Hollingwood Academy For Gifted Teens [Inactive]

After a few minutes, the girls began to put away their books, Candice slipping her magazines into a coach bag, gold charm bracelet given to her by her father jingling like sleigh bells all the while. With Felicity at her side, almost protectively, they started for the dining hall for fruit cups and overpriced sparkling water.

The dining hall was strictly for use of the academically gifted. It was an automatic if you had won awards previously for the school, and if you were Candice or someone in her friend circle, you practically owned the place. It, like the rest of the academy was incredibly luxurious. If you were from a modest upbringing it wasn't exactly the kind of thing you'd overlook. At the table by the window, the fresh moonlight caressed Candice's shining hair as she picked at a strawberry with her fork and delicately stuck it past her lips. "I saw the new boy come in for myself while we were walking here." Felicity stated, taking a sip of her fizzy water which she'd requested have lemon added. "How come you didn't tell me?" Candice whisper yelled, twirling a glossy lock around her light finger. It was a habit she had which took place when she was frustrated, annoyed, or nervous. In this case, it was a mixture of the three. "I don't want to feed your unhealthy obsession over this guy." Felicty replied simply as if that was an acceptable answer. "Even if he does look likes an Abercrombie model." She laughed, making a few other lads in the room swoon and look over at the girls longingly. "It's not an obsession." Candice argued with a bit more urgency than intended. "I'm just..interested." Elizabeth rolled her green cat eyes. "Riiiight."
Sebastian and Claude were a rather amusing pair to watch. Their personalities were so entirely different that the dichotomy could be seen even in their very gaits. While Claude's was a relaxed, leisurely stroll, Sebastian strode purposefully, brimming with self-confidence and stoicness. Despite this, somehow, they were able to maintain a dynamic that suited them just fine. "Must you smile at every breathing member of the female populace?" Sebastian inquired in an exasperated voice without so much as glancing back, suggesting this was a common occurance. Responding with an unapologetic smirk and a shrug, Claud replied, "I resent that, I do. If you must know, they don't have to be breathing. The old CPR trick does wonders for me. Do you know how many girls tried to "drown" when I was employed at that private club last summer. In fact, that may be why I was fired..." He trailed off, placing a thoughtful finger to his lip. However, Sebastian was under no such illusion. "For some reason, I believe your termination was most likely related to the fact that you and the owner's daughter did a little more than what the owner asked for when he instructed you to giver her swimming lessons." At that memory, Claude couldn't help but smile. "Ah, yes... I believe her name was Amelia. I think I did rather well. I was very... instructive."

With a dismissive sigh, Sebastian noticed that they were approaching the dining hall. "Well, seeing as it getting round about that time, I think it'd be prudent for us to indulge in a little nourishment. I daresay we'll most likely find the trio of girls you spoke of in there as well." However, the only word that Claude heard was "nourishment", and he was gone, abandoning Sebastian. Placing the pads of his fingers on bridge of his nose, he exhaled slowly. Then, he resumed his walk towards the dining hall. Meeting Claude at the entrance, the two walked in together. "This sort of reminds me of the butler's quarters back home, doesn't it?" Claude said, glancing around at the fine dining hall with a wide floursih of his arms. "Yes, I do see the resemblance. However, this doesn't quite compare to the main dining area at home." Sebastian replied, referencing the grand mansion in England from where they'd journeyed. Claude made to respond, but at that moment, he noticed a group of girls that could only be what he'd heard called "The Trio". Elbowing Sebastian, he whispered, "That's them right over there, mate. Showtime, yeah?" The duo walked up to the girls, their charm in full effect. "Excuse us, ladies, but, we're new here, and we were wondering if you could tell us what there is to do around here without classes going on." said Sebastian politely, albeit with a rather devilish smile on his face. Claude leaned on his shoulder with a jovial smile, adding, "You see, our friend, the Duke, brought us here, but then he got wrapped up in a conversation with a lady friend he met. My mate here, Sebastian, and I were terribly bored, and when we saw you three over here, we thought there'd be no better way to spend some time than with three fine young birds, such as yourselves. Does that sound agreeable to you, girls?"
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"And not bad looking, either.." Elizabeth stared up at the two, her eyes glazing over with.. a look Candice hadn't seen in a while. Admiration. Candice didn't even know where that sentence came from, but luckily she said it rather subtly. She kicked Elizabeth's bare shin under the table with her six inch black velvet heel, smiling brightly up at the boys as if nothing had happened beneath the tablecloth. "Please, have a seat boys." Candice beamed shortly after casting a confused look at Lizzy. Usually, she was barely impressed with male attention. But something told Candice these two might just be an exception. Not waiting a moment, she began her 'speech' on the many activities the group partook in. "Well, there's a coffee shop by the name of Grounded on the corner on Delancey street in town. As well as the library on the top floor." Seemingly, Elizabeth had regained her sanity and nodded in agreement as she usually did when Candice made a statement. "We often go out in the courtyard when the weather permits." Lizzy added, tilted in her in the direction of the entrance to the grand courtyard. "And sometimes of course there's after class activities, such as cheer in our case." Candice finished, batting her dark lashes at the boys charmingly and placing her chin in her palm. "You two look like you might enjoy the football or lacrosse team." Again, Elizabeth nodded, agreeing. "I think so too, you must be very strong." Candice sneaked in a cheeky joking eye roll at Elizabeth's flirting. No doubt it'd be successful, but it was still amusing. She was such a flirt. A waiter dressed in a white tuxedo came to their table with a small notepad and black ink pen in hand. His black hair was slicked back with gel and he seemed to know what he was doing, even if he was a bit young, no older than twenty four. "May I get you ladies and gentlemen anything?" He asked with a hospitable smile, holding his pen to the paper ready to write. Candice and Elizabeth both shook their heads, they were good for the night. It was really more of an offer directed to the new lads.
Absorbing the constant flow of information from the group, Olivia continued to soothingly caress her Coton de Tulear's satiny pelt. She confirmed Sebastian's assumption as to the breed of her lovable puppy with a slight nod, appreciating the correct pronunciation, before being swept away by yet more dialogue between the three men. She was anxious to roam around, as Joshua, whose name she now knew, had suggested, but Ilius and Claude seemed rather loquacious and their speech was intriguing. She regretted the awkwardness in her introduction, but if she began to speak, her excitement would oftentimes lead her to rant on about a topic that did not even interest her, and it frequently embarrassed her or offended those that she was conversing with. Olivia resolved that she perhaps would be a more active participant in a complex conversation once she had composed herself after returning her baggage to the suite she had been assigned to. Suite #2, was it? She would have to check the form. Quickly, she directed a glimpse over her shoulder at the trunk, where most of her luggage remained, before returning her gaze to Ilius, who had now mentioned the event of a dance.

