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Fandom Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

Kawaii Ghost Demon

Sleep Deprived

Please use the following sheet. It is asked that you be slightly descriptive but is not necessary. Do not use anime photos, realistic photos only. If a part of the sheet has an asterisk (*) next to it, it is an optional part of the sheet.







Blood Status (Pureblood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born);;


Appearance(no anime pictures.);;

Personality(Please use sentences.);;

Broomstick*(first years are not allowed to have one);;


Quidditch position*;;

Wand(picture or description);;





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Catrina Lea Everwinter


Cat, Kitty









Blood Status;;





Catrina stands at a height of about 5'6'' with a weight of 115. She is fairly slim and has a rather fragile looking figure. She appears to be very weak, but is quite the opposite and has the strength to knock someone out with a single punch. She has beautiful icy blue eyes that are often found scanning a book. Her long orange colored hair, which she constantly has to tell people that it is her natural hair color, falls about mid back, a few inches or more above her waist line. She often wears a ring that her sister gave her before she disappeared.


Catrina is rather quite and self-preserved, and prefers to keep to herself. She is often found reading or doing her homework, making many people assume that she is a "goody two shoes." She is quite the opposite. The young girl enjoys going on adventures and getting herself into trouble whenever possible. Catrina has a knack for ignoring people when she is spoken to, and often loses a lot of friends by this bad habit. She often listens, just doesn't answer and gives off the idea that she is ignoring someone. If you can get the girl to open up, she is loving and very, very kind as well as extremely loyal. She would put her life on the line for her most trusted and closest friends.

Broomstick*(first years are not allowed to have one);;

Catrina owns a Nimbus 2001


A male snowy owl named Atriach


Quidditch position*;;

Seeker for Gryffindor




Open/PM for relationships


Open/Open PM for relationships




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/350659ca287bfde982b1307658415806.jpg.a3cab268b1a36deab0ed03dc625ad944.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89779" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/350659ca287bfde982b1307658415806.jpg.a3cab268b1a36deab0ed03dc625ad944.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adeline Sherman

Nickname*;; Addie

Age;; 15

Gender;; Female

Year;; 5

House;; Ravenclaw

Blood Status;; Half-blood

Sexuality;; Bisexual

Appearance;; Adeline measures to a mild 5'1'' weighing in at a slight 103, her physique being one of a small couch potato, Addie is more of a runner than a physically violent person. Brown eyes, with brown hair, her appearance is that of a bland girl, her skin flecking in heavy doses of freckles she can be at times confused for a lost third year wandering the halls of an older student. Her eyes holding a sad expression, a dreamy gaze full of secrets not even she knows.

Personality;; A good word to describe Addie would be indifferent, her distant gaze tells of many of the dramas she ignores. Her calm and seemingly quiet exterior leads people to believe that she is the type to sit in the library and constantly study, or even shy away from a confrontation. But actually she can be found roaming the grounds, and confronting those who have confronted. Loyal or kind, you'll never truly know until you get close.

Pet*;; Male Maine Coon Cat, about 17lbs, 3.3ft.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sf43D8S.jpg.a7882777adeb0856e7639e134e9b0b78.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Sf43D8S.jpg.a7882777adeb0856e7639e134e9b0b78.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Veela Hair Core

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Obsidian_Magic_Wand.jpg.6e19ab7a8d07f3126f59ee80b35f2612.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="89784" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Obsidian_Magic_Wand.jpg.6e19ab7a8d07f3126f59ee80b35f2612.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crush;; N/A

Bf/Gf;; N/A

Other;; N/A<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/900full-daria-sidorchuk.jpg.582bc226a21a9e2f6d2edd2f9724d928.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/900full-daria-sidorchuk.jpg.582bc226a21a9e2f6d2edd2f9724d928.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_nngnbwUqTE1r85kc4o1_500.gif.8d48f354ef0ebc07972aa88f081f6526.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91361" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/tumblr_nngnbwUqTE1r85kc4o1_500.gif.8d48f354ef0ebc07972aa88f081f6526.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name;; Drew Collins

Nickname*;; None

Age;; 16

Gender;; Male

Year;; 5

House;; Slytherin

Blood Status (Pureblood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born);; Pureblood

Sexuality;; Straight

Appearance(no anime pictures.);;


Drew is on the taller side at 6 feet, 2 inches. He also has a bit of muscle on him so he weighs about 150 pounds.

