Hollingwood Academy For Gifted Teens [Inactive]

It had been a long journey for Yushin his flight was delayed and the cab ride wasn't the most pleasant, it had a strange smell. As the cab pulled up to the academy Yushin payed his fair and exited the cab wearing his Monk robes and a two small suit cases. He slowly walked his way up to the main entrance taking in his surroundings listening to the birds sing and the wind flow through his long black hair. He walked up the steps up to the door and slowly pushed it open. His bags in hand he looked around not a soul he wondered the hall ways of this beautiful building until he found his self up at the head masters office. Yushin took a deep breath and knocked on the door, he took a step back putting his bags down on the floor awaiting to the door to be answered.
Headmaster's assistant:

"Oh dear." Mrs. Sinner clicked off of the chocolate cake recipe on her desktop computer and hurried to the door, her old lady jewelry jingling with her movements. She opened the door to find a young Asian man with flowing dark hair. "Hello." She greeted with an aged, experienced smile creasing her features. "Please, come in." The woman shuffled over to her seat behind the desk which was, as almost all teachers' desks were, adorned with decorative frames holding pictures of family. There was even one of Candice Forbes and her father. He was wearing a tux that looked as if it was at least five hundred bucks, and she was seen in a white strapless dress which was tight around the hips and floor length, her hair up in a sleek ponytail and a silver tiara sat atop her head, all accompanied by charming dimpled grins. Mrs. Sinner adjusted the reddish pink glasses that sat on the bridge of her nose and squinted her eyes, mimicking the cheerful smiles in the photos. "You must be Mr. Gomi." She said, her tongue sounding unfamiliar to the pronunciation. Cloudy green eyes that looked as if they were the color of a swamp, only lighter drifted down to the purple clipboard which held a list of expected students to be late to class. Right there was his name. "Aha!" She tapped the space, beaming. "I am Mrs. Sinner, Headmaster Forbes' assistant."
Yushin let out a gentle smile his eyes caught the attention of the beautiful candice in the phone he shifted his eyes back to Mr Forbes phone and then the lady who answered the door he slowly parted his lips and spoke with such a gentle a calm voice

"Yes ma'am that is me Yushin Gomi . It is a pleasure to be here thank you for your time"

For the first time in his life he felt nervous he wasn't used to any sort of formal greeting and he seemed a little under dressed in his monk robes but non the less he had to let that go he was here because he was gifted again after a pause he spoke again this time seeming a little more relaxed

" is there anything that you require me to do "

After he had said his words he gave a respectfull bow towards them this was due to his culture he was raised and to always show respect to who ever it is who stands before you
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Headmaster's assistant:

"Well, actually.." Mrs. Sinner drifted off in her sentence, pulling open the silver metal drawer and pulling out a tan folder containing a room card, or key, and a class schedule, as well as a map of the school. "I have something for you." She handed him the folder with a confirming nod, the smile still there but smaller and more natural now. "Right about now you are free to explore the school and if you have a mode of transportation, some of our students go to the coffee shop or music store in town. I also recommend the arcade. My boys love it." She gestured to the picture of her two twin sons. "I hope you enjoy your stay."


Another quick bow then another then Another as he grabbed the folder and his cases he walked backed to the door repeating the words "thank you" his accent had a slight twang to it and his English was ok it's just that he spoke so quickly he put his hand behind him to find the door handle and opened up the door he gave he'd a quick smile before leaving and headed to his room. He put his things down in his room then exited and locked his door he wondered around the grounds wondering around the gardens to find a nice quite alone spot he found a spot near a water fountain he took in a deep breath and sat beside the fountain crossing his legs and closing his eyes listening to the natural notices around him and entering a mediating state of serenity and navana.
(Hell, I couldn't wait.)

Shamus walked out of the woods. A actual bear head with upper half of the skull hanging over his head. Some blood on his face, none of it his. The bag on his back had a thing hanging out of it. at first glance it could be anything, but most likely a sleeping bag. But at a better glance it is a bear skin pelt. The bear had gotten some good hits, but Shamus had A better chance with his ax. He walked up to his room where it looks like a few guy put their crap in. Shamus wouldn't like it if his new roomie was going be weird.

