Hollingwood Academy For Gifted Teens [Inactive]

Damon's hair had dried and become it's usually curly self throughout the school day. It had him constantly running his fingers through it to try and get the curls to behave but he really had no luck. Planning on heading to the dorms so that he could pull his hair away from his eyes, Damon checked out the books he had been planning on reading. The flyer for the dance fell out of the science text book when Damon shuffled things around in his bag, causing Damon to think about it as he stuffed everything back into his backpack.

Maybe he would go, after all. If not to dance then to at least observe some of his classmates- you could learn a lot about people just by watching them. And maybe they would play a good song at some point which would make the night worthwhile. Accepting this as his plan for the night Damon headed quickly back to his dorm, giving his father a phone call while he picked something 'dressy' to wear. The walk back to the dorm had him soaked once more but Damon didn't mind. He closed his eyes as he walked (opening them every now and then to make sure he wasn't out in the middle of the street) and listened to the rain fall around him, as well as the other sounds of life.

It was strangely painful as much as it was comforting to hear his father's voice over the phone. Chiko came prancing over to Damon, meowing and looking up at him as if to say 'where the heck have you been?'

"Sorry Chiko." Damon said after hanging up the phone. "But I'll be leaving you again soon. Apparently there's a dance tonight. I'd bring you with but you really haven't become a people person just yet and I'd hate for you to injure one of my classmates." Damon said, scratching the cat behind the ears and grinning when he purred. "I shouldn't be gone too long, however." Damon added before changing out of his damp clothing and into black slacks, a white dress shirt, and a pale blue scarf. He checked his reflection in a mirror that hung on his wall, running his fingers through his unruly, and once again wet hair. Knowing that the only way to make it cooperate was to get it cut off, Damon accepted that there was nothing he could do to make it look 'nicer' and left it at that.

Patting Chiko goodbye Damon was once again leaving the dorms, though he stayed in the lobby instead of heading back into the rain storm. Damon had heard it was a bad sign to be one of the first at the dance... he didn't remember why but he decided he might as well wait a bit in the lobby and see if anyone else will be heading to the dance as well- maybe he could just group up with them.
Shamus saw a new girl talking with the blonds. He did take notice of her. She was kind of cute, but if she was talking with the blondies then she'll become one of Queen Candace's drones. Some of the football team members that were from that school were talking with shamus. He grew a bit form last year, and gained about thirty pounds of muscle. He was bigger and could hit harder.

After the last bell Shamus was in his room practicing his sax.

(The song:

After a while he got an email from one of the football players. They were out at the cove. The cove was a place that everyone knew. It was a popular hang out for the popular kids for the most part. It was like any other cove. Shamus walked in and sitting around a fire was the three captains of the football team. "What's up guys?" Shamus said in his Irish accent. "Why did you guys ask me here?" They answered. Shamus was sent railing at what they asked. They wanted him to join the team. "Thats a big question, can I have a day to think." One of them nodded.

Shamus walked away. "Should I join or not?" It was a big thing if he joined. He liked watching american football. He walked back to his room. His roommate wasn't there. He sat down on his bed and began to ponder. After some time he walked out and went into town, Freeport. It was one of the richer towns in maine.
Lucas changed into his casual clothes again after a refreshing shower, and put his necklace on the inside. He enjoyed wearing it close to his body, besides, wearing a cross outside a hoodie could look a bit off. He might be a little superstitious, but a cross never hurt anybody.

He fixed his hair with some clay and was ready to go for a roundtrip in the dorms. He walked out of his room and locked the door, but stopped for a moment as he thought he heard something. It was piano and a faint voice, probably from the floor below. He decided to check it out, unless it was forbidden area. As he got closer to the music, he noticed an open door. 'She's good...' he thought to himself as he approached. He knocked on the door frame and peeked inside. "Can I come in?" he asked carefully, didn't want to startle her.
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The music was comforting. Relaxing. Sia felt some of the tension melt off her shoulders and although the fire in the back of her throat didn't lessen any, it became easier to bear. She found she could forget about it a little more while she was playing. Her hands moved easily over the keys without mistake. Her fingers were more graceful as a vampire than they had been as a human. She didn't accidentally bump the wrong note.

