• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)


OUTFIT: xoxo

charlie geminiy geminiy
Josephine Bennett
josie, jojo, jo ~ sixteen ~ junior ~ visuals; photo

To say that Josie's night has been a rollercoaster was an understatement in her mind. First, Gus had gotten mad at her because Lucky was being his over-protective self. Then she'd run into and comforted Gus through a breakdown. Just when she thought things were going well with a movie night, she'd kissed him which clearly screwed things up. Oh, there was also her running into her ex at what she'd expected to be the end of the night. But no, now she was standing in front of Lin who was lingering outside of her door and the only words he could seem to form was "inside there". Great, he's broken.

"If she's inside then why are you outside? Is this another weird game or something?" she asked. Her eyes followed him as he finally moved from the doorway, her eyebrow slightly raised. Charlie and Lin always had a game or bet or something going on and people found it easier sometimes to not ask questions. Josie on the other hand always asked and right now she wanted answers about what was going on. The bet was over and they weren't together confessing their love yet? What gives?

Before she could reach for the doorknob, it was already being turned and suddenly Charlie pulled it open. “Jo, who the hell are you talking-” Charlie’s mouth ran dry. “Lin?’ And just like that, she was slamming the door shut right in their faces, the sound of the lock turning obvious. What the?! Josie's eyes flicked to Lin, wondering if his expression matched hers. Confusion and just...what the hell was going on here? Was her cousin having a mid-life crisis at 16? This was insane.

"Charlie Howell, open this door right-" she was cut short by the door once again being yanked open, this time Josie stuck her foot out just enough so that Charlie couldn't retreat back inside again. “Liiiiin, heyyyyy! -- Funny meeting you here! What are you doing in the neighbourhood?" What? Josie shook her head as her eyes landed on her cousin.

Luckily the blonde must have realize how weird she was acting because she asked Josie to give them a minute alone. "You two are so odd," she shook her head, more than glad to leave them to their weirdo antics. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do," she added with a wink as she walked into the apartment and shut the door behind her. Josie could've gone to her room and just ignore the two soon to be lovebirds talking but it was Charlie and Lin. She had been rooting for them since she noticed Charlie's obvious feelings for the boy.

Pushing her ear against the door, Jo tried to listen in on the conversation, only catching every other word. Charlie's normal rambling had somehow managed to be really sweet. "Great time." "Best date." "I like you." I LIKE YOU. She had said it. Oh my god, she had actually admitted it and did she just say boyfriend. Finally! Josie looked through the peep hole, noticing Charlie's hands intertwined with Lin's and she nearly squealed. God, this had taken them long enough, hadn't it. "Just kiss her already," she found herself muttering. Immediately she clasped her hand over her mouth. They hadn't heard her. She wasn't loud enough, she was sure of it.
code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr

Evie, Amy



Nate had expected Amy to... yell at him? Punch him? Slap him? Scream at him? Maybe say "one second," then go buy a hot drink, come back, and throw it straight into his face? All of those would of been very plausible replies and reactions to what Nate was saying and as Nate spoke, he realized just how much of a dick he was -- and how he really hadn't deserved Amy. He hadn't deserved to have her as his girlfriend, and she certainly hadn't deserved to have Nate break her in the way he did.

And now, he didn't deserve to have her forgive him or call him an amazing boyfriend, despite what he had done. His childish, cowardly actions had been unforgivable. If their positions had been reversed, Nate knew that there was no way he would ever forgive a girl that had ghosted him. He would have held onto that single action and let it fester and rage inside of him until he exploded on either her, or whoever happened to be closest. Nate didn't forgive people.

Maybe that was why him and Amy had worked as well as they did. They were similar in all the right ways, and opposite in all the right ways. Whereas she could take a deep breath and forgive him for something so heinous, Nate still felt that deep-rooted--

Oh. Wait. Fuck.

Nate couldn't believe that she was accepting his apology and forgiving him because Nate had never forgiven himself. He still hated himself and felt guilt for that terrible decision.

Fuck. He needed a blunt. Or something stronger. Nate was really craving something stronger.

Amy pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. His cheeks heated up at her touch, an undeniable blush reddening his face which just irritated him which just made his face redder.

"Yeah, I uhh... hope you find a ride home." He mumbled as a weak attempt at a goodbye as he watched Amy walk off. The redness from his cheeks faded after she had disappeared from view, and then Nate came to the realization that he was really just standing there in the middle of the fair as the world continued to go on around him.

Right, he needed to go meet Evie outside at her car since apparently she'd been kicked out of the fair. A little smile twitched at the corner of his lips at the thought of her, and--

Fuck him.

Fuck everyone that wouldn't leave him alone about having feelings -- Liv, Oates, Mike.

He really should've just stuck to himself.

With a shake of his head, Nate turned on his heel and headed back the way he came. After this night, his thoughts were... surprisingly non-existent. Not much was rattling around in that thick skull of Nathan Woods at the moment. Instead, he just felt... he... didn't... know how he felt, actually. He didn't know how he felt following that conversation with Amy or his not-date with Evie.

Nate looked up as he stepped into the parking lot, his gaze flicking over the cars until they landed on the familiar vehicle that belonged to Evie -- and he could see her in the driver's side.

He smiled at the sight of her. His blank mind and the remnant feelings of guilt that had accompanied his conversation with Amy faded away when he saw her and for the moment, Nate felt... uhhh...

He could place this emotion.

Happy. He felt happy.

"Hey," he greeted as he opened the door to the passenger side of her car and hopped in, pulling the door closed after him. "Kicked Adri's ass, yeah? Should've knocked out her tooth so all of Bitch Manor was matching."

Yep. This was the best way to end the night. Going with Evie to Gen's to drink and relax and...

Wow, look at him GO. Nate had FRIENDS.

Fuck, he was weak.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 7:45 AM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr




Tonight had been absolutely freaking fantastic. As in, Zephyr couldn't remember the last time he'd had so much fun with a friend. Well, that sounded kind of mean -- he'd had... some... fun with his friends when he went back home over the summer, but nothing like the night he'd just had with Stella. Hanging with her was easy, he guessed. And, well, his friends from back home weren't exactly into wholesome fun anymore like riding dumb rides at the fair.

Zephyr was more of a let's ride dumb rides as opposed to the type of guy who enjoyed shit like... drinking and partying. Not that he didn't mind a party and Zeph had certainly drank in his lifetime, but he just didn't understand what all the fuss was about when it came to that kind of stuff. Wasn't it more fun to do something where in the morning you'd wake up without vomiting into a toilet while cringing at everything you'd done the night before -- or, at least, the things you could remember?

"Do they let you take food on the Ferris wheel?" He asked with a slight chuckle. "Let's ride the wheel and then maybe we can get out of here and grab something." Yeah, that sounded like a better idea than more fair food.

He led the way towards the Ferris wheel -- the big deal of any fair. Well, for most people. Wasting money on a slow moving ride that practically put one to sleep didn't exactly spell fun to Zeph but hey, Stella had put up with all of the other rides, so he could do this one. Plus he had to ride the Ferris wheel so he could say that he'd rode everything.

However, he had never understood the appeal. Sure, it was great for young lovers on a first date. It put you incredibly close and presented you with a jaw-dropping view of overcrowded LA. From that mindset, he could almost understand why someone would subject themselves to the few minutes of spinning followed by sitting at different positions while they loaded and unloaded the damn thing. Seriously! Why were people always so slow with the loading and unloading when it came to the Ferris wheel?

As luck would have it, the line wasn't overly long and it moved rather swiftly. They were soon boarding the Ferris wheel, with Zeph letting Stella get on first (as a gentleman does) and then sliding into the ride after her. It started off, moving slowly.

"Hey, I just wanted to say... thanks." Zeph started, although he didn't look at Stella as he spoke. Instead, he was looking out over the fair and the lights of LA. "For coming with me. I had a lot of fun tonight and it was nice to just get my mind off of... everything."

Everything like Mike, Ronnie.

His mom.

He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned his head so he could look down at her with a warm smile.

"You're awesome, Stella."

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerflelifr LATE PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilrfillerfilr
... lindsay kay ...


outside of charlie's apartment


charlie geminiy geminiy josie jasmyn jasmyn

"If she's inside then why are you outside? Is this another weird game or something?" Josie asked.

Lin laughed dumbly, heaving a shrug. “I dunno.” He looked over a Josie, grinning. “If it’s a game, then Charlie’s fuckin’ lo—“

The door flung open, and Lin’s eyes shot to the person in the door, startled.

Duh, it was Charlie again, and when he saw her, his grin faltered on his face.

“Jo, who the hell are you talking—“ She looked at him. “Lin?”

Lin gave a little wave of his fingers, and SLAM!, there went the door again.

He looked over at Jo. His grin reformed after a moment, cracking across his face. “Luhmao, it just keeps slamming shut— get that checked, luhma—”

And the door swung open again, and his eyes jerked back again, focusing on the girl in the doorway, his grin slipping off of his face again for a moment before slapping back on, dumb and confused.

“Liiiiin, heyyyyy!” She was smiling, but her voice sounded strained. Lin gave her a confused look, eyes narrowing while his lips still formed a grin, in a little you good? kind of gesture. “Funny meeting you here! What are you doing in the neighborhood?”

Luhmao, what? He laughed dumbly, cocking his head a little.

Lin stared at her, head cocked, waiting for her to say more, but, for a few moments, there was nothing, and the seconds passing made those moths in his stomach flutter, for some reason.

And then: “Hey, Jo? You mind giving Lin and I a minute?” Charlie asked.

Her voice sounded rawer now. The emotion didn’t sound forced, and her face didn’t read anything but…well, genuine Charlie.

It made his brows knit again, and, as Josie disappeared inside, a soft nervousness set in beside the confusion, grabbing its popcorn and seating itself to watch the show whilst keeping his tongue all tied up.

What was she going to say? Lin’s grin faded off of his face, the expression on the bottom half of his face reflecting what was in the rest of his face— concern and confusion. His lips, parted slightly, were refusing to utter so much as a what or a spit it out, luhmao as they usually would. Fuck, so was his head— he couldn’t think, and he wasn’t thinking, and he didn’t even notice that he wasn’t thinking and that the engine in his head hadn’t caught because, well, he couldn’t think.

And then, Charlie drew a breath and spoke.

“I am so fucking sorry that I slammed that door in your face.”

He looked down at her, meeting her eyes as she looked up at him, his confused mouth pressing into a line as he let out a soft chuckle.

Well, that was nice.

He wasn’t assuming what would come next; he hung on every word, focused on every motion for answers to questions that he couldn’t even form.

“I just sorta panicked.”

He shifted his weight between his feet, uncrossing his arms to drop them at his side as he listened intently. He watched her eyes as she formed the words, trying to read the words inside of them before they came out of her mouth and failing pretty bad because he literally, literally couldn’t cognate right now.

“I guess the whole day I’ve just sorta been running through what I wanted to say so much that, when the moment presented itself, I just didn’t really know what to say.”

What she wanted to say…?

She paused, and her eyes dropped away from him onto the floor.

Lin drew in a breath, opening his lips to speak, but nothing came out.

What’d you want to say?

The words died before they could make it to his tongue.

His face softened, the confusion, still-present, growing less incessant, and he looked away from her and to the door again.

“Fuck it.”

His eyes went to her.

Her hands went to his freezing hands, and her fingers laced between his ice cold fingers. Her fingers were shaking, but, then again, he was pretty sure that his were, too.

He studied their hands for a moment, and his eyes went back to her face, just as she spoke.

“I really like you Lin.”

There it was.

Cymbals rolled in his ears as they reddened.

