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Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)


OUTFIT: xoxo

none yet

Josephine Bennett
josie, jojo, jo ~ sixteen ~ junior ~ visuals; photo

Josie watched as Gus’ tears subsided and his natural smirk returned. Her fingers wiped at his cheeks where the tears had left their mark and she smiled back. While she knew that his grin was merely temporary and it didn’t mean everything was fixed or all better, it still made her feel good to see it grace his face again. She felt him gently pulling her hands from their place to down in front of them. When he told her how he'd just been feeling alone, Jo simply shook her head at the words, one of her hands still holding his. "Well, as long as we are friends you're not. And I'm not that easy to get rid of," she winked, attempting to make the moment lighthearted.

"No, hey. You didn't ruin anything! I wasn't going to come to the fair either. I mean, if I'm being honest, I only came because I wanted to see you. So, if you want then can get out of here and hang out because I promised you we'd talk and then have fun. I'm not in the habait of breaking promises so," she grinned, before motioning for him to follow her out of the secluded area they had found themselves in. "You drove, right?" she added, as she walked on the concrete toward the exit of the fair. There was no way she was taking no for an answer.

Her chocolate gaze met his as she turned to make sure he was following. "What do you wanna do? We could smoke and watch a movie? Or get something to eat because I am still starving. Oh, we could stop and get ice cream on the way to...wait, shit, are we going to your place or mine?" she asked just as they reached his car. In all honesty, the girl hadn't really thought that over. Both were probably empty right now but they each had like a million roommates who could come home at any time. Of course, maybe Gus' place was a worse choice since he lived with her ex so there was that.

code by valen t.
MOOD: happy

OUTFIT: yessir

LOCATION: josie's place

INT: jasmyn jasmyn (josie)
TL;DR gus and josie are vibing with pizza and ice cream, about to watch a movie
you know they say that i am better now
being able to breathe normally, gus followed josie out to the parking lot. as much as he didn't want to continue to ruin her night, he knew that she wasn't about to let him go home alone after the little breakdown he just had.

"ohoho definitely your place. no way are we going to my place with the chance of saint coming home." he forced a laugh out of his mouth as he and josie buckled up. if gus would've known that he would be giving josie a ride in his car, he would've let it air out some more, add some air fresheners or something. his car stank of weed, as gus frequently went out to his car to smoke when he had to get away from his roommates.

God, am i gonna turn into trevor and use axe to try and mask the smell of weed? no, i'd never use AXE that's just dumb

"i think we should just watch a movie, yea? or netflix or something. it's been a while since i watched the office." he gave a big grin as he pulled out of the parking lot. "we should definitely get some food, because while i had a burger and fries, crying really works up an appetite." the two came to an agreement about food, picking up some pizza and ice cream, and were off to josie's place.

the car ride was filled with the two laughing, singing to whatever came on the radio, them just being themselves. gus enjoyed it, it's what he needed after the shitty week he had. if only he could have moments like this all the time. he thought about how he could remember this feeling and come back to it when he felt like garbage again; the laughter, the joy, the feeling of not worrying about anything else that had happened that week.

when they had finally arrive at josie's place, gus insisted on carrying everything, the pizza and ice cream. it was an amazing balancing act and josie was definitely laughing at him the entire way to the kitchen table.

"princess, if you keep laughing at me, i will drop this. then we'll have no pizzas OR ice cream. then no one will be laughing." gus laughed back, peaking over the tower of food, making sure he fit through the doorway. thankfully, the blond made it to the kitchen table and was able to set everything down.

josie brought over plates, bowls and spoons for them to dish out whatever they wanted. gus opted for a few scoops of the ice cream before the two started talking about what to watch.

"hey, i'm down for whatever. you pick!" gus has finished his ice cream by the time josie has finally decided on what they would watch. gus plopped onto the couch as josie grabbed her pizza. he had been there before, he and josie had hung out plenty of times. so it was incredibly easy for gus to make himself at home, kicking his feet up and putting his arms on the back of the couch.

"if you don't hurry up with your pizza, you're going to miss all of it."
code by valen t.

OUTFIT: xoxo

none yet

Josephine Bennett
josie, jojo, jo ~ sixteen ~ junior ~ visuals; photo

Josie was happy that Gus hadn't protested her idea to hang out together. As they both climbed into the car and let the problems of five minutes ago stay there and instead they focused on the little things. Talk of how she missed modeling a tiny bit, him poking fun at her for leaving the plastics in the first place, songs on the radio that they belted out as if they were on a stage performing for a crowd and laughing at even the smallest things. The ride had actually been the best part of her day and it felt so light. They were just two really good friends enjoying each other's presence.

When they had arrived at her place, she watched as he practically juggled the food to carry it. She walked behind him, trying to stifle her giggles but not successfully. "Hey! I tried to help but you wanted to be Mr. Muscles and declined," she teased him through her laughter. "The remote is on the coffee table," she told him as he made his bowl of ice cream. Opening the pizza box just as he called out that she was gonna miss the movie, she had a moment of indecisiveness but ultimately closed the box and went with the sweet option instead.

After covering her small bowl of cookies and cream ice cream with chocolate syrup, she finally joined him on the couch. "I hope you picked something because I could barely choose what I wanted to eat," she joked. She took a bite of the cold treat, looking at the tv to see that he'd picked a scary movie. It was one of those that looked like a classic she probably should have watched before and yet she was fairly certain she hadn't. Pulling the blanket off the top of the couch and throwing it over their legs, she continued to eat her ice cream.

Mid-way through the film she had ended up scooting closer to Gus, her legs crossed over his as she watched the tv screen. When yet another jumpscare flashed across the screen she let out a soft squeal, her first instinct being to bury her face in Gus' shoulder to shield her eyes from getting a glimpse of it. This was why she could never watch these kinda movies alone. She went to apologize but as her eyes met up to his, she was mesmerized by them. The way the blue mixed perfectly with the green hints, crashing together like waves in the ocean and giving off the illusion of an almost grey color.

Before she realized what she was doing, she was leaning in and her lips were on his. Josie had never been one to shy away from making the first move and she was good at reading when it should be made but with Gus something was different. She found herself wondering if it was that a bad move? She was afraid to overstep but her worries subsided when he kissed her back, their lips moving in perfect harmony together. Her hand traveled up to the back of his head and into his messy, blonde hair as the passion grew and at that moment things just felt...right.

code by valen t.
MOOD: wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf

OUTFIT: yessir

LOCATION: back home

INT: jasmyn jasmyn (josie)
TL;DR the sus thickens
you know they say that i am better now
if gus was anything, it wasn't a prude. gus lost his virginity at the ripe age of 15. it was bumpy and awkward, but gus only improved since then. gus was never one to turn down flirting, hookups, even a random make out session. as long as the other person was willing, he never saw a problem. he had been in one committed relationship in his life, and of course he was faithful to her, but being with no one made him realize how often he was screwing around with people. gus was absolutely a man whore & he'd be the first person to tell you that.

so why did it take him a second when josie kissed him? don't be mistaken, gus thought josie was gorgeous, one of the most beautiful girls he'd ever come across. it's not like he hadn't thought of it before. he had definitely thought about how amazing this exact moment would be.

so once it processed in his head, gus was in full gear. he felt his lips move against josie's, his hands flew up to her face, caressing her cheeks as their lips moved in, what felt like, perfect sync. in the moment, it felt right. as their mouths opened to deepen the kiss, it felt right. as he positioned himself to straddle josie on her couch, it felt right. as his hands slid to her hips, it felt right.

kissing josie felt right.

until it further processed in his head. they had been there, laid out on her couch and non-stop making out for a good few minutes. completely ignoring the horror movie behind him. he was too focused on the girl underneath her, and how her hands were running through his hair. the small tugs on his tuffs of blond hair caused small, quiet groans to slip out of his mouth.

until it further processed in his head. he was kissing josie. josephine bennett. the one girl who he ever laid eyes on and felt his heart stop cold. the one girl that he ever felt right calling "princess". the one girl who just held him in her arms as he broke down. she had proven to be the one person he could count on, and here he was making out with her.

he shot up off of her. without even thinking. his hand went up to his mouth, missing the sudden lack of sensation on his lips.

he couldn't do this. no way. gus wasn't a prude, he'd be the first person to tell anyone that he was the exact opposite, a man whore. gus absolutely slept around with whoever wanted to. gus saw sex as just sex, he didn't take any extra meaning to make out sessions and he never had any feelings attached to anything that was similar. but josie was different.

there was no way in hell that gus could let his heart and dick take over in this situation. not with josie. he had to think with his brain right now, and his brain was reminding him that this was josie. josie. she's not just another person to screw. she's not just another girl. nonono, she's josie.

josie who just got out of a shit show of a relationship.

shit, she just got out of a relationship with that fucking dick, saint. who i live with. what the fuck am i doing?

gus looked at josie for a moment. he saw hurt in her eyes, and he hated that he was the cause of that. never in a million years did he think he would be the cause of her hurt. but the way gus saw it, he would rather cause this small bit of pain instead of even more pain and confusion later down the line.

he found himself getting lost in her brown eyes, the deep pools of chocolate that gus absolutely adored. he almost felt himself getting lured back to her lap with just her eyes, but he had to fight it. he knew he looked panicked, he knew because it was the only emotion he could identify flying around his brain right then.