Personality(Please use sentences.);;

Drew has quite a bold attitude and is not afraid to speak his mind. He does not seem too serious about school, as he believes his family has taught him everything he needs to know, but he is still quite clever and ambitious. Drew is strictly friends with purebloods and tends to bully any student who is not one, even if they're in Slytherin. Drew can get away with his constant bad behavior due to his family ties and always abuses this power.

Broomstick*(first years are not allowed to have one);; Nimbus 2001

Pet*;; He doesn't have time for silly pets.

Quidditch position*;; Slytherin Chaser

Wand(picture or description);;


Crush;; Open/PM

Bf/Gf;; Open/PM

History*;; Drew was born into a long line of wealthy purebloods with high social status and descendants who had been in Slytherin for centuries. That being said, he is a near perfect mold of a Slytherin member. Being an only child, Drew's parents have always spoiled him. He has always gotten what he wants, no questions asked. Many students at Hogwarts resent him for his reputation and the fact that he can get away with most things.

Other;; N/A
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All are accepted.

@kno84 the pictures are not showing but your character is still accepted either way, yet I do ask that you would try and fix it that I can see the pictures.

Roleplay will start as soon as at least one Hufflepuff joins so that we have characters in each house.



Ophelia Parkinson

Nickname;; Lia

Age;; 15

Gender;; Female

Year;; 5

House;; Slytherin

Blood Status;; Pureblood

Sexuality;; Bisexual


Ophelia is 5 ft 6, her build is slim whilst slightly athletic, as she has been playing Quidditch since she was four.

She has fair, naturally wavy brown hair, which she hates (though she dyes it -using magic, of course- given the opportunity) and dark brown eyes.


Ophelia is, contrary to popular belief, compassionate and intelligent. Due to her -quite coincidental- arrogance and wealth, she is assumed to be, for lack of a better word, a bitch. Despite these beliefs, Ophelia is generally happy and, especially when she's been drinking coffee, very excitable (without the coffee, she is very grumpy and lives up to her image).

Ophelia is very outspoken and confident, so an argument with her can be intense, she loves to prank, and usually a fight with her becomes a prank-war.

She is never caught, but she gets detentions for other things, like being found in the kitchens at gone Midnight (though she is being caught there less and less, it pays to know Hufflepuffs).

Broomstick;; Firebolt



Quidditch position;; Slytherin Chaser

Wand(picture or description);; Ophelia's wand is 12 inches, Rosewood, Phoenix Feather core.


Crush;; PM

Bf/Gf;; PM

History;; To be discovered

Other;; N/A
Irene Jacqueline Dean


Blood Status:


Preferred House:



Age & Year:

15/Year 5





(I had to Alicia is amazing!)


Chaser for Quidditch, Dueling club, Muggle music and art.


Irene is brave, adventurous, and outgoing. Headstrong and Stubborn at times Willing to risk it all for what and/or who she believes in. She's determined to be the best at everything she gets into so she can kind of suffer from grandiosity at times. She is basically a prodigy since her training from her father and mother.She is very friendly and polite but she makes it obvious when she doesn't like you. She's also funny and love puns. And love muggle music, television, basically everything.


To be determined


Irene's mother and father got a divorce when she was 3 Her mother, Valerie is an wizard but lives in the muggle world after falling in love with the culture when she was an oblivator and part of muggle relations so her mother brings her things from the muggle world which sparked Irene's interest in muggle things. Her father on the other hand was previously a Hit wizard but now head of Auror office. Irene admires him the most despite his playboy lifestyle. He sometimes make his own spells for fun as he writes them in a journal and teaches it to Irene during his free time. Her father was captain for the gyffrindor quidditch team and her mother was superior in the dueling club in France so she feel obligated to do the same.