A dance? Her parents had informed her of various activities such as dances, though she had never considered attending one - but if this event was scheduled to occur during this week, it was highly likely that it may be the first mutual gathering that the academy held. This might not be a school activity that she would want to miss, even though socializing and flirting were surely not included in her strengths. However, dancing was. Olivia was capable of moving with grace and finesse, her dexterity on ice the source for her ability to be elegant on land; and although figure skating was nowhere similar to dancing, they shared a few of the same qualities required, most of which Olivia possessed.

Her focus returned as Ilius courteously requested for her to attend the dance with him, and instantaneously she felt as though her heart had leapt to her throat. She stood, speechless, able to do nothing but gape at him. They had only just met each other, and Olivia could only wonder what would bring him to offer this. She had said hardly anything aside from her name; how was it possible for someone to feel that way towards her already? It could only be her mere image that would have attracted him, but was he truly that kind of person? It felt as though more than attractive appearance was required to appeal to him, but perhaps Olivia was incorrect about her instincts.

There was only one male throughout her life that she had been able to talk to comfortably, the only individual in the rink able to exceed Olivia's standards by proving his ability to perform a quadruple lutz, one that she had been working on. He was of the name Brandon. They would converse frequently, mostly about figure skating, but there were times when they would interact for the sole purpose of confiding in one another. He had never been genuinely as close to her as her female friends, but then again, in a way, he had been. Her other friends, all of whom were girls, did not always wish the best upon her. They strived to surpass Olivia's superiority; they viewed her as an obstacle, while Brandon viewed her as a companion, which Olivia appreciated. But never before had they regarded each other as a possible romantic partner.

Nervously, Olivia's gaze flitted back and forth, from Ilius to Joshua and back; Ilius's two associates had sauntered off into the school. She had no idea how to respond. Was it rude and ignorant to accept the offer of a date while in front of the precise boy who had granted her his assistance with her luggage? "I - No, bu - Ye -" Olivia stammered. She was certain that she would say the wrong thing, something offensive. "Mayb - Well - We'll . . see about the time," she concluded clumsily. Ilius, she decided, was a very intriguing young man. Though he appeared to be only a year or two older than her, his eyes, piercing green with unusual flecks of maroon, seemed as though they carried all the knowledge of the world, and he acted in that manner as well. Additionally, there were surely many other females in the school that he might be interested in; he was apt to change his mind, though for some reason, Olivia hoped that he would not. She glanced apologetically at Joshua for holding him back. He was correct - they must haul the luggage to the dorm soon, if possible.
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Lucas frowned worried. "Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?" He asked, and put his wrist against her forehead to check her temperature. "You don't have a fever... Have you been drinking enough?" He continued. He didn't want her to get ill before the dance. Not at all, really, but he didn't want to end up without a date. "My sleep was fine," he answered smiling. "I haven't slept in a bed that soft before," he chuckled before he went back to a worrying state of mind.

It felt a little weird to him, behaving like this to the one girl. Usually, he would have been in a crowd of girls, hanging over them all. Well, he still was one of the new guys here. He couldn't exactly expect the girls to jump over at him right away, he thought. Even he knew that was too much to ask for.

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Joshua looked to Olivia, hearing the question and her response his face hadn't changed from it's usual smile or simple cheer. When he saw her face however he felt a little sad. Not, however, that she was probably going to go with Ilius and not him even if he did ask, but that she seemed to feel bad about it in some way. He gave her a shrug and smiled again when she stammered. "Don't worry about it, I'm not to good with the whole party thing." He chuckled "At least not with people my age, besides I was planning on just playing my violin and maybe talking to a few people anyway." His face and tone never faded or faltered. Still, in his mind he -was- a bit disappointed. She wasn't what he would call "Cute" or "Darling" more along the lines "Beautiful," and despite her clumsiness in speaking, "Graceful" the kind of person he would want to be close to. He pushed these thoughts to the side and gave a mental shrug. She would go with the handsome boy, who he had to admit was a bit of an asshole even if Joshua didn't think he was as a whole.