"Falling on the ash, she's pitiful. She's lost her sense of light, she has to hold...my hand. Had I known we might be, two kids without their jackets. My fear would come alive, I wouldn't love her now. She might not make it home...tonight," she sang, opening her eyes now and focusing on her hands as they moved across the piano. "Get up. Get up. Get up. Get up. I need you, get up. Get up. Get up. Get up."

Elysia had noticed the presence outside her door while she played. A male. She could smell him, hear his heartbeat as clearly as if she had her ear pressed to his chest. Even so, she didn't turn to look at him until he knocked and then spoke. Her hands didn't stop on the piano but she changed the tempo to something a little more uplifting.

She recognized him from her first class that morning and smiled lightly at him as he asked to come in. He was rather forward but then, she'd always liked that. There was no sense in skirting around something. Who did it help, really?

"Hmm, that depends," she answered, tilting her head a little to one side. "What's the password?" she asked, winking playfully. Her mouth quirked upwards on one side and she arched an eyebrow.
Shamus got back form freeport with nothing. He didn't buy anything and he didn't care, it was just one of those days. While walking up to his room he noticed one of the other guy talking to the new kid. The one that he though was cute. " Look's like I got some competition.... This is going to be fun." He walked up to his room and sat on the bed. "Looks like I'm not the only one interested in her... I'm gonna crush him." He said, he replied back to the three captains.

To: Captains

Subject: American football.


I am in.

He sent the email. If she becomes a cheerleader then I got an upper hand being that they would spend a lot of time together. "Now to get my sax's and guitars ready. I am going to be apart of the bad that is going to be playing so I needed to get his instruments ready."
The girls had their issues of Teen Vogue and Seventeen sprawled out over the table at their booth by the window when Candice lifted her gaze to find a boy she'd seen not long ago in school. Somewhat curly hair, nice smile. She looked back down at her article about trends for jeans while Felicity and Elizabeth followed her gaze to what she had looked at. They started chattering about something Candice couldn't understand, it wasn't their voice, it was the fact she often blocked out their silly conversations, but something told her it was about this boy with the helmet that just came in.

A few minutes later a tall redhead girl with big brown eyes came to bring them their lowfat mocha lattes. She placed them in the middle of the table, and Candice grabbed hers, tearing a straw open and sticking it in before taking a delicate sip and cupping her small hands around the light pink mug as her deep blue eyes darted form one side to another, nearly finishing the article within minutes.
Lucas chuckled mildly. Being flirtatious didn't come as a minus to him. If she started, he'd play along. "How about please, pretty girl with the beautiful voice?" he said, and leaned against the door frame. He looked at her with playful eyes, and a generous smile. "Aren't you going to the dance?" he asked, his eyes gazing at her fingers as they danced over the tangents. Such delicate hands.

He had always enjoyed music, and her song truly was beautiful. It was calming, yet uplifting. Perfect for moody days. He had tried playing himself, but he never really got it right. His hands enjoyed the sketching book so much more. He really felt like drawing this girl. Her face captivated him.
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Joshua finished up the last of his assignments and checked his watch. "I dunno about this whole dance thing..." He mumbled to himself. The sheet with the info for the dance was displayed on top of his now finished work. He leaned back in his chair and tapped his pen against the paper a few times. With a sigh he shrugged and shut his laptop, tossing it and his books into his bag the only thing left was the dance paper. He picked it up and turned it over in his hand. Standing up he grabbed his bag and his helmet, slinging the bag over his shoulder he continued to look at the paper as he made his way to the parking lot. Catching a glimpse of the brats on his way out he thought himself "They weren't so bad... but I Wonder what the'll be like at the dance." He had decided he was going as he put on his helmet and headed to the school, even if he was just planning to play his violin.

