyclopses and imps. That is undeniable, you are at peace with that fact. There, you're calming already. Everything has rules, you just need to figure them out. Ease up a little...

That's right. You're tense because this was your one chance to delve into comradery. Yet, you've been putting all your friends on hold because of this tension. Speaking of your friends, one of them has messaged you directly, definitely not just being a random oh that's a quirky way to type the letter "o."

AR: I. Don't know anymore.
AR: I think I was going to depose a cyclops.
AR: Who is this. Do I know you?
AR: How do you know my name.
> Bart: Update memolog.

You first take your Parka off and read up on what the others posted. So Ciel's mysterious contacts aren't human, yeah you aren't surprised any more.[/CENTER]

RR: So ignore what I said about my planet earlier.
RR: It's some kinda of underground mining facility ran by red CROCODILES called the]LAND OF DEPTHS AND SMOKE.
RR: Also lots of lava so it's hot here.

>Talk to nearest crocodile.

Not knowing what else to do you approach the nearest crocodile and try to once again learn more about your land and your quest.

RR: So what are you mining here and why?
RR:Also if someone got kidanpped by Imps where would they be taken?

You are not expecting to get much if anything useful, after how things went with the last crocodile though.​
> Be Ciel.

The smooth face of the carved stone grants no purchase for climbing, but it's angle isn't steep enough to prevent dangerously using it like a RAMP.

EA: Of course I'm not human.
EA: You couldn't gather that by now?
EA: I'm a Devil, and we played the game just like you, a long time ago.

> Dann, inspect village.

You look around the IGUANA TOWN. They seem fine, as if their COWBOY ATTITUDE allows them to be UNFAZED BY MORTAL PERIL.

It is then that you notice how COLD you are. You were just out in the rain.

> Be Anya.

AE: N<>PE!


> Be Bart.

You approach a foreman-esque reptile in a hardhat with a clipboard.

CROCODILE: Metal. What the nak else? What you even nakking doing here, you don't look like a croc to me.

> Bart: Answer forecroc.

You don't feel like going into too much detail with the GAME and all, but you have a perfectly good reason for being there.​

RR: Long story short my SISTER was kidnapped by TIN IMPS and I'm looking for her.
RR: Any idea where they might have taken her? And is there anything you can tell me about this place?

There, a story that is in no way untrue and shouldn't risk the CROCODILE finding out they might just be a game construct.

> Look for a way to get one of those elevator chains

You really want one of those HEAVY DUTY CHAINS but you doubt you can just ask for it.

Then again you did get money for delivering that CRATE.


You try to take out the oddly named currency so you can buy the chains from this forecroc.​
> Ciel: Ascend

Alright. Screw it. Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, right? Still, you need to be careful. Slower than molasses drips off a SPOON!

RA: A devil?
RA: My apologies if I seem a bit... on edge
RA: Devils have negative connotations in my culture...
RA: I obviously gathered that, considering I asked to make sure.
RA: Did you win your game?
RA: Well, I suppose...
RA: If you lost, you wouldn't be speaking with me now.

RA: Stay cool...
RA: Carry water with you and be sure to not overheat
RA: Let me know if I can do anything for you, Bart
RA: Actually, that applies to everyone
RA: Be careful by the way, the person I have been chatting with revealed to me that they are not human
RA: A race of 'devils'....
RA: It makes me uneasy...
RA: So just stay safe
RA: And don't do anything rash with them.
>Dann: Go dry off.

You start to go around the town looking for a place to dry off or get new clothes.. the Southern cowboy accent these folks have kinda makes you wonder if you're gonna come out of this looking like a desperado...

Which honestly, if you could, you would, simply for the sake of it being cool.

You also wonder exactly what you would be useing for cash, grist maybe? You haven't really checked your status in abit.

Opening up the etchladder screne you see how fasr you have come form fighting imps and that basilisk, and you got... Well you aren't certain how much EXACTLY that much boon dollars is worth, but you figure going into a store should set you.

Who knows, maybe you can sell grist or something?

>Commence search for Capitalism.​
> Anya: Consult alien.

You stand there, half-soaked in seawater. Warm waves nib at your knees, the ebb and the flow lending itself as a pattern for breathing. As you look down at your crude smartwatch, you know this is the turnabout chance.

AR: I see. That is fine.
AR: Then you have some sort of.
AR: Interest. In keeping watch?
AR: Yet you've been watching us.
AR: Why.