“That much is obvious, I know.”

He’d also heard her say it earlier.

But it felt different now.

She was saying it to him.

“But I really do like you.”

She said it again.

He couldn’t think.

“And before you taunt me saying ‘ha ha, I win’, it is past midnight, so I can say whatever I want and we technically still both win.”

Yeah, but she conf…

Holy shit, she confessed.

His confused expression faded away.

She had said the ell word— the one that rhymed with pike and ended with an ike.

In her momentary silence, a million, nonsensical words ran through Lin’s head, none of them sufficing to sum up how he felt.

Chikaw, wazau, ooloop.

None of them worked.

She opened her lips to continue, and any semblance of thought— cohesive or in-cohesive, sensible or insensible— was snuffed out once more.

“I had a really great time tonight. Honestly, it was one of the best dates I’ve ever been on. I never really expected we would ever actually go on a date of any kind but I’m really glad we did.”

His heart was thudding out of his chest, but he didn’t notice

“I haven’t had this much fun in… Well, ever. Dates are usually so stiff and you’re always trying to impress someone. But I guess it was easier with you because we were already friends.

His arteries were tightening, and he felt…wild.

“I guess what I’m saying is, uh, I really like you and I don’t know if you like me back, though it sorta feels like you do unless I totally misread the situation again, which I am super sorry if I did because I—“

She stopped talking.




He went to open his lips, but, once more, no words came.

She was thinking that she misread…


Her face was flushed, and she laughed, “I, uh… I’m rambling again.”

He met her eyes, and, for a moment, he just felt like he couldn’t breathe.

Her hand came up and ran along his face, resting on the back of his neck.

And, before he could think anything, she bought her lips to his cheek.

You know those Sylvester the Cat cartoons and shit, where the animal’s heart would beat out of its chest and it would grin at the camera and give a big, exaggerated wolf-whistle before its whole body turned red and went stiff?

Yeah, that was Lin.

The cymbals in his ears grew to a crescendo, and oh shit he forgot how to breathe how did he breathe how did he blink testing one two three oh shit we have lost contact with—

“Hey, uh, Linny?”

Her words cut through the sheet of noise over his ears.

He looked down at her, his motions choppy as he struggled to think.

“Please say something.”


“Because I’m spewing all these feelings out here and my heart is sorta wanting to ask you to be my boyfriend or whatever but the brain hasn’t caught up yet.”

— wanting to ask you to be my boyfriend—

— wanting to ask you to be my boyfriend—

— wanting to ask you to be my boyfriend—

— wanting to ask you to be my boyfriend—

— wanting to ask you to be my boyfriend—

The instant that she said it, his mind began to loop it.

Throw a beat over it or some shit, luh—


Holy fucking shit.

A grin spread across his face as he literally just now registered the meaning of the words.

His knees felt woozy beneath him, and he stumbled a bit to the left.

“Hhhhhh…,” he breathed, his lips parting and making sound for the first time in the past who knew how long.

He looked down at Charlie.

“Like you, too.”

The words did not make much sense, but there they came, and he laughed a soft heh.


He laughed again, louder than the last time.

“Yes, I do.”

He laughed at himself, the volume increasing once more.

“I like you, too,” he said, finally. “A whole, whole bunch.”

— wanting to ask you to be my boyfriend—

It played in his head again, and he laughed happily. “Boyfriend?” he repeated her word. “Me? Your boyfriend?”

And then, in a sudden moment of clarity— or maybe the opposite of clarity— his freezing hands went to her cheeks, and he pressed his face against hers, not even having to think about the no full, exposed tongue rule.

And then he pulled back, grinning widely and holding Charlie’s face like it was a hamster.

“You can’t ask me out—“

He pressed another quick, too excited, too forceful kiss on her lips.

“— if I ask you out first, Charles.”

He grinned at her, his face heating up as it registered with him what he’d just said and done.

Hell fucking yeah. Now it was out.

Now it was out!


Now then, all that there was to do was:

"Will you be my giurlfriend, Ms. Charlotte Howell?" he asked, grinning. "Well, will ya?"

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

Gia couldn't help but let out her own little giggle of utter embarrassment, she just kissed mel! To only make it worse it wasn't in the greeting sense she was used to. It had a deeper meaning and she felt that but couldn't put a finger on what exactly it was. All she knew was that her heart raced and her cheeks reddened a little as she tried not to make the situation more awkward than it already was. Luckily for her Mel was quick to move them along to the fishing game. Curiously Gia watched and listened to Mel's explanation of the game. Watching with focus so she could try and get it right when it came time. Looking up to Mel she nodded excitedly to the girl when she asked if she was ready.

"Ready!" Gia said happily and took a spot next to Mel with her little fishing rod in hand to wait for Mel to go first. Without turning her head Gia looked over to Mel with her eyes to try and watch how she did it. Anything to help her catch one with Mel. The moment though drew her mind elsewhere, Gia felt so..... happy was it? Anxious maybe? She still couldn't decide but it reminded her of the old movies her and her brother watched at home. Some old romances that had a fair and even moments like this between romantic partners. God why was she thinking of this now?! Gia's mind was all out of whack for some reason but she liked it. Could it be because of Mel though? Either way Gia hoped she could find out soon and even see if Mel was possibly feeling the same way.

coded by weldherwings.
Elias Johannes

Eli was still fuming as the pair walked towards the Ferris wheel, though he tried to repress the boiling in his veins. Instead, he turned his attention to Jan, the feeling of her hand nestled carefully in his, the sound of her voice cutting through the roar of the fair around them, to their casual conversation that distracted his roaming thoughts away from the anger that was beginning to simmer down.

Although Eli was talking, filling their walk with calm conversation, his mind kept returning to what Jan had disclosed to him. Part of him felt wrong for wanting to punch the lights out of someone he had never met, but there was a tiny part of him that relished the idea. Between being angry and responding to Jan, he attempted to figure out a reason as to why, or how, anyone could be so cold-hearted and needlessly cruel. He wasn’t some kind of altruist that believed that people were naturally good and flawless, that was far from the case. As optimistic as Elias is, he knew that human flaw turned good people bad. Still, he tried to look for the good in every person, not knowing what the circumstances were to make them so heartless. Yet, he came up blank for the first time in a long time trying to think up an explanation for Gentry’s actions.

“Two tickets, please!” Elias requested cheerfully to the ride conductor, sliding a bill carefully across the stand with a grin on his face. Tickets in hand, he tucked them in his back pocket and gave a nod to the worker. “Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day.”

By the time Eli and Jan were in line for the Ferris wheel, their talks had grown quieter and quieter until silence hit. Usually, he would try to fill the stagnant air with some sort of friendly small talk, but this time he hardly minded the silence. It was refreshing to be able to stand quietly in a comfortable silence, especially with someone so new to him. Of course, Jan hardly felt like a near stranger. She felt more as if she had been in Elias’ life forever, like a duo of old friends in contact with one another again.

He hadn’t even noticed Jan was on her phone, far too distracted by the beautiful sights of the fair, until her hand tensed in his. Eli really hadn’t meant to look at her screen, the last thing he wanted to do was to invade her privacy, but it was difficult to ignore the blue layout of Twitter flashing across her screen. Hopping onto his own device, Eli found himself immersed in embarrassing jokes and… was that him thrusting? Who the hell put that on the internet?

The conversation spiralled much more quickly than Eli had been expecting, taking one turn for the worse after another until finally, he slipped up. Mentioning Charlie had been easy, far too easy for it not to be a mistake. Mistake or intentional, his words were truthful. He had dated her. Things had ended badly. It had been his fault.

Before Eli had a chance to react, they were being herded onto the Ferris wheel, the door closed and locked, sealing Eli in the cart with Jan. He didn’t know what to do besides stow his phone away in his pocket and ignore the cold air that was biting at his skin as they climbed one side of the ride slowly. At least Jan was warm.

"So you and Charlie dated? Sucks that it had to come out that way.”

Eli looked over, his face softened with hurt. It was entirely his fault, the whole damn thing. Of course Jan had seen the messages. Hell, half of Hollywood Arts had seen his message! She was being so sweet about it all, rather understanding despite the circumstances, yet Eli couldn’t help but feel guilty.

"You do not have to tell me anything about it at all. Seriously, I'm not entitled to know anything at all, it's not like you and I are dating or something. Not that I wouldn't want to date you! I mean, I don't WANT to date you, or uh. We don't have to talk about it."

Normally, a comment such as that would have sparked some flirtatious or kind remark out of the dancer, at the very minimum pulled a smile to his lips, but his mind was far too preoccupied to react positively. Instead, he simply slumped back further in his seat, quietly thinking for a moment. He had to tell her.

“I guess it’s just easier to start from the beginning, with Charlie and I, I mean.” Eli eventually spoke, his voice level and calm. “We met when we were just kids, we danced at the same studio. She was friends with Ash at the time and I really didn’t think much of her until we were paired up for a dance for this one recital. Things went really well, we got along great and our instructor decided to pair us together for duets for the upcoming competition season.

“It is sort of difficult to not get close to someone when you’re spending hours a day with them, learning complex dances before you’ve even reached double digits. But it wasn’t just dance that we bonded over. We seemed like natural friends, like we were designed to get along well. Of course, our instructors took advantage of that. Eventually, we were in every competition, showcase, and recital together. We booked auditions for things together, practiced our solos together. We even spent most of our time outside of competition together. Gen was usually busy so Ash, Charlie, and I became something of a trio.”

Elias paused as he took a deep breath at the height of the Ferris wheel. Damn, he hated heights. Luckily for him, the anxiety of telling Jan the story of how he ruined the best friendship he had ever had was enough to conquer the nagging fear of plummeting to his death in an Elias shaped pancake on the fairgrounds below.

“Anyways, we were really close. Charlie was my best friend, I felt sorta empty without her. As corny as it is, it was like a piece of me was missing when she wasn’t around.” Elias continued, a sadness lingering in his voice. Eli would never admit it, but he still felt that loneliness, even though it had been months since their breakup. “So, naturally, when Charlie found out about Hollywood Arts, we applied together. We did the auditions together and spent a week in L.A. with our families. It was an amazing trip. A few weeks later, Charlie got the call that she got in and I didn’t even get a call back.

At first, she didn’t want to go without me. She said that there wasn’t much of a point to dancing if I wasn’t there. But, I encouraged her to go anyways, to follow her dreams of becoming a professional dancer. I was so proud of her that I really didn’t realize what that meant for our friendship until she left when I was a sophomore in high school. It hurt really bad. We called every night until eventually, Charlie stopped picking up the phone. She was busy and I understood that. But that didn’t mean it hurt any less.”

At the top of the Ferris wheel once again, Elias found himself holding his breath slightly and gripping onto the edge of the cart. He felt faint as he looked to the ground far below covered in food stalls and fair rides and little people scurrying around like ants. Eli’s back ran cold, a shiver of discomfort running down his spine. Why did he ever agree to go on the damn Ferris wheel? Eventually, their cart began their descent and Elias relaxed slightly as they slowly inched towards the safety of the ground.

“Anyways, I got a call from Hollywood Arts a few months after Charlie left saying that they wanted me to reauditon. Gen had decided that she wanted to get in for modelling so we both auditioned and got in. It was perfect: Gen and I got into the school of our dreams, Ash was there, and I got the chance to reunite with Charlie. Towards the end of sophomore year, we moved and began school there.

Things were… different after I reunited with Charlie. She was concerned about money and eventually made the switch into the music department on a full-ride scholarship. But all those months apart sort of made things feel different. We ended up spending time together, trying to bring back our friendship, when one day, during the middle of my junior year, I just kissed her. It felt natural, comfortable, like it was what we were supposed to do. I hadn’t ever really considered Charlie someone I was attracted to until I kissed her that day. It didn’t take us long to start dating.”