"i-i am so sorry." he stuttered, his brain lagging as he tried to think of a good enough excuse to why he pulled himself off her as he was shoving his tongue down her throat. "i just remembered, toni's heading out of town & i uh, gotta go watch the place tonight cause saint and nate won't be home tonight." lies. all of them. well, not all of them. he had no idea if saint and nate would be home that night, but toni was heading out of town and someone had to be at the apartment, for...something. "i'll see you later," the words flew out of his mouth as he rushed to the door.

way to go, idiot

he yelled at himself the entire drive back home. it wasn't that far, but it was long enough for gus to convince himself that he was the biggest jackass on the planet. he couldn't even stay and talk to her? he just had to freak out and panic and leave.

if you would've stayed there any longer, clothes would've been flying off and you know it.

gus could feel his face heating up at the thought of what would happen if he didn't pull himself off her. he had never left his mind wander there about josie, in his head josie was off limits. she wasn't just another girl. she was incredibly special to gus and gus knew he couldn't just sleep with her some random night. gus knew she was still dealing with a break up, and gus wasn't about to be the one who made that all the messier.
code by valen t.

OUTFIT: xoxo

none yet

Josephine Bennett
josie, jojo, jo ~ sixteen ~ junior ~ visuals; photo
It felt perfect. His lips pressed against hers, his hands finding their way to her hips, the smell of his cologne filling the air around her as their kiss became more and more intense with the passing seconds. Josie was no stranger to having a little fun up but this wasn’t like any of the people that she'd randomly hooked up with. She couldn't exactly pinpoint why but with Gus it was different. That much was evident in how she felt at this very moment and in the chills that just his touch sent through her body.

The kiss went from cute to passionate and Jo had fully expected things to go further which she was okay with. In fact, she honestly wanted it to. For as long as the girl could remember she had been into Gus, things had just never played in their favor. He'd dated Maddie, then she had dated Saint and while the playful flirting remained in between their failed relationships, it had never actually gone anywhere. Of course, they had never expressed wanting it to but the attraction and sexual tension had always kinda lingered, right? Now here they were, both single and alone so what was holding them back? In her mind, nothing but apparently he didn't feel the same.

Just as her hand left his hair and touched his chest where he'd left his shirt unbuttoned, Gus suddenly pulled away and she was left utterly confused. Had she done something wrong? Was she reading it wrong? He had seemed into it but maybe she took it too far. Maybe he wasn't into her like she thought. Just thinking that was a big hit to her. Not just her ego either. Biting down on her bottom lip, she managed to let her eyes flicker to him in hopes of some sort of explanation. If he had told her he wasn't ready to go there, she'd have understood. Or even if he wasn't into her, even if it hurt, she could respect the honesty and get over it. That wasn't what he did though.

While she was more wrapped up in her own feelings and how quickly they had shifted, she could read his expression and he looked freaked out. Panicked. God, was it really that bad. Oh no. "I just remembered, Toni's heading out of town and I, uh, gotta go watch the place tonight cause Saint and Nate won't be home tonight." Before she could even get out a response, he was walking towards the down and she sat up on the couch. "Wait, Gus, you can-" she was cut off as he stepped out of the open door. Jo couldn't wrap her head around what had just happened or why. He'd given no real explanation and she wasn't buying the excuse that he had provided. It was just all so weird. Wasn't it?

A couple of hours had passed since Gus left and Josie had since retreated to her bedroom. Part of her had wanted to send him a message to find out if he was okay or ask something...anything. She chose not to though. Maybe it was a better idea for both of them to just let this pass over as if it hadn't happened? Even if she didn't want to. Apparently letting it blow over until the next morning wasn't an option though as she walked into her kitchen for a slice of the cold pizza only to noticed Gus had left his wallet behind. Shit. Now she kinda had to message him tonight. Pulling out her phone, she sent him a quick text to let him know and hoped that things wouldn't be weird between them as she did.

Hey, you left your wallet over here. I just wanted to let you know!

hhweeyyy!! iwas acrually lookingmfor thaaat

A few messages later....​

It's fine, It's not Like I'm Gonna let you come Over when I bunk with the Bitch Ex Saint and when I'm trying to Ignore the fact that I stuck my tongue Down your throat Earlier.

I....um, I don't know if we should talk about that while you're drunk. Besides, it's fine. You weren't into it and I get it. I...Do you want me to Uber you here or something? You shouldn't be alone.

Not into it? Josie, Princess, who'Are you fooling??? I pulled away Because I was terrifyed of it Going anywhere Past that. I sleep around wiht Whoever I want and You are not Some girl who I sleep around With. I canNot do that to You, not when You're dealing with Bitch Ex Saint over here. No, I don'Not want to Go back over, Not like This. Im not thinking Straight and I don't want to Pick Up where we left off, I know you'Are not into Me like That.

Normally when a guy jumps up and insists that he leaves while you're in the middle of making out it's a sign that he's not that into you. I just assumed...

No, I am into you! I like you a lot Gus. I mean, I've always been attracted to you but I...we shouldn't talk about this when you are drinking... I don't want you to regret telling me this when it could be the alcohol talking so I don't know if we should talk about that while you're drunk. Besides, it's fine. You weren't into it and I get it.

Do you want me to Uber you here or something? You shouldn't be alone.

Josie was honestly frozen as she read his messages. While she was certain it was the alcohol talking, he was still telling her that he had feelings for her. It scared her because she had definitely thought about the "what if" before but now was just more bad timing. They were both going through so much and Jo knew that, plus relationships had never really been her strong suit. Clearly. They all ended in disaster, which was why she hadn't had too many of them. What was she supposed to do right now? She looked back down at her phone to see if he had texted back yet. All she needed to do was gloss over this conversation since he was drunk and she wasn't sure he was thinking straight, and get his wallet back to him.
code by valen t.
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillesrslerffr LATE O'CLOCK fillerfillefillerfillerfillerfillderlerfilr
... trevor callaghan ...

talking. oh, how miraculous.


his apartment-- on the couch


ash Winona Winona (the roomies mentioned)

Trevor didn’t know how to describe the feeling growing in his chest as Ash approached. His knack for nervously overthinking his moves was suppressed, if only temporarily, though he could still see its face peering into his windows and waiting to come in again. He could feel his pulse beneath his jaw, and his heart drummed in the tip of his tongue. His smile slinked back, shy; a blush played at his cheeks. He felt like giggling.

Everything was so unsure. The foundation for their relationship wasn’t even fully laid out, and they were already putting on the weight of the secrecy upon it. The part of him peeking in the window said that it was a disaster in waiting. The two of them were so unequal and uneven that no sane person would ever pair the two of them together— and especially not expect it to work. He knew that he wasn’t the best or anything along those lines. There wasn’t anything that he could say here that he hadn’t said to himself umpteen times before, and he couldn’t say anything that hadn’t been written two hundred times before in his needlessly verbose narration.

Now, though? His anxiety had shifted to…what was that word?


He was feeling giddy, like a schoolboy who just got a comic book that he’d been begging for for the past couple of weeks. In the window, his overthinker said that this luster would wear off for him— or for her— and that this would be over, and he’d be onto the next thing sooner or later, because he couldn’t commit to a thing. She’d become bored of their relationship, or he’d become bored, or something would go amiss and they’d fight, and then it would all be over, and she’d cry and he’d cry, and it would be over, with both of them being far worse off than before his confession.

Good thing that the overthinker was outside now. He couldn’t hear it now, because he didn’t want to hear it now and it didn’t have the energy to insist anymore.

Right now, the giddiness in his chest flared behind his shy smile upon seeing her smile. Her fingers slipped in-between his, and his eyes met hers. "We can probably hold hands all the way to your car," she said. "Like, I doubt they'll be home yet and no one else is going to care— if any of your neighbors are even out right now."

His smile broadened, and he let out a soft laugh. That was right— though this mattered so much to the two of them, they were just another couple of people to everyone else. In the big world, they meant nothing. It was kinda funny, how he’d been thinking about the death of all things on the couch while the world carried on, entirely unbeknownst of his crisis— but that was good enough for him.

After all, he got a few more moments of his hand in hers than he would have had before.

Before he was fully aware what was happening, Ash gripped the front of his shirt and tugged him down to press her lips against his again. His face heated up, and when she pulled back, he took a moment to catch his breath. Woah… He didn’t know what to say or how to respond, but he returned Ash’s smile as she released his shirt.

He noticed, for a moment, how gangly he was, especially compared to her, but he found it more...cute than anything, how small she was.

After a moment, he blinked hard, trying to pull himself back into the moment. “Ah— uh,” he began, and he cleared his throat with a laugh. What were they…? “Ah, c’mon,” he said, smiling down at her, his eyes shyly flicking away from hers and moving to the door handle as he opened it for her.

After he shut the door behind her, he became acutely aware of how close she was standing to him. He felt antsier, and his smile wobbled a bit.

"I don't think Eli or Gen are gonna be home for a while. Well, actually..." He looked over at her. He knew the stairs by heart, anyway, so there was no need to watch where he was going. "I was uhh... supposed to text Gen after we were done with, like, the date thing and she was going to take me home and we were going to get drunk... I should probably tell her that you took me home instead."

She’d meant to go and drink with Gen? Had he messed up her plans?

But, pfft, so what if he had? Good’d come of it, anyway.

“Yeah, you can…text her or som’n’,” he agreed idly, not really sure what to say exactly.

Her hand released his, and he sighed inwardly when the warmth of her fingers left from his. Why did it make his heart ache that way, even now, when they were just starting out?

He tugged open the door to his van, settling himself into his vehicle. Now that he was…calmer(?), he could smell more of the scent of weed hanging in the air— which he recalled Ash hating. His brows knit, and he looked over at her apologetically as he started up Rachel. Her engine revved as she sprang to life, and he watched her pull out her phone. He caught himself staring at her for a moment. She was so…effortlessly pretty. It was…well, he was just lucky.

His hand found Rachel’s gear shift, and he moved it to reverse before backing out of the parking spot.

Did he recall where the Johannes mansion was? Well enough. Was he about to ask for directions? Hell no.