AR: I think I know how you feel.

AR: Somewhat.
AR: I am supposed to be chasing a simple goal. But.

AR: How. Is escaping me.
AR: Maybe. I want to protect my friends.

AR: To do so, I need the basics to grasp.
AR: If you help.
AR: Then I will get this over with. As quickly as possible.
AR: And you will either get your entertainment.
AR: Or an end to the boredom.

AR: That is what I have in mind.
AE: WHAT D<> Y<>U NEED T<> KN<>W!?

> ==>

Nodding to yourself, you make your way to the nearest island. It's pretty hard to gauge the actual distance, given your disposition, but it's nothing you're not used to.

With a plop, you seat yourself down in the sand.

AR: Confirmation first.
AR: This is the Incinisphere. Our planet is gone.


AR: That is confusing.
AE: <>H!


AR: Then answer this.
AR: Does anything remain. Of life.

AR: Yes or no answer.
AE: NO!?
AR: Then I will look at what is. Not what isn't.

AR: Thank you. That helps to put at ease.
AR: Now.
AR: How do I find the cyclops.

AR: What is the quickest way to dispatch him.
AR: The Denizen. Polyphemus.
AE: <>HHH!
AR: I thought he was blind.
AR: Nevermind, I probably do.


> ==>

Now you're getting somewhere. You get up, eyeing your surroundings.


AR: I have to dig?
AE: N<>!
AE: Y<>U HAVE T<> G<> UP T<> G<> D<>WN!
AR: Is the planet a donut or is that metaphorical.
AR: Sorry. I don't read between the lines well.


AR: Like your replacing of "o?"

AE: Y<>U HUMANS ARE S<><><><> B<><><><>RING!
AR: Never thought about it.
AR: If you think it will help our interactions, feel free to suggest.


AR: Oh? I can understand that.
AR: Self-expression is very important. Helps break up dreariness.

AE: N<>!

AR: More to the point. Which both of us want to achieve.

AR: I have to build.
AR: For that I need grist.
AR: Grist comes from underlings.

AR: A simple formula.
AE: AND!!!?
AR: Then I will hunt.
AR: Until the formula is fulfilled.
AR: This is what I needed.

AR: Thank you. You have been very valuable.
AR: I have.

AR: A lot of work to do.
AE: :>
AR: One last thing.

AR: The turtles.
AR: Do they also drop it.
AR: There is no fair play in survival.

AR: Only life and tragedy.
AR: Yes or no.
AE: N<>!
AE: :<
AR: That is all I need.

AR: Thanks again.
AR: Let me know if my pace is lacking.


AR: Yes?

AE: D<>ES SHE!!!


> ==>

Ekh? That last part was a bit weird. Could have been one of two questions, you think.

Regardless which one, you know the answer to it all too well...

> You barely know her.

anya dejected.png

You barely know anyone.

> But!

anya determined.png

You're about to change that. Now that a goal is set, a formula is given...

You'll see it all the way through! Together. Yeah! You can already feel the ice-vault of comradery melting! Now. You should probably catch up with your friends.
> Be Bart.

CROCODILE: No idea, kid. And I don't want your pocket change.

Probably for the better, since this crocodile isn't a VENDOR, so they can't take your GAME ABSTRACTION CURRENCY. Plus, those chains are WAY TO BIG to use with your feeble MANGRIT.

> Be Ciel.

You begin your ascent.

EA: We didn't lose.
EA: But we didn't really win either.
EA: Sufffice to say...
EA: ... Your fate isn't the only thing that depends on the outcome your sesssion.
EA: Sorrry to cut this short, but I have a prior engagement.

EA: Tooodles.

-- eloquentAdvocate [EA] ceased torturing radiantAgate [RA] --

The SECOND GATE floats just up ahead.

> Acquire dryer vestments, Dann!

Searching around for a store, you stumble across a general store.

The only thing that isn't IGUANA-SIZED is a BLUE RAINCOAT, clearly made of some OLD TARP, but you'll take what you can get. You spend a few BOONDOLLARS you got from climbing rungs on your ECHELADDER.

> Be Anya.

You are now ANYA, standing alone on a beach.

SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Orikanyo Orikanyo
> ==>

First, you check out what your friends have been up to. You have... what?