Now for the kicker. Breathe, Elias, you’re almost there.

“I wanted to keep things private. I knew people would have a million questions and would judge us if we were open about the fact that we were dating. Charlie was sorta my first everything, too. She wasn’t my first girlfriend, but she was my first real girlfriend, someone I actually knew I loved. I just wanted to take it slow, to keep what we had real and just between us. For a long time, it worked. I only ever told Ash because I was terrified Gen would freak out if she knew. Last summer, Gen was in Italy. Things were getting serious between Charlie and I. She wanted to go public, I wanted to keep things private. We both said things we regret and she ended up breaking up with me. We, uh, we haven’t talked since.”

The Ferris wheel chimed that they were on the last loop around as Eli finished his story, his heart climbing up into his throat as they began to rise to the top one last time. Just one round left to go and they would be done.

“I know our breakup was my fault, or at least partially my fault. And part of me will always love Charlie, it is impossible not to after knowing each other for so long. I wish we could be friends again but I know that isn’t possible, especially after what happened between us. I’m just glad she’s happy and moving on, mostly because I think I am too.” Eli finished, gripping the side of the cart once again as they rose to the top.

They climbed, and climbed, and climbed.

Then stopped.

Eli looked down in horror, the cart shaking mildly as the ride lurched to a stop. His face paled as his grip turned ironclad on the cart, his heart racing in his chest. Eli closed his eyes, waiting for the ride to move again. They were letting people off, which was fine, but why on earth did they have to stop right at the top?

“So yeah, that’s what happened.” Eli spoke, his voice shaky as he tried to stabilize himself by leaning back further into his seat. “I, uh, suppose that this is a terrible time to tell you that I’m terrified of heights, huh?”


the fair


'why are we so high up'


sick jacket, bro


january sunshineysoul sunshineysoul
ash (mentioned)
charlie (mentioned)
coded by natasha.
Charlie Howell


Charlie’s eyebrows knit together in confusion, preparing to step back. Was Lin gonna puke on her or something? That was really not what she was going for. Sure, her confession wasn’t exactly the most romantic or sweet or whatever, but Charlie was certain it wasn’t ‘puke on the face worthy’.

“Like you, too.”

Eyes widening, Charlie’s stiffened body relaxed.

“Oh.” She managed to mutter before the grin burst onto her face. Well, that was certainly much nicer than being vomited on or ditched or any of the other horrid outcomes that had been racing through her mind when she had confessed her feelings to him.

Of course, any logical person would have seen this exchange coming from miles away. Given their track record and alikeness and chemistry, it only seemed natural that the two eventually grew closer. And Ashton West was a damn genius for setting them up, mostly because neither one of the pair would have said anything without them. Now, would Charlie ever admit to this fact? No. Was she going to thank Ash later and then promptly tell her to never set her up on another blind date again? Definitely.

Charlie’s grin only widened as Lin continued to talk, his stammers eventually turning into words then meaningful sentences. And then, before Charlie could register what was happening, Lin was kissing her. It wasn’t as odd as she was expected, especially after the talk of frenching mannequins and older girls had set a rather unfortunate and not at all accurate precedence.

After the second kiss, Lin pulled away and gave Charlie a moment to process what had just happened. He hadn’t rejected her, he hadn’t laughed at her, he hadn’t turned her away. No meteors came crashing down from the sky, they were not swallowed up into some raging fiery pit, there was no inevitable heat death of the universe. Lin had just told her what she had been wanting to hear all day, letting out what they both knew was true. It felt nice.

“Well, I guess that settles it then.” Charlie said rather nonchalantly, smiling up at the boy with rouged cheeks. “Though, I have to clarify that I was the one who asked you first, technically. You don’t get to steal my victory, Terminator.”

Rocking up onto the tips of her toes, Charlie kissed Lin again, this time taking control over what happened. Lin wasn’t a bad kisser, quite the opposite, just less experienced. And hey, Charlie had been wanting to kiss the guy all day, who could really blame her? As she pulled away, she laughed softly as she bounced back onto the flat of her feet, her hands resting on Lin’s arms.

“Okay, it is getting seriously late and you should be getting home. Besides,” Charlie lifted her foot up and kicked the door behind her multiple times, “I’ve got Josie to fill in, though I’m sure she’s heard all about it already.”

Pulling Lin into a hug, Charlie kissed him one last time and playfully shoved him away, twisting open the door behind her.

“Goodnight, Lin. Message me when you get home so that I know you’re safe.” Charlie demanded sweetly, watching as Lin disappeared from view before dipping inside. Faced with Josie, Charlie burst out laughing, shaking her head at her cousin eavesdropping in on their conversation. “Listening in, are we? Well, come on, I’ll tell you everything you didn’t ‘accidentally’ hear.”


her apartment


[insert suave sunglasses emoji here]


autumn vibes


lin ohdittoh ohdittoh
josie jasmyn jasmyn
coded by natasha.
MOOD: uncomfortable, but the good kind

OUTFIT: no jacket + eli's jacket

LOCATION: top of ferris wheel
MENTIONS: people

INT: geminiy geminiy (eli)
TL;DR being uncomfortable isn't the worst thing in the world
dance with me in my backyard boy

jan had no idea what to say.

so this is what eli felt like after i told him about gentry, huh?

jan wasn't the best with words, in case it wasn't blatantly obvious by now. she never knew what to say in certain situations unless it was something funny. being intimate and vulnerable and open with someone was not easy for january. the entire night she was with eli, she had been feeling little shakes throughout her body, she knew them well. anxiety induced, of course.

but this wasn't the time for funny. this wasn't the time for january to make it about herself and her own comfort. this was about eli. he was the one that was being open and intimate and vulnerable with her. he was sharing all these details from his previous relationship with her, after it just came out over social media. it was a bitch and a half to fight off her natural instinct to say something funny, but she did it. she fought off her defense mechanisms, because this wasn't supposed to be a comfortable conversation.

january was all for comfortable. she didn't care if her style was great, she worried about how comfortable she would be in it when she was planning an outfit for the day. she didn't care what the kitchen chairs looked like whenever her mother was furnishing their new place here in LA, she wanted them to be comfy. it's how jan went through life. she barely ever went out of her comfort zone. many many people had told her that that was a terrible way to live, but she really didn't care. why do anything if it wasn't comfortable?

this. this is why. talking about gentry? that wasn't comfortable. talking about an ex to the guy she was currently trying to deny she had the biggest crush on? that wasn't comfortable. listening to said guy talk about his past relationship and how his ex was the first girl he ever loved? that wasn't comfortable. but jan had to step out of her comfort zone for a moment, she had to think about the other person in that small, metal box.

if jan was anything, she wasn't selfish. no one could recall a time where she put herself before her friends. and wether or not eli would ever return her romantic feelings, they were still friends. eli was her friend and he was telling her about his first love. his first love that he blames himself for ruining. telling this all to a new friend, who he barely knew.

nothing about this was comfortable.

but this is how bonds were formed, jan concluded. if she never told eli about gentry, he probably wouldn't have told her about charlie. if jan didn't force herself to come to this fall fair, she wouldn't have just held hands with him and she wouldn't be wearing his jacket.

maybe the uncomfortable-ness isn't that bad all the time

but this still wasn't a time for jokes, or shifting the attention to her own insecurities. jan knew that.

as eli spoke and the ferris wheel turned, her eyes didn't leave him. he wasn't looking at her though; his eyes were darting around the cart, peeking over the side to see how high up they were. she was convinced he was shaking.

halfway through his story, jan couldn't take it. she reached over and grabbed his hand, again. she understood anxiety. she understood the shakes, the labored breathing, all of it. and as she held eli's hand again, she though of all the times she felt exactly like he did, and just wanted someone to hold her hand, or give her a hug, or anything.

but when he finished his story, she still had no idea what to say. she had a slight smile on her face from him admitting that he had a fear of heights.

elias, it was your idea to go on the ferris wheel...


because you knew i had never been on one...

jan was bad at words. she was bad at advice and comforting people she didn't know very well. but there was thing she knew she was good at. rambling.

"hey," her voice was soft, and she gave eli's hand a little squeeze. the ferris wheel had stopped at the top for the last time, and jan wasn't going to give this up for the world. when eli looked over at her, she nudged her chin toward the sky. "look up,"

jan used to be terrified of heights, just like eli. but it was actually gentry who helped her with that. one night, back in arizona, the two of them had snuck into an old construction site. it hadn't been touched in months and was the bare bones of whatever building they were making, but gentry was on a mission. jan had recently told him about her fear of heights and he wasn't having it. they snuck their way to the top, he had told her they were going to stargaze, since it was one of jan's favorite things to do. gentry had her look up at the sky, instead of down at the ground. ever since then, jan never got scared of heights. she was always too in awe of the sky.

she didn't expect eli to have the same reaction, but she was sure as hell going to point out the stars to him.

"you see that line of three stars, right there?" jan pointed to the sky, hoping eli could see the constellation she was talking about. "that's orion's belt. makes it easier to see the rest of the constellation. see, you can imagine the legs, the weird roman skirt that gladiators used to wear, and even his hand up in the air." jan loved talking about the stars. she could go on and on about them. and she was convinced that this ferris wheel was the best was to look at them. "fun story about little jan," she felt herself sliding closer to him, hoping to more accurately point out the stars to him. "i used to think that any three stars in a straight line were called "an orion". told all my friends that, and then was completely mortified when i realized that that is NOT, in fact, what they are called."

her head tiled a bit, ending up leaning on eli's shoulder. "and then over there," she pointed in another direction "there's the big dipper. for the longest time i could only find the big dipper and not the little dipper, because the little dipper is small. crazy right? but, if you look at the middle star in the handle," she began to draw a line in the air. "and follow it a little bit, you'll find the little guy." she felt herself smiling, she couldn't help it. every time she started talking about the night sky, it just happened. "my favorite one to see is mars. i know it's not a star, but it looks like this little red dot in the sky, and it was the first celestial body i was able to identify as a kid."

her hand dropped back down to her side, her other hand still old eli's and her head still on his shoulder.

it was time to get uncomfortable again.

"look. i know it was probably really hard for you to talk about that, about charlie and everything. i mean, it was really hard for me to talk about gentry. this is probably the first time i've told someone that wasn't my mom." normally, jan would try to make that into a joke, a laughing opportunity; but not this time. "i know it's hard to open up. and i really appreciate that you trusted me enough to talk about that. i just want you to know that while it gives me context to who you are, it doesn't change how i think of you. i still think you're an amazing guy, super sweet, and i'll always see you as my first friend here. that counts for a lot in my book."
code by valen t.

- Location.
- Mood.
Finally having fun!
- Tags.
Zeph ( Winona Winona ),
Cute, fun, flirty

Stella actually didn't know the answer to Zeph's question, but at the same time she didn't see how they wouldn't? There was so much carriable food here unless people were that trashy bringing food shouldn't be a problem. However he still had the better idea, "Sounds like a plan." Truthfully they find a better tasting, more filling, and a cheaper meal outside of the fair anyways with the option of it actually being decently healthy. While money wasn't a problem or anything, especially since she's only paid for her cider today, there was no reason to be wasteful with it for no reason over something not even that great like fair food.