Sia laughed lightly at the young male's response and nodded her head briefly. "Correct. You may enter," she told him, smiling as she continued to play. Some people thought that flattery wouldn't get you anywhere but Sia had learned that it could be a very powerful weapon. She, too, enjoyed the attention and she wouldn't discourage him from giving it to her.

Now that he was closer, Elysia's eyes darkened a little further. He had a very distinct scent; rich and sweet. She was eager to taste his blood but it was too early in the evening. She couldn't risk it. Not yet. Her tongue ran along her teeth as she maintained control over them and was glad of his next question. It served as the perfect distraction.

"Yes, I suppose I might. Why don't you help me choose something to wear?" she suggested, glancing at him from beneath thick eyelashes. He was handsome for a human. Perhaps she could tease him a little. Smiling once more, Sia lifted her hands from the piano so that she could stand and cross to the wardrobe. Opening it, she took out two dresses; one was short and a beautiful sea-green colour, the other black and figure hugging.

Sia turned to him and held them against herself one by one. "What do you think...?" She realized she didn't know his name just yet. Perhaps it had been mentioned in the class they'd shared this morning but she couldn't recall hearing it.

After another hour Candice and the rest are in the car yet again, pulling into the driveway of Hollingwood. Felicity tugged the car key out of its hole, triggering a jingling sound that signaled they were 'home.' Candice opened the door, for a change considering she usually opened it herself, and stepped out onto the freshly paved asphalt. It was cold, she could sense it even if her bare feet didn't actually touch the ground. The now chill, yet moist air nibbled at her soft skin as the girls led her inside. The sky had slightly darkened, the air fitting its chilly appearance, Felicity pulled a cream colored lace sheer shaw from her bag and draped it over Candice's small shoulders. It was good to have a considerate friend, even if her deepest thought was what theme her wardrobe update should be.

Soon enough Candice was sitting pretzel style on her soft bed, a nail polish brush coated with a light pink color in hand as she perfectly covered them in the warm hue. The radio on her desk had on the song Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani (

). Even if the music was blasting, Candice could still hear a beautiful song that didn't sound like the radio.. was it a concert? Candice furrowed her perfect eyebrows, gazing up at the ceiling.
Lucas noticed the slight hesitation as she spoke, and realised he hadn't introduced himself properly. "Lucas," he said, giving her a teasing smile. He enjoyed watching her move. She was elegant in almost everything she did, even getting up from the piano stool. Hearing that she would join the dance made him happy. Now he would have someone nice to play around with.

He slightly bit his lower lip as he saw the two dresses. "They are both nice, really," he began, scratching his chin. "How do you want to be viewed? Cute and sophisticated?" he gestured to the green dress, "or sexy and elegant?" he said and gestured towards the black one, winking at her.

He enjoyed going back to his old self. Playing around like this allowed him to relax much more than if he was alone. Besides, he really liked this girl. She seemed fun to be around. Her humour amused him. "Maybe you'll have to show me, miss...?" he asked, smiling innocently.

Elysia giggled softly, like any human girl would do, and shook her head at Lucas' suggestion. "No, no. That wont do. You'd enjoy it far too much," she told him, playfully and turned to the mirror with the two dresses still in her hands. "It's nice to meet you Lucas," she told him, glancing briefly at him in the mirror. "I'm Elysia, but you can call me Sia if you prefer," she murmured, returning the green dress to her wardrobe. She set the black one down on her bed and then sat next to it.

