Hogwart's Next Generation.


Queen of Broken Hearts
(To join this RP, please fill out the character form in Role Play sign ups! This is all about the school years after Hogwarts and how new Beast and Being policies affect them. Not to mention a few returning characters to overthrow the wizarding world!)


Rosie sighed inside of her head but didn't let her happy smile leave her face as she and her siblings claimed their compartment on the Hogwart's Express. It was the beginning of her third year and she still had no true friends beside Gwen and Tarron, her sister and brother. She had made a promise to her father that she would make friends in exchange for permission to go to Hogsmeade. As Gwen and Tarron left to meet up with their friends, Rosie realized with crushing certainty that fulfilling that promise was going to be near impossible.

Gwen walked down the hallway, not paying attention to the passing people she saw in the form of heat. She was looking for specific people. Once their heat became apparent in her black sight, she smirked and opened the door. Two ravenclaws turned her way as she entered. "Don't we have a trivia challenge to complete?" Gwen asked, remembering the night she overheard these to girls saying she didn't deserve to be in Ravenclaw. How would they know, she thought, I don't even know their names.

Tarron winked at some pasing second year girls while on his way to the compartment for Exploding Snap competetions. He felt a bit bad for leaving Rosie by herself but she did have that yellow puffball, Basil. So he shrugged it off, grinning as he entered the compartment. Time to win me some money, he thought.
Sky sat in an empty train compartment, sipping on a cold bottle of water. She held a towel around it to stop the perspiration from triggering her webbed fingers. She stared out the window. She hadn't yet changed into into her robes and was wearing a sweater made with blue and purple yarn, and a pair of jeans.

Jaycee was walking down the aisle, trying to find an empty compartment. She had just changed into her robes only to find her compartment full of first years.

Michael was sitting in the train compartment with his brother, reading a book. His glasses were hanging low on his nose. He had stepped out to change into his robes as soon as he has secured a seat.

Phillip was unwrapping his yearly purchase of chocolate frogs. Every year on the train, he got five of them, not eating them until later on. He was currently flipping through the cards, happy to see he had gotten a rare one. Along with his chocolate frogs he had gotten a box of Bertie Bots Every Flavored Beans.
With little determination, Rosie went to change into her robes, passing a girl in a compartment alone. Pausing with her normal clothes still in her hands, Rosie hesitantly knocked on the door.

Tarron, his pockets full of other students' money, walked the aisle aimlessly. He noticed a boy shuffling chocolate frog cards and entered the compartment, a wicked grin on his face. "Hey, I'll play you for that Severus Snape card."

Gwen stopped behind her brother. "Gamble, is that all you ever do?" She chuckled as Tarron jumped and glanced behind him. "This here is Tarron Paret, I'm his sister, Gwyneth." Gwen nodded in the direction of Tarron's heat outline.
Sky looked up, surprised. "Hello," she smiled, getting up to open the door.

"Eh," Phillip shrugged. "You can have it. I got the same one last year." He held out the card, standing up. "It's wonderful to meet you both."

Michael looked up from his book. "Hello," he smiled.
"Um, hi....I'm Rosie Paret..." Rosie said quietly, offering the girl a small smile.

"Hey, thanks," Tarron stuffed the card into his robe's pocket. "Nice to meet you guys too."

Gwen smirked, "Agreed."
"Sky Ocreesha," Sky smiled. She could tell the girl was shy like herself.

Michael studies both of them before putting his book down and sitting up.

"No problem," Phillip shrugged.
Rosie nodded, trying to remember the name to the girl's face. "If you uh...need any company me and my siblings are just a few compartments over.."

The boy with what Gwen assumed was a book sat up. She glanced his way, hopefully looking at his face and not somewhere embarrassing. "So what year are you guys in? And house?"

Tarron rolled his eyes, taking a seat next to Phillip while his sister took over the conversation.  
((Hey, could you post a link to this on the sign up sheet? I can't post any links till tomorrow and Zombie cant find it))
"Thanks," Sky smiled, looking down. "I prefer to keep to myself though."

Michael smiled, answering for them both. "He's Year 4, I'm Year 3. We're both Ravenclaws."
"I do too," Rosie replied a bit more cheerfully. "Well, see you later. " Rosie returned to her compartment, giggling as Basil squeaked at her. She picked him up and snuggled her face in his soft fur.

"Gryffindor, year three." Tarron answered for himself, sending Gwen a smirk before rubbing the back of his head. "Oh uh, Gwen, I smirked."

She rolled her eyes at her brother but smiled, "Thanks for the information numskull. I'm a year three Ravenclaw."
Sky nodded as she walked away. She pulled the small carrier out from under her seat, pulling out a grey mass of fluff.

Phillip laughed softly.

Michael smiled, glad to meet more Year 3s.
Alaska rushed through the portal to 9 3/4's, her mother in tow.

"I love you too mother, dont worry about me!" She urged, kissing her cheek. For today, her outfit sported the blue and bronze clothing, and her usual bright blue hair.

"Promise you wont use your little talent to get you into trouble?" Her mother asked, looking down at her with a stern eye.

"I promise! Now I've got to go, the trains about to depart!" Alaska urged, hugging her mother one last time before rushing onto the train, her cat in tow. For a moment she stood in the aisle, scanning the carriages for a spot. But after a moment she just walked down the aisle, hoping someone would offer her a seat.

Scorpius quickly said goodbye to his mother and father, eager to get onto the train.