As they made their way to the Ferris Wheel she wondered why was this her favorite part? Sure the view could be breathtaking but all the stopping wasn't ideal. Perhaps it was because for a brief moment you're on top of the world. A feeling she craved almost more than anything, and just like the ride would only last so long even once she's reached it...but damn is it wonderful to have even been there. And now she was getting to experience one of her favorite things with one of her favorite people in the world right now. Today truly had been an amazing day. Lots of fun rides, sweet tastes, lots of laughter and for the first time in a long time she just had fun. No thinking of the future, or her career, or her next move, or anything. Just living in this moment right now, and trying to live it to the fullest. She felt she hadn't done this in years, if she was honest.

She grinned sliding into the cart first hugging her zebra before Zeph joined in and they were slowly but surely on their way up. She liked the thought of this. Just hanging out, having fun, rising to the top together. She thought it was pretty fitting for how their live should be. How she just knew they would be. Her eyes were scanning the beautiful skyline lost in her own blissful thoughts until he spoke up. She turned her attention towards him but noticed he wasn't looking at her. That was ok tho, she understood. "Of course! You know I'm here for you." She chimed happily. She meant it too. He'd stuck beside her when she was down, she'd be forever grateful for that and would do the same for him.

She smiled softly back at him and lightly tapped his nose, "I know." She replied with her usual confidence, but much more playful then she usually does with others. Zeph always seemed to bring out her much softer, and more playful side. Maybe it was because he wasn't like most guys around here. He wasn't an asshole, or a wonanizer, or one of those "nice guys"...he was actually a good guy, a really good person. He was genuine and it was easy to let her guard down around him and just be. So these rare moments were the only times she could smile like this, soft, warm, real.

She leaned her head back into his shoulder to look back out over the city, and the beautifully painted sky as they neared the very top. She fit perfectly in the little nook due to their height difference. "This was perfect." She hummed before pausing a moment. She figured she might as well thought he idea out there. This had been fun for both of them and clearly helpful right? "We should do stuff like this more often. Especially if it helps clear your head you know?" It's not like they didn't hang out a lot, but they didn't really go out like this and do things like this. Like they were honestly just kids, not future celebrities. They could go to a carnival, or go-kart racing, or anything. To be honest it was mostly her fault since she was the one with the overly hectic schedule, but the loss of a mother is serious, and she understood that. Things had slowed down now thanks to the shooting of the season being over. They were getting a short break after the cast party on Friday, so she'd have plenty of time now.
Stella J. Bailey
coded by incandescent

Stella actually didn't know the answer to Zeph's question, but at the same time she didn't see how they wouldn't? There was so much carriable food here unless people were that trashy bringing food shouldn't be a problem. However he still had the better idea, "Sounds like a plan." Truthfully they find a better tasting, more filling, and a cheaper meal outside of the fair anyways with the option of it actually being decently healthy. While money wasn't a problem or anything, especially since she's only paid for her cider today, there was no reason to be wasteful with it for no reason over something not even that great like fair food.

As they made their way to the Ferris Wheel she wondered why was this her favorite part? Sure the view could be breathtaking but all the stopping wasn't ideal. Perhaps it was because for a brief moment you're on top of the world. A feeling she craved almost more than anything, and just like the ride would only last so long even once she's reached it...but damn is it wonderful to have even been there. And now she was getting to experience one of her favorite things with one of her favorite people in the world right now. Today truly had been an amazing day. Lots of fun rides, sweet tastes, lots of laughter and for the first time in a long time she just had fun. No thinking of the future, or her career, or her next move, or anything. Just living in this moment right now, and trying to live it to the fullest. She felt she hadn't done this in years, if she was honest.

She grinned sliding into the cart first hugging her zebra before Zeph joined in and they were slowly but surely on their way up. She liked the thought of this. Just hanging out, having fun, rising to the top together. She thought it was pretty fitting for how their live should be. How she just knew they would be. Her eyes were scanning the beautiful skyline lost in her own blissful thoughts until he spoke up. She turned her attention towards him but noticed he wasn't looking at her. That was ok tho, she understood. "Of course! You know I'm here for you." She chimed happily. She meant it too. He'd stuck beside her when she was down, she'd be forever grateful for that and would do the same for him.

She smiled softly back at him and lightly tapped his nose, "I know." She replied with her usual confidence, but much more playful then she usually does with others. Zeph always seemed to bring out her much softer, and more playful side. Maybe it was because he wasn't like most guys around here. He wasn't an asshole, or a wonanizer, or one of those "nice guys"...he was actually a good guy, a really good person. He was genuine and it was easy to let her guard down around him and just be. So these rare moments were the only times she could smile like this, soft, warm, real.

She leaned her head back into his shoulder to look back out over the city, and the beautifully painted sky as they neared the very top. She fit perfectly in the little nook due to their height difference. "This was perfect." She hummed before pausing a moment. She figured she might as well thought he idea out there. This had been fun for both of them and clearly helpful right? "We should do stuff like this more often. Especially if it helps clear your head you know?" It's not like they didn't hang out a lot, but they didn't really go out like this and do things like this. Like they were honestly just kids, not future celebrities. They could go to a carnival, or go-kart racing, or anything. To be honest it was mostly her fault since she was the one with the overly hectic schedule, but the loss of a mother is serious, and she understood that. Things had slowed down now thanks to the shooting of the season being over. They were getting a short break after the cast party on Friday, so she'd have plenty of time now.

fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerflelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilrfillerfilr
... lindsay kay ...

: D D D D D


outside of charlie's place --> the kay condo


charlie geminiy geminiy (jojojoey mentioned)

“Nuh uh,” Lin said, smiling his bright, slightly-lopsided smile. “You wanted to ask, I did, so…”

When she moved up to kiss him this time, he slouched a bit for her. She was kinda short compared to him, and, ya know, ten inches was kinda a long distance to clear by just standing on your tiptoes.

He didn’t know how to kiss, really, and none of the lessons everyone on Twitter that everyone offered— or that those seniors forever ago— were sticking to his brain right now. Instead, he just went with it until Charlie pulled back, laughing.

He laughed, too, grinning down at her.

“…nyah,” he finished his previous sentence, poking out his tongue.

“Okay, it is getting seriously late and you should be getting home. Besides, I’ve got Josie to fill in, though I’m sure she’s heard all about it already.”

Lin peeked at the door behind Charlie, laughing. The door? The door.

Oh— not the door— she was listening in. Duh.

He laughed again as he was pulled into a hug. After a final kiss, he was shoved away, and he grinned back at her.

“Yeah, goodnight, Terminator,” he laughed, and, as he walked off, he did a little dance, laughing to himself.

“I got a girlfriend, I got a girlfriend,” he sang beneath his breath to no tune in particular. “Girlfriend and won the bet, girlfriend and won the bet.” His cheeks, he could feel, were hot, and he cupped his hands to them. “Aw, I’m blushing.” He jumped up and tried to click his heels, though he only really served to make loud clunks that surely disturbed the neighbors.

Laughing to himself, he began to descend the stairs two at a time, and he pushed out to the parking lot with a grin on his face.

“If anyone wants to kill me, don’t!” he called, beginning his trek home, which he knew from the previous Friday night. If there was one thing that Lin’s memory really latched onto, it was directions.

Directions and bets, especially those that he won— which were all of them.

Including this one.

He tried his best to jump from the center of one square of the sidewalk to the next as he continued his little made-up song. “Girlfriend, girlfriend, gee-eye-ell-are— that’s not how you spell it…”

He soon arrived back at his condominium, and he didn’t bother to pull out his ID and talk to the guard at the gate, instead opting to scale and jump over the fence from an area mostly obscured by oblong hedges. Bougie condos, all things aside, had too much security who cared too much about getting the right people in and keeping the wrong people out or whatever— luhmao, he didn’t get it. It made him feel like he was part of a gated community, but without the community part because all of his neighbors hated him.

He skirted to the entrance and dashed down the hallway. The few eyes that were still in the front area followed him, but quickly looked away.

He made his way to his door and unlocked it easily, and he stepped into his foyer with a big grin on his face. Locking the door behind himself, he dropped to the floor, smiling, and he let out a yell so loud that there was no way that his neighbors three doors down didn’t hear it:

“I’m not fucking single anymore!”

He pumped his fists.

“Hell yeah!”

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
" podcasts, amirite? "
@oatmeal has set their status to:
memories aren't always good

@oatmeal has set their outfit to:
ugly fall themed sweater and some jeans

@oatmeal has set their location to:
callum's apartment

@oatmeal has interacted with:

@mogy has mentioned:
hery hery
Too benign at first and then a rupture of provoked thoughts and emotions incapable of being stated in a comfortable-to-hear tone of voice—at the fair, that person wasn't the real Callum; it wasn't the Callum Oates chose to spend all those painfully sleepless nights with. Callum's voice, even now, faintly through the door, had a specific charm of indifference which resonated with every word leaving his mouth, as if Newton's third law simply faltered before him and a reaction to an action was always somehow left lacking.

It could've been the anticipation of seeing Callum again that lightly bleached the enthusiasm from Oates's smile, but perhaps it wasn't the anticipation at all.

Where things like relationships can just be there one moment and vanish the next, feelings are mother nature's twisted parasite. Left to fade, slowly and painfully, they remind us of just how much we lost, and in those moments where they grow stronger, our smiles grow weaker, not because we want them to, but because a heart can't smile when reminded of its broken state. It wasn't like Oates to not smile, so as Callum eventually opened the door, Oates put on a smile, and he would've been lying if he said he felt no remorse or regret facing Callum in the circumstances they were in, especially knowing if things had gone just a little bit differently, there wouldn't have been this film of uncertainty and pain between the two.

It was then that Callum opened the door and stared at Oates in a certain disbelief-mixed-with-confusion kind of way, and frankly, Oates didn't know what to do besides just stand there and stare blankly at the taller boy, eagerly waiting for a response. Surely it wouldn't have been a bad one as Oates did pay for the pizza, and it wasn't like he didn't do this sort of thing all the time, right?

"Uh, yeah." The curly-haired boy stated, shaking the pizza box ever so slightly to show that it was, in fact, there. A slight smile forming on Callum's face, however much the taller boy tried to blur it out, didn't go unnoticed, and it prompted Oates to speak again. "Chad says hi, by the way."

At that moment, things became a bit more awkward as Callum decided to have a stroke and just stare at Oates for a very prolonged period, and, naturally, Oates turned to the next thing he knew how to do—rambling.

"His cat got that colonoscopy... Everything turned out to be okay." The boy chuckled awkwardly. "Well, then...her kidneys failed...and she had to be euthanized. But he has a new cat now, so it's kind of okay, I guess? It actually looks like Garfield almost. The actor, Andrew, not the cat that likes lasagna. Though if he was orange, Andrew Garfield would look like he likes lasagna, and I don't really know why..?" Oates confirmed clumsily before Callum finally decided to snap out of his trance and invite the poor boy in. Thankfully, it seemed as though Callum didn't comprehend the embarrassment Oates was as he stood outside of the apartment like that, talking about the correlation between being ginger and food preferences. If he did, however, Oates probably wouldn't have come into the all-to-familiar apartment just now, but instead, have been left alone, the shut apartment door and the go away mat under his feet the only remaining conversation buddies to talk to about cat colonoscopies. :‎(

The apartment itself cozily warmer when contrasted to the cold October breeze, but not uncomfortably so. As he entered, Oates could smell a combination of what can only be described as what the color beige would smell like and the slightly uncomfortable scent of shoes, but he himself had owned shoes at multiple points in his life, so it wasn't a smell he particularly cared for or was bothered by. In fact, as weird as it sounded, just being inside the apartment, smell pleasant or not, gave him reassurance of sorts—maybe everything was going to be okay; maybe he didn't completely ruin everything. Even the faint rays of sun falling onto the gray carpeted floor of the connected bedroom reminded him of things he used to fondly recall, but now with a warm melancholic though nostalgic feel behind them.

