Hollingwood Academy For Gifted Teens [Inactive]

Olivia leaned forward in her tan leather car seat with a mixture of impatience and enthusiasm, the seatbelt digging into her manubrium, as the rectangular screen on the dashboard, currently featuring a GPS, stated that they were approaching their destination. She could barely contain her excitement. Her father, sitting next to her in the driver's seat, smiled gently as he cast his eyes in her direction for only a moment before returning his attention to the road, though there were barely any other vehicles. She felt a small twinge of panic as the word "recalculating" sounded from the monotonous female voice of the GPS. "We passed it!" she exclaimed as her father, whose name was Peter Hart, searched anxiously for a location to redirect their silver BMW X5.

The weather was glorious, and she gazed up at the clear blue sky, rays of sun reaching out from the horizon. There were only a few small, wispy white clouds that hovered in the air above. They were completely still. It was morning; she had missed yesterday. Her parents had dragged her to a funeral for one of their college friends the previous day, whom Olivia had seldom heard of. The GPS notified her dad for a U-turn off the side of the road, and he looped around to head back the way they came.

Olivia alternated her glances between the map on the dashboard's screen and the road. The school was located on the right side of the BMW. She would concentrate on her surroundings this time to ensure her arrival.

At last, she spotted another passage breaking off from the road they were on, nearly obscured by trees and shadows. "There!" she said excitedly, jabbing her finger in the direction of the alley, just as the GPS once more stated that they were approaching their destination. Her knee bounced up and down in anticipation. What would this school be like? Would she find friends? Her dad veered sharply to the right, driving down the smoothly paved path as a tremendous, gorgeous building came into sight behind the abundance of trees and branches that swayed in the harsh wind. Her father slowed to a stop in front of a beautiful fountain, reflecting the blissful blue of the sky in its water. Olivia leaned over to embrace him and kiss his cheek, though the skin was a bit prickly. He needed a shave.

"Bye, Dad. I'll miss you," she said with a rueful smile.

"Goodbye, sweetie. Have fun. Text me and your mom all the time," her father added with a wink as he hugged her back.

Olivia nodded. She would not forget to contact him. He always supported her decisions, but it was her mom who had pushed her to devote her life entirely to figure skating. Olivia might even have been willing to, if only her mother had not forced her. She reconsidered the idea of texting or calling her mom; she did not understand Olivia like her dad did. Olivia pushed the door open and stepped outside, closing the door behind her. She took a moment to enjoy the beauty of the day; the thunderstorm that had dominated yesterday's sky had passed overnight. Her dad triggered the trunk to open, and she strode around the car and to the rear, from which she would haul her belongings.
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Joshua woke up early, he rubbed the fatigue from his eyes as he stood and stumbled his way into the shower. Turning the water on cold he hoped to wake himself up with the freezing water. However, he didn't anticipate the water would be that cold. Still shivering as he dried himself off he quickly dressed himself in a pair of khaki shorts and a striped V-neck shirt. He grabbed his books and headed off to his first class of the day, ancient history, it was focused on the cultures and stories that originated from each. Joshua thought it was interesting, and maybe because of this the day flashed by before he knew it. He found himself, surprised, outside underneath one of the passageways in the courtyard. It was the afternoon and he could feel his stomach rumble. "I should go get some lunch" he thought to himself as he leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs. As he did, however, he noticed a car driving up and a young woman get out. Filled with curiosity Joshua stood and made his way out into the rain and towards the car. Noticing her grabbing something out of the trunk he asked. "Do you need any help?" he asked as he flashed her a smile as he quickly got drenched.
The morning went for Damon as mornings usually do. Having gotten to bed at around a decent time he ended up waking up an hour before his alarm went off. Staring at the clock as if it were the devices fault for his inability to fall back asleep, Damon hoisted himself out of bed- carefully setting Chiko aside (the cat had been lying on his chest). He picked out another turtleneck to wear, pale blue this time, with a navy blue scarf made out of thin material, and a pair of black jeans. A quick check outside said that no, it was no longer raining... it kind of dampened Damon's spiritis but he could cope.

He happily went out into the pleasant weather, believing that all weather has it's good points. First class was pretty decent as usual. Damon was proud to be one of the first in the class, his notebook out and scanning over the notes taken previously. He waited for everything to start... even if he wasn't all that enthusiastic about attending the dance he could feel excitement beginning to build out of the mere curiosity of how the dance would be.