His eyes shifted to the radio, and he turned it up. There was some advertisement about national parks on at the moment, and he sighed softly through his nose, giving himself a small smile.

When he’d driven here with her before, it had just been a boy driven to social awkwardness by a girl who he had a crush on and the girl he was crushing on who was way out of his league, riding in silence as some bizarrely timely song played in his ears. The awkwardness— tension? Who would ever know— between the two had been palpable, and it’d made him so uncomfortable that he wanted to jump out and run away.

Now, as he drove her home, it was a boyfriend and a girlfriend— a couple, as odd as a couple could be. The awkwardness— tension?— was still there, but it’d been converted to some other kind.

He didn’t know. He just thought that it was…kind of funny.

Ash put her phone down, and he glanced over at her reflection in the rearview mirror.

"So... what are we going to tell everyone? Like, when they ask how the date went?" she asked.

He looked forward again.

Goooood question.

He blew out a long puff of air.

What did they say? Everyone was going to be asking, he knew— it’d been a pretty publicized thing, thanks to the liars. (Speaking of, Charlie and Amy were in for it when he got around to getting mad at them again.) They all cared too much about other people’s business and had an ear for drama.

Obviously, they couldn’t tell the truth, due to their secrecy deal. Even if they weren’t sworn to secrecy, he wouldn’t’ve known what to say regarding that. In a way, he was glad that he was sworn to secrecy, because at least now he wouldn’t have to tell Charlie about the whole awkward fair thing— for now, he could avoid it, at least.

Still, they couldn’t lie. If they lied, that’d lead to more prying, he knew. Charlie was never satisfied with a simple I don’t want to talk with it, and Amy, as sweethearted as she was, was pretty damn assertive when she wanted answers out of someone. Jo, too, could always tell when he was lying. They were all concerned with his business, and they were all too perceptive for him to flat out lie to. Besides, there was an awful lot of people who wanted to play matchmaker and make the two fall in love to be satisfied by a simple it sucked, leave us alone about it now.

“Ahm…,” he began, with nowhere to go.

What option did that leave? He sighed through his nose.

“We can just tell ‘em that it went well,” Trevor concluded. “’n if they ask for anythin’ further, we say, ‘It went as well as any date wit’ yer friend can.’” He glanced over at her. “After all, we are just friends.” He gave an emphasized wink, a small sigh through his nose, and then a soft laugh. “It’s only barely stretchin’ tha truth, ya know. We are friends, even if we’re datin’. If they asked if anythin’ happened…then I s’ppose ya jus’ have ta tell ‘em a lie there…” He paused. “Maybe som’n’ like…’We left early ta’…uh… ‘ta…ta get some tissues from Walmart’.” Lame excuse. “Er, or, ah, ‘we left early ta grab som’n’ ta eat’n jus’ hung out fer a bit’, ya know…somethin’, I dunno. As long as ya don’t say, ‘we left early to go get some condoms’, anythin’ should do,” he snickered.

He set his eyes ahead again. “’n besides, I know how nosey they are, but it’s not any’a their business, darlin’. None’a ‘em’re gonna be satisfied wit’ that, though,” he snickered. “Maybe we say som’n’ like…I dunno. Really, the Walmart excuse is the peak of my excuse-making skills, I think.” He shook his head slightly at his own joke.

He paused another moment. That was…right. That was…the best thing to do.

He was sure of it. No questions.



He sighed softly, putting on a small smile. “‘Not’in’ changed, not’in’ moved.’ No, we didn’t kiss; no, we aren’t datin’; no, we didn’t fuck in a Portapotty or whatever Crack Kid was goin’ on ‘bout. Not’in’ ‘tall. We’re jus’ friends...or whatever we said we were. There's not'in' that we're now that we weren't a few hours ago. There's not'in' that we wanna be that we weren't a few hours ago. Date went great, but jus' 'cuz we're friends.”

Saying it that way...kinda made him feel weird.

He had to sit and act like that never happened to everyone except for Ash. Except to Ash's face, he had to deny, deny, deny, deny, deny. It felt...wrong. And...gross.

But it was...for the best.

End of...end of story.


He glanced at her once more. “’s that good fer ya, darlin’?”

In the end...well...

In the end, that was all that mattered.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
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MOOD: ... Jasquisha.

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Ferris Wheel
MENTIONS: geminiy geminiy

INT: Hunter, Nickie natsukashii natsukashii ohdittoh ohdittoh

TL;DR Liv and Hunter decided to hop on the ferris wheel for some non-rated R fun.... to be interrupted by none other than Liv's most hated person.
My sleep is gonna be affected, If I keep it up like a lovesick crack head

No she didn't.

No, she fucking didn't.

That unicorn was the only thing that was giving her serotonin and this bitch just threw him off? No, nonononononono. Liv will NOT stand for this. It didn't matter how infatuated she played this relationship between them, you don't fuck with a girl's unicorn and expect to live.

Especially not Livanna Moore.

Hurting her was something else, but pissing her off?

Oh. Poor Itty. Bitty. Nickie.

Liv ignored Hunter's words with a passion, instead her gaze lowering to where Jasquisha-- which was an amazing name by the way, it's not her fault that they didn't have any taste. Before her gaze flew back to Nickie. "Are you kidding me? You're that jealous over Hunter you're willing to throw away a stuffed animal he won for me? Oh, baby. That's just sad. Liking someone is one thing but purposefully trying to get under someone's skin because of it?" No, she wasn't about to pull a knife out on Nickie. That would be... way overboard. Even though every bone in her body wanted to right now. Granted, Liv seemed extremely childish. Bubbly, fun, exciting. But that was only the good side of her. Nobody really knows how sensitive really is with her emotions, it was always something she struggled with as a kid.

It didn't exactly age well.

"Pretty damn pathetic." And yet, she still found herself taking a deep breath, crossing her arms before sitting further back into the pink cart, rocking it back and forward with her weight.

"The compliment was meant for you by the way. But I take it back. You clearly don't deserve it."
code by valen t.

fillerfillerfillflleierlerssdsdfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfilrfillerllerfillerfillfilr
... nickie abrams ...

i've got three moods: bitching, simping, and crying.




hunter natsukashii natsukashii liv Soap Soap

This bitch was absolutely not fucking talking to her like that after Hunter so graciously gave her an out from the embarrassment of having to be berated by Nickie again. Honestly, did the whore ever learn to cut her loses and accept what had just happened? She’d done her a fucking favor; the uglicorn was dumb, anyway.

Nickie, smiling now, gripped Hunter’s arm again, forfeiting her concern with her foundation and full on leaning her head against it and rubbing on it gently, like a cat. “You’re right, Hunter! Such a great view, especially now that I can’t see Jasquisha,” she chirped, tone dripping with what was obviously false sweetness. “That effing eyesore will probably—“ hopefully— “never be seen again…which I feel so bad about…” She gave an exaggerated pout. “I didn’t mean to drop him, and now Livanna is chewing me out with dumb, untrue insults…” She spoke of her as if she weren’t there, and she met Hunter’s eyes. “She’s even lying about her insult to save her ass…I feel bad for her, too…she called me pathetic, did you hear? I think that she’s projecting again…she wants to be like me, you know that? She wants to be just like me. She wants all of the attention that I get because that’s all that she lives for. She’s trying to steal you because she sees you as an object to get closer to me— which I honestly think is more pathetic than dropping a unicorn— accidentally. And— and— she thinks that that unicorn was proof of your love to her, which it obviously wasn’t, because you’re not even friends, right?” She grew more hysterical the more that she talked, the fake expression on her face fading for one of worry and hurt, her lips running at twenty miles per hour, her words not registering in her head. “You just ran into her on the way in and talked to her because you felt bad for her, because no one wants to talk to her because she’s like a little kid with nowhere to go except for wherever I should be because she’s so obsessed with me for no reason because she doesn’t want to live her fucking…”

She didn’t even realize that tears had come to her eyes until a hot one poured over the lip of her lower lid and rolled down her cheek. She paused, lips poised to say more words and continue her rambling. She did slowly raised her head up from Hunter’s arm and pull her hands away, dropping them to her side.

Her lower lip quivered.

Why was she crying?


What was the point of this?


She looked at Hunter, and then at Liv.



I’m sorry.

Her brows pressed upward, and she squeezed her eyes shut, her nose scrunching up and lips pulling downward as she drew in a deep sniffle. She brought her hands to cover her face, barely managing to get them there before she began to cry.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

Seb wondered if he and Chas would ever reach a point in their relationship when Chas wasn't so flustered by affection, be it physical or verbal. Either way, he didn't really mind, as long as Chas wasn't uncomfortable. It was kind of hard to tell when he liked something but was embarrassed so he pretended he didn't, and when he genuinely didn't like it at all. But, at the same time, Seb was pretty confident that Chas would have no issue biting the taller boy's head off if he did or said the wrong thing.

He let Chas pay, knowing it would be futile to argue with him. And besides, he was too enraptured in watching the adorable way which Chas clutched the duck. Seb was really interested in the story behind Chas' duck obsession, but he also knew that asking would pretty much be a death wish, so he had to time it right. He walked beside Chas as they tried to find somewhere relatively private to eat, keeping his arm around his boyfriend. He looked over at the duck plush at the mention of it, smiling at Chas' slightly childish question. He reached over and gently plucked the plush from Chas' hand, making sure to hold it with care.