"I think I'll wear this one," she decided, grinning at him. "So, Lucas. How long have you been attending Hollingwood Academy?" she asked him curiously. She patted the space next to her in an invitation to sit if he'd like to. "It's my first day. I'm still learning how everything works. Are there are rules I need to know? Teachers I should watch out for?" she asked, tilting her head slightly.
The music seemingly ceased and Candice shrugged to herself. "How odd." She mused, hopping off of her bed and twisting the knob on the door to her walk in closet. Inside were so much clothes and shoes you could actually get lost in them. Candice daintily tapped her chin and reached in to pull a strapless pink dress. In the enormous full length mirror she held it to herself and grinned. It was a perfect hue for subtly sun kissed skin, adorned with silver sparkles and sequins. It was fluffly around the legs, and stopped at the lower thigh. Candice's favorite part however was the sweetheart neckline. Of course there would be far more nights than this to discuss what she'd wear, but she did however have a good idea that there would be a diamond necklace with matching earrings here and there, no doubt. Silently Candice squealed with delight and ran back into her bedroom, diving into the duvet. She sighed, her sunshine waves cascaded over the pink silk pillow as she fluttered her eyes shut, lashes fanned out over her cheeks which glowed with gold and rose. She'd own that dance.
Lucas smiled, her laughter was really sweet. "Well, I think you did a good choice, Sia," he said and gave her a slightly mischievous smile. "I'm a guy, what would you expect?" he said and laughed. He walked over to her bed, amazed by how easygoing she seemed. He sat down next to her, and first now noticed how good she smelled. He wondered what kind of perfume she wore.

"Well, including today, I've been here for about... a day," he said and gave her an apologising smile. "I don't know much more than you, but I arrived early. I've noticed that the headmaster's daughter is the head leader of her gang, and that she mostly gets what she asks for," he said and shrugged. "As for rules... I don't really know. The teachers seem fair enough, but the english teacher, Mrs Simmons, seems kind of strict," he said with a frown.

"How has your first day been so far?" he asked, wanting to know whether there was something of importance he had missed today. Her eyes were mesmerising... It even seemed as if they changed colour while he watched them. He wanted to know more about her.

"Thank you," Sia replied when he complimented her choice and was pleased to see him cross the room and sit down next to her. This was good. Of course, she imagined that they were breaking some school rule but she was building a connection with him and having a connection would make things easier when she fed from him. Now that he was closer, the scent of his blood only intensified and she hoped he would not notice the darkening of her eyes as she tried to control her lust for his blood.

"Yes, she asked me to join their cheer team," she told him, glancing over to where she'd left the flyer on top of the piano. "Though I'm not sure I will. I can't imagine she'll be too pleased if I refuse," she smiled and brushed her hair back off her shoulder as she turned to face him again. She, too, had noticed that the English teacher was a little more 'no nonsense' than the rest of the faculty members but she didn't mind so much. She enjoyed English, regardless of who was teaching it.

"My day has been good..." she told him when he asked, her eyes flickering down to his throat. She could see his skin pulse with the vein underneath it and it clouded her head a little. She tried to draw her attention back up to his face but it was difficult. "Uneventful, I suppose. Hopefully this dance will be a little more exciting."
Just before Candice had been taken by the overwhelming urge to sleep, she shot open her dark blue orbs, for some reason they looked toxic with curiosity. She sat up, narrowing her gaze and shooting daggers at the wall opposite her bed. What was that noise? Candice hopped out of her bed and tiptoed over to the wall, pressing her left ear up against it. Sure enough, there were the sounds of a conversation. Instantly Candice recognized one of them for being the new girls'. The other was some boy she couldn't decode. They were talking about her! She glanced at the ceiling, which was adorned with swirls of gold against the pure white. She had a habit of doing that when she was annoyed. Candice pulled a pink silk robe over her shoulders and quickly applied thin layer of coral lip gloss over her plump lips, rubbing them together to even it out. Rarely did anyone see Candice without her lipgloss. She slipped out of her bedroom and wondered to the next door, holding up a small fist and knocking intently.

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Joshua opened the large closet in his room and blew some air out of his mouth. Picking his way to the back he grabbed a tuxedo and shrugged. It would do since he was just going to play some violin pieces. He put it on in front of the mirror and cocked his head. "It'll do." he wondered if he was getting a bit dressed up, but shook the thought away and dressed himself. Leaving the top off he began to practice the slow pieces he was going to play. They were supposed to play in tandem with a piano or other string instruments, but the violin on solo sounded just as good. "Besides" he thought to himself "the people that will notice shouldn't mind." He began to play louder, the soft melody slow, relaxing, with a twinge of sweetness in the notes.
"My pleasure," Lucas said smiling. He cracked his back, as it felt really stiff after today's practice. "You're right, but if you don't want to join, just tell her so. She can't force you, can she?" He said, tilting his head as he noticed how her eyes drifted down towards his neck all the time. He wondered why...