-- arcticRecluse [AR] has started responding to memo --
AR: Eight days?
AR: That is a gate per day. Which is what we are doing.
AR: Go about it however you will. It is imperative that you do.
AR: I have spoken to one of these "devils" as well.
AR: They were helpful. Prejudices are pointless.
AR: Given their reaction to how I referred to Polyphemus.
AR: Their mythology does not align with ours.
AR: We could take a break halfway through, with our extra day.

AR: By that point, we should be assembled.

> ==>

Now. What you promised to your new acquaintance, as well as yourself. You take a deep breath and get to work.

Your next however-how long consists predominantly of setting up traps, collecting grist and...

> ==>

uh oh.png

Well. There was no way around it, really.
> Ciel: Jump in

You leap up, hoping to the gate. Here's to hoping you don't fall a great distance, eat shit, and die.

RA: Yes that is a fair point
RA: Please do not mistake my caution for ungratefulness.
RA: They have been most helpful
RA: Personally, I am going to try and not worry about the time limit
RA: Otherwise I might end up freezing or something
RA: I will continue on, I'm at the second gate right now.
RA: :) Stay safe everyone <3

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. But you're kind of already going, so it's just hope for the best really.

> Ciel: Don't eat shit and die (hopefully)
>Bart: explore.

Yeah not much more you can get out of this croc.

As you explore the underground of your Land some more you read up on the memo, so Ciel's friends claim to be demons, don't they?

You wonder if they're game constructs as well or something else.

Not that it matters you suppose.

> Build.

Since it doesn't look like you have anything else to do you go to work on helping Anya reach more gates when she comes back to her place.

During your explorations you pass by several other crocodiles but since they're both busy and don't seem to offer anything useful you ignore for them.

> Go look for tougher enemies.

Fastest way to get stronger is to look for stronger enemies, TIN IMPS are no longer a challenge after all. Though you still take care of any you come across.

After looking around for ten minutes you take a can of soda out of your sylladex and drink it, don't wanna get dehydrated after all.

Eventually you spot a new enemy. At first you thought it might be some kinda unique IMP given it's size but it's labeled as a STEEL OGRE.

> Strife.

Well this is what you've been looking for, literally.

Ignoring your nerves you approach the ogre and take out your AUTOMATIC CRETIN OPENER , hoping it's strong enough to give steel the same treatment it usually gives to tin.​
> Be dann

Interrupting somebody's enterance you don your blue raincoat, putting the hood underneath your hat, screw rules saying it fills your hat slot the hat stays on.


Its your signature.

Getting a ping from your phone you peruse the memo with small interest. Really, the time limit is not so much of an issue. Really you just wana play the game WITH your friends... But right now you feel like twinkling little stars just desperately shining you lights at one another hoping the others know whats going on.

You really wana see one of them...

Maybe give them a hug...

Maybe give a hug to your dad to... Where is your dad...? He wasn't home when you left with the game... Dose that mean he is gone...?

Dose that mean...

He is dead....?

The form of Dann shivers and shakes as he takes off his glasses, rubbing his eyes with the other hand. You... You left dad....Hes dead and...

Now you're alone here...

With a bunch of iguanas, devils and your friends...

And a time limit before you god damn die.

How is this fair!? How is this okay in any sense!? Who tricked you into this?! Who put this horrible path infront of you?!

You were just gonna play a game with friends.

A game you'd play for a day or two slowly burn out on or beat and try something else.

Now everyone is dead and there is nothing you can do...

...Except keep moving forward...

Thats all theres left... A "game" and Devils proding you to finish.. Who didn't tell you HOW you'd die in a week. Fire? Explosion?

Dosen't matter. Fuck em, fuck this, youre gonna beat this stupid game and use it to rise above this shit. Nothing will stop you. You will kill anything that gets in your way!

Fuck this stupid game!

> Dann: Ascend

Its time, go find the portal and crush through this game.

If its gonna kill what you care about, kill your dad and your world you are gonna give it worse. You will beat the game, but it'll be black and blue when your done.​
> Be Anya.

You proceed to go apeshit on some underlings for a good while.
> Ciel: Ascend.

You land on stone footing. This is... Dann's home? It certainly looks like it.

You arrive at the LAND OF MEGAFLORA AND FROGS, which is much more your speed than DEATH AND DREAD. Above you lies Dann's THIRD GATE, which will send you who knows where...

... But below you will lead to the FIRST GATE, which you know Dann has gone through.
> Be Bart.