His mind shifted back to Olivia and held up the bags. "Do you know where to put these bags, because I have no idea." He flashed a toothy grin and waited for her answer.

Sia had to admit that it was nice to have someone fussing over her. She enjoyed the attention she was being give by this male human and smiled softly at him. He was lifting her bad mood a little, even if being near him did make the fire in her throat burn that much hotter. "No, no. I'm sure I'll be alright in a minute," she insisted when he mentioned the nurse's office. She held her breath as he pressed his wrist against her forehead, though the pulse of his veins against her skin made her eyes darken with a lust for his blood.

Elysia had to laugh lightly when Lucas asked her if she had been drinking enough. No doubt he would think she was a little but crazy but she simply hadn't been able to contain it. "No, I don't think I have been drinking enough," she agreed, her eyes flickering down to his throat once more before returning to his face. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine in a moment. The heat always makes me feel a little bit faint," she explained.

"The rooms are nice, aren't they?" she agreed, wishing she could pull him away somewhere and feed from him. Her need for it was beginning to consume her, especially because the day was so sunny. She would burn to a crisp if she stepped into direct sunlight while she was so thirsty. "Do you have any siblings, Lucas?" she asked, partly because she was curious about his background now that he'd inadvertently brought it up, but also because she needed a distraction.
"Hm... If you insist," Lucas said, still a bit sceptical. Her eyes kept fascinating him, but he wondered if something was wrong, since they went so much darker when he checked her temperature. He knew that some people, for example those with hazel eyes, changed eye colour depending on the light. At least it could seem so. Maybe it was the same thing with Sia, he thought.

"Oh, I see," he nodded as she told him she hadn't been drinking enough. He really began wondering what her deal was with his neck. At times it seemed as if she couldn't keep her eyes away from it. Maybe she had a neck fetish or something. "Do you want to go find something cold to drink?" he asked tilting his head a little. They had a little time now that P.E. was over.

Lucas nodded towards one of the hallways downstairs, wanting her to get something to drink. Some of his friends from his previous school had the same problem, but thought it didn't really matter that much how much water they had in their system. "Siblings? Well, yes. I have a younger sister. She's ten years old and a real sweetheart," he said, smiling at the thought of her. "How about you?"


"But hey, let's go find you some water," he said, and lead the way.

He had noticed her gazing towards his neck, it seemed. Sia knew she would have to be more careful but she really couldn't seem to help herself. Besides, it was his own fault for smelling so delicious. He looked concerned and she smiled at him once more in an attempt to put his mind at ease. She couldn't have him bring her to the nurse's office. If her pulse was taken...well, they simply wouldn't find one.

"Yes, let's," she agreed, linking her arm with his lightly as they made their way towards the stairs. She listened quietly as he told her about his sister and couldn't help but smile. She had always wanted a little sister. Someone who's hair she could play with and read stories to at night. She would have liked to have a daughter too, or a son. Now she would never have the chance. She tried not to dwell on that because she would only fall into anger and it would be a shame if she took it out on her date to the dance. Especially when he was being so sweet to her.

"I bet she's lovely," she commented. "Do you miss her?" When he asked about her own family, she shook her head. "No, it's just me. I'm quite jealous that you have a little sister," she admitted, flashing him another grin as they made their way downstairs. She sighed softly under her breath as the further shade eased some of the uncomfortable itching from her skin. She was glad there were no windows here.

Once they'd reached the bottom of the stairs, Sia released Lucas' arm and moved to the water fountain. She bent over it and pretending to drink, remaining there for a moment to appear as though she were drinking enough to satisfy him. The water was cool and pleasant against her lips and she wished that it would ease her thirst.
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Ilius's mood was slightly dampened by Olivia's response, but he understood her hesitation; they had only just met. Most would think him a superficial man. However, the reality was quite the opposite. Ilius was very discerning in keeping his company; he preferred a small group of close friends, all of whom he found interesting and enjoyable. With what he hoped was a reassuring smile, Ilius responded, "Please, don't worry. I don't want you think you are obligated to go with me, or anything of the sort. It's your choice. However, I think I'd like to get to know you a bit better. You've, shall we say, struck my fancy." At this, he smiled. It seemed that for some unknown reason, Olivia sparked an innate interest in Ilius, which hadn't occurred since... well, since then. "If you'd like time to think, it's no problem at all. I'm sure we'll see each other around campus, so feel free to give me an answer at your leisure." Gesturing to the Olivia's waiting bags, he continued, "For now, I'll let you get back to your luggage since I'm sure your anxious to explore a bit. I'd offer my assistance, but it seems Joshua has generously afforded you his own. I'll take my leave now. Goodbye, Olivia, Joshua." he said, giving them each a friendly nod in turn. As he walked away, he found himself musing, 'I do so hope she agrees to my offer. She's rather charming, in an offhanded sort of way.'

Whilst wandering towards the dining hall, intent upon feeding one of his ravenous hungers, he spotted a water fountain. Feeling rather parched, in both senses of the word, he made a beeline for it. Suddenly, he found the fountain occupied by a boy and a... 'No, this can't be! I was not told any of my kind would be here. Damn you, Mother!' he fumed. Still, he continued his approach, deciding it would seem unnaturally rude to simply turn away, especially seeing as how he was certain they'd already seen him. The "girl" was currently feigning drinking, and judging by the all too familiar shade of her eyes, she craved something a bit... stronger. Bracing himself, Ilius put a hand on her shoulder and asked, "Excuse me, but are you finished?"

