Home for a Runaway


Teifling Rogue
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Welcome to Terabithia,

Out off the beaten track, surrounded by dense forest and dirt roads, lies an abandoned house that isn't so abandoned anymore. It's a safe place for people like us. Secluded and quiet. Anyone that comes here is searching for a place to stay, either for the night or as a permanent residence. While the house is still in the process of being fixed up, it's a place where teenagers can stay for free as long as they contribute somehow.


Alaska layed down on the worn mattress, her blanket puffing up around her. Looking at a drawing of the house, she thought of the improvements they could do to make the house not only more livable, but less drab and colorless.

Looking around her at the peeling walls, dusty floors, and furniture covered by large cloths, she turned her head to the side and looked at her partner in crime, lounging in a dusty chair. "What do you think we should do, Lidi?" she asked. Perhaps she's already thought of some ideas, she thought.
Lidia smiled. "Well we can start by putting some color on these walls for starters," she said and tossed Alaska a can of spray paint that she stole from a hardware store. She then pulled out a red spray paint can for herself. Her favorite color, red.
"Great minds think alike there, little red."

Getting up from her spot, she walked to the door, in one fluid motion she ordained it with a monster looking creature, with a large sharp grin, pot belly, horns, and x's for eyes. Once she was finished with her blue monster master-piece, she stepped back and started painting designs on the wall around the door.

"How about we open up a window? I don't know about you, but I'd like to keep my braincells." She asked. Laughing through a cough, Alaska walked over to the window, banged the lock open with the bottom of the spray can, and slid it open.
Lidia opened the window and doors letting the fresh air in the house. Then once again she started drawling design on the walls. "Nice monster," she says. Then she starts to wright the word Freedom in big letters across the wall in red. The she put down the red and took out the green drawling designs behind the word. That word meant so many things to her.
Writing Happiness on the opposite wall, she turned and smiled at Lidia.

"Maybe we are free now.' The thought jogging around in her mind, she started to laugh.

Standing in the door way, she painted the entrance, and over the top she wrote Smile, still doing as her words said.

"Lidi, can you believe this? We are free! We left so many things, and now we're free." She said, walking around the beaten down house, taking in the sight.
"Yep!" Lidia said happily. "oh and look what else I "Bought" at the hardware store," she said laughing and pulled out a battery run radio. She turned it on loud and started to dance as she filled the walls with color.
With a chuckle and a sigh, Alaska ran down the corridor, belting out the lyrics to what was playing.

"Holiday! O Holiday! And the best one of the year!"

Jumping and spinning, leaving wave like patterns on the walls. Writing the lyrics as she heard them above the lines.
Lidia laughed jumping up and down singing along side of Alaska. She painted on the walls till all the paint ran out, the she graved the last bottle. "This is the last one..." she said and looked around the colorful walls. " what sound we do for the last bottle of paint!" I shout over the music.
Standing to think, Alaska would finally come up with an idea.

"We should name the place! Then sign our master-piece!" She shouted over the music, "Then we can clean up a little bit, and I'll make dinner!" Walking outside, shed grab a large piece of plywood, and lean it against a tree stump in the front yard, effectively making a blank sign.
Good idea" She said turning down the music. Lidia followed her out side. "what are we going to name the place?" she asked her shaking the spray paint in her hand. she looked around and sighed their was nobody in sight. It felt so good to finally be free. To feel like you don't have to be scared all the time...
"Well, it's like our wonderland, without all the crazy animals. And it's something we made. How about Terabithia? Like from that one book? It's our place, and we rule it." She asked. Smiling at the house. From hotel rooms and kind random's houses, she now lived in a 4 story house. It might be in shackles, but it was nice to know that she wouldn't be hit again. That she could sleep a night without having to be woken by flying beer bottles.
" I like it," Lidia said smiling. "Would you do the honors," She said holding out the red spray paint can for her to take. Lidia felt happy here, she felt wanted. She even felt a little safe something she hasn't felt in a long time... and it felt nice.
"I would be honored," She replied. Taking the can of spray, she wrote out 'Welcome To Terbithia' On the top in neat cursive. On the bottom with the very last of her blue, she wrote 'A Home for Weary Runaways'

Stepping back to see the sign in it's entirety, she smiled, tear welling up but she held them back.