12.5" Yew, Dragon Heartstring




Ambitions/ Motivations:

Captain for quidditch team

( Its her destiny!)

Be a famous Hit wizard and Head of Auror like her father.

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Name:Azrael le Fay





Blood Status (Pureblood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born):Pureblood



Personality(Please use sentences.):Azrael is not cold, in fact he is the exact opposite around people he knows. But between his stoic visage he normally has on, and his chilly disposition, which often seems like he's not talking to or even at you but rather through you, it's easy to get that impression. He's a determined individual, willing to give 110% in nearly everything and anything he does. This also leads to a pretty high competitive streak within himself. His patience is something to be marveled at, and tends to keep calm and be that voice of reason when the voices get to shouting. He does however have a sense of humor, one that is often displayed through dry sarcasm and witty remarks.

Broomstick*(first years are not allowed to have one):Cleansweep 21

Pet*:Morgan, A Great Horned Owl


Quidditch position:Slytherin

Wand(picture or description)

Hawthorne and Elm, Dragon Heartstring, 11 inches.



History*:Azrael was born to the Most Ancient and Nobke line of Le Fay. The family had left the British Isles centuries ago and had taken up residence in Italy. Becoming well established both there and even in the muggle world for which they used banking as a front. His parents explorers and scholars. When he was four, they had went on an expedition to the Himalayas. They had never returned.

His Uncle, Gabriel had raised him from that point on. He was always taught that they descended from one of the greatest magical beings to have ever lived. Even from a young age, it never stood well with him.

Why was he to be praised for someone else's accomplishments. It irked him. And from that point on he made a covenant to himself to become known. Recognized for him and his abilities. Being raised in a magical family had it's perks. And while he did get his wand at 9,he had been studying and reading up until that point. When the time came for him to choose a school, he denied Beuxbatons in favor of Hogwarts. From there, his life has been a series of exciting encounters, thrills, grief, and of course, Magic.

Other:Fluent in Italian and French.

Slytherin Chaser
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Name;; Dedalus Whitby

Nickname;; Dallas

Age;; 16

Gender;; Male

Year;; 5th

House;; Gryffindor

Blood Status;; Half-Blood

Sexuality;; Straight


Personality;; Reserved, wary but accepting of making lasting connections, more of a background guy until he's encouraged to try out as one of Gryffindor's chasers and opens up more, good-heart

Broomstick;; Comet 290

Pet;; Owl named Howl (because he's a Hawk Owl)

Quidditch position;; Chaser

Wand;; 12.5" Ebony Dragon Heartstring

Crush;; Irene Jacqueline Dean

Bf/Gf;; N/A

History;; Hunted by a deranged Dark Wizard because of juvenile mistake, his parents fled London and made their way to the states. His father disappeared, leaving his mother alone to keep Dedalus safe. However, it only took a year for the Dark Wizard to find the two in New York. His mother hid Dedalus just before the Dark Wizard murdered her. Dedalus was eventually found by muggle authorities and put into an orphanage ever since. Due to faulty filing and living in the US illegally, Dedalus received his Hogwarts letter a year late. He then moved back to London to stay with a relative, though he wasn't sure how they were related, during the summers until school started. This summer, he got a job at Quality Quidditch Supplies and was given his broom as a present from the shopkeep. Dedalus, or Dallas as he's called by his UK-raised peers, has made the conscious decision to stand out more. First by becoming a chaser for Gryffindor and then by passing all his OWLS to work for the Ministry of Magic, though he's not sure if he wants to be an Auror or a Hit Wizard.