Sebastian and Claude

Having both noticed one of the girls's reaction, and the other one's response, Claude was thoroughly amused. Sebastian only raised a single eyebrow, which only served to widen Claude's grin. However, when one girl, clearly the leader of their little troupe, leaned forward and batted her eyelashes and another flirted openly, it was Sebastian's turn to be amused as Claude was slightly taken aback. 'Seems he's finally met some people who can match his unabashed flirting.' Sebastian thought dryly. Recovering impressively, Claude replied, "I'm not so sure "strong" is the right word for this one," jerking a finger at Sebastian, "but, I'm sure I'd be most interested in playing for this school." At that, Sebastian had to add, "Of course, it doesn't hurt that you'd be cheering for use, yes?" Claude agreed with a nod of his head. However, before he could respond, a waiter came and asked if they'd like anything. Sebastian gave him a sidelong look, replying, "No, thank you. I'm quite alright." Claude quipped, "Yeah, mate, don't worry about me either. I'm fine too. Normally, my friend here eats like he's just come back from being held hostage and starved, but, I think he had his fill before he came today." While speaking, Claude sent a significant look towards Sebastian; Sebastian responded with a small inclination of his head, signaling that he had indeed fed before they'd arrived.
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"She is," Lucas assured her with a gentle smile. "I miss her a little, but I haven't been away from her for too long yet either," he said and winked at her. He had a good relationship with his sister, but at times she was clingy, even for him. "Oh... We can share mine? I'm sure she wouldn't mind having an older sister," he said and chuckled.

He felt a little relieved as he saw her drinking. Her eyes and scowling had worried him, as she had seemed so sweet last night. "Feeling any better?" He asked her, and noticed the guy who approached them. He seemed like he owned a fortune by the way he moved. Lucas bet he wasn't the kind of guy he'd get along with right away.

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Sia straightened up and glanced over her shoulder at Lucas, laughing softly at his suggestion. She nodded her head at him eagerly. "Alright, deal," she agreed, wishing she really could have a little sister to fuss over. Though, it was probably for the best that she hadn't. It had been hard enough to keep away from her parents as they grew old and died while she remained young and unchanged. How would she have fared with a sibling? Perhaps she wouldn't have been able to keep her distance. Perhaps accidents may have happened. She wouldn't have liked to risk that.

"I'm feeling much better, thank you" Sia lied smoothly. If anything, the cool water on her lips had made her feel worse. She needed to feed and she was sure that if she didn't get to by tonight she would end up killing someone. She really didn't want to flee her second night here and leave destruction in her wake.

Elysia was just ready to move from the fountain when a cool hand closed over her shoulder. Instantly her defenses went up. She hadn't heard a second heartbeat and she couldn't scent the blood running through this person's veins which meant only one thing. She turned abruptly, teeth ready to be bared. It was a bit of a silly reaction considering she was aware there would be other vampires at this school but her thirst made her primal and instinctive and she was lucky that she took the time to view the face of the other vampire before she attacked.

At once her posture relaxed and she hoped that Lucas hadn't noticed a change in her. She also hoped that the Duke was not going to rip her head from her shoulders for very nearly attacking him. "Oh," she began, taking a step from the fountain. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm finished," she assured him, still watching him with a little bit of wonder. She wasn't sure why he of all people would be attending a school full of humans, though she supposed that it was probably the best one around.

Most vampires had come to learn of Ilius' and the el Morgan family in time. They were really quite famous among those of their kind and part of her wondered if she should curtsy or something equally fitting. Surely he was trying to keep a low profile, however?

"Ilius el Morgan, yes?" she asked, purposely leaving off his title in case he didn't wish for people to know. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name's Elysia," she offered, holding her hand out to him with a pleasant smile. "And this is Lucas," she tacked on gesturing to the human beside her so that he would not feel left out of the conversation.
"Hmm, well I'm sure you'll love it here." Candice smiled, turning the charm meter up a notch. "Oh, look, here comes daddy." All heads in the room turned to face a tall man with broad shoulders and an intimidating look in his forest green eyes. "Hello, kitten." As if it were custom, which it was, Candice stood leaving her chair unpushed in and rushed to her father who wrapped her arms around her in a protective embrace. Elizabeth didn't stand up, or move for that matter. "Hello Mr. Forbes." She greeted warmly and respectfully. Mr. Forbes didn't seem to pay as much attention to Elizabeth this time, just a simple nod and smile. What he really had his eyes on were the two new, well acquaintances Candice had so quickly made. "And who are these gentlemen?" He asked, stroking his daughters soft hair as he scanned over the boys as if he were observing their every feature. Candice pulled back from the hug and sat down again gracefully, propping one elbow onto the table. "Oh, these two? Oh, well we've only just met.." Lizzy nodded as if to confirm Candice wasn't making a panic lie. "New students?" Mr. Forbes didn't even take his dark eyes off the two. It was hard not to notice a slight resemblance between the two, especially when it came to their ambitious personalities. The man was quite tall, however, which differed greatly from his daughter, but if you looked closely you could see a similarity in the greenish tint Candice had in her eyes when in dim lighting. Overall she was more the type who looked like her mother.