(What Damon is wearing except in the colors mentioned earlier)

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The reflections of the sun's rays hit the mirror and brought out the gold and violet in Candice's eyes. For a second she checked every angle of her face, her lips twisting into a disappointed grimace at the sight of her light freckles on her cheeks. She couldn't do much about it, her mother and father were both Scottish and Irish, somewhere there was English thrown into the mix as well. In fact, Candice was lucky she wasn't born with fiery red hair and freckles. It was apparent that Candice had had enough of dwelling on her imperfections, so she shook out her hair a bit and tucked it behind her ears, showing off gold and silver stud earrings. Felicity and Elizabeth at the same moment came in, holding a carton material tray of iced mochas and three bags filled with blueberry muffins.

The food made, admittably, Candice a teensy bit excited. "Good morning, ladies." She sang in a chirpy morning bird like voice. It sounded as if she belonged in the Glee club at school, which she'd been asked to join multiple times. In fact, Candice had thought about actually doing so many times before, maybe this was the year.

Elizabeth hurried over to Candice's side as if she were her loyal bodyguard. More like royal. Today, she wearing designer torn light blue jeans and a red peplum top with a gold heart locket necklace that fell between her breasts. Felicity wore a white lace skirt and a grey tank top with diamond studs along the neck. No doubt also designer, and the sparkles were most certainly not fake, no surprise if they were real diamonds. Her blonde locks were pulled back off her neck into a messy ponytail and tied with a pink satin ribbon. Elizabeth's was worn in loose waves that she so fortunately possessed. And she wasn't afraid to show that off either.

Elizabeth, hair and face:

Felicity's hair:

Felicity's face:

Candice's hair: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Blonde-hair-tumblr.png.3ce99cad4e8c3cfb5744288f79c48dfd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/Blonde-hair-tumblr.png.3ce99cad4e8c3cfb5744288f79c48dfd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Keep in mind it's great if you can add a gif or picture of what your char is doing, very much encourage you to))



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Shamus woke up from sleeping on the floor. Sometimes he was so tired that he would fall asleep anywhere. "What time is it?" He said in his Irish brew. He looked at the time. "Damn." He mumbled. It was to early for him. Yesterday, he was pumped for the first day of school, but after a whole night of writing music, and putting notes down on a sheet music. He started to like writing music, it was relaxing.

Shamus got off the floor and walked over to one of the windows in his room. "What type of day is it going to be? A nice one, or a crappy one." He didn't open the curtains. "Ah who cares." He walked over to the computer in his room and opened the screen saver. He looked at the sheet music and what had been written. "Looks good." He said, and hit the save button. He could unveil it later when he is ready for it.

He looked at the time and sighed. "Time for class." He got up from the desk and grabbed some old ruffed up blue jeans, and a orange shirt with aqua man on it. After he grabbed one of his flannel shirts. Another thing he learned from his father was to love those flannel shirts. He put on his working boots. He had worn them everyday of his life. They were comfy and he liked that he they were reliable. He grabbed his guitar, it was one of the things that went with him everywhere, and walked out the door.

He walked into the school, and walked to his locker. He had left everything in his locker so that in the morning he knew exactly where his stuff was. that was the only place that was organized. He opened the door to his locker, and grabbed his note book. In his locker was a note. "Oh god what now..." He put it into his pocket. He didn't want to read it.
Both girls pushed Candice onto the couch and plopped down beside her, Felicity pulled the coffee table a little closer to the couch and placed the iced mochas and bags of muffins on it. It didn't take long for Candice to reach into the bag and grab a blueberry muffin, she was starved. "So have you thought about what you're all wearing to the dance?" Elizabeth asked, examining her nails intently. "I have a pretty good idea." Felicity answered, taking a bite of her muffin. "I'm almost one hundred percent sure I'm wearing the pink cocktail dress with the diamond studs." Candice added certainly before taking a sip of her iced mocha through the green thick straw. Elizabeth nodded understandingly, adding in a comment about how the burgundy on Felicity's nails fit her skin tone perfectly. Of course Felicity shot back something like "Oh, no way! Your nails are the real deal!" Was this all she was about? Candice shook her head, nibbling at the blueberry in the corner of her muffin. Suddenly, she didn't feel so hungry anymore.

In her history class, Candice watched Mr. Philips write a map of Persia on the board in red chalk, her lips ajar with boredom and her cheek resting in her hands. Ancient Persia was the least of her concerns. Maybe people really thought she was just a plastic doll with perfect hair, face, body, everything. That was far from true. Somehow they were oblivious to her flaws, however. Even if she didn't show it, Candice is actually a math and science genius. Her grades are literally always perfect. Maybe if she displayed that she wasn't just some lip gloss loving brat and actually had a mind of her own, one which could calculate equations at record speed, maybe she'd get more respect. From everyone.
Shamus was sitting in Mr.Philips class. He was old school, meaning he liked to give people assigned seating, and unfortunately for him he was placed next to Candice. She wasn't a bad girl, in fact she was FINE. It was only that he found that after being with her for a year or so, she got a tad annoying. But shamus was judging her. He took a piece of paper and wrote down.