You engage in STRIFE! with the STEEL OGRE. Needless to say, a CAN OPENER doesn't do to STEEL what it does to TIN, but it is still a viable weapon.
> Find progress to make.

DANN begins his quest to find his SECOND GATE, though he doesn't really know where it is. It's certainly not in this HOLLOW.

SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Orikanyo Orikanyo
> Ciel: Communicate with Dann

radiantAgate [RA] has begun pestering abberantAbilation [AA]

RA: Dann
RA: Where are you right now?

AA: Hutning for the gate.

RA: I believe I have found your home
RA: I am standing not in it, but on the platforms to the gates

AA: What? Like, at my place? In a tree?
AA: Well damn I should've tidyed up abit.
AA: So guess we do all meet up eventually... Thats good.

RA: It is fine
RA: Do you remember where you first landed?
RA: I can come through the gate so we can meet up
RA: :) it would be nice to see a friendly face

AA: It would...
AA: But...
AA: Is that the way to progress? I've been toying for the building thing and getting higher and higher with the platforms.
AA: If the second portal in this world brings us to each other we could team up.
AA: The problem would be grist.
AA: Well while you're there, check on my moles for me would yea?
AA: They should still be inside.

RA: Yes, I can do that for you.
RA: We can share grist I believe
RA: If we team up, we will be stronger together.
RA: Besides
RA: I can't say that I want to go back to my land right now
RA: Yours is much more pleasant
RA: I think the game wants us to work together
RA: As it is giving us ways to get to each other and we rely on each other to set up our environments

AA: True
AA: Alright i'll head back.
AA: When you get in look for the rose,
AA: A big one.
AA: And grab one of the jackets from inside my house, maybe not your style but its raining here.

RA: I will do so. Thank you, Dann
RA: I'll meet you soon! :)

radiantAgate [RA] has ceased pestering abberantAbilation [AA]

> Ciel: Check on moles

You head inside Dann's humble cave-home thing, it's surprisingly homey. Doing as he suggested, you head to his room and grab one of his jackets, happily wearing it over your fairy dress. You feel a bit weird being there while he isn't here... but things must be done. Now, to check on those little moles he mentioned... oh my god thEY'RE SO CUTE?????

You proceed to cry over the moles for a minute or two, before forcing yourself back to reality and heading through the gate... time to meet Dann...

> Ciel: Head for the rose
>Dann: Reconnect

You reached the rose not a few seconds before Ciel, your body stiffened as your still bleary eyes, abit red from the tears watched the new figure.

A sense of hope burned inside your heart as you realize she is, in fact, there.

And alive.

You struggled to step forward, your weight refusing to follow through with the step and you remain in place.

That sweet girl over the waves upon waves of text.

The one who told you about all those stories.

She is finally here...

A true friend.


Within a blink you are over to her and grab her in a big hug, trying hard not to cry a second time today...

It was just the rain, only the rain.

You croak out with a scratchy voice.

Dann: No way in hell we're letting this beat us.
Dann: I wont let it.

You let her go stepping back, you seem to bow your head, still filled with horrid realizations and memories of those gone.​
> Bart: Win already.

The ogre is a lot tougher than the imps you've faced so far, and not just because your weapon seems to have less effect.

At least its attacks are telegraphed enough that you can dodge most of them easily, though when you do get hit it hurts even more than you imagined your fist as big as you would.

> Shadow of the Colossus time.

You barely manage to dodge a hit and decide to try to get within it's reach.

Before the Ogre can pull it's arm back you jump towards it.

Your timing was a little off and you end up dangling from the monster's first just barely holding on.

Before you get crushed between the steel fist and the ground you manage to wrap your chain around one of the spikes on its arm, really glad it copied that aspect of your sprite.

Despite your chain not being made for it and you not being the strongest human ever you succeed in swinging your way over to the lower arm.

> Geek gambol!

You run across the arm in the direction of the confused ogre's head.

As soon as your close enough you resume your attack while keeping an eye out for either of its fists.​
> Kids: Be the other guy.

You are now the OTHER GUY. A young DEVIL stands stands in a LABORATORY somewhere in his session's VEIL.

Your name is SLEVIS KETA, and boy howdy are you SOME KIND OF ALIEN. After making sure that no one is still talking to these HUMANS, you walk up to the SERVER TERMINAL and get ready to go fucking LIGHTSPEED. As much as you would like to continue bugging and fussing and meddling (what's your deal?) you don't like WAITING even more.
> Keta: Accelerate.