Mr. Forbes followed, helping himself to a seat beside Candice so that she was sandwiched between Elizabeth and her father. These two were, clearly different, they seemed the type to be unlikely friends. Interesting traits, in fact, The two had nice dark hair, light eyes. It was pretty much the latest craze going on with girls their age. However, Candice had long before mastered the art of subtly flirting. Elizabeth..not so much.

Mr. Forbes:

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Ilius had prepared to defend himself when he felt the slight coil of the girl's muscles at his touch. Despite his sudden approach, she should not have reacted so violently, unless she was in dire need of feeding, in which case her basic vampiric instincts would take precedence. 'Mother... I thought I wouldn't have to supervise anyone other than Sebastian.' He signed internally. Ilius wasn't under any obligation to help this girl; however, as a prince, he felt obligated, if only to make sure that the secret of vampires stayed exactly that, a secret. "Thank you." he replied smoothly as he, too, feigned a short drink.

Once he'd straigtened again, he noticed her hand, outstreched, as she greeted him by name; it seemed she recognized him. 'I suppose royalty has it perks.' he thought dryly as he observed the girl. Thankfully, however, she refrained from using his title. Taking the offerend appendage, he leant low, placing a kiss on it as he introduced himself. "Yes, you're quite right. My name is Ilius el Morgan. I assure you, it is entirely my pleasure to meet you, Elysia." he intoned with a smile. Yet, just as he expected, he'd been met with a distinct lack of pulse on putting his lips to her hand. Turning to her male companion, he added with a nod, "The same to you, Lucas." Once again addressing Elysia, he continued, "I was just passing, and I couldn't help but notice that you seemed to be unwell. Seeing as how it is getting close to lunch, might I suggest a bite to eat? Coincidently, I was just on my way to the dining hall, so I could accompany you both, if that is agreeable." His suggestion was given with a look directed at Elysia promising a solution to her problems, if she bothered to walk with him and hear him out.

Sebastian and Claude

Sebastian, as ever, was cordial and polite. "Ah, Mr. Forbes. The Mr. Forbes, I presume? This is a fine establishment you've created." Claude, of course, was insufferable. "I'll second that. We're new here, so we haven't seen everything, but Sebs is right, this is pretty posh. Nothing on our home back in the Queen's Country..." A swift elbow from Sebastian caused him to hastily add, "But, it is very nice, very nice indeed." Once again, Sebastian took over, thinking he'd keep the damage to a minimum. They'd only just arrived; it simply wouldn't do to be kicked out so soon. "Actually, you're just the man I needed to talk to. You see, we arrived with our friend. Perhaps you've heard of him? Duke Ilius el Morgan? I was told that some special requests had been made on his behalf, and I wanted to discuss them with you. Of course, we can do this at your convenience. At the moment, we were enjoying ourselves with your lovely daughter and her friends." Claude looked like a whipped dog. "We're going to talk business? Already? Isn't there a saying about this? "Always mix business with pleasure.", wasn't it? No... perhaps "All play and no work makes Jack a happy chap.", or something along those lines?" he urgently hissed into Sebastian's ear. Fortunately, years of daily exposure to Claude's particular brand of nonesense had rendered Sebastian largely immune, and he ignored any further griping.
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Olivia parted her lips to respond, or at least say something, but he had already strolled towards the academy, so she turned to Joshua, once again wearing his infectious grin, which irresistibly brought a simper to her face. Ilius had been charming - the way he spoke to her, the wonderfully sophisticated formality and courtesy - but she had been the very first girl he saw once he had arrived at the school. Her cheeks had assumed a faint flush when he had claimed that she had "struck his fancy," but did he flatter other attractive girls in the same way? Olivia did not like to consider herself as appealing to men, as it often brought feelings of conceit, and her self-esteem would amplify as it did in competition, so she resolved to dismiss the idea. However, the amiable individual seemed to Olivia the kind of person that would not need to despair for ladies; he was prone to find another girl in the school who would be enticed by his refinement, and Olivia's acceptance of the proposal would restrain him from the ability to change his mind and decide to attend the dance with the company of another gorgeous female. She did not wish to be the source of his disappointment; it was not as though she were as desirable. She was not known in the school, and she clearly was not sociable. How would inept sociability and awkwardness interest a boy? She was, however, appreciative of the fact that Ilius seemed to favor her. There was something about him that intrigued her, and she found herself desiring for him not to change his mind.

As she looked at Joshua, she was pleased that he would be fine. It was possible that he had misinterpreted her apologetic glance; it had been in regret for keeping him here, possibly causing him to miss class - or perhaps a reprieve from studying was welcome to him; she was uncertain. Joshua was genial, so comfortable to be around, and in his profile in Olivia's brain, she marked him as a potential friend. He played the violin, and by the way in which he talked about it, it seemed as though he practiced frequently. Olivia's mother had specialized as a musician as well - a piano teacher who only accepted the most talented and hard-working of students and was often sought after. Although Olivia did not possess a hobby in music, her mom had educated her in the splendor of it, informing her of how it was not a matter of playing the correct notes, but of creating beauty, and accurate notes were only to assist the creation of beauty.