"Do you wanna go with the dance with me?" Below he put. "If you say yes, meet me in the doorway of the school on the day of the dance at 3:30." slowly and smoothly threw it onto her desk, then looked out the window, he wanted to appear that he he didn't throw it. He would judge people from time to time. It wasn't a good thing about him, but it was something about him that he couldn't change.
A rush of thrill tingled all the way through Candice's body to her fingertips. It may sound dramatic, but that's exactly how it felt. A crumpled up note fell on her desk in front of her and she had a pretty good idea of what it was. Carefully she plucked it up and unfolded it, revealing the whole note. It was an invitation to the dance from Shamus. The thing was, she wasn't sure how much the guy liked her. But considering he'd just asked her out, Candice felt it couldn't hurt to say yes. Especially since he wasn't all that bad looking to put it lightly. She could write a book about how good looking he was. Her friends would be pretty jealous if she showed up with his arm around her shoulder, they being stuck with two mindless jocks who had the combined IQ of a sneaker and probably enjoyed crushing soda cans against their heads in their spare time. Without hesitation Candice picked up blue fluffy pen and scribbled the word Yes in slanted cursive. With a smirk she crumpled it a bit and tossed it to Shamus' desk, making a perfect landing and falling right smack in front of him.
Shamus opened up the note. "Looks like I got my date for the dance." He thought. He looked at felicity and Elizabeth. They were splitting image of Candice. It was creepy to think about. He watched as Mr.Philips talked about some history mumbo jumbo. He wasn't a history buff. He was Latin, and English buff. When playing music the player must know Latin to understand some of the words on sheet music.

And English because he could understand the meaning of the plays and the books and the poems that the English teach would assign for homework.He pulled out his schedule. English was on his list of classes today. That brought up his mood about twenty points.
Olivia glanced up at the sound of a masculine voice as she lifted the lid of the trunk from where it had detached. A boy stood beside her, a contagious smile at his face, and instantly, she felt herself smiling as well. She noted his curious eyes and added this action of generosity to the new profile that she had now created in her brain, separated from the profiles of every other person she had encountered with named tabs. This individual's analysis currently fit under the "no-name" category. Determined not to speak more than necessary, knowing that she would occasionally blurt something that she did not mean or something embarrassing when she was excited, Olivia nodded as she reached into the trunk to withdraw one of the large black leather suitcases that she had brought. "Thank you so much," she said gratefully to the considerate stranger, hoping that her tone did not imply any sarcasm.

It was an interesting experience to meet someone around her age that did not treat her with either resent from fellow figure skaters that were approaching the standards that she had set or admiration from those that were not, as of yet. Only about one tenth of the skaters at her rink, which was the sole location that she encountered beings that were not of her family, were male, so she was not quite familiar with socializing them; but she had not imagined it to be much different from associating with other females.

Deciding not to speculate further, though her thoughts did not take much more than a moment, she diverted her gaze to the trunk. The seats in the second row had been folded over to provide more space. Blanche, the Coton de Tulear with her gorgeous pure white fur for which she was named, remained curled, asleep, on her plush teal cushion, where she had been for the majority of the drive from the airport to the coast of Maine. It had been a lengthy five-hour flight from Denver, Colorado to Portland, Maine, and Olivia had been forced awake from a deep sleep when it was past midnight, though she was used to traveling, and journeyed often; whether it was to perform or for recreation, due to her parent's abundance of wealth.