Closing the door behind him, putting the pizza box onto the coffee table as Callum prompted him to do, and then leaning on the armrest of an armchair placed next to the sofa, Oates was slowly preparing himself for whatever it was that Callum was going to say next, no matter how good or bad it was. With every breath and every head turn to admire something different in the apartment, however, Oates was more and more confident in disliking the idea of losing Callum. There were simply too many memories, most good, but also some bad, that Oates really wasn't ready to let go of yet, and he hoped Callum felt the same way. In the end, it was Callum who had the closing word about how this relationship, if it even could've been called that, would develop further, and Oates just wished it would. Develop, that is.

Of course, the curly-haired boy didn't forget about how hurt he was that Callum couldn't say he loved him, and simply said he didn't trust Callum. He couldn't after what happened at the homecoming game, though something Callum said did play in the back of his head all this time.

It was the idea of friendship between the two that at first confused Oates, but the more he thought about it, it appeared to him that a friend-like relationship would've been the best for the two. Just think about it... It would allow them to stay in each other's lives, allow them to hang out and spent time together like they used to, but would also take out emotion like love from being a necessity in the equation. It was the perfect way forward for the two...but it all depended on how this conversation was going to go.

Interrupting Oates's internal considerations, debates, and worries, Callum spoke, and Oates, almost immediately, shifted his view from the window to Callum, his eyes showing concern, but his smile telling compassion for the taller boy who was now also seated.

Rubbing his fingers together, anxious about what was to be said, his grip tightened to Callum apologizing but almost immediately released as the boy said he wanted the thing between them, whatever it was, to get better. With the grip, his lungs released an almost silent sigh of relief. He could've kissed Callum right then and there, but, for obvious reasons, he didn't, though his smile of compassion got some excitement mixed into it.

"I feel the same way, Cal. And I want this—you and me—to still go on, and I want to be in your life and have you in mine, you know? I want us to be together. As friends." The boy had passion behind his words, and even though he tried to seem as calm as possible, he was excited about this whole thing possibly working and most things being okay. "Because, at the fair, you asked me if we were friends, and I was confused because the idea of friendship with an ex was weird, but thinking about it, it makes sense. It really does. Like, we get to hang out all the time, and I don't have to linger on the question of you loving me or not, because in a friendship it doesn't matter as much."
º º code by dildo º º
Last edited:

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Jasquish's adoption idk
MENTIONS: Too many people idk. But Maddie jasmyn jasmyn

INT: Hunter, Nickie natsukashii natsukashii ohdittoh ohdittoh

TL;DR Saying bye to Jasquisha, and Liv's gonna go have fun with Maddie. The end
My sleep is gonna be affected, If I keep it up like a lovesick crack head

Wow, Hunter was... wow.

Seeing him treat Nickie so nicely was such a shock. Liv hadn't been enough for him because he simply wanted one thing out of her, she racked her brain about it. Was Hunter just being genuinely nice to Nickie? Or... did he just not get in her pants yet. Whatever the case was, it didn't sit right with Liv. Whether it was insecurity or just curiosity about his plans with Nickie, it just felt too weird. "I... it's fine, I don't want a new unicorn." The ferris wheel had came to a stop, and the next cart to exit was about to be theirs.

Liv glanced at the two with furrowed brows, huffing a breath. "Whatever's goin on with you... seems like it sucks. But don't apologize to us, apologize to whoever you're actually sorry to. I guess... I'll be around if you wanna talk, princess." The brunette stood up from her seat, hopping off the cart all while trying to ignore that little itch in her chest. "Hunter, thanks for the company." Two fingers were placed against her head before swooshed away in a salute motion.

"The compliment actually was for you, by the way." The girl sent a wink towards Nickie and was off without another word.


She had looked everywhere. The unicorn was gone. Just like her high was. Moments like these are-- wait a second. There he was! Jasquisha, laying on the floor-- practically waiting for Liv to snatch 'em up and take him home. The brunette barely took two steps in that direction when a tiny human had squealed towards it and Liv's heart dropped. "Dad! Look! God gave me one." Her words almost made Liv smile, almost. It was a bittersweet feeling.

The girl in tiny pink overalls most likely deserved it more than she did.

That was okay.

Liv took a deep breath and mustered up a wave.

Goodbye, little guy.

Liv wasn't going to get a chance to meet up with Ellie until later, and the longer she was alone, the more desperate she'd gotten. Nate and her haven't talked much since he'd gotten sober, Lucky was off... doing whoever he pleased, Mike was with a preschooler, Oliver was a fling in the summer, they don't talk much either. Suddenly a lightbulb had went off in her head.


She always made for good company.

Well... in Liv's case, tonight any company besides her own was good company.
code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr




She was right. Naomi was always right. Well, maybe not always right, but generally? Right.

They should do more things like this. Living on the other side of the world in an apartment with roommates and away from his family... it was too easy to get swept up in everything and forget that Zeph was still, technically, just a kid. He was just a sixteen-year-old boy, and Stella was just a fifteen-year-old girl, and they should be enjoying dumb fun things that made them laugh. There was no point in pushing it and growing up too fast, right? There was plenty of time to be a boring old adult and do boring old adult things.

Zeph looked back out over the city, a faint smile playing across his lips. This was nice, actually. The Ferris wheel. After the adrenaline and whiplash of riding things that made his heart beat fast and made him feel alive, it was nice to just settle down and take a breather on something that moved as slow as molasses. A perfect ending to a perfect night. Well, not ending because after this they'd be getting food, but a nearly perfect ending to a perfect night.

And, he hadn't even see Mike or Ronnie! Perfect night.

"What're you going to name him?" Zephyr asked as he looked away from the city lights to nod at the zebra in Stella's arms. He was glad that she actually liked the stuffed animal, and that he was able to win it fairly easily so he didn't have to waste a ton of money trying to get the damn thing. Those fair things were always rigged, but he'd grown decent at winning them despite the unfairness and the rigged... ness. It's what happened when you had little sisters that always wanted prizes.

"Harold? Reginald? Oh, name him after me. Zephyr. Zee -- that's what everyone back home calls me." Apparently even Zeph was too much of a mouthful for them and he'd been reduced to one letter back then. It'd been a bit of a shock when he'd first arrived at HA and had been called by his actual name... of course, there were also a fair number of people who'd looked at him funny when he'd said his name. Zephyr. Worst name ever -- thanks, Mom.

"Oh, or Filbert. That's what Ronnie told Gen, anyway, when she was talking about her 'stalker' and it just ended up being mean." A painful pang went through his chest at the thought of the little redhead.

So much for moving on and trying to be better than that. For... moving on and just... doing his best to enjoy the night without getting his mind wrapped up around the regrettable decisions he'd made surrounding Ronnie.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

fillerfillerfillflleierlerssdsdfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfilrfillerllerfillerfillfilr
... nickie abrams ...

......: )...right...yeah...: )...that...




hunter natsukashii natsukashii liv Soap Soap

Nickie looked over at Liv, lips tucked inwards. Her glossy eyes had an empty quality to them, and, as she listened to her speak, her lips untucked themselves.

“The compliment actually was for you, by the way,” Liv said, and she left the Ferris wheel as Nickie realized that it had come to a stop.

Shit. She was starting to feel that way again.

She was starting to feel that low that came after she did shit like this; after she spouted out something that she didn’t mean, after she did something that she immediately regretted, after she saw something that she wasn’t meant to see or heard something that she wasn’t meant to hear and pegged it all on herself— she always got this feeling after she pulled shit like this. It worried the people around her— it made them act like they cared or made them waste their time actually caring— but it was nothing to her.

She was used to it by now.

She stood up slowly, eyes focused on the ground as she exited the cart. She didn’t look back at Hunter when she walked off of the platform— she just went and sat down at a bench and ran her fingers through her hair numbly. Her gaze was lowered to the feet of the passing people, and she took a moment to just draw in a deep breath.

“I’m sorry,” she apologized again, voice quiet. She moved her eyes to Hunter’s shoes. “I’m the worst. I’m the fucking worst.” Her eyes moved up to his knees. “I just…I always say so much that I don’t mean, and I just…” She looked at his face, meeting his eyes for a moment before hers darted away and to a nearby booth with a large, blinking sign that read FUNNEL CAKES. “It’s stupid. I’m stupid, and I don’t know what I’m doing, and I just…” Her words read no emotion in particular. “You put up with just…” She met his eyes again. “…too much.”

She stared at his face for a moment, and then she smiled softly, laughing quietly and looking away. “I’ve got a lot to apologize for. You waste your time on me, so that’s one. I make everything all about me, so that’s two. Three is that I dissed you to Adriane…four is that I dropped Liv’s unicorn that you worked to get her…” She sighed softly, closing her eyes. “Six is that I cried and made a scene and ruined your day, and seven is that I’m wasting your time right now.”

She forgot five.

She sighed softly. “I…I’ve just…” She put two hands on her forehead. “I dunno. It’s just…I came here to have fun— and to have fun with you— and yet, here I am….” She opened her eyes and met Hunter’s once more. “Apologizing.” She shook her head. “I…”

She laughed at herself softly, shaking her head. “I don’t know…I don’t know how to make this all up to you…”

She slowly raised herself up. “And, like, I know that you and Liv…I don’t know. You…just seem to have…”

You two seem to have had a small…thing before I came.

She shook her head. “Nevermind, never…nevermind.” She forced a smile that didn’t quite travel to her eyes. “But…point is…I…I…”

She reached her hand out for his before quickly dropping it again. She’d just wasted his time; holding his hand would just be…asking too much when she’d already had too much given to her by just having talked to him.

Her smile became smaller, and her gaze at his eyes became a bit more unsure and unconfident. “I’ll…I’ll do my best to make it up to you.” She looked at the wheel behind him, and then to her right, where more rides were. “I’ll…” She made her smile larger. “Come on. Let’s…let’s go.”

• • • • •​

The rides tired her out, but she was tired already, so that was nothing new. Really, it was all fine. She…rode rides with Hunter. Ate a little bit. Rode…more rides with Hunter. She didn’t know; time was kinda…wonky tonight, and everything happened too fast and too slow at the same time.

Regardless, tonight had been…well…

She got to spend time around Hunter, so why did tonight feel like such a bust?

She knew the answer to the question; she knew that she didn’t deserve to be around him, and she knew that she was wasting his time by letting him be around her, and she had, so selfishly, thought that asking him to spend time with her at the fair would make it up to him in some way— even though it had been more like she wanted to spend time with him to make herself feel better, because it always made her feel better.

It didn’t, though.

She was in that rut— that place. Spending time with him, wasting his time on Friday night hadn’t cured it, and neither had spending time with him and wasting his time tonight.

All she was doing was wasting his time. Even if it made her feel safe to have him around, she was…well, it was like she was just using him, and…fuck, she didn’t know.

It was time for the bonfire now, but…there was no way that she was getting through that.

As she and Hunter approached the fire, she looked over at him, and she gave one last request, even after everything that she’d asked tonight:

“Hunter…can…we just go home?”

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Last edited:
Hunter Drake
Hunter braced himself for the worst as the ferris wheel came to a stop. He’d say he didn’t know why he was, but that would be a lie. With how Nickie and Liv went from hate-glaring each other down like two Samurai about to duel to the death to both just becoming a complete mystery, Hunter honestly was preparing himself for a round two of the Samurai duel.

But that never came. Actually, when they stepped off, Liv said something about her compliment and how it was directed at Nickie. The wink threw him, but not in the way he had expected. He kind of smiled. Maybe it was his male fantasy getting the better of him, but for a short second, he entertained the thought of the two of them...no, that’s not the way Hunter. Or maybe not that soon..