"It probably will," he added, his smile back on his face. "Do you want to be my date for tonight?" He asked, straightforward as usual. He jumped a little when he heard the persistent knocking in the door. "...Are guys allowed in the girls' dorms?" He asked in a whispering voice, a little nervous. If it was the headmaster's daughter...
Shamus was going to be a bear. His possibilities on the team were numerous. Of course he wasn’t going to be a quarterback. But he could hit hard. He could be a lineman. He was built big and tall, not to mention bulky. He was like a sprout, he just kept growing. His father was a tall man. Sometimes he would think about his father and how he was doing in litchfield.

It’s a small town, litchfield. Nothing that would attract people to it. The neighboring towns had more. Sabattus was a bigger, and had more people. Then there was wales. A small town known for cows. Not the ones that stuff their faces but the black and white one’s that produces milk. All three towns were nothing to places like lewiston/ auburn, and gardener and augusta. But it was where his father was.

He thought of the high school that he attended. Oak Hill High School. It wasn’t a pretty school, but some of the teachers were nice. He can remember people like Mr. Nhile, the band teacher. He was knowledgeable person that shamus knew. He gave shamus opportunities to play pieces like out behind the barn,by gerry mulligan. Then their was the physics teacher. Mr.dudeski, and amazing teacher. A theatre major with a minor in physics. He would do accents, and make the class fun. Shamus didn’t get to take his physics class on account that he was at hollingwood.

Shamus’s mind finally snapped back into place. It was time that he got ready. There was going to be a dance and he was a part of the band that was going to be playing. He opened his case to his bari sax. It was sleek and black, with engraving on it. After that was his tenor. That was his baby and he treated it like it. It was again black with engraving. He liked the color black. His alto was black as well. His father’s guitar was red. But he didn’t mind it. It was a jazz type guitar that old jazz musicians would play. He liked to play it. His father had a newer one, and he also taught shamus how to play the guitar.
A rosy flustered Candice bit her glossy pink lip, continuing to rap at the door impatiently. Obviously they didn't know it was her. What are they talking about? She thought, tempted to press her ear to the white painted, gold lined door, but thought better of it. Instead, she used every last drop of patience inside of her and waited for one of them to open the door. If that girl so much as thought about stealing the award they gave out for most popular student at the end of the dance, kind of like prom however in the form of a white silk sash and a gold trophy in the shape of a star, she was in for it. Candice blew her freshly polished, still wet nails in a desperate attempt to make them dry quicker. She smacked her lips together to blend out the warm pink gloss, tossing a few long blonde waves over her shoulder so that they fell down her back. Hurry up. She narrowed her now cat like eyes.
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Joshua stopped his playing when he heard the rapping on the far door. "What the he'll is that?" He mumbled to himself as he leaned head out the door. Not realizing his shirt was off as he called down the hallway. "What's going on down there? Is something wrong?" He couldn't quite make out who was knocking, or even really where it was coming from. He just wanted it to stop, or be answered at least.

"No," Elysia agreed with a nod of her head. "She can't. I guess I'll have to see how I feel about the whole thing, tomorrow. Maybe it would be fun," she shrugged her shoulders. She had never been involved in anything like that before and she wondered if it was worth the risk. She wouldn't be able to jump about outside if the sun was shining. How would she explain why her skin was charring and why she hissed in pain every time the sun peaked out from behind a cloud?

Her thoughts were diverted however, when Lucas asked her if she would be his date for the dance. She smiled softly and nodded. It couldn't hurt, could it? Perhaps afterwards she would be able to taste some of that glorious smelling liquid that ran through his veins. She was growing desperate for it. "Alright," she agreed, though her attention was only half on him because she could smell the Principle's daughter just outside her door and sure enough, she began rapping on the wood.