Two large black suitcases lay in the trunk of the car, a few bags piled on top - one being a travel bag and one that served as both a backpack and a tote, both in Vera Bradley's "Midnight Blue pattern." Accompanying them was a blue and black Nike duffel bag, containing two pairs of ice skates as well as numerous other figure skating gear. She seized the handle of one of the suitcases and heaved it out of the car, then slipped the travel bag onto the handle of the suitcase, thankful that it had come with a sleeve that allowed it to attach to a suitcase and sit there without tumbling off. For some reason, it felt slightly embarrassing that she found it necessary to bring all of this luggage to the academy, but in her favor, she was to live here for three quarters of a year. With her hope, her time here would be worth the effort.
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Joshua nodded to her. "No problem" was all he said as he grabbed the large case. He stood patiently as she got her things from the back and also grabbed the other large bags. He wasn't really surprised by the amount of baggage, more that she spoke so little. The girl in front of him was pretty, and seemed to be in good shape he found it odd for someone like that to be reserved. He gave a mental shrug as he looked back towards the school, he was really starting to get hungry and decided to grab some lunch before heading to his science course. Looking back to her he cocked his head and smiled again. "I wonder what her name is." ran through his head as he stood there, maybe he'd ask her to the dance. Although, he planned on mostly just playing his violin and talking to the other students more than dancing.
Damon wasn't very good at History- he could never remember names or dates.. but Persia had always fascinated him so he took extra thorough notes, using the writing to keep himself awake and interested. While he wrote his mind drifted to whether it was lame to go to a dance alone or not. But at the same time, going with someone meant staying at their side all night... though perhaps that wouldn't be such a bad thing. There weren't any girls that really interested him int he class, however... so Damon decided that if things got too dull or embarrassing at the dance, he would just head back to the dorms and spend the evening with his cat.
Lucas opened the closet door as he heard Sia close the entrance door to her room. "She's kind of scary..." he said and chuckled lightly. "Hey, I think I better get back to my own room now. See you tomorrow, okay?" he said smiling and went over to the main door. "Oh, I forgot," he said and picked up a pen from her desk. He wrote his number on a note, and gave it to her. "Here, call me if you need me, okay?" he gave her a sparkling smile before he exited the room. As he walked towards his own room, having noticed it was getting pretty late, he breathed out, relieved. Seriously, that blonde babe was sharp. Well, he hadn't been caught, so all was well, he thought.

As he lie down in his bed, he noticed the energy drink really hadn't lasted that long. The bed was really comfortable, and the room had the perfect temperature. It didn't take more than a few minutes before he fell deeply asleep.

Next morning, he jumped out of his bed as he heard his alarm chiming loudly. He hated the sound, but being really tired in the mornings, he needed it. He hit the off button, frowning at it. Really, he hated waking up like this. He got into the shower and freshened up his appearance, awakening more as he felt the at first chilly water fall down on his back. Back out of the shower, he noticed that he didn't really have much time before class began. He checked the weather, happy when he saw the sun raining down warm rays of light. He threw on a T-shirt and a beanie, and a couple of cargo shorts. He put his phone in his pocket before he walked out the door, barely remembering to bring his sun glasses.

A man came to the the door of Mr.Philips. He walked in. "Sorry or interrupting.... But Shamus can you step out into the hallway." Shamus shrugged and mr.philips agreed. The man was taking a quiet tone, and a calm tone. "Shamus... How are you with your father?" "I am close with him, why?" The man sighed. "Son, there is no easy way to say this.... your father is in the hospital. An unfortunate motorcycle accident took him to C.M.M.C." Shamus backed up, he hit the wall and slid down the wall with a thud. "I can take you there if you want?" Shamus shook his head. "No." Shamus got up and walked into the classroom, grabbed his guitar and walked out. He didn't say anything to anyone. He walked up to his room, and grabbed a backpack. He packed some clothes and out the door he went. He stopped by the hiking shed and grabbed a ax. He was going to go into the woods and going to spend some time in nature gathering his thoughts.
Damon watched with mild interest as a classmate was called out. He didn't know the boy very well, but it wasn't hard to tell that there was a different air about him from when he left and when he came back in. There was a bit of confusion as the boy collected his belongings and then headed out the door. Wondering what could have caused the boy to leave, Damon sat back and began pondering through the different possibilities, the reason as to why the boy left far more interesting then history class. He didn't seem the sort to skip out on class without good reason... so it must have been something serious. His expression hadn't really changed, which showed that he was either working hard to control his emotions or he was only pretending to care... of course there may be other reasons for his lack of expression but Damon ruled those out. It was the way the boy moved that really caught Damon's attention, he didn't shake or trip himself up like most people do after a serious shock... but he also didn't have his usual manner of confident movement either. Scribbling down his thoughts, Damon almost didn't catch when the professor asked him a question. Glancing up, he tried to figure out what was asked- when he stared blankly for a bit too long for the professor's appreciation, Mr. Phillips repeated the question which Damon answered finally. Checking the clock, Damon tapped his fingers impatiently... he was ready for class to be over.
Shamus? For a change Candice didn't actually have the courage to ask him what was wrong. It was so tempting to leave class and follow him, but being the 'Little Angel' around teachers that she was it didn't exactly come as second nature to just up and leave in the middle of a lesson. Instead, Candice furrowed her perfectly shaped brows and watched him flee the classroom to who knows where. He'd looked pretty flustered and anxious when a strange man had asked to speak with him. There were two reasons Candice hoped he was alright. 1. He wasn't that bad a kid, he seemed to respect her after all. And 2. He was her date to the dance. Absentmindedly, Candice looked around with a light shrug at her peers. Felicity, Elizabeth, and a boy by the name of Damon so she'd heard. Same guy whom she'd flashed a camera ready grin. Red curls, nice smile, the works. He seemed to be pretty interested as well as surprised by the current events.