Other;; Has an American accent, the Dark Wizard is still on the loose and may or may not be looking for Dallas.
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Name: Bartholomew Smythe

Nickname: Bartley

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Year: 5th

House: Hufflepuff

Blood Status: Muggle Born

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: Bartley is selfless and kind, he cares a lot for people and is quite a softy. He is quite shy and clumsy is often self-deprecating. Despite this he generally tries to have quite an optimistic outlook and not take things too seriously. In true Hufflepuff fashion Bartley is very loyal.

Broomstick: Bartley still has a Nimbus 2000, despite the next version coming out. He can't afford to upgrade.


Pet: A male fancy rat (no seriously, that's what pet brown rats are called) named Scooter


Quidditch position: Hufflepuff Keeper

Wand: 11.5 inch Rowan wood with dragon heartstring core.

Crush: Has a crush on Adeline but is too shy to do anything about it.

Bf/Gf: None

History: Even before he discovered he could do magic, (like, real magic) Bartley was always a huge fantasy geek. His parents were regular humans or "muggles" as everyone refers to them as, although Bartley feels that that term sounds kind of derogatory. Anyway, Bartley was discovered when he was 11 and was taken to Hogwarts, with the consent of his parents, of course.

Once there, Bartley was sorted into Hufflepuff house, the house that embodies friendship and loyalty. Bartley is constantly finding out new things about the Wizarding World that intrigue him as a Muggle Born who had no knowledge of it prior to joining Hogwarts. He thinks this definitely makes up for the bullying he gets from certain people due to his parentage. After all, he gets to do real magic!

Other: Bartley's spells often fail, leading to some disastrous consequences. He is much better at potions and botany.
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Name;; Alodia Odelia Kaiser

Nickname*;; Dia

Age;; 15

Gender;; Female

Year;; 5

House;; Slytherin

Blood Status (Pureblood, Half-Blood, Muggle Born);; Muggleborn

Sexuality;; Bisexual

Appearance(no anime pictures.);;


Personality(Please use sentences.);; Alodia is typically quite quiet, and hardly speaks unless spoken to, she's far more content to bury nose in a book than carry a conversation, at least now she is. She generally dislikes the bigoted attitudes of her classmates, but doesn't often act on her annoyance at their ignorance. Interestingly, on the occasions that she is spoken to, she can be found to be quite intelligent, with an expansive vocabulary and far better conduct than one would expect from a teenager. She can be cool at times, and is found to be quite sensitive when spoken to about particularly sore spots and dislikes touching.

Broomstick*(first years are not allowed to have one);; None


Quidditch position*;; None

Wand(picture or description);; Her's is an alder wand with a unicorn hair core, not very springy. It is made of a lighter wood and is quite simple, with a few curving carvings towards the bottom.

Crush;; None

Bf/Gf;; None

History*;; Alodia was once the daughter of the prestigious Marlis Lorelie Kaiser and Adalric Gerhold Kaiser, two members of wealthy, elite muggle families whose businesses sold silverware and teacups respectively. She always lived quite comfortably and happily, and was almost sure of her future until one fateful night. She has been nine years old, and was to finally meet her fiancé, a fourteen year old boy who's parents sold plates and platters of all shapes and sizes. This had been an important night, Alodia would later recall, as it would decide their company's future relations with this budding new business. Her mother had rehearsed her manners and form with her relentlessly, and her father had spent a large sum of money to pay for her extraordinarily expensive evening gown. Eadric, that was the name of her fiancé, had to be impressed. At first everything ran smoothly, the dinner was delicious, her own behavior was impeccable, and Eadric seemed suitably pleased. It was only when they leaving, when Eadric gave her a peculiar enthusiastic hug goodbye, that it happened. She's always been a bit uncomfortable with touching, and her soon to be husband's bear hug made her skin crawl, she had been taught to act as though she enjoyed such displays of affection, but it still made her skin crawl. It made itch, it made it-her flesh burst suddenly into flame. Eadric had to be hospitalized, Ministry officials were forced to perform a number of memory wipes, and Alodia was now a source of shame in her family, and apparently a witch.


She enjoys violin music

She adores sweets, her favorite candy being licorice

Her Patronus is a Wood Pecker
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