"God, I don't know. It's a big question," he teased, but he did think seriously for a moment. "I mean, depends on what kind of personality he has, I think. Is he-" he was cut off as Chas suddenly shoved the funnel cake at him, and Seb scrambled to grab it so that it didn't fall to the floor. Then Chas was storming off, but Seb only had to catch a glimpse of Ellie to know that this was not going to end well. "Shit," he muttered, looking around frantically for somewhere to put the funnel cake and ending up plonking it onto a table. He rushed over to stand with Chas, still clutching the duck.
MOOD: and i oop

LOCATION: fairgrounds

OUTFIT: thx tou

INTERACTIONS: hery hery pandagosquish pandagosquish

code by valen t.
MOOD: numb


LOCATION: his house
TL;DR Nic is breaking down smh.
Nic Thompson
It’s all your fault...

The sound of a slamming door reverberated through Nic as he wept, Lucky’s last words lost on him. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the drugs or the bottled up emotions of the past six years, but it seemed to go on forever, his shoulders silently shaking, his nose a dripping, ugly mess of dried blood and snot. Tears ran freely from his eyes, burning on their way out. Nic was sure his eye and cheek were a swollen, bruised mess, and he could feel the dried blood crusting onto his skin. Overall, he knew he looked less than beautiful.

Hugh still sat at his feet, looking up at him in the way that dogs do when they know something is wrong. Nic reached out a trembling hand to touch the top of Hugh’s head, a shaky sigh coming from between his lips. “I’m okay pal,” Nic whispered, hoping that if he could convince his dog, he could convince himself too. “Everything is fine. I...I don’t need friends anyways, right?” He whispered, stroking Hugh’s silky black head. “That’s what I said when I moved here. I said ‘people are stupid. You’re stupid, and they’re just going to leave you anyways’. Remember that, Hugh?”

Nic brushed at his eyes, willing the tears to stop before continuing. “I can’t be upset. This is all my fault. Remember what dad told me, Hugh? Before he went missing? He said,” Nic took a moment to breath, though inhaling through his nose was a difficult task at the moment. “He said ‘Nic, son, remember that you’re better off alone. All you do is hurt people, and drive them away, and then you wonder why they leave’. And he was right, Hugh.”

For the umpteenth time that night, a dead laugh was pushed from his chest. His father, the drunk drug addict drop out Yankee’s player, had been right. Nic didn’t know what kind of person that made him. He’d learned that lesson long ago, when his mother had first gotten sick. This past week, he’d seemed to have forgotten it, allowing himself to think—to hope—that his father had been wrong. That Johnathan Thompson, who had never been wrong in his life until his wife had died, had been wrong all along. Nic didn’t know why he was disappointed. He’d known all along this would happen.

A few minutes passed, the tears finally subsiding. Nic’s thoughts still moved like molasses, and everything seemed delayed, so when a knock sounded on his front door, he didn’t move to open it. A few seconds later, it sounded again. And again.


Knock knock.

“Do I answer the door, Hugh?”


“I wonder who it is.”

Knock knock.


code by valen t.
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr IDK PMfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr




She hated riding in cars. It was part of the reason that she walked whenever she could and why she didn't have a car in LA. Her parents had offered to buy her one, of course, and Jace had one, but Ash had declined the offer and explained what a waste of money it would be. Instead of trying to explain to her parents that the only thing she hated more than riding in a car was driving in a car, Ash had insisted that she'd have no reason for one because she'd been with Gen or Eli most of the time and they could drive.

So, Ash was at a loss of where to turn her eyes. She didn't want to look out the front window -- the headlights coming at them from the opposite direction never failed to make her flinch as she unconsciously braced for impact. Looking out the passenger side window was usually okay, except for where the roads were multiple lanes. Then, it was a matter of panicking about how close the cars were and waiting for someone to just turn their wheel a little too much and crash into them.

Cars were probably her least favorite thing.

The lingering scent of weed didn't exactly help, either. Weed... just... look, she didn't like it. And so, well Trevor talked about what excuse they could come with, her gaze flickered to the door of the van. Her eyes combed the side of the door until she found the window button and she could roll down the window just a little bit. Ahh, the fresh air of LA was so much better than the stale scent of weed. (And yeah, that was freaking sarcasm, because neither was very pleasant).

“’s that good fer ya, darlin’?”

Was that good enough for her? Some weak excuse about it going well and them ending up at Wal-Mart. Ash... she knew no one would believe it, or at least she didn't think anyone would believe it. But... it really didn't matter if they would believe it or not, right? All Trevor and Ash had to do was give like Charlie and Amy and Gen and El--

Oh heck. She'd forgotten about Eli. Well, not forgotten about him, just... she hadn't thought about it at all. Eli was like a walking Ash Lie Detector Test or something -- he always knew when she was keeping something from him, so she didn't. Ash hadn't kept a secret from him since like... probably since they'd first met.

No way would he even pretend to buy "it went well and we bought tissues."

Oh well that was for her to deal with later. When she saw him later tonight or tomorrow.

"Okay, yeah, okay." She looked over at him for a moment, her eyes studying his face while he was distracted by the road ahead of them, before -- with a blush -- Ash looked back down at her lap. Her hands played with the edges of her phone, subconsciously running her thumbs along the edges of her phone case. "So it'll just be like 'it was a date, but a friendly date and it went well but no, we didn't kiss because that's gross.' And then like, like... instead of tissues, I'll just say we went to like get something for Jeffrey."

That was believable. Everyone who cared about the outcome of their date would probably also know about the little ferret, and the fact that Ash would easily drop everything to get him whatever he needed.

"That's way more believable than tissues. I think."

It would work.

She glanced out the side window long enough to see where they were at, and just in time to watch as they whipped past the street that would've led to the mansion.

"You totally missed my road." Ash stated with a light laugh as she looked back at her phone and her fingers brushing against the edges of the case.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
MOOD: wtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtfwtf

OUTFIT: yessir

LOCATION: back home

INT: jasmyn jasmyn (josie)
TL;DR the sus thickens
you know they say that i am better now


that was the only thing running through his head as he drove home.

what the fuck just happened?

gus had never felt that way after making out with a girl, or a guy even. he had never felt this freaked out and panicked.

did i not like it? was that the issue? nono of course i did, right? okay but then why would i be this freaked out? there has to be something wrong with me.

he didn't even remember to turn on the radio as he drove. the kiss between him and josie was occupying his every thought. oh but it was so much more than a kiss, gus knew that. there was groaning and tugging of hair and gus was moments away from his mouth wandering away from hers.

he had done that before, he had made out with people, and done way more than just that. so why couldn't gus have a clear state of mind?

gus was on auto-pilot the entire way home. even as he got out of his car and into his own apartment. he went up to his room and closed the door. he felt like he was going crazy, he couldn't make sense of the emotions swirling in his head.

"maybe i just need to calm down for a minute. distract myself with twitter."

yes because twitter has proven to be so helpful in the past


after a brief talk with adri, gus was back to drinking his ass off. you'd think that after gus' drinking habits going on for at least the past two years, he'd have to drink an entire liquor store before getting drunk. however, for gus, that wasn't the case. he could take his alcohol, but when any drinks enough vodka and tequila, they get pretty drunk either way. and gus was about five bottles in.

suddenly gus couldn't remember why he started drinking at all. he had no idea what had him so down, all he knew is that he had the place to himself and it was a great time to play his music as loud as he wanted and sing at the top of his lung. he had to drink every emotion away.

he didn't want to remember anything from that past week.

how nate didn't care about him


how kane stabbed him in the back


how his parents couldn't give two shits about him as long as he was making money


how nobody seemed to care that he was out for an entire week from school


how his best friend was actually best friends with his ex & not him


how he was convinced his best friend didn't really like him


how he just stuck his tongue down josie's throat


right before gus was about to take another swig of alcohol, gus heard his phone get a notification, his music dying down a bit before returning to normal volume.

new messages
inside bit

princess ((;

"heyyy it's josiee!" his voice came out slurred and way too happy for any single person. he opened up his phone to see josie texting him about his wallet he left at her place.

due to gus being full of wonderful ideas in his drunken state, he started a conversation with josie. the two went back and fourth and it eventually came out that he was drinking out of sadness. josie mentioned coming over, something about how he shouldn't be alone but gus was fine.

for a bit

him and josie texting reminded him as to why he was drinking in the first place. and him being drunk, he was speaking his mind 100%. josie knew exactly why he was sad and was insisting on coming over and picking him up.

gus tried to fight with her, he was terrified of picking up where they left off, and even go further than before. he tried to get her to change her mind, but he knew, deep down, she wouldn't she was a stubborn lady & she wasn't about to let her friend be home alone.

he tried to ignore everything that was said between them. the fact he admitted to liking her and how she admitted to liking him back. he couldn't do that to her. he couldn't be in a relationship with her. he remembered how him and maddie ended, because he came from the slums of mississippi and how his family didn't have money. he wasn't worth anything compared to all the other richy rich celebrity kids at this school. he couldn't do that to josie, drag her down when he knew she was going places & he was destined to end up back in mississippi, amounting to nothing. he couldn't get in a relationship with josie while she was still dealing with saint, and he knew how much saint fucked with josie. he couldn't do that to her. he wanted to forget the exchange ever happened.

but he was 97% sure she was on her way to his place to drag him back to her place.
code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillesrslerffr LATE O'CLOCK fillerfillefillerfillerfillerfillderlerfilr
... trevor callaghan ...



parking lot


ash Winona Winona

“What?” Trevor asked, glancing at Ash before he registered what she said. His eyes widened, and his grip tightened on the wheel. “Oh, ffff…” Trevor’s eyes shifted up to the rearview mirror, and he watched the turn he should have taken grow smaller and smaller. “…eck me,” he finished defeatedly beneath his breath.

So much for knowing well enough where the mansion was.

He sighed softly, rolling his eyes at himself as he adjusted his grip on the wheel, leaning back in his seat a bit more. He ran his tongue around his mouth, sighing again.