About ten minutes later the bell rang and it was time for gym. Candice and the squad were in royal blue little shorts and white t shirts with the Bears' logo plastered over the chest. She had her tied back in a ponytail with a matching royal blue ribbon that swished as she hopped around with excitement. The coach blew the whistle and signaled for the girls to go on one side of the gym and the boys the other. As if it was a mandatory step Candice surveyed with a hypnotic stare each girl who passed her. Since she was almost always deemed captain for the girls' team in P.E.

Sia had listened to Lucas step inside of her wardrobe - she was surprised he had actually done it - before opening up the door to reveal Miss Forbes. She would have to learn her name. After all, the girl was becoming quite a frequent acquaintance. She waited for the response to her question but the blonde haired girl only poked her head in the door to look around their room. She was wearing her pajamas, Elysia noted, so perhaps she was her 'next door neighbor'. It was typical, really. After all, she was a creature of the night and she wished to be active once the sun went down. She would have to make a note of the time and be sure to keep the noise to a minimum if she was going to avoid any trouble. The more inconspicuous she remained, the better.

"And I, you," Sia replied with a cheeky smile when she was informed that an eye would be kept on her. Not good. The last thing she wanted was for someone to be watching her every move. How would she ever get a chance to feed? She really didn't want to have to snap the neck of the principle's daughter. That wouldn't do at all.

Elysia closed the door and tried to keep the irriation off her face as Lucas rejoined her. It wasn't particularly hard because he was so endearing and she giggled softly at his comment about Miss Forbes. She watched him write down his number for her and returned his bright smile once he'd looked back up at her.

"Thank you. Goodnight. Sleep well," she murmured as she lead him and and closed the door behind him. It was frustrating to let him leave without a taste but she had to be careful. This was only her first night here and she liked him. It would be a shame to ruin things and run the risk of killing him if he panicked. She would wait. Perhaps there was someone else she could feed from this evening.


Elysia was not in a good mood. Of course, she'd never been a morning person even as a human, but today was looking especially difficult and she had yet to leave her room. That was part of the problem, really. With the excitement of the first day in each of the students, she had had no opportunity to feed. All the humans were either awake or restless and there had been too much movement for her to risk being caught feeding on one of them. So, she'd gone thirsty and it was making her very irritable.

It didn't help that the sun had decided to make an appearance, either. Sia swore as she stood at the window, far enough back that she still remained in the shade of the room, but close enough that she could see clearly outside. At least most of her classes were indoors but she was supposed to have Gym. She didn't know if she would attend. They might send her outdoors for some awful activity and she certainly couldn't. She would bring her parasol for now but if they insisted she would have to feign an illness.




Sia's first class passed by quickly enough. She had collected her books that morning and took a seat at the back of the room as far away from the windows as possible. Even so, her skin felt itchy and hot like it always did when the sun's rays were close to her. She wanted to be in the cool shade of some dark room but remained seated. Sunglasses rested on the book in front of her and she would wear them if necessary. Even if she did appear a little obnoxious for wearing them indoors.

Gym came all too quickly and soon Sia found herself in a pair of soft shorts and a tank top that read "It's a Monday," despite the fact that it wasn't. It certainly felt like a Monday. She didn't seem quite able to shake her bad mood and hoped that she would be able to reign in her speed and strength while she was feeling so agitated. She lined up with the girls as instructed and hoped that they would not be sent outdoors.

Lucas felt bored during the first class. He actually had to pay attention since it was a spoken topic. Sure, there were lots of pictures and text in the book, but the teacher added so much of his own knowledge that he had to take notes. In between the notes, he began drawing different parts of his memory; Sia's lips, her eyes... He didn't draw big versions, so they were easily hid amongst his notes, yet he felt a little embarrassed. He only took notes the rest of the class, casting Elysia a few gazes now and then.

Lucas frowned lightly when one of his classmates returned to the classroom with an anxious posture. The fact that he simply grabbed his guitar and went out again really made Lucas wonder what was wrong. The guy normally had a strong and confident posture.