She nodded in Joshua's direction, addressing the query he had asked of her earlier. "Well - um, does there . . happen to be an elevator in this school?" she wondered aloud as she crouched, lowering Blanche and releasing her from Olivia's arms, only for the Coton de Tulear to paw at Olivia's sandals in protest. "It'll only be for a few minutes, Blanchie," Olivia murmured softly, almost incomprehensibly, next to the canine's adorable flopped-over ear. She stood, turning towards the open trunk, peering at her father in the driver's seat, able to discern his gold-rimmed glasses, angled towards a newspaper resting in his hands. Ashamed that she was exhausting her father's and Joshua's time, she hastily extracted both Blanche's teal cushion and her cross between a tote and a backpack. After unsealing the zipper, she rummaged inside and at last found the puppy's leash, also in the shade of teal. She exchanged the tether for the cushion, which she had to struggle to shove inside, and bent down to hook the leash onto Blanche's collar before withdrawing her remaining black suitcase, along with the Nike duffel bag in the color of cobalt.
Joshua watched as Ilius walked towards the school. "There's just something not right." he thought to himself as his face shifted from a grin to what could be mistaken for a scowl. With a shrug he picked up both the bags he had in his hands and looked towards the school "There's a few I believe." he said as he began walking towards the school. His face didn't change, thoughts were running through his head at a rapid pace. He would have to do a menagerie of things to make up for his lost time. "No, not lost." he quickly reprimanded himself. The time was simply spent in a way that he didn't usually spend it, he would have to make up for it still he needed to do a few things: Study for a quiz he was already certain to ace, practice his violin, prepare for the dance tomorrow night, and somewhere in-between get in some sort of a workout. With an audible sigh he looked over his shoulder and his smile regained it's place on his face. "So what room are you in Olivia?" he asked simply as he made his way into the school, and to an elevator door.
Lucas thought Sia would notice the man coming, as she almost always seemed aware of it when anyone else approached her. Yet, now she seemed really jumpy. He had noticed her muscles tensing, relaxing as soon as she actually stopped and watched him. 'He doesn't look that scary does he?' He wondered, studying the man.

As Sia introduced him, he waved back with a simple smile. The fact that she actually knew the guy surprised him a little, as they seemed like very different kinds of people. "Nice to meet you too," he said and nodded gently. He didn't want to seem rude. The man seemed like he was much older than he looked, almost like Sia did, only that he showed it even more in his actions and way of speech. Yes, there was definitively a similarity between the two.


The man suggested to accompany them both to the dining hall, but Lucas couldn't shake off the feeling that he really meant to follow Sia. His stomach made a rumbling sound, and he knew he had to join them either way. There was only one way to the dining hall from here. "Fine by me," he said and gave off a light shrug. He looked to Sia to see what she thought of it, and guessed she wouldn't mind either.
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With ax in hand, shamus kept hiking. When his mother died, it took shamus a month to accept it.Being out in the woods was his way off accepting things, he was a escape to nature kind of guy. He would spend hours out in the woods, and with ax in hand he could fight the outdoors and win.

He kept walking past the big oak tree, north of the big rock. He found a place that he would set up camp.After about an hour camp was set up. It was tradition that him and his father would go out into nature, when someone was in the hospital. Shamus's family was never good with hospitals. His aunt died 3 days in a hospital, his mother died 2 days in and his grandfather was a week into the hospital.

A noise could be heard from around him. He looked around and a brown bear jumped out. "Oh this is going to be fun!"

(Black out. When you guys get throught a day in RP tag me, for the second part of the post.)
It was only natural for Mr.Forbes to cringe at the comparison of a palace to his academyt. There was nothing he disposed more than people who were superior to him, let alone made comparisons. However, fortunately for the two young men he was willing to overlook that. "Ah, Duke Ilius." He nodded confirming his knowledge of the boy. If you hadn't heard of him and went to this school, you most likely didn't get out much. "You'd wish to discuss arrangements?" He restated the request, simultaneously folding his hands together on the silky white table cloth. As if they were children, only allowed to speak when they were spoken to, Candice and Elizabeth rested their hands in their laps and observed the conversation subtly, nodding ocassionally and adding something in to suck up to Mr. Forbes. "We'll, I am familiar with the Duke, I was informed in a generic sense he had special requests. Perhaps he is allowed a larger suite of his choice? We offer many more. I'm open to nearly any wishes he may have." He stroked his chin in thought, calmly awaiting a reply while the waiter brought his champagne glass and bottle to the table as he always requested, filling it to the brim of the crystal clear glass.
Slinging the right sleeve of the backpack over her shoulder, succeeded by the same action on the opposite side, and linking the index finger of her right hand with the loop in Blanche's teal leash, Olivia gripped her royal blue duffel bag and fastened her fingers around the handle of the remaining black suitcase. The "Midnight Blues" pattern of her Vera Bradley backpack was elaborately embellished with several shades of blue, ranging from solemn navy hues to thrilling electric blues - then exploding in various colors of blooming flowers and leaves; tangerine, violet, sage, cream. It was her favorite design by far, and the cotton material was velvety and durable.