You fast forward. A few seconds go by for you, but you jump ahead in the HUMAN SESSION by about 42 HOURS, enough to get them to the START OF THE THIRD DAY. Two whole days without infernal interference? They must be missing you like crazy. You round up the gang and tell them to get ready for round two.

Time to stick it to Scratch.
> Be Ciel.

You are now Ciel TWO DAYS in the FUTURE.

You are currently running amok in the LAND OF WAVES AND POWER. Man, you sure like everyone else's planets way better than your own. You are here for PROGRESSION'S SAKE. You found the FOURTH GATE a while ago, but in order to get into the CAGE it's in, you need to restore POWER to that particular island. You are here for THE PUZZLE.

You have followed the POWER LINES to a small FACILITY rising out of the ocean. It seems to be the only place you've found on this planet with ELECTRICITY.
> Be Anya and Bart.

You are now Anya and Bart, both TWO DAYS in the FUTURE.

The two of you are currently in the LAND OF DEATH AND DREAD. You are here for a PRETTY NASTY MINIBOSS, one that none of you have been able to fight alone. You just have to find this slippery bastard. You are here for THE HUNT.

You are currently camped out in the DANK VALLEY that the beast occupies, a thick forest of DEAD TREES and FOG.
> Be Dann.

You are now Dann TWO DAYS in the FUTURE.

You are off gallivanting in the caves of the LAND OF DEPTHS AND SMOKE. You are here because some CROCODILES uncovered some pretty neat RUINS, and you've found that the deeper into a planet you go, the juicier the LORE BITS are. You are here for THE SCIENCE.

You have finally made your way through the CAVE SYSTEM and found the GOLDEN CROCODILE RUINS within. A BRIDGE connects your ledge to the ruins over a large chamber of LAVA.

SpectrumCrow SpectrumCrow AiDEE-c0 AiDEE-c0 Venchi1986 Venchi1986 Orikanyo Orikanyo
> Groove
This was your speed, digging away at righteous deposits with these crocodile lads. But with each inch you get further into your GROOVE so much that no stone or blockage got in your way. Not with your handy dandy DRILL RANGER BLUE SUIT.

In truth, its all thanks to that absolute genius that held the name Bart.

You'll admit you were kinda shit at this alchemizing thing at first, but that guy knows exactly which tree to bark up.

The suit was a brilliant confluence of stubborn inability to give up and putting things together until they worked. The monument of totems that lead to shit things were piled up like a fort next to the alchemizer, a testament to your eventual success and many failures.

Making a jetpack was one of the great finds in your furious alchemizing, though unfortunately it kinda of also resulted in many explosions and the destruction of a portion of your house's roof. you managed to get that sucker snug on the back of your suit, fueled by what you imagine is hopes and dreams. Well, for a short time before you go plummeting to the ground. Thankfully, your suit helps with impacts.

Which, is a diving suit crossed with a one of those power ranger posters, first it was really shitty till you switched the order you put those cards in. Now it's makes you a blue colored super sentai fueled tank. it.. took alot of grist.

But with abit more of alchemizing with an extra drill made it into something worthy of an anime protagonist.

N-not that you watch anime of course.

that'd be silly.


> Dann: Examine the temple.

Your crocodile friends are already on their way going all over the place, you take your first few steps into the place, eyeing up the giant golden crocodile with curiosity and... Well just curiosity, it's a giant golden crocodile.

You take a picture for your buds to look at on imgur, which is surprisingly still up.

AA: Hey guys, check it out [link]
AA: Fucken gold mine.
AA: Gonna snoop all over this place.
AA: Drill Ranger Blue out!

it may be cheesy, but its fun so you're gonna keep up with Drill Ranger Blue, not that you care for anime or anything, it's still fun.


You begin your snooping, looking around for any big red flags of doom around the place, starting with the statue and moving in.​
> Ciel: Approach building

You've been heading towards this place for a while, so you're excited to finally make some progress. You capturelogged your shoes, dipping your toes into the shallow parts of the water and walking along it. You never got to go to a beach back on Earth, so might as well indulge a little while you're here. Anya sure was lucky to get such a nice land... but no matter, you need to get to that gate!