Sia glanced back at Lucas and laughed lightly at the nervous look on his face. He was rather sweet. She didn't want to get him into trouble. "I don't know. Perhaps you should hide in my closet," she teased, winking playfully at him before walking towards the door. The girl on the other side wasn't patient and began knocking again, louder this time.

"Coming!" she called brightly before opening the door and smiling sweetly at her. "Hello, darling. What can I do for you?"
Lucas nodded, "Sounds like a good plan. Would be fun to see you cheering with the others, though," he said with a crooked smile. He really hoped Candice wouldn't be too hard on her.

He smiled joyfully as she agreed to go to the dance with him. She was a beautiful girl, truly, and they seemed to get along.


Lucas gave her an offended look for laughing at his nervousness, and tossed his hair about. He tended to do that when he was nervous. Yet, he couldn't help but smile as she sent him into her closet. He closed the door and leaned into the wall, breathing slowly, having figured that was the most quiet way of breathing. He listened as he heard Sia opening the door, greeting the cheerleader.

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Becoming impatient Damon checked the flyer that he had stuffed away in a pocket only to realize he had been wrong about what day the dance was. As he shifted between sighing at his own obliviousness and chuckling at the entire situation Damon got to his feet, stretching slowly, before heading back to his dorm room. He supposed he didn't mind all that much that there were moments he could be a bit of a ditz.. he just wished they didn't happen quite so often. His friends used to tease him, saying that his natural hair color should have been blonde instead of ginger.

Heading back to his room he heard a bit of a disturbance going on towards the girls section but slipped by the barbie girl, not really attempting to draw notice and with the only goal of heading to his own dorm. Besides, she was caught up with the other girl who was speaking to her from inside the room. Shaking his head at the mild curiosity that had overcome him he continued on his way to his own dorm room.

As he was walking it seemed like different people were practicing their instruments. It was pleasantly disharmonious, soft music and fast music, brass and string... it was really very interesting. He considered adding his own notes to the music as he reached his dorm room.
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Inquiringly Candice stuck her head into the room, eyes scanning the entire room with the percision of a robot. Stubbornly she pursed her lips when she found nothing to what met the eye. Even if she could Candice did not feel like going into this girl's room and looking in every nook and cranny. Reluctantly, she carefully pulled her head from the room, yet again standing in the hallway. Since the rooms were elevated from the actual hallway, Candice had to look up at the girl, whose name she did not know but intended to find out. Candice didn't like looking up at people, it made her feel less superior, even if she did it most of the time because she was a small girl. "I'm keeping an eye on you." It was hard not to flash a tiny smile. This one was actually quite charming, and for once Candice had to actually strongly envy someone else's beauty. "Whatever your name is." When the realization that Candice had probably been annoying people with her consistant knocking, she bit her tongue and left the girl standing in the doorway.

The next morning was glorious. Candice fluttered her eyes open and swung her legs over the side of her bed, stretching her arms as the morning sun rays illuminated her small body. Taking her sweet time, (The last thing Candice needs to worry about is being late for class) she leisurely strode into her bathroom and tugged off her shirt and shorts, and ran a warm shower. Slowly she stepped in and rinsed her body with a cherry blossom scented body wash and shampoo. Within ten minutes she was out, a fuzzy purple towel clinging to her delicate frame. Candice encouraged the damp blonde strands off her neck, combing them through a bit and spraying a softening leave in conditioner at the ends and mid shaft.

When her hair was dry and in it's naturally straight state, which Candice resented more than anything, she washed her face with a moisturizing cleanser and followed it with a lightweight moisturizer. Candice walked over to her vanity and dabbed a little sheer powder over her cheeks in the shade goddess, dark brown mascara in one light coat on her upper lashes in the shade dark chocolate, and a little rasberry scented nude pink gloss.

Her outfit had been picked out the night before by Elizabeth and Felicity, which consisted of a mint green dress with black at the top, and a gold Tiffany watch.

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