As she followed Joshua around the lucid fountain of the courtyard, relieved that the academy consisted of elevators - it would undeniably be difficult to haul this quantity of baggage up a set of stairs - she observed his change of expression, and instantly, her smile faded as his face wore what appeared to be a scowl. He looked to be pondering about something, and Olivia was curious as to what he seemed to be deliberating about, hoping that the generous boy had not been deprived too much of his lightheartedness. His atmosphere influenced her so much. Pausing for a moment, she swiveled back towards the silver BMW X5, in which she had arrived, as it glistened in the sunlight, the sun high in the sky as the time of day reached noon. Her father had stowed his newspaper away and was now watching her with a rueful gaze that only parents could possess. Setting her duffel bag on the pavement, Olivia managed a broad smile as she waved to him, a slight waggle of her fingers.

"I love you, sweetheart!" her dad called after her, and though Olivia felt embarrassed by his unmistakable sentiment, she knew that she would miss him dearly.

With Blanche barking softly up at her, she lifted her sports duffel bag from where she had placed it on the concrete and rotated once again, casting one last glance at her dad and his luxurious car - not nearly as deluxe as a limo, however - before continuing after Joshua into Hollingwood Academy, where she would spend the ensuing nine months of her life.

The school was gorgeous. It resembled a castle, magnificent stone walls towering over her, rust-red spires grazing the sky. It was decorated with arches and ornate windows, intricate geometric designs in hues of tan and beige. As she and Joshua approached the majestic building, she noticed the words "HOLLINGWOOD ACADEMY" arcing above the massive double doorway. This was it. Her first time in school since first grade. Exhaling, she thrust one of the doors ajar and entered the building after him, the adorably energetic Coton de Tulear rushing forward to explore the unfamiliar surroundings.

The academy's interior was impressive as well, to say the least. Olivia and Joshua arrived in a marvelous lobby, hallways leading off in multiple directions, as well as an elegant spiral staircase connecting the first floor to the second. She wondered if there would be an ice rink here; she was doubtful that she would be capable of surviving for so long without figure skating. Near the stairs were a few elevator doors, each accompanied by a button to its right. As Joshua guided her to one of them, she momentarily hesitated, considering the reply to his question. She was convinced that she had been assigned Suite #2, but to ensure this, she once again released her duffel bag to swing her hybrid of both a backpack and a tote from where it had rested on her shoulders before unzipping the bag and from it retrieving a manila folder labeled "Hollingwood." Flipping hastily through the folder, Olivia spotted the form that stated the dorm to which she had been appointed. Her memory had been correct. "Suite number two," she informed Joshua, briskly depositing the file in her backpack and sealing it once again.
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Joshua nodded and punched the "Up" button on the elevator. He wasn't nervous, but he couldn't help fidgeting slightly as he waited for the elevator. When it finally came he motioned for Olivia to go first , following her into the elevator he pushed for the second floor and leaned back against the ornate walls of the surprisingly large elevator. "What was your impression of that guy?" he asked suddenly. He even had surprised himself, he had been wanting to ask but not like that. "Shit" quickly rushed through his head as the elevator door popped open. He motioned again for her to lead the way out. "Nevermind what I just said... I was.. ah.. thinking aloud." He gave her a wide smile and headed for room number 2. When he finally reached it he gave a mental sigh and flourished his hand at the door. "Here you are.... I think." he looked up over the door frame and nodded "Yup, number two. Do you want me to help you pull this stuff inside? I know some girls are a little hesitant with letting guys into their rooms." he said simply as he smiled again.

Sia had intented to shake the Duke's hand but when he turned her's over and kissed it, she couldn't help the soft giggle that escaped her lips. Nobody had greeted her this way in quite some time and she had to admit that it was a pleasant change. He was quite charming, really, and the English accent was one she had always been quite fond of. It suited him and his mannerisms.

When he suggested they get a 'bite to eat', Sia did her best not to laugh aloud like she had when Lucas had asked her if she was drinking enough. Instead, she settled for a small smirk at his pun nodded her head. He was looking pointedly at her as though he seemed to have some way of getting some blood. After all, it would be a little foolish of him to suggest they go to the dining hall when they wouldn't be able to eat anything.

Glancing over at Lucas, Elysia was pleased to see him agreeing and heard the quiet rumbling of his stomach. She so often forgot about the needs of humans and she hadn't even thought that he might be hungry. It seemed good timing and she smiled at him before turning it on Ilius. "Alright then, shall we?" she asked, continuing down the hallway. She had yet to see the dining hall but she had no doubt that it was just as lavish as the rest of the building.

It seemed Elysia understood what Ilius was suggesting, which relieved Ilius to no end. 'At her level of thirst, she could have become feral upon contact with anyone.' he thought warily. It wasn't that he was afraid of a raging vampire; he was confident he could deal with her in a state of primal rage, even kill her if he had to. However, that was the absolute last resort, and more importantly, it would not only ruin his respite, but it may adversely affect the secret of vampires' existence. Producing a charming smile on his face, he responded to Elysia. "Yes, I suppose we shall. Ladies first, I insist." he said, with a slight inclination of his head and a hand in the direction of the dining hall." As they walked, he pondered what solution he could provide for her. In truth, Sebastian was in charge of procuring blood for Ilius, one of his many duties as a butler. 'Perhaps a vampiric meeting of sorts is in order. However, it will have to wait until darkness shrouds these grounds. After all, our time is the night, when the world becomes our domain.' he mused, silently quoting Mother's words to him on his first night of immortality.