"And remember what we told you about sneaking into the Gryffindor common room with Potter!" He heard them yell to him. Almost immediately Scorpius found his carriage, kicking a few first years out to make room for him and Albus.

"Now where is that idiot?" Scorpius scoffed, sitting down and releasing his Ferret, Moody from his imprisoning cage.

Albus continuously tried to shuffle away from his mother's shower of kisses and his father's hugs.

"Mum, dad! I've got to go! I love you both too!" he urged, finally pushing them away playfully.

"I'll see you soon."

Running to his door, Albus rushed onto the train nearly moments before it took off. A hand reached into the aisle and drug him and his things into the carriage, shoving him down into a seat.

"Potter, you were nearly late!"

"Eh, I could've hopped a hippogrif!"
Gwen decided to state what should have been the obvious, to save further embarrassment for Tarron. "By the way, I'm blind. So you gotta let me know when you frown or smile or such."

"Though she's pretty good at picking up people's emotions. " Tarron grinned at the boys.

Through the yellow fur of Basil, Rosie noticed a girl wandering the halls. She poked her head out of the door, "I have room if you're looking for a seat. "
Alaska smiled, ecstatic to have finally found a spot.

"Thank you." She said, using a leviosa charm on her luggage to put it in the above racks. Her cat strutted into the carriage infront of her, sitting on her lap suit as soon as Alaska sat down.

"I'm Alaska."

"Mother and father said we can't be sneaking in again." Scorpius said, shooting a sly smile to Albus. "You know what this means?

"We just can't get caught!" the brown haired boy chirped excitedly, his owl chiming in his acknowledgement with a hoot.
Rosie immediately perked up at the sight of the cat, a bright smile gracing her features. "Rosie Paret, it's nice to meet you. I like your cat." She giggled when Basil squeaked in her arms. "Sh, I won't let he/she eat you silly."

Tarron decided to excuse himself and look for a certain Gryffindor who owed him a few Sickles. He strutted into Potter's compartment, not surprised to find Malfoy there. "Oi, I finished my card collection. You have a bet to uphold remember?"
Sky eventually got up, robe in hand, to go change. She left her cat sleeping on the seat.

Jaycee finally found an empty compartment and sat down.

"That makes much more sense," Michael laughed.
Gwen rolled her eyes as Tarron left, "Yupp, most people think it's rude to ask but I don't mind. I think it's silly to just assume."
"It's nice to meet you too. And thank you, her name's Flusternen. Your pygmy is absolutely adorable." She said, smiling back at the girl. Flusternen rubbed the length of her body along Rosie's then gave Basil a tap on the head with her paw, licking the small puff ball afterward.

"She won't hurt her. She's trained to only eat the food she's given, not living things.

"Allos Tarron." Malfoy snickered, smiling to the boy.

Albus groaned, pulling the five sickles from his pocket. "Alright alright, you got me. How long did it take you?" He chuckled, setting the coins into the boy's hand.
"So that's what I've been looking at! I thought I was wrong, " Gwen smirked, admiring his joke. Not many people are brave enough to do that.

Basil squeaked, waddling closer to (I can't even spell it xD ) the cat. "See? Be nice." Rosie warned, smiling up at Alaska. "Smart cat."

"Oh just a measly two years. " Tarron chuckled, leaning against the wall. "Got my last one today. How was your guys' summer?"
Michael smiled. "It was actually closer to my shoulder," he admitted. "So you were close. I'm a bit tall for my age though."
(You can can just call her whisper, which is the word translated from german to english cx)

Flusternen nudged Basil with her nose, then proceed to curl up in a corner, resting her head down.

"Yeah, she is. We found her as a kitten in Germany. She'd been stealing our food all day and we didn't even know it!" Alaska said, remembering the day they found her. The cat had literally followed them around the museum all day, hiding from everyone's sight.

"Good." Both of the boys said in unison, shrugging their shoulders.

"I had the usual dark arts training from dad, and Mum lt us spend a month at our grandfathers helping him repair some muggle things." Albus said, eyeing the food cart coming down the line.

"I had to spend the entire summer on family grounds." Scorpius said, rolling his eyes.

"But I found the way to some old ruins not too far from the house, dad said they were from some old Malfoy watch tower."
She smiled, "Thanks for the heads up. I better go and check on my sister, it was nice meeting you guys." Gwen gets up and starts walking out of the door.

"Oh how cute!" Rosie squealed, quite happy to find a common interest with someone. "Basil was a gift from my dad for not being able to come to my birthday party a few years ago." Basil snuggled up to Rosie before plopping back on her lap, tired from waddling.

"That sounds pretty cool, Malfoy." Tarron said honestly. He looked at Albus with a smirk, "Learn anything new?" He decided he would stay a bit longer and plopped into an empty seat next to Potter.
"Goodbye," Michael smiled, hoping to see her again soon.

Sky sat down in her compartment again, hugging her cat to her chest.
"Aweh." Alaska cooed, picking up Flusternen and rested her in her own lap. The cat immediately complied and tucked it's head under her jacket.

"What house are you in?" She asked, a little bit more curious about the girl.

"Maybe we can Apparate you guys there next summer and we can all check it out." Scorpius said, proud to have brought something good to the table.

"Id be up for that. But yeah, I learned lots. My dad said we wouldn't need it, but there's this spell called a Patronus. It's supposed to help against nasty death eaters, and everyone has a different one. Like his was a Stag, and mine turned out to be a Wolf!" Albus said excitedly. His father really did teach him a lot. And since the Ministry owed him so much no one ever said anything about him using magic outside of school grounds.

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