Next subject was P.E. which made Lucas happy. A good training hour was what he needed to properly wake up. He changed into gym shorts and a T-shirt, and went into the hall. The girls and boys were split up for some reason, but it didn't stop him from noticing Sia's slight frown. He wondered what was wrong, and if the principal's daughter had said something to her.

Once they got a water break, he walked over to her with a gentle smile. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, tilting his head a little. The practice had given him back the energy he wished for, and made him more able to see others.

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Sia could smell Lucas approaching her without looking up. All the running about had the human's blood pumping, making it very difficult for her to keep herself under control. She was incredibly thirsty and was beginning to regret her decision to come to this class. It would have been wiser to skip it and she wondered if there were a way for her to be exempt from it completely. At least they were remaining inside for the moment. The thought of the burning hot sun on her skin made her shudder.

Elysia began tying her hair up into a loose ponytail and turned to face Lucas as he neared her. "Hi," she greeted him, offering a short smile. He smelled even better today for some reason. Her eyes flickered to his throat and she forced them back to his face. She wanted nothing more than to sink her teeth into the delicate flesh of his throat. She swallowed hard, displeased by how little it eased the fire there.

"I didn't get a lot of sleep last night," she explained, honestly. "And I have a bit of a headache." Not so honest now, but at least she was planting the seed should she really need to feign feeling faint or unwell. He had obviously picked up on her bad mood. She wondered with mild amusement if she'd been scowling at everyone.

"How was your sleep?" she asked conversationally, her eyes flickering around the room so that she could keep them from his neck.
At an institution such as Hollignwood Academy, it most likely wasn't unusual to see limousines. However, this did nothing to dull the Ilius's arrival. With what could only be called resigned disdain, he turned around in his seat in the limo, having just glanced out the back window. As expected, his escort of armored SUVs extended multiple rows to the back, as well as to the front of the vehicle he rode in. "Is this really necessary? I'm going to a school, not a public event. There really should be no need for all this security. If anything, it makes me more conspicuous than ever." he spoke with a sigh, adressing his two male companions, both of whom were lounging in their respective seats. One of them replied in a jovial manner, clearly at ease with Ilius, despite his status. "Look, mate, your parents love you, that's probably why they cook up these plans. Plus, it probably helps that they know what you're doing at all times." he said with a suggestive smirk, alluding to past years of mischief and debauchery. The other, slightly paler, responded in kind, albeit with a rather more dangerous, devilish tone. "You know as well as I do what they're all here for. Mother will have their heads and their hearts if they screw up." Glancing over at this morbid statement, Ilius sighed upon realizing the gravity of his situation. "Yes, I suppose you're right. Still, let's try to enjoy what time we have at this academy, yes? Agreed? Good." And that seemed to be that on that topic, as the occupants of the vehicle fell silent.

The procession winded up the immaculately paved road that led to Hollingway Academy, and Ilius couldn't help but notice the resemblance to his summer home. As soon the limousine came to a complete stop, the two other boys nearly jumped out of the car. One opened the door for Ilius, who exited the vehicle, and the other retrieved all three boys' luggage. Smirking, Ilius couldn't help but quip, "Now, this is something I could get used to. You two, serving as my faithful butlers, waiting on my every beck and call." The one who opened the door for him scowled lightly, saying, "Oi! It was either this or leave you alone with him, and I ruddy well wasn't going to let that happen, now was I?", jerking a finger at the boy currently encumbered with suitcases of different shapes, colors, and sizes. Rather rudely, he replied, "Oh, yes, that would be a travesty because your company would be a much better influence on him, not to mention altogether more enjoyable.", his voice positively dripping with sarcasm. Before the verbal skirmish could escalate into anything that warranted physical intervention, Ilius interrupted. "Excuse me, but who is the Duke here? Ah, yes, that'd be me. Really, you're both lucky I didn't make you wear butler uniforms, coattails and all. So pipe down, the lot of you." It was then that Ilius noticed a boy and, by the looks of things, a girl who'd also just arrived. "Lads, I think we've got ourselves a kindred spirit over here. Shall we say hello?" Without waiting for a response, he started towards the not at all unattractive girl.