..No. Just don’t go there.

When he and Nickie got maybe a few feet away from the Ferris wheel and they were finally alone for the first time in the night, even though things had taken a rather spiral-down-into-rock-bottom turn, Hunter felt optimistic. And so he kept a smile, but when Nickie started apologizing.“Nickie, it’s okay. No need to--” This was his attempt to try and assure and reassure her, but she cut him off completely.

And then it began. Nickie went down a spiraling list of reasons why she was sorry and why he shouldn’t stay by her side and among them was how she was the worst, how she talks too much, how she says things she doesn’t mean, how he puts up with too much from her.

“It’s hardly been that much,” Hunter stated with a slight chuckle.

And clearly, his attempt at making a joke either went completely ignored or it made things worse.

Correction. It did make things worse, because Nickie started to literally list off reasons. Actual reasons in numerical order.

Hunter wanted to intervene, wanted to stop her, kiss her -- do anything that might shut her up, but nothing came out. Like a cat who was murdered by their own curiosity, he listened to what she considered valid reasons to apologize for. And you know what? Hunter was growing more and more frustrated. Unintentionally, it was at nickie, but the real reason was at people like Liv, like Adri, like Evie, like anyone who put these thoughts in her head. It drove his mind crazy that she couldn’t see that she isn’t a bad person and that no matter what he did, she always went back to the singular point that she had to always apologize to him.

And maybe that’s why he didn’t really say anything meaningful. That’s why he didn’t give her his two cents in how everyone was wrong. He just let the silence fill the air as they went and enjoyed the fair.

Well, Hunter was enjoying the fair. In some half-assed gesture of making it up to her for his silence, he covered all costs: rides, cotton candy, some small prizes, and even more rides.

When it got to the point of the night when the bonfire was about to start, Hunter was actually looking forward to it. Something about the way fire lit up and all of the people surrounding the stacked pillar, the laughter heard as friends and whatnot were enjoying themselves, it was contagious. And it almost gave Hunter some hope for a last chance that doubled as a redo for tonight.

“Hunter…can…we just go home?”

And as she spoke, Hunter looked at her with what could quite possibly be the first, genuine frown he’d ever thrown Nickie’s way. And maybe that was because of how much he was looking forward to this redo. He desperately wanted to try and see if she was down for sticking around, part of him hoping that maybe they could find some silver lining, but Hunter just..didn’t do anything.

“Sure, if that's what you want” he gave her a shrug, following her away from the warmth and invigorating energy that emitted from the bonfire and those around it. In the back of his mind, Hunter was thinking about how much of a wreck this night was and the thought stuck with him as he got into the passenger seat of Nickie’s dark blue SUV.

* * * * *​

The drive to the condo he shared with Dei was eerily quiet. Hunter hadn’t felt like talking, which was a rarity for him. Usually he always had something to say, but between how disappointed he was he didn’t get to experience this year’s bonfire and just everything else, time flew by like everything was going at x0.75 speed.

But they eventually reached his place...well, the building he lived at, that was.

“Thanks for the ride,” he said to Nickie, giving her a quick hug. “I know things didn’t end well today, but really, it’ll be okay.” Somehow his words felt emptier than they usually were and he just--he just smiled at her.

As the car drove away and Hunter spent a few moments looking into the night, he sighed. Now, who was the one letting their thoughts get to them?

“Guess it’s time to see if Dei left out the good stuff.”

Finally, back home, Hunter plopped on the couch, letting himself sink into the cushion for what felt like a few hours, but it was only a few minutes. His mind was tired, having gone halfway to heaven and hell and then back again, the consistent pull that Liv and Nickie had on him was exhausting. And he didn’t even get to enjoy the bonfire.

Was that what he was most bummed about? The fucking bonfire. “I mean, it’s not like I could have said no. Oh, yeah, let’s leave Nickie alone so she can tell herself shit that she doesn’t need to. That would have gone swimmingly.”

As he turned over and took out his phone, Hunter scrolled through Twitter. Yeah, some bits about someone, but nothing worth his prolonged attention.

Dragging his heavy body off the couch, Hunter tossed his jacket to the side, making an audible thud on the floor. He went for some whiskey and poured himself a glass that had two shots worth of the stuff in it. He actually liked his with an ice cube and he just leaned over the countertop, giving some of his text messages a quick glance. THe saw some from his friends, some from Nickie from earlier, but no new ones.

He took a few steady sips of his whiskey and downed it as he went off to his room. He passed by his jacket and picked it up. Whatever was happening with everyone else today was probably the last thing he wanted to think about. All he wanted was sleep.

And as his head plopped onto his pillow, he was two heavy sighs away from calling it a night.

That’s exactly what he did.


fall fair→home


frustrated with love and everything in-between


boy looks like a rich bum


Liv Soap Soap , Nickie ohdittoh ohdittoh
coded by natasha.
MOOD: plz

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: callum's apartment
too much work

mogy mogy (Oates)
TL;DR no
Callum Richards
Callum was impressed with how easily Oates had opened up, although this time around he'd done a decent job in not showing it. He mostly ignored the update on Chad and his cat, offering up the same unamused facial expression he donned throughout every comedy special he'd seen in the past two years.

The past two years.

Oates seemed to be thinking of the same thing, as evidenced by the way his head twisted around, as though it had hadn't been screwed on tight enough. Callum watched closely as his ex-boyfriend' eyes traveled to the plates in the kitchen, the permanently empty picture frame on the wall, and the door to his bedroom, which was slightly ajar. He had made the mistake of leaving his junk within their line of sight, clearly visible on top of his bed through the crevice between the door and its frame.

Callum spoke plainly and matter-of-factly as always, yet Oates seemed even more eager than usual to get the conversation going. The bright-eyed boy's enthusiasm, however, wasn't enough to hide the tension and nervousness he'd exhibited since coming face to face with Callum, no matter how hard he tried to stay strong. He had a painfully readable face, something that irritated Callum when he was in tears but simultaneously came as a blessing when he needed positive reassurance without asking. The positive aura Oates exuded was often enough to soothe Callum with just a glance.

Callum nodded avidly, clinging on to every word that left Oates' lips. He found himself subconsciously leaning in, ever so slightly, to lock eyes with him. He furrowed his brows as he listened, making a conscious effort to appear more concentrated than normal. Perhaps it was a touch too intense for what was supposed to be a casual, serious conversation, but the line between uncaring indifference and stoic intensity was quite thin for Callum. So far, so good; Oates seemed quite amicable, considering the circumstances.

That was, of course, until Oates uttered the single, devastating word: friends. Callum felt a knife drive itself through his chest, twisting and turning until he could hardly focus on the sounds coming from Oates. Every mention of the words friends, friendship, ex... friendship again... the knife sunk deeper and deeper until it shot straight through his back.

"It doesn't matter as much."

The hell does he mean it doesn't matter as much?
Callum hadn't forgotten their conversation about leaving things to cool for a bit, but he didn't actually think Oates had it in him to restrain himself from opening their relationship back up. Nothing he said about wanting to try or really caring mattered when, in the end, it was all just meaningless fluff meant to let him down easy. Callum had a wild imagination, but he wasn't blind to the obvious truth in front of him that being back together was the best thing for both of them. Did Oates really not want what was best for him? Screw the stupid four letter word, their two-year long relationship wasn't insignificant enough to reduce to debating goddamn semantics.

To say Callum was hurt and, truthfully, a little shocked, was an understatement. In normal circumstances, he'd have told Oates exactly what he was thinking. He'd have gone on a long tirade about what Oates really wanted and why Callum's way was the best solution, but this time, Oates had the upper hand. Any moment, he had the liberty to leave because, really, coming to Callum's apartment was a gift and a privilege Callum had to acknowledge. Oates was in no way obligated to stay and discuss this after everything that had been said and done.

"Yeah, I mean, we've always been friends. You've been my best friend ever since I met you," Callum admitted, sheepishly dropping eye contact, "I care about you a lot and, if this is what it means to stay in your life, fine, but... do you really think there's no hope for another shot?" He gradually scooted closer to the side of the couch nearest to Oates' chair, his pleading eyes searching for any sign of hesitation on Oates' face.

He felt disgusting giving so much leeway to this idea, given the knowledge that any sort of strong resistance would drive Oates away all over again. It was pathetic to be so helpless to his ex-boyfriend's will; any sort of lame attempt at a platonic relationship would come as a defeat on Callum's part. "I want the best for us. Whatever happens between us, that fact won't change. And I'll never stop feeling the way I do about you."

He was tired. Exhausted from hours spent overthinking and making so much effort just to get Oates back to his place. And now he was talking about acting like friends, as though everything they'd shared could just be put aside for some fruitless imitation of a limited bond. Callum had no intention to be reduced to the level of Rome, no more important or special than anybody else in Oates' life. This "ex" and "friendship" thing was only an invitation to go back to the crushing loneliness Callum had grown accustomed to all of his years living, no matter how many people were around him in the tangible realm.

code by valen t.
" podcasts, amirite? "
@oatmeal has set their status to:
let's be friends

@oatmeal has set their outfit to:
ugly fall themed sweater and some jeans

@oatmeal has set their location to:
callum's apartment

@oatmeal has interacted with:

@mogy has mentioned:
hery hery
Oates was like a firework—fun and with a colorful persona that made some moments even more special, sure, but he wasn't a firework because of those reasons. In fact, to understand why Oates was a firework, you first need to know that every firework has one thing that makes it such: the fact that once you ignite their fuses, it's very hard to stop them from exploding, and that once they explode, you can expect a light show.

That was the thing about Oates; once you ignited his fuse for a certain something—whether that something was an idea or a situation or even a person—it was only a matter of time before he 'exploded' and went from his empathic self to an overly optimistic human idea machine, with his brain brewing reasonings and arguments for why he should believe in that previously mentioned something even more. It was exactly what happened here, with the idea of an Oates and Callum friendship being the thing Oates was convinced would magically fix all of his issues, and Callum and his feelings being put in the background of the entire thing. So, as the curly-haired boy spoke, he didn't even notice that Callum especially despised the idea of the two of them being friends. And he wasn't ignoring Callum and doing the whole thing in order to hurt the taller boy on purpose, but the moment Callum expressed he didn't want to lose Oates from his life, Oates went for his shot at the idea of a friendship. It was obvious that with every said word, Callum's mood shifted from relieved to angry to sad, but Oates couldn't see it or perhaps subconsciously chose not to.

When the time came for Callum to speak again, the two boys were already miles closer to each other, what from Callum shifting closer to Oates and what from Oates enthusiastically positioning himself closer to Callum in the burst of excitement talking about how good of friends the two of them could be. And to Oates, it seemed that the two were already miles closer to each other on the inside as well, with Callum's wrongly perceived feelings taken as a sign of understanding and agreement.

But then Callum spoke and with the lump inside Oates's throat growing as the realization hit him, he felt as if it was 3am on New Year's Day—cold, disappointed, and the only evidence of fireworks existing being the ugly smell of gunpowder in the air. Callum saying he would settle if he had to meant that this was nothing but a temporary solution to a permanent problem, and that didn't work with Oates.