"I can't believe I survived in the first place. For 18 years through that torture... And we survived. I can't believe it," She said, looking to Lidia, "If we have any other kids come here, we should help them. They can help us clean up the place, make it a home. And I guess we could be like a stop house. A safe place."
"nice job," Lidia said lightly clapping her hands. The sign looks great. "A home for weary runaways" she read out loud. That's what they were now Runaways... free runaways. " The last years of our life had been hard I agree.... we are survivors!" I yell pumping my fist in the air.
Raising her fist in the air as well, Alaska let out a loud hollar. "Look at us, all responsible and opening up a fine establishment like this," She said, "Never in a million years would I have guessed we'd end up here."
"I know... I would have never thought I would have got of my old life..." she said lowering her fist. from the air. " But look at us now! We are actually doing something useful with our life." she says with enthusiasm.
Flipping her hair then putting her beanie back on, she examined the outside of the house. "Hell yeah we are. I feel like Peter Pan!" She exclaimed. Walking back over to the house, she'd hand her head inside, holding onto the door frame.

"Though, we've got to get all these blankets off of the furniture. I'd like to see what it looks like."
"All ready on it" Lidia said wiping off the blankets from the furniture. Dust blew everywhere and she started coughing up a fit. the blankets were full of dust and now the air was too.
"Jeeze! How old is this place?" Alaska asked. It seemed like there was a thousand years worth of dust in here!

Grabbing the last of the blankets of of the bottom floor, she grabbed Lidia's hand and yanked her outside before they both were murdered by the dust.

"Maybe we should let it settle?" She said through the coughs and laughs, "Maybe there's a shed or something we can check out around back?"
"yeah good idea I think I saw one in the back of the house," she says leading the way around the house. she was still coughing from all that dust. " Damn there was so much dust. At least now we know nobody is coming back for this place, because whoever left this place... left a long LONG time ago."
"You've got that right. And since it's not torn down yet, and there isn't any sign of someone being here since they left, I'm guessing no one else knows about it." Alaska said, following behind Lidia.

Spotting the shed, she ran up to quickly and checked the door for a lock. There was one, but it was badly rusted. Alaska raised her foot and sent it down on the lock, the chain breaking and clattering to the ground.

"Well that was easy. Christ, this place is half as huge as the house" Wiping some rust and dust from her forehead she pushed the door open to the large shed.
" Yeah is the house ever gets overloaded with guest then there is always the shed..." she said and step into the dark shed. Her had searched for the light switch, she found it and turned it on. Alaska was right the shed is huge it was filled with supplies. such as brooms and mops and paint! Lidia graved the broom, as she steeped further into the shed.
"I think we've found the jackpot" Alaska said, standing there with her mouth wide open.

Rummaging through the paint, she brought out the most colorful ones. Grabbing a couple lengths of rope, a mop, and some paint brushes, she put them into a wheelbarrow. Looking twords the back, there was something pretty big covered in a big tarp, it had the shape of a huge hippie-van, but the tarp was too big to tell. Plus, with all the amounts of random things in this place, Alaska figured it was just a bunch of boxes and furniture.
"wow this is great! we can really fix up the house now!" Lidia said looking around then she noticed the big tarp over something that Alaska was looking at. " what's that?" she said and the next thing she new she was taking the tarp off. Dust flew everywhere but within a few seconds it disappeared. "wow look at this!" Lidia said looking at the old hippie van that looked like something from the 80's. "wow I wonder if it still works," she said in amazement .
'Who could ever leave this amazing hunk of metal out here! Oh my god. I love these things. I've always wanted one. Hell, even if it doesn't work, I can fix it!" Alaska said, nearly jumping with excitement, "I bet there's spare parts around here somewhere.

Walking up, she grabbed the set of keys that hung on the handle, and opened the door. Climbing in, she nearly screamed with excitement. "Lidi! It's perfect! Oh my god. This thing is truely from the 80's." She exclaimed.

Walking twords the back, slightly bent down, she lied down on one the hammock that hung along the very back side. "Someone made this thing a true party monster. Whoever owned this thing had style."

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