The three boys approached the female and her male company. Ilius reached first, automatically extending a hand, only to retract it with an apologetic smile when he noticed their occupation with the girl's baggage. "Sorry, force of habit. I see you're new here as well?" What was initally an observative statement became a hestiant inquiry as Ilius's voice tapered up in pitch. "It's my first time coming here, the same for these two." he added, pointing to his friends. "Hello there. The name's Claude. Just arrived here from across the pond, in case our accents weren't a good indicator. And who might a pretty bird like you be?" said the more amenable of the two. The other's introduction was rather terse, if not slightly sarcastic. "My name is Sebastian. A pleasure, I'm sure." At this point Ilius interjected. "Forgive me, but it seems I forgot my social graces for a moment. My name is Ilius William el Morgan. If you don't mind my asking, who are you two?" As he spoke, Ilius unconsciously fiddled with his ring. It was a nervous tick that he'd picked up a few centuries ago when meeting others; it had been a long time since he'd made friends with anyone, or anything. 'Perhaps this experience won't be all for naught after all.' he mused as he waited for a response.
With the tender touch of Olivia's manicured fingers as she reached into the depths of the trunk, Blanche erupted into an adorable snow white ball teeming purely of excitement and affection as she leaped into Olivia's arms, smothering her companion's face with exuberant kisses. As Olivia, giggling violently, stroked the Coton de Tulear's fur in an attempt to calm her down, additional unfamiliar voices resonated from behind Olivia, and she pivoted to look at the sources of these sounds while she retained the endearingly energetic puppy in her arms. Her fur was soft and silky, and there were very few things that Olivia savored more than feeling Blanche's luxurious, cottony fur in contact with her skin - or spending time with her puppy in general. Blanche, as Olivia had perceived, seemed to have a talent for lifting Olivia's mood into the clouds. It was she who had caused Olivia's seventeenth birthday to be the finest one yet.

As Olivia listened to their courteous introductions, she inspected each of them; the way the other two had followed Ilius to her and the generous dark-haired boy, and perhaps the way Ilius had introduced himself using his full name while the others did not, insinuated that he was the leader of their group - that he, in some manner, was the one whose orders they followed. Playfully, she cast a glance toward the boy who had offered to assist her in hauling her luggage upstairs, both amused and charmed by the three individuals' formality. The compliment "pretty bird" from the one named Claude brought a subtle flush to her face, as flattery always did, but the slight rosiness in her cheeks faded shortly after, as she did not take pride in qualities that she did not work hard for, such as appearance, as much as she did for those that she had put strenuous effort into, such as figure skating and studies.

Her eyes flickered between each of the people that she had newly met as she introduced herself as well. "Oh. Um, Olivia. Yeah, I just got here." Her anticipation for exploring the academy was intensifying by the second, and she refrained from engaging into more complicated conversation before her enthusiasm was assuaged. It occurred to her that the boy with dark hair and the contagious smile that inevitably encouraged another smile from her had not offered his name, only his assistance. Grateful that Ilius had requested this information of him and Olivia, desiring to label his profile in her brain, she looked expectantly at the anonymous male. The group of three that also stood before her occupied profiles in her mind as well; Ilius, polite and apologetic; Claude, agreeable and laudatory; Sebastian, curt and oddly somewhat eerie.
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Joshua couldn't help but smile as the puppy jumped into Olivia's arms. However, looking past her for a moment he noticed the stream of armored cars that seemed to pile around one lime. "Wonder who that could be...." Letting his focus slide back to Olivia he didn't notice as the three men made their way over. He listened quietly and gave them a polite wave, bag still in hand. "They seem nice enough" he thought to himself as he gave each of them a polite smile.

When they had asked their names he thought back for a moment and realized he wasn't sure if he had told the girl he was helping his name or, if she had even told him, her name. "Well that could have been bad" he thought quickly to himself. "I'm Joshua, it's a pleasure to meet you three." He looked to each of their faces and committed them to memory, he hovered a moment at Ilius and Sebastian thinking something was... just a bit off, but shook off the thought and turned back to Olivia. "The second half of the day should be starting soon, if you want time to roam around we should get these bags stowed away fairly quickly" He shrugged and smiled to her again. "It's up to you."
The game was volleyball, and the girls won as usual. It was a fairly typical routine, the girls won volleyball, lacrosse, and soccer, whereas the boys were more successful with football, baseball, and pretty much everything else.

In the bathroom during last period, study hall, Felicity and Elizabeth fussed over Candice's hair, tugging the ribbon out and letting the silky blonde softness fall down her shoulders like a waterfall of sweet, sweet honey. "Perhaps a haircut is in order?" Felicity joked, running a brush down through Candice's hair which was currently draped down her back. As if that would happen. The three girls had a tradition in their family. Until you were at least 40, you'd keep your hair long and flowing. It was much to others' surprise the blondie trio were not of blood relation. Perhaps long lost sisters? The entire school had found out last year that the principle had been messing around with the local weather woman, considering he was no longer a married man. Who knows what could have came out from that? It had to have been going on for a long while, however, but it was a mystery how long they'd been an item.