> Ciel: Enter facility

You enter the old facility, putting the jacket that Dann gave you back on to make sure you don't get cold in here. Sure, there was electricity, but going from extreme heat to shade might be very jarring and you just aren't in the mood for it honestly.

RA: Snoop away, Drill Ranger Blue
RA: Do report back on what you get!!
RA: I finally found somewhere that has power on LOWAP! :D
RA: I'm going to see about getting to the power on so that I can get to the gate!!!
RA: Fairy girl Ciel out!~

As you explore the power plant building, you can't help but wonder what happened to those devils... it's been two days, but no word from them. Ah well, no use wondering about stuff you can't find the answers to right now at least. Instead, you focus on looking for any way to direct the power to open the cage to the gate.

> Ciel: Find the controls
Anya/Bart: Team up.


While you had been hoping to meet with CIEL given that you're in her land you're not complaining about ANYA being there instead. You just hope that even with your newly made weapon the two of you are strong enough to defeat this enemy as it's far tougher than even the OGRES you've faced so far.​

RR: Okay , if I understood the SALAMANDERS correctly it should be around here somewhere, so be on guard.

> ==>

You make your way through the dolmen filled valley, looking for any sign that your OPPONENT is hiding behind one of them, trusting your friend to do the same.


You watch as Anya emerges from beyond a dead tree-stump, wrapping it in what appears to be RAZOR WIRE. With thickly gloved hands, she drags it towards a nearby tall stone, creating the beginnings of a razor-sharp WEB.​

ANYA: Your approach is too passive.
ANYA: We are hunting. Not lost in the woods.
ANYA: Please don't shout either. I understand they are salamanders.
ANYA: I am partially blind, not deaf.
ANYA: Here.
ANYA: Carry these steel poles and follow me.

> Help her out.

You admit she has a good point and pick up the poles, briefly considering adding your AUTOMATIC CRETIN OPENER to the web. You quickly change your mind when you realize it's a bit too easily visible and wonder what you could use instead.

> Go over your inventory.

As you follow Anya you mentally go over what items you have on you You can't think of anything that might be useful right now but you did successfully create a smoke bomb that you might be able to use to blind the monster during the battle.​

RR: Speaking of half blind, no offense, I have a smoke bomb we could use against it.


Anya makes her way down the valley, beckoning you over as she continues setting up wire. By the looks of it, a fairly sizeable radius around a non-determined area has been turned into a razor-strapped ARENA. Eventually she stops, grabbing a shovel.​

ANYA: Save it in case we need to escape.
ANYA: It's a disadvantage for both parties. If they aggress.
ANYA: I'll dig a small trench.
ANYA: Plant the poles around it. Make it the only way in.

> Plant the poles

Using the smoke bomb to escape if needed had been your plan anyway, you've learned your lesson after last time you used one. But you see no need to point that out to Anya and start placing the poles.

You just hope the creature doesn't notice any of this or figures out you're gonna be trying to lure it into a trap.


After the trench is dug and the poles planted, Anya starts concealing the trap in random bits of foliage. This way, the creature will either lacerate itself on barbed wire, impale itself on pikes or fall down a pit to its utter disadvantage.

Alternatively it won't. In which case, welp, this'll be fairly embarrassing in hindsight.

ANYA: There.
ANYA: Now we wait for it to strike.
ANYA: Or catch its attention. Whatever suits you better.
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> Be Ciel.

You are now the CIEL HUMAN. You enter the FACILITY.

A mighty SHELL GICLOPS lumbers before you!

> Be Anya and Bart.

You are now the ANYA and BART HUMANS. You have just finished SETTING A TRAP.

You hear a soft rumbling noise coming from the other side of the valley. It's getting louder... The noise grows into a what you can only imagine a STAMPEDE sounds like, as HUNDREDS of giant feet stomp towards the two of you.


> Be Dann.

You are now the DANN HUMAN. Been a while since you've gotten a normal command. You enter the TEMPLE.

The room is made entirely out of GOLD, statues of CROCODILES line the halls of this magnificent palace. After exploring the mostly empty rooms for a bit, you come across a large chamber with an even larger IRON DOOR: The door is heavy and locked. A symbol painted in red marks it.

A 10-toothed COG.

Someone is pinging you.

> Slevis: Torture the worthless human.

-- eloquentAdvocate [EA] began torturing abberantAbilation [AA] --

EA: Welll welll welll.

EA: Loook who we have here.
EA: Duxxert.


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