"I-" The boy stopped himself to carefully pick out which words to use in the next few sentences so he could avoid wronging yet another thing. "I don't want to hurt you again, Callum. I don't want to be hurt again, either. That situation, in the hallway, made me realize I can't force you to feel something for me, and that you need to process these emotions of your own, on your own." Oates took Callum's cold hands into his own before continuing. "I get that you still have feelings for me, and I still have feelings for you, I mean, how couldn't I? But I think being friends is the best thing moving forward. And, yeah, it's gonna be hard to go from a romantic relationship to a friendship, but I think we can do it, Cal. I really do."
º º code by dildo º º

fillerfillerfillflleierlerssdsdfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfilrfillerllerfillerfillfilr
... nickie abrams ...





hunter natsukashii natsukashii (liv, evie, chas, seb, dei, and rome mentioned)

Nickie was quiet the entire drive to Hunter’s. She’d turned her music down to three, so she could only hear the s and t sounds over the whistling of the wind and the sound of her motor.

Her lips worked the entire time. Her thoughts were cloudy and muddled in her general numbness, but one thing was clear from them:

Tonight fucking sucks.

She pulled up to his condo, pressing her foot on the brake a bit more hesitantly than she usually would have.

Why was she…

Nevermind, she knew exactly why.

Even if tonight fucking sucks, I don’t want to be alone.

She shifted into park, and Hunter leaned over and gave her a hug. The smile he gave her looked forced.

“Bye,” she said as he pulled back, her words small and unsure.

After the door slammed behind him, she watched him disappear inside, and she felt herself tear up again. She tried to blink the tears away, but they persisted, and she leaned against her steering wheel, letting out a soft sob.

She’d ruined his night, and now he hated her. She didn’t deserve him in the first place, but now he hated her. She meant, it made sense why. She’d given him a whole list of why she fucking sucked— and plus he and Liv had apparently had some kind of something before she’d pulled up today, so…so it wasn’t like this came as a shock in any sense—

Goddamn it, why was she never good enough? Why couldn’t she ever do anything right?

There was a reason why she and Dei hadn’t lasted even past the talking phase: there was someone much better than her. There always was— and it was the fucking worst. And then Chas— Chas and Seb. She couldn’t even fucking keep friends— Rome and Evie and Liv and…shit.

She lifted up from her wheel, her rheumy vision making the view behind her windshield just blurry enough to be difficult to interpret but not so difficult that she couldn’t pull out of the driveway and onto the road.

In her blurry world, the headlights, in their long strings across the road, looked like the fair lights had, and it made her lips work again as hot tears rolled down her cheeks. “Shit,” she whispered to herself.

Even if it had just happened, she wanted to forget that the fair ever happened.

She just wanted strike the past week from the record, starting Friday night.

The whole way home, her vision was composed of multicolored blobs with shaky outlines. Her lips were chapped from her salty tears, and she kept her head ducked as she disappeared into her apartment complex.

When she reached her room, she locked her door and stared at the lock for a moment.

Put it all behind me…

She sniffled deeply, tugging off her shoes, and she tucked her hair behind her ears. Walking to the bathroom, she cast a look at herself in the mirror above the counter.

“So much for looking cute,” she said, giving herself a curled smile of disgust, and she began too bitterly sob again.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Elias Johannes

The stars. Right. Compared to the stars, Eli wasn’t that high off the ground. He didn’t have to worry about plummeting to his death if he was more focused on the endless galaxies above him which, in its defense, was incredibly beautiful. Jan knew a lot about the sky and the stars that twinkled playfully to light up the seemingly boring ebony abyss of space. Somehow, this knowledge came as a surprise to Jan. She had mentioned before that she enjoyed astronomy and cosmology, expressing interest in the stars and their stories. Eli wasn’t quite sure why this interest seemed so odd to him, though it was certainly not in a bad way.

Although a dreamer by nature, Elias was more fascinated by the world around him rather than what shone just within the vision of his sight. It always seemed far more interesting to him to understand people and how the world worked and the beautiful things that Earth and its people had to offer than galaxies and planets. The closest thing he had ever gotten to voluntarily looking at the stars was when he and Gen were on a camping trip with their parents and they had caught a meteor shower through the tree branches. They were beautiful but Eli couldn’t help but see them as nothing more but rocks burning up in the atmosphere, hardly something mystical or mysterious.

But sitting next to Jan, following her finger as she traced patterns from memory in the sky, Eli sort of understood the appeal. The stars were no more interesting to him than before the Ferris wheel, that was far from what Elias found captivating. It was the passion behind Jan’s voice as she spoke, the fire that drove her as she explained the symbolisms of giant balls of burning gas somewhere far beyond their reach, that captivated him. There was little more in the world that Eli loved more than listening to people talk about things they were passionate about.

Eventually, the Ferris wheel began to turn once more, lowering the pair closer to the ground with each passenger that stepped off. Every time the cart lurched and lunged, Eli tensed. He struggled to listen as Jan spoke but still managed to hear what she was saying, the words registering slowly in his mind. As Jan finished speaking, their cart pulled to a halt and the attendant swung the door open to let them off the ride. Finally, the sweet feeling of solid ground beneath his feet.

“Come on, it’s getting pretty late, we should get you home.” Eli spoke calmly, giving himself some time to formulate a response to Jan’s words.

What was he supposed to say? Eli had no intention of spewing his guts about his ex-girlfriend the first time the two hung out outside of school or messaging each other online. He wanted Charlie to be a person in the past, someone who had meant a lot to him but had since become little more than a stranger in his books. Yet there he was, regalling Jan with the complicated ins and outs of his prior relationship.

Eli only spoke once they got to his car as he carefully opened up the door to let Jan inside before walking to the driver’s side and hopping in. Usually, he would have hooked up his phone and put on his playlist to jam to as he drove. But this time, the car was quiet as Eli thought to himself, his eyes focused on the road as Jan gave him directions to her house. The only thing out of character that Eli did was reach up to open the sunroof, revealing the stars above. At least those would make Jan comfortable, unlike his awkward silence.

The two made small talk the short ride to where Jan lived but Eli never responded to the whole sentimental part of Jan’s talk back on the Ferris wheel. It felt strange to open up so deeply to someone he hardly knew. Eli would be fully lying if he said that he wasn’t terrified of everything that was happening between him and Jan. It felt so nice to be around her, but the speed in which their relationship had seemed to be naturally developing was absolutely horrifying. He was constantly stuck between wanting to go further and wanting to retreat into himself to escape the fear.

Pulling up outside of Jan’s home, Eli stepped out of the car and opened Jan’s door for her, closing it gently behind her before turning to walk her up the driveway to her front door.

“You know, I appreciate what you said back there on the Ferris wheel. People normally just expect me to be all happy-go-lucky all the time that they shut me down whenever I talk about something that upsets me.” Eli said softly, his eyes fixed on some unknown target ahead of them as they walked. Reaching the front door, Eli finally turned to Jan and rested his hand on her shoulder. “You’re a great person Jan, I’m glad to call you a friend.”

Oh no. The dreaded front door goodbye of an ambiguous hangout. What was he supposed to do? Hug her? Give her a sturdy handshake? High five her?

“Goodnight Jan.” Eli said sweetly, offering a smile before he dropped his hand and making his way back to his car. He waited until Jan was securely inside before he pulled away from the curb and driving off into the autumn night.


the fair




sick jacket, bro


january sunshineysoul sunshineysoul
coded by natasha.
MOOD: ronnie's the marshmallow mike's the graham crackers

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: roller coaster of doom
too much work

ohdittoh ohdittoh (Mike)
TL;DR no
Veronica Crosby
Ronnie had to make a conscious effort not to drag her feet before boarding the roller coaster car, the regret within her multiplying exponentially after every jarring creaking sound emanating from the giant, horrifying attraction in front of them. In fact, she was so afraid that she hadn't had the mind to use her visible anxiety to her advantage. She stood paralyzed, not even thinking to latch on to her date as planned. "I-I'll be fine," she insisted, realizing her natural reaction to shy away from everyone when she was scared had come into play.

After realizing she had to keep up with her opportunities to be clingy, Ronnie latched onto Mike, although the bar securing them in place made it difficult to squish next to him. She looked to Mike as he spoke, the fear in their eyes at equal levels for a flash of a moment. "Um, mine feels a little loo-"



"Aaaahhhhh!" Ronnie screeched at the top of her lungs, likely shattering all glass objects in a 1000 foot radius. She'd had the wind knocked out of her once the roller coaster jerked into motion, but once they reached a consistent speed, Ronnie found that the off switch to her screaming had seemingly vanished. She could concentrate on nothing but how awful this was, unable to so much as glance to her side at Mike. Even when they'd slowed at the summit of the roller coaster's slope, there was no hushing her pitiful screams of anguish.

When they'd come to a stop, Ronnie's voice was dry and hoarse, as though her throat had been filled with sand. So much for vocal rest. "That was fun..." she wheezed, too dazed to get out of the car without Mike's help. As relieved as she was that she'd made it through, it was a little hard to adjust back to the real, normal-speed world.

The girl waddled beside Mike to the bonfire, reassessing her plan for the night. Maybe it was time to give the guy a little break from thrill rides... not that Ronnie couldn't handle them all just as well. It was just obvious that she'd have puked her guts out if the only thing she'd had that day wasn't a candy apple. Even for someone with an iron stomach like Ronnie, that roller coaster was a bit... much. She was amazed that the thing was still open and the line was consistently packed with how awful it was.

The bonfire would be a nice rest. Ronnie could cuddle up to Mike by the warmth of the fire, share a few "true" scary stories (okay, so maybe a little bit of thrill was still in order), and revel in the teen romance novel vibe of it all.

Once the two got situated by the fire, Ronnie held onto Mike's arm as usual and rested her head against him, looking for demonic shapes in the rippling flames. "I know I already said this, but... thank you for humoring me, Mikey. Today was really fun thanks to you," she murmured, longing to be able to maintain this sort of attention from another for just another day. Her Cinderella's miracle would be over in no time, reverting her back to the lone girl she'd come to know and despise.

For now, though, Ronnie would stay in the present with Mike, savoring every peaceful, playful moment they had left until they inevitably parted ways. The fair was a dream and, in no time, had become her favorite event of the year.
code by valen t.
bend over backwards

Honestly, Rome had no right being as surprised as he was to be caught crying in the bathroom, considering it was.... well, a public bathroom. One that he hadn’t even thought to check for a lock. Nevertheless, he was surprised. He inhaled sharply and his head snapped up as someone touched him, and he tried not to cough as he sucked in spit and snot. Crying was not a glamorous thing. He peered up at... actually, he had no idea who this was. He looked vaguely familiar, like maybe Rome had walked past him or something.

The Russian wiped at his cheeks uselessly, since the tears just kept coming. “S-Sorry,” he choked out, the words barely intelligible. He sniffled and shook his head, but answered. “Am fine. Fine. Is okay.” Despite this, he continued to rub at his face. He figured maybe he should, like, get up and leave this guy to do his business, but Rome really wasn’t feeling up to it. For once, he wished he was invisible so that he could just sit on this disgusting floor and cry until he felt comfortable being part of society again.

I leave soon,” he assured his new acquaintance, shooting him a smile that wasn’t quite real.
MOOD: embarrassing

LOCATION: bathroom

OUTFIT: a hot fit

INTERACTIONS: ohdittoh ohdittoh

code by valen t.

fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfilslsderlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfisdsdllerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr
... michael reid ...



fairgrounds --> headed to his apartment


ronnie hery hery

Michael’s breathing was slightly labored as he seated himself on a log beside the fire. Don’t look at it, man, and you’ll be fine.

He felt a soft rubbing against his arm, and he looked down to see the little simp. As she spoke, he didn’t look away. His brows were knit, studying her face from his position above it. She spoke quietly, and he, for once, didn’t jump in and immediately toss a teasing remark at her or think what a bitch she was.

In the firelight, everything looked different and kind of hazy. Everything near the fire glowed orange, and the image of the dancing flames reflected in Ronnie’s eyes.