Hoping to prevent any suspicion from Lucas, Ilius decided it would be prudent to interact normally. "As I said, it is a pleasure to meet you both. I dare say we'll be seeing a lot of each other, seeing as how we'll all be living here for the foreseeable future. This is my first year, you see, and I just arrived today. What of the two of you? Have you attended classes here in previous years?" he asked. Despite initating the conversation, Ilius's mind was concentrated elsewhere. He could almost tangibly feel Elysia's hunger; he knew the signs, and they were all present. A subtle twitching of the nose smelling blood, hands and muscles clenching and unclenching in preparation for attack, eyes darting to throbbing veins that pulsed with blood in Lucas's throat, and an unconscious licking of the lips in anticipation of the exquisite feeling of warm blood flowing over one's tongue... Ilius caught himself. 'It seems she isn't the only one with a slight dehydration problem.' he realized wryly. Even more reason for him to see Sebsastian at once.

Sebastian and Claude

Sebastian was only to aware of Mr. Forbes's reaction to Claude. Turing to face Claude, he spoke softly, but curtly, "By any chance, would it be possible for you to leave us alone for a few moments. Perhaps you and the girls could go do something, and I'll join you shortly." Claude opened his mouth to reply, but Sebastian silenced him with a finger. "When you respond, please bear in mind that the answer is yes." Without actually waiting for a response, Sebastian turned back to Mr. Forbes, leaving Claude to silently fume. However, he soon recovered and stood up, turning to ask the girls, "Well, seeing as Sebs has gone into what I have affectionately come to call his "stick-up-the-arse" mode, would you three ladies like to take a walk? It seems to me that wasting such a fine day inside would be a travesty, especially for ones as stunning as yourselves." The charming grin he'd adopted to ask them widened even further when he added, "Also, your company would make me ever so delighted."

With a slight role of his eyes, Sebastian returned to his coversation with Mr. Forbes. "I do apologize for my associate's lack of tact... among other things. I don't believe the words "respect" and "delicacy" are in his vocabulary. If you will, allow me to elucidate some of the specifics of Duke Ilius's requests." Reaching into the pocket of pants, Sebastian's apparel didn't match his businessman's mien. He wore a solid black, v-neck shirt with a pair of distresed jeans and simple boat shoes. However, as many a now-poorer businessmen can attest to, his acumen was not to be doubted. Retrieving a small, folded piece of paper and a pair of small reading spectacles, he began to read aloud what seemed to be a letter from Ilius's mother.

Mr. Forbes,

Your reputation, and in turn, that of your academy, precedes you. I have heard a great many things about your establishment, most of them good, the others, great. Thus, it is with the utmost confidence that I send my darling child, Duke Ilius, to live and learn at Hollingwood Academy, along with his butlers and dear friends, Sebastian and Claude. I'm sure you are a busy man, and I can appreciate the value of time and effort, but I do have some requests that will need to be fulfilled for the duration of Ilius's stay. Firstly, I would greatly appreciate the placement of their three rooms in an adjacent formation. Secondly, I'd like staff members to refrain from asking about his past. And lastly, and most importantly, I ask that the rooms face the west, not the east. I cannot stress the importance of my last term enough. However, I am sure that you will be most curteous, gracious, and helpful in making these accomodations.

~The el Morgan Estate

Looking up, he removed the spectacles and placed the letter in front of Mr. Forbes. "Now then, Mr. Forbes, are we in agreement on these terms?" he asked lightly, although his penetrating stare was demonstrative of the serious nature of these requirements.
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Lucas walked with them, noticing that the other male also seemed to glance upon his neck. What was the deal with these guys and necks? He didn't dare ask, but the thought occurred to him that they might be looking at his necklace instead. No, why would they do that? It's a simple cross, besides they didn't look on his chest where it rested. Was there something wrong with his neck?

The thoughts troubled him, making him barely aware that he and Sia were asked a question. "Oh, I guess we will," he said and chuckled. It was almost funny how polite Ilius was. His speech sounded like he was a much older englishman. "It's my first year as well. I arrived yesterday morning," he said and looked to Sia, awaiting her answer. She seemed somewhat stressed, as if her mind was crowded with thoughts. "You arrived about the same time as me, right?" he asked, actually wondering a bit about the fact.

Sia nodded at Ilius and smiled politely again as he insisted she go first. She walked a step or two ahead of the two of them until the corridor widened a little, giving her more space to fall back into step alongside them. She was still feeling a little foolish for how she had acted when the Duke had placed his hand on her shoulder. She was lucky that he had not taken too much offense from it and hoped that he wasn't under the impression that she was always like this. She'd been very careful throughout her time as a vampire to always keep her true identity a secret and she hoped that he would not insist that she leave due to her lack of control on this one day.

"Hmm?" Sia asked as Lucas looked towards her and she mentally scolded herself for not paying better attention. It was a side effect of the thirst, however. She always seemed to get more lost in her own thoughts. "Yes, that's right," she answered once she'd realized what had been asked and smiled fondly at him. "It seems like they took on a number of new students this year. I was rather surprised when I received my acceptance letter. I've heard it's not an easy school to get into," she commented as they reached the dining hall and pushed open the door to step inside. She glanced around briefly and her eyes came to rest on Principle Forbes sitting near his daughter. She had been right then, in her assumption of who she was. Still, she had yet to learn her name. She tried to recall him mentioning it during her interview with him but didn't think he had.

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