He put the bear skin pelt on his bed, and the bear head on his night stand. "I hope this guy isn't weird!"He picked up his sax and began to play something. But not after opening the window. so that everyone could hear the sound of him playing one of his favorite song to play on the bari. Out behind the barn.
As the elevator doors glided open, Olivia rolled her jet black suitcase into the compartment, which was startlingly capacious, red velvet blanketing the floor. The two adolescents, Olivia's spirited Coton de Tulear and the abundance of baggage did not absorb more than half of the space. Hollingwood Academy, as much of it as she had explored, was unexpectedly luxurious, and she could barely wait to arrive at her suite, envisaging a spectacularly lavish and spacious chamber, featuring an astonishingly comfortable bed and perhaps even providing her with an efficient and lightning-fast computer. Maybe there would be fluffy cushions and a rocking chair that resembled the one that rested in her bedroom at her massive home in Colorado, or a lamp that was suspended from the ceiling, illuminating the dormitory with luminescence.

A query escaped Joshua's mouth as Olivia had been fantasizing, and she was rather taken aback, uncertain of how to respond. Although he had assured her to ignore the question, he did mention that he had been pondering about the intriguing young man that they had encountered outside. She recalled his expression after the man had left, something that appeared to be a scowl, contemplating something, and it was conceivable that perchance it was associated with his current thoughts of Ilius. Joshua had been wondering of how she evaluated Ilius, and she could not help but puzzle over the reasoning behind his doubts about the man - or perhaps he liked him instead. It was possible that he was ruminating over whether or not she would decide to accompany Ilius at the dance as he requested - but no, Olivia would not permit vain thoughts to cross her mind. It was more probable that he was considering something else. She nodded in Joshua's direction, tempted to reply that she was neutral about Ilius, although she was uncertain of how she genuinely felt, though he had told her not to mind his inquiry. Would he rather for her to answer - which might appease his curiosity - or for her to ignore the query as he had instructed her to?

The sound of a ding resonated through the elevator as the doors slid ajar once more, and as Joshua courteously gestured for her to exit the compartment before him, Blanche eagerly bounded through the gap between the doors, held back by her leash as Olivia strode after her, at not quite a vigorous pace, although she was excited as well. She found herself at an intersection between two extensive hallways, and before she could randomly choose a route for herself, Joshua guided her into the path at the right. Doors, each one several feet from the next, lined the polished walls that appeared to be brand new, and the hospitable boy halted at the entrance to one of the suites, the painted door labeled "2" in elegant gleaming gold lettering, almost imperceptible through the loops and surplus marks. There was a thin slot above the handle - the slot for a key.

Glancing at Joshua as he grinned broadly, she couldn't help smiling as well. He possessed a way of lifting her mood without needing to say a word. "No, of course you can come in! - I mean, if you want to. I can do it by myself." She inhaled deeply, trying to recompose herself. "I mean, you don't have to help me. But, uh, you can if you want." Realizing that she would require her "Hollingwood" file once more, she leaned sideways, gently releasing her royal blue duffel bag from her grasp as it landed on the carpeted floor with a soft thud. She quickly removed the backpack from where it sagged on her shoulders, feeling a slight relief from its burden, and, after unsealing it, no longer needed to fumble inside for the manila folder, as it had now been the last item to enter the bag. Again, she extracted the folder and opened it to reveal a card, no larger than a credit card, bearing achingly small text as well as the number "2" on the front, designed in a font identical to the one on the door of the dorm. Tentatively, although her heart was racing, she inserted the key into the slot. A light beside it, one that had previously been dim, flashed green, and Olivia thrust the door open, eager to view the interior of the suite where she would live in for several of the following months.
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Joshua continued to beam as she fought through her sentence. With a chuckle he watched as she opened the door. Slipping past her he placed both of the large cases on a wide dresser to the right of the door. Taking a step into the middle of the room he extended his arms and bowed. "Welcome to your new and over decorated room." he said with a mock enthusiasm. "But this is where I better leave you, I'm sure you want to get settled and explore. However, I need to eat something." He stood for a second and turned to look out the window. "I hope to see you around school sometime Olivia." he said as he turned back and headed through the doorway.
A shady guy walked around the premise of the academy he had a dark shade umbrella covering him from the rain, " it seems these parts tend to stay wet" he told himself, he had a grin at his face he thought maybe this place would have maybe this rain could one day be of blood itself.

As he reached the gate, he looked up at the moon, "My my, it is gigantic today" he had a smile at his face, he dropped his umbrella, his cloths now getting drenched under the natural shower, his hand raised slowly as he rang the bell, he shivered due to the cold, " What a shame, my body is already cold why do I shiver" he asked himself waiting for someone to open the gate, his gaze pointed to the ground as he watched the rain drops fall and create a splash.
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