U-turn? He glanced in his side mirrors, as if he’d suddenly see a lack of headlights to either side when he was in Los Angeles, California. (Obviously not.) He turned his gaze once again to the rearview mirror. (Still more people, with their headlights glaring in his eyes. Wasn’t really a shocker, but it didn’t help him come up with any more ideas of what to do.)

He really shouldn’t be u-turning, anyway. He wasn’t exactly a maneuvering expert. Plus, he didn’t really know the rules, but whipping in a minivan in busy traffic didn’t really seem like it was within those rules.

He looked back ahead. Well, that wasn’t what he needed. It wasn’t like it was a big deal or anything, but damn, he also didn’t know any other way to get there except from his house, and apparently, he hadn’t even known that too well.

Was he going to ask for directions, though, or any other shortcuts to get there rather than having to u-turn? Nope.

“Sorry,” he said to Ash, laughing softly. “I…wasn’t paying attention.” He gave a small, mildly uneasy smile as his eyes searched the billboard signs poking up everywhere. He went quiet, and an unfamiliar song kicked up on the radio— one that really grated on his nerves. The bass in his minivan was messed up, somehow, and he hadn’t gotten around to fixing it. He reached up and turned it down, and he glanced over at his passenger.

He didn’t really…want to take her home. That wasn’t selfish or anything, but now that he’d passed her turn, he…well, he had that feeling. He didn’t want to drop her off, he didn’t want to have to kiss her goodbye, he didn’t want to go home with this little pet secret after only having just created it. He wanted to…spend more time with her, alright?

He smiled softly to himself. Ya know, he could just pass this off as something intentional. He’dn’t missed her turn; he’d just not wanted to make the turn in the first place.

His eyes met a sign in the distance, and he thought of something…kind of dumb. It made him crack a small smile and snicker.

“I have an…idea,” he said, offering no further explanation than that as he put on his turning signal and made his way to the destination.

So their first date had “ended” with them getting together…but it didn’t actually have to end end yet.

There were still moments that he could steal before he had to leave her be. There was still time that he could spend with her, even if it wasn’t much.

In the wide world, they were just one new couple amongst millions. They didn’t mean anything in the grand scheme of things— so why shouldn’t he take this little detour, if it wouldn’t matter anyway? It could mean a few more moments to spend with her, unafraid of…anything, just temporarily being a couple of new lovebirds who didn’t have any secrets to keep from strangers.

It was small. It was dumb. It was pretty inconsequential.


Let him have this.

He pulled into the perpetually-crowded parking lot and pulled into the first spot that he saw. Naturally, that was far, far, far in the back, but he hoped that she wouldn’t mind.

(It just meant more time together.)

He parked Rachel, then looked over at Ash with a grin. “Well, darlin’,” he said, popping open his door and sticking his leg out of it, “here we are.”

He stepped out of his vehicle, raising his eyes to the glowing sign on the side of the long building: Walmart.

He walked to her side, grinning. “I figured that there was no point in lyin’ to ‘em, ya know,” he explained. “We really did stop fer some tissues— or some ferret thin’s.” His eyes moved down to meet her face, brows knitted expectantly. Why were the butterflies in his stomach coming back?

Why was he so nervous to hear her say yes or no to going and buying some damn ferret supplies?

And why was he thanking heaven for Jeffrey right now?

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Hunter Drake
As Nickie and Liv's war of words rendered his attempt of turning the topic into a positive direction obsolete, he sighed when Nickie briefly mentioned it only to rub it into Liv's face that she had thrown the unicorn plushie off to its certain doom. And all the while, Liv added salt to the wound by bringing up he won it for her.

"That's not how I--"

What Hunter was going to say is that wasn't how he remembered it, but Nickie's voice tuned him out. And at some point during her next couple of sentences, he contemplated interrupting her. He considered speaking over her to stop the madness that was happening as they were suspended in the air. And matters were made worse when Liv purposely rocked the boat, cart -- whatever you want to call it. The point is: she was doing it with the intent of hurting Nickie and Hunter was starting to get fed up.

And then Nickie started crying. He didn't know why. He had blocked her voice out momentarily to create some thinking space for himself, but he obviously missed out on something.

His first instinct? To take Nickie into his arms. His right arm was placed behind her neck, resting on her shoulderblades while the other completed the consoling embrace as it partially locked with his arm from the front. "Shh, it's okay, Nicks! I'm here," he whispered in a low tone, completely ignoring Liv and anything else she had to say.


fall fair


doing the right thing for once


boy looks like a rich bum


Liv Soap Soap , Nickie ohdittoh ohdittoh
coded by natasha.
MOOD: thrillseeker, baby

OUTFIT: clothes

LOCATION: roller coaster of doom
too much work

ohdittoh ohdittoh (Mike)
TL;DR no
Veronica Crosby
Ronnie, despite being visibly shaken by Mike's sudden arrival, was smiling deviously on the inside. It had seemed she'd been triumphant in fooling Mike into thinking she was more frightened than she'd let on. She could only hope the difference between her fake screams of terror and her genuinely startled yip just moments ago was minimal. Otherwise, the little simp would look like a giant idiot for putting up that act just to bury her face into his strong, broad chest. "I'll allow it... because you have such a way with words," she accepted, unable to contain her giggles, "And because you're so handsome. But mostly the first! I'm not shallow."

No, Ronnie refused to lose the charm and appeal that had drawn her date back in. If she lowered her lovey, cheery energy for just a few moments, Mike would see her for the desperate, lovesick fool she really was. She had no other choice but to continue pursuing his heart, only to quit while she was much, much further ahead.

Plus, she'd been scoring points with Mike left and right all evening. How hard could it be to maintain it? Every moment he called her babe was like taking a bite from the juiciest, most refreshing fruit Ronnie had ever laid her tongue upon. A coveted, oh-so-painfully desirable fruit. Of the forbidden variety.

Mike's final comment on the matter made Ronnie raise a brow of her own. Does he mean a... a pregnancy scare? What? The girl couldn't tell if it had completely gone over her head or Mike's repartee had just fallen flat, but out of courtesy, she laughed hesitantly. "You're such a dummy. But it's cute! Heheh."

Ronnie's eyes lit up at the prospect of Mike taking her on a ride. Jammed so close to one another on their seats, the safety bar trapping her date by her side for the entirety of the ride, seeing her big, strong man not so much as flinch on the big, scary ride... It's what dreams are made of. Most of Mike's witticisms didn't make much sense to her, so, to avoid staring blankly and silently at him, Ronnie nodded and grabbed his arm, squeezing by his side once more.

"Gee, I don't know, Mikey... big rides are a bit much for me," she lied, concealing the part of herself that was a fan of all things terrifying, "But if you're by my side, I think I can handle it. You've proven your immense bravery by now anyway." She nodded with a determined face before Mike could even reply in time. "Yep yep! We can do it."

Ronnie did her best to slow their pace as much as possible while they trekked over to her ride of choice to savor how much of a couple they outwardly looked like. The roller coaster wasn't like one of the giant ones one would expect to find at Disneyland or anything, but for a fair, it wasn't bad at all. It had the added charm of being wooden and wobbly as well, although everyone by then should have known its structural integrity was clearly very much up to par if such a superficially dangerous design was still present on the fairgrounds.

People had to complain about this rickety-looking old thing. The slight wobble of the track and the bumpy noise of the roller coaster car traveling along the rail made even Ronnie a bit queasy. Of course, if it was really dangerous, it would have been dismantled by then. "So, what do you think? It's kinda quaint. I like it."
code by valen t.
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fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfilslsderlerfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfisdsdllerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr
... michael reid ...





ronnie hery hery

Mike had picked up some babysitting jobs back in his early teens. It was something that kind of came in being in a shitty, rat-ridden neighborhood where no one cared about their children more than the roaches in their cupboard. You got to the age of twelve, and suddenly the burnout cashiers at the corner store were hurling their infants at you like their empty bottles at their alcoholic husbands. It was a little known part of that Hawaiian tradition that everyone everywhere talked about that was specific to the places where you had to fear for your life when you walked out in the street.

From those experiences, he learned a few things: one, holding toddlers upside down doesn’t keep them from vomiting; two, don’t believe six-year-olds when they say that they can surf unattended; and three, children were fucking demons from the pits of hell and he never wanted to have his own.

As he listened to Ronnie giggle ditzily and insult him as if that were cute or something, he was reminded of that final lesson. Standing over her with his arm around her, Mike couldn’t help but think how much he fucking hated children. They were dumb but thought that they were geniuses. They tried to play with the big dogs and got all whiny when they struck them down.

This big dog just happened to be one with a fucking conscience and sympathy. That was something that destroyed him in his babysitting jobs, too. Right after he actually broke whatever few toys the kids were whining about being broken to him or when he punched them after they kept bugging him, they would always cry. Wah wah wah. Big tears would run down their cheeks, they would rush off screaming to whatever odd place they called their room that week, and that would be that, and he would always feel that nipping at his neck that he came to know as guilt. He never was sorry for what he did, ever. He had no reason to be. Back then, he grew to not apologize and to just ignore the pinch, and he thought that he had retained that lesson.

Being here with Ronnie made him realize that he’d lost that skill. He’d let this kid push him around after he’d made her cry, even though he felt no sorry tugging at the back of his neck anymore like he’d had at the party. He was subjecting himself to this torture to appease that pinch because he’d grown fucking soft.

Never again, he vowed. Never fucking again.

And now, she was going to be fucking dragging him on…a…rollercoaster.


“Big rides are too much for you?” he repeated, grinning. “Well, ya might not like me as much as you thought you did, babe.” Holy shit, he was gross, but he tried to separate his mind and his feelings from his mouth. He paused a moment, chuckling. “You think you can handle it?” he asked, his words forceful and heavy.