She was so…innocent, goddamn it. The way that she talked was so kiddish. The way that she thought that she could allure him earlier, the way that she dragged him around to try to charm him, the way that she played cute…it was all child’s play.

God, fuck, why had he done that to a kid? Why had he spouted off all of that shit to her— the fact that she was a cockblocking simp, the fact that she always hung around him, the fact that…why had he said it?

The pinch in his neck came back, and his jaw tightened.

“Y-Yeah, I…” He looked down, chuckling. “I just…”

I still feel like shit for what I did.

He laughed quietly, lifting his eyes to the fire for a moment before quickly looking away as his breathing hitched. “I enjoyed it, too,” he lied. He looked down at her again, smiling softly. “I enjoyed it, too,” he repeated, as if that would make it true.

He looked back down at his feet.

Tonight had been shit, and for what? Like, how did it kill him to be around her? How did it affect him in any way? Sure, she drove away pussy, but she was…well, she didn’t…do it on purpose, yeah? And when other girls weren’t around…what did it do to him?

Tonight, he realized, he’d gone on the date not to make it up to her, but to satiate that annoying fucking pinch in his neck.

Goddamn it. It was times like these that he realized…

I’m such a fucking asshole.

He realized, after a few minutes, that…well, he’d been sitting for a few minutes.

“You know…,” he started, and he looked over at her.

He could…do his best to turn things around— or, at least, end the night sweetly for her.

“…I wasn’t lying when I said you looked cute tonight.”

He gave her a grin, and he leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead before standing up with a grin.

“It’s late. You should head home,” he said. “You’ve had a long night, and I don’t want to hold you up, babe.”

He gave her a teasing wink. “I’ll see ya around,” he said, and he gave her one last wink before walking away.

The ride home, his head was silent. He didn’t speak aloud, and he didn’t listen to the radio. He rode in complete and utter silence.

And he kind of relished it.

Silence was better than loathing his existence.

Silence was better than a sharp pinch in the back of his neck.

Silence was better than the dread of hearing Ronnie speak.

After the hell that was tonight, silence was nice.

He didn't know how he felt, and he didn't really know if he was feeling.

But even that felt...nice.

He felt nice. After such a shit night, he felt...nice.

That was all, that was it, and that was...great.

In the end, his resolution to have a good night had been fulfilled.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr
... saint taylor ...

you gonna be good.



Saint’s eyebrows unknitted, his eyes squinting slightly in confusion. “You’re crying,” he said, stating the obvious.

He was crying, so it was obvious that he wasn’t okay. That was what it meant to Saint. He didn’t know the boy, but he knew that people didn’t sob in bathrooms when they were overjoyed.

The kid— or perhaps he wasn’t a kid and just looked boyish— looked like hell. It wasn’t any of his business or any of his concern what the other boy was doing here, nor was it his job to get him to stop or to extend any offers to cheer him up, nor was it even his job to ask if he was okay, nor was it his job to so much as acknowledge him. Still, for some reason, though Saint could do much better with his time than console a crying kid in a fair restroom and though he did have to excavate his bladder, he remained squatted before him.

If nothing else, Saint was confused. The boy had to be in distress to be driven to sobbing in a heap on the floor of a restroom. Saint knew that much, at least. It wasn’t like it was any of his business to know what had happened, so he wouldn’t ask. It was obvious that the boy didn’t want to talk about it in the first place, and that was good enough for Saint.

Regardless, if Saint was chilling in a bathroom somewhere, he’d want some weed whether he was crying or not, so he might as well do the same to this random kid.

He paused a moment. “Hey, I’m driving someone else home— but you can come ride with me, man,” he said. “I got a joint you can blaze, calm you down.”

He raised a brow at him. “Come on, let’s go,” he said, standing up and offering the boy his hand to help him up.

He still had to pee, but that could wait, really. He didn’t really mind much that Amy was waiting, but she was waiting for him, and, though he could stay in here and talked to the boy and pee, he wasn’t really feeling it.

He paused his walking away for a second. “You can use paper towels for tissues,” he suggested to the nameless boy in his stoic voice. “They might be a bit hard on your nose, but they’ll do the job.”

With that, he exited the bathroom and went back out to Amy. He granted her a quick raise of the eyebrows as another greeting, and, with no further explanation, the strange boy in tow, and his perpetually-serious expression on his face, he said, “Aight, let’s all roll out.”

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
MOOD: plz plz plz

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: callum's apartment
too much work

mogy mogy (Oates)
TL;DR no
Callum Richards
Callum felt an ounce of hope kindle in his soul when Oates followed suit and scooted closer to him, as much as the separation between the chair and couch allowed. He stopped himself from appearing too eager, wary of being crushed once more by Oates' words. The tightness in his chest throbbed as his heart was wrenched and squeezed by the boy sitting to his right, only growing harder to ignore after every second he spent trying to find the right words. Callum assumed the worst, pained to admit his long fight to win Oates back would be lost to the bitter handicap called "friendship".

How could the two of them ever hope to maintain something platonic and meaningful? Oates was perhaps one of Callum's most trusted confidants, even if that wasn't much compared to how much trust there was in normal relationships. Oates knew far too much about Callum's life and state of mind to simply take a step back. He'd spared Oates most of the details of his inner thoughts and past, because explanations are a pain and, really, why should he have to know everything in the first place? It shouldn't have mattered but it did, and Callum was terrified to think of pursuing a normal friendship with the closest person to being an expert about him. It just wasn't the same. In a flash, Callum's life preserver was yanked away from him, leaving him to succumb to the sinking pit surrounding him.

He silently begged Oates to reconsider, screaming for him to change his mind through eye contact alone. Callum didn't want to hurt anybody. He didn't care if he himself was hurt by this. Being with Oates felt right and to watch what they had fall apart in front of him was agonizing. In this frenzy of guilt and stress, Callum's eyes began to sting and his cheeks burned red. "Oat, you can't mean that," he whimpered, using all of his power to stop himself from choking on the lump in his throat.

The rising water in his eyes surged forward, threatening to drip down his cheeks. When Oates' warm hands merged with his own, Callum grew redder. He resorted to flitting his eyes to keep the tears at bay and looked away for a brief moment, his mouth hanging open and letting out choked, shallow breaths. This couldn't be happening. The worst case scenario, his world crashing down in front of him and the only person he had here drifting away from him on some cheap guise of a "friend".

His eyes drifted back to Oates', still shiny with a hint of pink. He bit his lip, processing everything that was happening over and over until he'd thoroughly convinced himself this was the last day he had left before things got a whole lot worse. "I... Oates, please," he begged, clutching his ex's hands with a shaky grip, "I need you in my life. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I just want us to be happy."

He knew this attempt was futile. Oates' mind was made up and they both knew he deserved better than a moody brick wall that couldn't even get his thoughts in order enough to make this any less difficult for the two of them. He stopped himself from letting go enough to hold back any sobs, although it was extremely apparent he was on the verge of breaking down. Something in Callum held it together, bearing the pain of isolation just to repress his vulnerability. The tall boy's cheeks had yet to be wettened by the salty fluid glazed over his eyes, even if his tear ducts were producing enough to hydrate a small village.

In a despairing and reckless last ditch effort, Callum leaned in to kiss Oates, betting everything on the passionate display of longing he so desperately wanted to express. As his lips grew closer to Oates', his entire body was tinging with anticipation for some miracle of a vehement, compassionate response from the composed, near-perfect boy in front of him.

But that was all it would be. A miracle. Callum had said it himself numerous times: Oates was near-perfect. He would never stoop to Callum's pathetic level based on this pitiful act alone. He was capable of so much more in life, so much more fulfillment and peace than what Callum could ever hope to offer.

code by valen t.
MOOD: kinda hating everything

OUTFIT: scandalous middriff

LOCATION: the halloween party
MENTIONS: some people

TL;DR minnie hates halloween due to trauma
if it rains in hell then angels could be bad

ugh, halloween.

minnie looked in the mirror at her reflection. she had to leave the house in about fifteen minutes if she was going to make it to gen's halloween party.

and that was a big if.

minerva wasn't one for bad moods, she didn't waste her time on being bummed out on stupid things. if something bothered her, she figured out how to fix it and that was that. but these past few days? she was in a bad mood. bummed out, not in the party mood, especially not a costume party.

she already wasn't a fan of costume parties, specifically halloween costume parties. minnie hated dressing up in general, but she hadn't dressed up since she was about eight or nine years old. for as long as she could remember, minnie hated halloween. it was always spent with her dad, due to her mother always working, and her dad was not a pleasant man. the memories she has of her dad were him being an abusive drunkard. he would force her into whatever awful, itchy, ugly costume he randomly picked out. little six year old minnie never liked her dad, there was never a reason to, so she always went against everything he ever said or told her to do. so this lead to her father physically holding her down and shoving costumes over her head.

the smell of alcohol from his breath, the yelling, kicking, screaming, it happened every year for the first eight years of minnie's life. the plan was to get minnie out of the house to go trick-or-treating with the neighbors so her dad could drink himself into a stupor on his birthday. that's right, minnie's dad's birthday was on halloween. another reason minnie hated halloween.

however, this year was different. while minnie normally went to whatever parties gen and evie were going to and forgot all about her dad. she'd dance, drink, and probably hook up with whoever she wanted. but this year, she got a text from said dead beat father. it was some long paragraph about how he missed her and how he hadn't heard from his "sweet little girl" in almost ten years. there was some more bullshit in there about how he was sorry for how he treated her and her mother and even his own sons.

it pissed her off. minnie couldn't remember a time when she was more pissed off than that exact moment.

he's sorry? just now, right before i turn nineteen and after i've written and published a best selling trilogy? oh now he's sorry?

she immediately took a screenshot of the message and sent it to max, one of her direct brothers. turns out he and their eldest brother, marcos, all got the same text. just not their mom. their eldest brother actually forgave their dad and even went to have birthday lunch with him. but max and minnie hadn't, especially minnie.

it threw her off for the entire weekend. she was irritated yet upset. furious yet somehow sad? there were simply too many words floating around her head, yet none of them could quite describe how she was feeling.

so no. minnie wasn't in the mood for a party right now. but gen said she had wanted her to come, she was even letting her come in without a costume. but minnie hated the idea of being the halloween bummer. she didn't need anyone coming up to her and asking her why she wasn't dressed up or anything like that. it would definitely cause her to go off on them and probably punch them in the nose. so, minnie settled on some random cat ears she had picked up the other day and decided it was good enough.

but she hated how they looked on her in the mirror. she remembered how her dad had forced her to dress up like a kitten when she was four years old. all the memories came flooding back whenever she saw her reflection. her eyes darted away from her reflection and turned out the lights. her outfit had been picked out for about two weeks, something simple yet cute. something she fully expected to dance the night away in without being uncomfortable.

before her thoughts wandered off too much further, minnie decided it was finally time to head over to gen's house. she planned to get there a little bit after the party was supposed to start, not wanting to draw any extra attention to herself by being one of the first people to arrive, but blending in since a good handful of people would already be there and hanging out with their friends.


this was probably the first time minnie was glad to have some parking troubles. there were already so many cars along the street, she knew that meant there were already a good amount of people there. stepping out of her car, she readjusted the stupid kitty ears and made her way to the front door.

stepping in she was hit with a wave of heat, noise and the smell of a typical high school party: sweat and alcohol. she closed the door behind her as she began to walk further into the house. just as she wanted, she had blended right in and no one even turned their heads to look at her as she walked in. she decided to stay up against the wall until she could find gen or evie to be around. of course, not before she grabbed a cup and filled it with whatever alcoholic drink was in the nearest bottle.
code by valen t.

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