Later, Elizabeth and Candice were in the library, since Felicity had a date with Marcus, captain of the boys' lacrosse team. He was one of the dumb, but attractive jocks. They had books on advanced mathematics all over the table, as well as a few gossip mags scattered here and there. Daintily Candice fingered through the pages while Elizabeth examined herself in a pink pocket mirror. "Lizzy, I hear tell there's a new boy in school," She licked her lips, quickly regretting it and urgently reapplying her signature pink rasberry scented lipgloss. "He came in a limo as well, and from what I've heard he's not at all bad looking. Somewhere around six foot." Elizabeth winked, fluffing around her golden curls. "We'll run into him soon enough darling." Her eyes fell back to the mirror. Elizabeth's parents might just as well have named her Narcicist. Though when it came to Felicity and Candice she treated them with the same respect and adortion she did herself. Maybe it was because they were both practically a mirror image. Some even called them the triplets.
Damon's day had gone pretty well. After History Damon no longer shared classes with the Barbie Trio, so he wouldn't have known if Shamus had ever come back or not. He felt a little worried for the guy, even though he didn't know the guy personally. He had heard some of his classmates also talking about a couple new students, another beautiful blonde (which his classmates assumed would be joining the Barbies) and apparently another guy- or was it a group of new guys? Damon's colleagues hadn't been sure.

Needless to say Damon had gone the day without seeing any of them. Damon headed to the library to finish up some homework, knowing that as soon as he got back to the dorms his electric keyboard would demand his attention. Setting up a spot at the table, he began to buckle down in his studies- re-reading his notes and solving the problems he hadn't finished his class. Finishing up Math and Science had been fairly simple, and the assignment from history was a no brainer. Now onto the essay from English! Hating to write an outline first, Damon began writing the rough draft just as is.
With an inward sigh of relief, Ilius smiled when both the boy and the girl introduced themselves. "Well, it is my pleasure to meet both of you. And, might I add, that is a beautiful canine companion you've got there, Olivia. May I ask what breed? I, myself, have two husky puppies that I absolutely adore." he asked pleasantly, having noticed the enthusiastic fervor of the dog when met with its owner. Claude grinned mischievously, stage whispering, "Really, you don't have to answer that. You see, if that boy sees a girl who is at all attractive, he'll find any way to make conversation. Trust me, when he gets going about something, it's quite difficult to stop him." At this, Ilius had to gawk openly at his friend. "Seriously? I just meet someone for the first time, and you make me out to be some superificial, depraved, womanizing chatterbox? As if that doesn't more accurately describe you." he added, which left Claude gaping like a fish out of water. Seemingly above the shenanigans of his companions, Sebastian was, as ever, curt in his appraisal of the situations. "Forgive the buffoonery of my friends, they are... a handful, to say the least. If I were to guess, that would be a Coton de Tulear, no?" he voiced monotonously, albeith with a slight inquisitive inclination of his head.

Having recognized Olivia's impatience and assuming she was eager to explore her surroundings, Ilius interjected, "My apologies for keeping you here for as long as I have. I'm sure you'd like to get that luggage out of your hands and explore the grounds. Really, an entrance is no place to get to know someone at all." She struck him as an interesting girl, despite not having had much time to converse with her. Suddenly, a thought struck him as he smiled. "You know, I've heard there will be a dance sometime this week. If you're not too preoccupied, it would be my pleasure if you could accompany me." With a slight glance at Joshua, he added, "That is, if you haven't been asked, of course. I wouldn't be surprised if you have; it'd be foolish on a man's part not to." Ilius chose to ignore Claude's rather crass comment to Sebastian; something about "What did I tell you, eh? Can't keep his eye of a good lookin' one."

Ilius's impromptu proposal to Olivia piqued Claude's interest enoought that he continued his conversation with Sebastian. "You know, mate, I've heard there's a group of blondes at this school. Really fit, if my sources are to be believed. What say you and I ditch Mr. Love-at-First-Sight here and see if we can't get some dates to this dance?" Raising one immaculately groomed eyebrow in a perfect arch, Sebastian replied with disdain. "Your sources? I'm afraid that implication alone makes me loathe to follow you anywhere. But... seeing as how I do need to keep up appearances, going to a dance without escorting anyone is out of the question. Very well, let's proceed." he finally conceded with a sigh. At this, the pair slowly walked off, leaving their oblivious friend to await Olivia's response.
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