Take it back. C’mon. Please. For the love of all things holy and consecrated.

But she began to walk away and when he eyes turned from his face, he couldn’t even suppress an eyeroll and a clench of his jaw. Fuck! He just had to dig his hole deeper. He was literally doing this to himself. What the fuck?

He couldn’t tell if his conscience was sadistic or masochistic.

As they moved, he looked at the food stations, considering which ones he could pipe up and force a detour with.

Damn, these prices…they had to be making a killing this week from the poor souls of boys who thought that it was a big flex to be able to buy a girl some shitty, deep-fried, heart-stopping, diabetes-granting sweet that would go straight to her hips and make her mother’s lip curl to yell that she looked like a whale. It was fucking impressive how genius these borderline scammers were, with their seven dollar funnel cakes and their four buck hot chocolates, reheated and handed to you on and in flimsy styrofoam everything for your intestinal displeasure. Inflation was at its highest on fair day. If there was a stock market for fairs, that shit would be off the charts.

And he’d bought that apple to spare himself from Ronnie’s…Ronnie-ness and contributed to both her Ronnie-ness and the fair’s insane economy— and he’d blown some of his hard-earned cash on something that hadn’t lasted more than five minutes and had the opposite effect that he was hoping.

Come to think of it, detouring now would only have the same effect— would it be worth it to temporarily delay his fate at the hands of the rollercoaster to just have Ronnie cling to his side more than the more that she’d done before?

Reluctantly, he came to the conclusion that the answer to that question was a no. As genius as that idea seemed, it wouldn’t work.

God. Damn. It.

They were walking to goddamn slow, too. Was the wannabe dicksucker digging her fucking heels into the pavement? If she did it any more, she was going to be absorbed into the damn stuff— not that he would complain if she suddenly disappeared, except the cockblock would try to drag him down with her, and heaven fucking knew that the last thing that he needed to happen was him getting caught in the first ring of hell with Veronica fucking Crosby. Fuck, actually, maybe he was already there.

When they came to stop at the rollercoaster, he had another fucking run moment that flicked in his mind.

The contraption looked like it would fall at any moment. It wasn’t one of those pack it up and take it with kinds of things like most of the booths and everything were. Nope, this one was definitely here year-round, and he could fucking tell. As the cart shot off with several screeching people in it, the cart squealed and the coaster creaked.

He swallowed hard. Fuck. Fuck.

“Fucking adorable,” he muttered, but it came out just as sarcastically as he’d said it in his mind. He put on a grin, laughing slightly, and he walked into the line with Ronnie. “Never been on one like this before.” Actually, he’d only went on a rollercoaster one other time in his life, and that one he’d ended up nearly dying on, but that wasn’t really an important detail. “Tonight’s going to be full of firsts, I see.”

There was some other disgusting sexual joke hidden in what he’d just piped out, but he honestly felt too drained right now to determine it. His voice was dry and strained, and the forced casualness of his voice could definitely be determined as forced.

If there was one thing he hated more than haunted houses, it was fucking heights, okay?

“How long,” he said, a chorus of screeching in the background that he hoped was from the people on the ride and not the ride itself, “do you think this thing has been standing?” He looked up at the thing. “Since the…nineteen-twenties or something?” He added a small laugh in an attempt to make it sound joke-ish. “Wonder if anyone’s ever died on this one.” He chuckled. “Where do you think the most intestines’ve had to be cleaned off of?”

He was scaring himself more by the second, goddamn it.

“Two requests, babe: don’t spew your candy apple on me and don’t die,” he said with a soft laugh.

Actually, please do the latter.

Chop chop.

Time’s running out, babe.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
bend over backwards

How had this all gone downhill so fucking quickly? Rome just wanted to hang out at the fair with his best friend. He wanted to forget that all of his most embarrassing secrets had been exposed to the entire school; he wanted to forget that he had no idea what he was supposed to do now; he wanted to forget that after all of it, he felt simultaneously stupid and misunderstood.

He’d never really been able to cope with words of others. He took compliments to heart, as well as insults. Even if later, he’d look back and think that he hasn’t deserved it all, he felt awful at the time. Who didn’t? People always claimed that they didn’t care what others thought, but that was never true. They cared. Rome cared. Not because he cared whether Jace or Callum liked him, but because it planted that doubt in his head. Was this how other people saw him? Annoying, clingy, idiotic? Toxic? Selfish?

God, was Rome selfish? He tried not to be. He wasn’t sure he’d know if he was. He didn’t want Jace and Callum’s words to affect him. He didn’t want to react. He wished he could stand there and be stoic and expressionless. But he couldn’t. That wasn’t who he was. His uncle would probably say that that was because he was gay; even though that was homophobic and, frankly, kind of misogynistic, since he only thought that because Rome was effeminate.

Ripping his hand from Oates’, Rome pushed past Callum and Jace, and none too gently, making sure to get some elbows in sides and stomach as he went past because he wasn’t above a bit of violence. He stormed away from the group, letting tears fall freely from his eyes with his back to them all. He didn’t really know where he was going until he saw a bathroom sign, and he quickly pushed inside. No one was in there, and in all honesty, he didn’t even feel the strength to make it to a stall. So he just dropped to the ground in a sobbing heap, finding himself in the same position as only a few days prior. This was not his week.
MOOD: boutta end this man's whole career

LOCATION: fairgrounds

OUTFIT: a hot fit

INTERACTIONS: mogy mogy hery hery Winona Winona

code by valen t.
Last edited:
MOOD: who even the fuck knows

OUTFIT: Whatever the fuck I put for him before

LOCATION: Lucky’s house
Lucky ( gh0stwriter gh0stwriter )

--------don't type anything after this comment--------

TL;DR Danny is being stupid.
Daniel Cooper
I....what? No!

Danny had never claimed to be the smart friend. Hell, he’d never even claimed to be smart in general. But now, as he stood in front of the door to Lucky’s apartment, he realized that he’d descended into a whole new level of stupid. Alas, he couldn’t go back now, and so he raised a shaking hand to the door to knock. Once. Twice. There was no response, and so he knocked again. Whispering could be heard from behind the door, but still no one answered.

Danny was about ready to turn around and leave, cursing himself for being so stupid when the door swung open, and there Nic stood, leaning against it, a self assured smirk on his face. A face crusted with blood, a swollen eye and an ugly purple bruise across one cheek. Danny had had enough black eyes in his life to know it must have hurt. Bad. Or it would, at least, when Nic was sober.

“Daniel Cooper,” Nic drawled, grinning. “How nice of you to visit me,” the older boy added, before glaring down at his trembling legs. Nic seemed to be relying heavily on the door for support.

Danny opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it as Nic lifted a hand. “Shh, I know you’re not here to see me,” Nic amended, that cocky grin still plastered on his face. It was sort of unsettling, the way it didn’t reach Nic’s dead blue eyes. “You’re here to see Lucky, that little bastard. I knew I was right. Hell, I even offered to fuck him myself but hey, I suppose you’ll do,” he continued, his smirk dropping a bit at the comment.

Danny could feel his face heating as Lucky’s roommate spoke, and on instinct, his hand reached up to toy with the buttons of his shirt. Nic’s gaze dipped to Danny’s hands, the smirk growing. “I...no. I’m not here to...I just want to talk...to Lucky. Yeah,” Danny ground out, finding it hard to breath. Nic was making him nervous, like the boy would lash out at any second and wrap his shaking hands around Danny’s throat.

“How boring,” Nic said, a frown gracing his features. “I suppose you can come in then,” he added, shuffling out of the way of the door. Nic shot him a conspirator's grin before whispering, not very quietly at all, “Lucky’s got his panties in a bit of a twist. He had to drag me home from the fair. I don’t know. Something about me not killing everyone by driving.”

Danny ducked under Nic’s arm, before standing awkwardly in the middle of a large living room. No lights were on, but even in the dim lighting Danny could see the dark splotches on the floor and the white couch, twins to the ones on Nic’s white shirt. Blood. Shit. What had Lucky done to him?

He must have been staring because Nic laughed, pointing at his face. “Not pretty is it? Your boyfriend did this to me. Doesn’t hurt, but I guess we’ll see in the morning,” he slurred, moving from his position at the door back to the couch, where he slumped down immediately. “He’s in his room right now,” he said, pointing to the door directly next to the couch. “Hey Lucky! You have a visitor!” Nic yelled in a singsong voice.

Not knowing what to do with himself, Danny continued fidgeting with his buttons, shifting his weight from one foot to another. This whole situation was far too similar to how his father would act before….before everything went to shit, and so Danny made a point to stand as far away from the drunken boy without seeming suspicious.

He wondered if Lucky would even bother coming out of his room, or if he would just send Danny away. Maybe he’d even give him a black eye to match Nic’s. And maybe Danny deserved it for being so stupid.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Heart-hurty

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Ferris wheel
MENTIONS: Nickie, Ellie, pandagosquish pandagosquish ohdittoh ohdittoh

INT: Hunter natsukashii natsukashii

TL;DR Nickie's crying, Hunter's simping and Liv is dying inside.
My sleep is gonna be affected, If I keep it up like a lovesick crack head

“You just ran into her on the way in and talked to her because you felt bad for her, because no one wants to talk to her because she’s like a little kid with nowhere to go."

Liv wasn't going to lie and say Nickie's words didn't bother her, but it wasn't like she was about it show it either. She opened her mouth to reply but no words escaped her lips, debating on saying anything. Was this woman actually crying? She... What? she was the one who lost her unicorn, if anything Liv should be the one crying. What was even happening? "I... are you--" Her words died on her lips as Hunter moved his arm so quickly he had almost bumped into her to put one around Nickie.

Liv couldn't help but think if it was some kind of ploy or if Nickie was actually hurting about... something.

Either way, she couldn't pull a knife on her now. That'd just be rude. What the hell was she supposed to do now? The brunette spared a last glance at the two before making herself smaller, scooting as much as she could against the cart, trying her best to ignore the incredibly awkward situation-- Liv doesn't do awkward, period. She's literally the best icebreaker out here but... there was no getting out of this one.

"Uh... I'm sorry." For what? She didn't do anything. Liv knew that. Why the fuck did she feel bad? Sure, maybe Livanna liked to think she knew Nickie a lot more than most of the girls in the music department, but that's only because she had spent the most time with her. It was always fun to push her buttons, throw a few innuendos here and there. But crying was a whole different story, if Hunter wasn't here she'd probably be consoling the dumb blue-eyed murdering bitch.

Because... Liv still had a soft spot for her.

It's just who she was, okay?

Liv took this as an opportunity to distract herself with her phone, passing whatever time they had left in the Ferris wheel... which hopefully wasn't much longer.

code by valen t.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr IDK PMfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr





Ash glanced towards Trevor, her eyebrows drawn together in confusion. Her thoughts started churning, trying to pump out ideas of what he had mind. Her gaze moved to look at the billboards as they whipped past, but soon the flashing lights of other cars started to make her heart thrum a little harder, and she looked back at her phone.

She had to say, the one thing that she hadn't expected was for Trevor to pull into... a Walmart parking lot.

Yeah, that was a first for her. Ash had ended up in guys' cars plenty of times with them uttering the words of "I have an idea," but those ideas typically involved like parks. Movie theaters. Malls. One guy took her to his high school to break in so they could ice skate, which easily had to be the wildest one.

However, Walmart?

Yeah, this was a first.

But she was smiling as she hopped out of the van, closing the door after her, with her hands sliding into the pockets of her jacket as she walked towards the back of the van to meet Trevor. Ash looked up at him, her eyes meeting his, as he spoke. Walmart was... a new one... a little weird, but... she could see the look on Trevor's face. Like... maybe he was a little nervous or something, yeah? That she'd think think this was a dumb idea and just get back in the van and say no?

She let out a slight laugh as she pulled one of her hands from her pocket and reached out to Trevor, taking his hand in hers. Holding his hand made her heart skip a beat, but it also felt... right. Yeah, comfortable, familiar already, and right. And hey, everyone was so wrapped up with the fair or whatever their other activities for the night might be that they could safely hold hands without their new formed secret getting out anywhere. So yeah...

Walmart had to be the best idea.

"Alright, so, like, turns out they don't make Spiderman costumes for ferrets." Ash began to speak as she turned and started walking towards the entrance of the store which was way too far away for her liking. Like, it would've been fine or whatever, but it was starting to get a little cold out. But, well, LA cold was barely anything compared to the winters she was used to back home. "Like, I did so much Googling and stuff and I just found a bunch of weird stuff. Like, Guinea pig Spidermans? Everywhere. But no ferrets."

Also a strange amount of weird Kim Possible fanart that had popped up during her time searching. Yeah, the search results for "ferret spiderman" were strange to say the least.

"So then, like, I bought a Spiderman costume for a Dachshund because like they're long and Jeffrey's long. Totally thought it would fit, but it was way too big and then he ripped it apart while I was at school."

RIP the twenty dollars she'd spent on that.

"Now, like, I just need a marker or something that can write on fabric and I'll just draw a spider on the back of his hoodie and call it good. Honestly, I've already put way more time into his costume than I have mine." Granted, that was more because Ash hated shopping for costumes. They just... made her feel... stupid? Yeah, stupid mostly. Like, Ash felt dumb, fat, ugly in Halloween costumes. Kind of why she tended to try and avoid dressing up, but you think she would've learned by this point that she couldn't avoid so long as she was friends with the twins.

"Or, well, like, more time trying to find it and... yeah. But totally worth it because, like, we're going to look so much cooler than you and your roommates."

She glanced at Trevor, a teasing grin plastered on her face.

But look, it was true. Charlie talked a big game, but there was no way that the Mystery Gang would ever look cooler than a bunch of Spiderman characters from Spiderverse.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

fillerfillerfillflleierlerssdsdfilelifr 4:00 PM fillerfillerfilrfillerllerfillerfillfilr
... nickie abrams ...





hunter natsukashii natsukashii liv Soap Soap

Nickie didn’t know why the hell she was crying. She’d dropped Liv’s unicorn off of the ferris wheel and insulted her, but she was crying. Her ears rang, her face was hot, and she couldn’t breathe. Her heart beat rapidly. She could feel her pulse in her temples as she sobbed into her hands.

She shimmied when Hunter’s arm went around her, trying to bat him off without having to retract her hands. His whispering to her sounded like gibberish, and she didn’t want his attention.

She didn’t know what the hell was going on. It was like Monday, when she’d started crying after saying what she had about Rome, but it was…fucking worse. She…couldn’t tell the cause this time in any capacity.

She felt herself begin to drool and sniffle, and her tongue felt too large in her mouth. She needed to vomit.

Her head, to the tune that the chorus of girls in middle school played for her every day at lunch, sang: a-tten-tion whoooore.

Fuck, she was an attention whore. She knew what they were thinking— and she was thinking the same.

The only explanation for why she was crying was that she somehow wanted attention or something.

Hunter didn’t need to have his arm around her. She tried to pull free of it.

She didn’t deserve comfort, she didn’t deserve sympathy, she didn’t deserve any of this!


This was…

She lowered her hands, bringing them to clutch the bottom of her shirt— the one that had looked so cute this morning. She felt herself nearly gag as she looked down at the blurry view of the world below. Her shoulders were shaking. She couldn’t see anything for the tears that streamed from her eyes.

Her tone was forceful, despite the shakiness in it, when she spoke. “I’m sorry. I am.” She looked up, gasping a soft sob with her brows knit, and she looked at the blur that she knew to be the boy who she didn’t fucking deserve. “I’m sorry. I just…”

Her eyes moved to the blur of Liv. Her voice came out nearly angry, her jaw clenched. “I…I fucking insulted you, and you’re apologizing to me?” She sniffled deeply, squeezing her eyes shut. “What bullshit.” As she spoke, she just made herself angrier at herself. “All I’ve fucking done today is—!”

Her voice cracked, and she lost her words for a moment.


She swallowed hard, her brows relaxing, and she let out a soft sigh. “All I’ve done today is sit down— sit down and fucking…!” As she spoke, her voice rose to anger again— self-anger.

She held her hands out in front of herself and began to, through heaving breaths, list everything out. “I insulted you, I insulted Gen, I insulted him, I insulted Chas, I insulted Eli, I insulted…— and then I came here and fucking—!” She choked a sob. “I fucking threw the unicorn that Hunter spent his time getting you off of here, and I just…shit shit shit— I don’t deserve your sympathy, I don’t…don’t apologize! Please, I just can’t fucking…” She clasped her hands over her eyes, letting out an angry noise. “God…damn!

She pulled her hands off, sniffling. “And…” She looked at the blur of Hunter. “And I insulted…”

Her voice grew soft for another moment. “I insulted you, too…I fucking lied and…I…”

Her voice was growing angry again, and she turned her head away.

“Just…don’t bother with me. I’ll get you another stupid fucking unicorn. I’m just…”

As she spoke, her voice had been growing softer, the ringing had been fading from her ears, and her jaw had been relaxing, and by the time she reached the last word, her voice was barely above a mutter.

Her face was still hot, but her tears slowly faded from her eyes as she drew in another deep breath.


Once she uttered those words, she felt that familiar…numbness settling in.

The same one that she’d felt all week—

The same that she’d come to the fair to avoid.

She sighed softly, and she looked back at Hunter and Liv.

“I just…I’m sorry,” she apologized again, much calmer, her voice far less emotional than before.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillesrslerffr LATE O'CLOCK fillerfillefillerfillerfillerfillderlerfilr
... trevor callaghan ...

walmart date, fellas


only the most romantic date spot: walmart


ash Winona Winona

Trevor didn’t know that his hand was trembling lightly until she took his hand. He cracked a grin, laughing shyly, his cheeks heating up slightly.

He hoped that he’d never get used to her hands in his. Sure, they were…not even a full hour into their relationship, but he wanted this to last for…forever.

That was dumb, right? Him already growing attached to this idea when the whole point of them keeping it secret was to make sure that it worked?

It was doomed to end short—

Oh, shut up.

He pushed the thoughts aside, shaking his head slightly at himself.

Right now, he was in a Walmart parking lot with Ash, with her hand in his, and that was it. This moment was all that existed.

How fecking sentimental for a guy in a fecking Walmart parking lot with his new girlfriend.

She began to walk him towards the store entrance, speaking about her ferret’s costume. To be entirely honest, he could care less about the ferret or its costume, but hearing Ash talk about it now was the most interesting thing that he’d ever heard. He caught himself looking down at her and not where he was going, and he tripped a few steps, trying to play them off coolly after the stumbles happened.

He couldn’t stop looking at her. It was…odd.

Honeymoon phase. That was what this was called, right? That’s what came at the start of a fresh relationship, with the eyes of the lovers glistening with hope and their hearts beating in time?

It never lasted long, did it?

Shut up.

He was going to enjoy this. No matter how long it lasted, he was going to savor it.

He was in a Walmart parking lot with Ashton West, after all, with his hand holding hers.

His palms were clammy.

He hoped she couldn’t feel it.

“Cooler than my roommates and I? Pff, youuu wish, darlin’,” he laughed. “You skew tha results fer yer side, but there’s no way yer beating out the Mystery Mobile and its proprietors.” He glanced back at where he thought his minivan was, but he couldn’t see it anymore.

Well, one thing about long legs: you covered a lot of ground.

He felt a little bit sorry for Ash, so, with a soft chuckle, he slowed his pace a bit.

“Rachel…I have to sacrifice her for the greater good of beatin’ out tha rest’a tha competition.” He sunk his shoulders dramatically, playing up his disappointment to the point of melodrama for a moment, and then readjusted them with a soft sigh. “I don’t even wanna be Shaggy…why can’t I just…throw on a tie, a bowler hat, and a mustache and call it a day? Charlie Chaplin is a timeless classic, ya know.” He laughed softly. “Instead, I have to be Shaggy in order ta slay tha competition. It’s quite tha big sacrifice, but I think it’ll be worth it.”

He grinned down at her, mirroring her expression. “Ya know, ta make ya eat yer words, darlin’,” he teased.

They reached the front of the Walmart, and he stepped through the automatic doors, his eyes catching on the claw machine, which a small child had his tiny, chocolate-covered face pressed to the glass of.

“Why is there a such thin’ as a Tabasco plush?” he remarked. He heightened his voice to sound childish as they walked through the second set of automatic doors. “Aye, mam, can I get me five bucks ta blow? I want a stuffed replica of hot sauce— please, it’s my dream.” He shook his head slightly. “Though, honestly, now that I think about it…a Tabasco plush does sound fun, ya know. Take it out wit’ ya ta dinner an’ say ya have a hot date.” He paused a moment, and then he laughed at his own bad pun.

Sean Callaghan:

1) drove a soccer mom van

2) enjoyed driving said soccer mom van

3) took his new girlfriend on a date to Walmart

4) took said girlfriend on said date unabashedly

5) made horrible jokes

6) laughed at said horrible jokes

Wasn’t he such a catch?

He nodded at the doorgreeter, then walked Ash to the carts with a laugh. “Well,” he said, looking at the area around the two with a soft laugh, “idn’t this romantic?” He looked down at Ash again. “Where are we headin' ta?”

Holy feck, this was so dumb.

But he was grinning ‘cuz of that.

And also ‘cuz…well…

He had a date with Ash.

His girlfriend.

(Pfft…in a Walmart.)

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
if it wasn't clear by now... i like podcasts
It was the worst of feelings as thoughts became words. Compassion; the silent killer of all things Oaty.

Rome wasn't holding back, and he certainly wasn't wrong right when he said Callum didn't love Oates, but Oates knew there must have been something there and that the last two years did mean at least something to Callum. It was that hope which made him feel guilty for breaking up in the first place, no matter how deserving Callum was to be broken up with. On the other hand, Callum wasn't playing either, and when he stepped forward, pushing Rome ever so slightly backward, all Oates could do was hold the boy's hand and hope that that meant something.

Taking a step back, he tried to hear Callum's words in the crazed tone they were said in, but he couldn't, and he didn't. The same with Jace's words.

The more he wanted to reach out and help one person, whether by answering their question or just holding their hand, the worse another person felt, and they didn't hide their discontent. Like a ghost, Oates was just standing there, observing but still somehow being the root of the whole issue. This was an election, and he was the lone voter, but why he had to make a choice in the first place was unknown to him, nor did he search for the answer. He tried to figure out a way that would make everybody happy in the end, but as the situation escalated more and more, every malicious word now overwhelming Oates turned him into nothing but a figure with an echoing shadow. An array of 'Please stop fighting.', 'Calm down.', and 'This can be handled differently.' left Oates's lips every time another person spoke, only to be overpowered in the culmination of feelings boiling over each of the boys, and, like in most situations, Oates was left unheard.

Then again, his supposed decision between Rome and Callum wasn't really his to make as there was a very thin line between choosing and being chosen, so looking at it in hindsight, this situation was probably the latter.

"Rome..." He called for his friend as the shorter boy left, obviously overwhelmed. He couldn't let him be on his own, and it seemed as though Callum had Jace to talk to, so he would be okay in the end. Maybe this was the aforementioned perfect choice.

"I- I have to go. I'm sorry for this. We- We'll talk later." He muttered out and, unlike Rome, went around Callum, in Rome's direction, still calling his name, hoping his eyes would eventually land on his friend, but Mrs. Luck just hadn't been there today.

Come on.
MOOD: forever happy, unless callum

LOCATION: the fair

INTERACTIONS: rome, callum, jace


TAGS: LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki , hery hery , Winona Winona

TL;DR: lets be basic and say no
code by valen t.
Hunter Drake
Upon seeing Nickie cry, his girlfriend-not-girlfriend-but-definitely-more-than-a-friend friend, of course, Hunter’s first response was to comfort her. And of course, his first response was to make sure she knew he was here for him. It mattered very little to him how it made Liv feel. Maybe that was harsh because, up until he knew the circumstances in which was responsible for Nickie’s silence and why she hadn’t messaged him back, he was having fun with her. And he wasn’t about to be completely on anyone’s side.

But that changed when Liv tore into Nickie. Of course, Nickie didn’t make it easier by tossing the unicorn, but Hunter knew where his allegiances resided and that wasn’t with the former owner of a now-deceased rainbow unicorn.

For a few moments, it did seem like it was working, but in a matter of moments of Nickie resting in his arms, she recoiled away like he was the last thing she wanted to touch.

Confused, he looked at her with an expression straight out of the textbook definition of “what the fuck did I do wrong”. His mouth hung open slightly, lips were parted in a weird misshapen oval shape, eyes partially narrowed from worry, and the pain in his gut stinging like a million bees on a single target and all because Nickie was crying and Hunter Drake couldn’t do anything about it.

No, that wasn’t true. He could, but for some reason, Nickie didn’t want him to.

And as her barrage of “I’m sorry”’s hit both him and Liv, Hunter’s confusion evolved into something resembling being at a loss.

Sorry for what? Came his first thought. The voice in his head was louder than ever, like an annoying song he couldn’t get out of it no matter how he tried, but in this case, it was the myriad of thoughts his mind was entertaining because of-fucking-course it was.

Truth be told, Hunter hated everything about this and it wasn’t just the fact that Nickie pulled away from him or that Liv prompted this by apologizing. No, he hated that he was sandwiched between these two in a way that he knew neither of them got any enjoyment out of.

“You have nothing to apologize for!” Hunter would say almost immediately after Nickie’s final apology left her lips. It was an instinctive reaction, the sort that just came so natural to him. But what else could he do? She was still crying and it just frustrated him to no end because he wanted nothing more but to help her.

But how?


ferris wheel


the fuck just happened?


boy looks like a rich bum


Liv Soap Soap , Nickie ohdittoh ohdittoh
coded by natasha.
fillerfillerfillfillerfillerfillerlerfilelifr IDK PMfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfilr




Poor, poor Trevor. He really thought that him and his roommates stood a chance against Ash and the rest of the NYC Spidey Squad? It was going to be such a shame when he wasted all that time and money painting his van, and then showed up as Shaggy with the rest of the gang, only to be absolutely demolished by the far better, far superior Spidey Squad.

Was there even going to be an actual competition? Ash has absolutely no idea but if there was, who would be the judge -- Gen? Would Spidey Squad even be allowed in the voting because of the whole bias of Eli and Ash being in it?

Look, unimportant questions.

Spidey Squad was going to win and Ash couldn't wait.

However, Ash didn't voice any of that right now. She'd let poor Trevor think he'd have the win until Halloween actually came around and he realized just how badly he lost. And then she would hunt Lindsay down and reinstate their drinking bet and destroy him at the one thing she did best and it would be a good day. Best Halloween, even.

She followed Trevor's gaze over to the claw machine as they stepped through the automatic doors, and then moved her eyes up to his face as he made his... totally dorky joke. Maybe it was the giddiness that was making her happier and more giggly than normal, or maybe it was because the joke was actually kind of funny, but Ash couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh my god, you're kind of a dork." She stated, grinning up at him as they headed into the store.

As they came to a stop by the carts, Ash paused, her head tilting slightly to the side while her eyebrows furrowed together in thought. "Hmmm... oh," her smile returned, her eyes lighting up. Without grabbing a cart (really, did they need it? They weren't doing actual grocery shopping and the carts at Walmart were always sticky), she tugged on Trevor's hand and started dragging him away from the carts.

Despite her small size and shortness (obviously everyone else was just freakishly tall and she wasn't even short, though), Ash moved at a fairly fast pace. One, because she was excited. And two, because she was used to walking fast. Look, all of her ex-boyfriends and the previous guys she had dated had all been over six foot. When you were used to dating that tall -- and when your best friends were also way taller than you -- you started to learn how to walk fast.

Seriously. Apparently her type was just "abnormally tall."

Ash didn't stop walking until she managed to find the aisle in question -- which took a lot of wrong turns and going halfway down an aisle before realizing it was the wrong one and dragging Trevor back out of said aisle. But eventually, eventually, she managed to drag him down the correct one and came to a stop in front of... tissues.

Now, she actually let go of his hand to pick up a box of said tissues, which she held out to Trevor.

"You said tissues," she explained. "Which like, I think you might need them for your roommates when you get home and have to tell them that this went well but we're totally not dating. Charlie's going to be a wreck."

Yeah that was...

That was going to be something.

Trying to convince everyone that they'd been wrong about whatever was between Trevor and Ash, while knowing that they weren't wrong. Ash was a terrible liar when it came to things like this -- she could paint a smile on her face and say she was fine all day long without anyone else catching on (usually), but this kind of thing?

Oh there was no way she would be able to keep quiet about it for long. At some point, she'd probably slip up. Let the truth out, or say something that reignited everyone's suspicions.

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

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