Hogwart's Next Generation RP

I'm going to keep working on profiles as I wait for you to tag me in to the main rp. ^^
Name:Jezabelle Rosetta Deyiniar (Call her Jez)

Age/Year:14 years old.Year three


Family:Mother is Alexia who owns a Diner and her Father is unknown.Her brother Renyair is a student at hogwarts.

Appearance:Jezabelle is small,piete and has really filled out yet,so her hip bones prode out a bit and when ever she bends over hunching her shoulder it's like wings are trying to eascape from her back.It also doesn't really help that she skips a meal every once in awhile.She wieghs about 100lbs even and can't be much taller than 5'4.Her skin is pale,but not so that it looks sickly,but more as if she hasn't been out in the sun in awhile.Which is weird because Jezabelle spends alot of her time outside,but can't seem to get tanned or even just get a nice sunburn to add some color.So she is stuck with a olive complextion.Jezabelle has deep brown golden eyes that seem to be a swirling mixture of caramle and honey that are warm and friendly.That shine brightly whenever she is happy or excited,but can dark orange or even red whenever she is exstremely angry at someone or is just upset.Her hair is silver through and through.Not blonde,white,or gray but silver as if some one had melted down the percious metal and poured it into a waterfall of beautiful silky locks off hair that went gracefully down to the back of Jez's knees and frame her face that is spotted with freckles across the bridge of her nose.Which she thinks is a bit to pointy.Jez prefers to wear a black tang top with a button up fannel shirt(Of any color she kinda has a closet full of Fannel shirts of every shade of the rainbow.Heck,there are even a couple of rainbow ones in there) in which she will always keep unbutton along with light wash jeans that have a fringing hole in the knee and a venom

green patch where the left back pocket use to be.Along with black and green high tops.

Personality:Jez is Talkative,Free spirited,Inteligent,blunt and weird girl who just loves to go around poking people.Jez is very smart,yet can be very stupid at the same time like when it comes to interacting with people.When it comes to meeting people the convostaion can go two ways with Jez.She can either be very weird and let the akwardness arouse them,or be extremly blunt making it where she can inslut you and not even know she did.Ex:Jez looks at a girl studing her for a moment before opening her mouth,"You got a pretty big nose,"She says bluntly,letting out a small giggle.To Jez she was staying that the girls nose was pretty,because it was big,but others might have taken this diffrently.

Beast or Being(if fully human please put blood status):She is a witch.Her mother is a pure blood,but her father is unknown.So She isn't sure if she is pure blood or something else.

History(Anything we should know right off the bat?):Jezabelle grew up in a small town in Oklahoma with her mother and Older brother Renyiar(Ren)She never really knew her father and her mother refuses to tell her anything so thats a big mystery in itself,but would dream of meeting him even though that probably never happen.

Wand:Jez's wand was made out the word of an acincet willow and had thick carved,winding paths that started from the tip and went to the very bottom of the wand,swirling around it in a corkscrew like way,but this was more free like.Inside the paths were small almost invisable hitches wich lead strands of enchanted spider silk through the paths and kept them in place.So the dark amber wood of the willow was covered in a swirling pattren of claradesinat strands.The inside of it is hollow,holding an unknown substance inside of it.


Extra:Her hair was originally black,but when she turned six it turned silver.Oh also her and her brother share a curse more about that on his Chara sheet.

Name:Renyiar Sloan Keyser Deyiniar(Call him Ren)

Age/Year:16/year 4


Family:Sister Jez.Mother Alexis.Father unknown

Appearance:Ren looks alot like his sister sharing the same silver hair and olive complexion,but unlike his sister his eyes are bright green like emeralds or maybe fresh spring grass.His silver hair a bit more whitish gray color,because he tried to dye it black,failing miserably in the process was cut shortly so it went roughly to the nape of his neck in layers.Ren's face is also more complex and harsh with a faded scar under his ear that stretched to his jaw line.He wears mostly just simple tee-shirts and jeans pretty much whatever is clean.He also has a golden chain he wears around his neck.

Personality:Ren can be cold,strict,harsh,calculating and just plain mean.But that is only because he feels as if he needs to protect himself from people at all times.Once you get to know him though you find out he has a thing for sweet sugary treats and just loves to laugh and makes jokes.Even if no one,but his family understand them.He is also a bit closed off and distant.

Beast or Being(if fully human please put blood status):He is a wizard.His mother is a pure blood,but his father is unknown.So He isn't sure if she is pure blood or something else.

History(Anything we should know right off the bat?):Pretty much the same as Jez's

Wand:His wand is made out of the wood of a silver birch tree.It is shaped crookedly and kinda looks like a lighting bolt with knotches on the handle.


Extra:Ren and Jez are curse,but its not really a curse its like a blood line diese for the magical.You see there souls are connected in a strange way making it where if Jez is unhappy or scared Ren will physically feel the emotions in extreme shocks of pain.And If ren ever get angry or hurt Jez will feel as if her skin is being torn from her body.Thats why they have to be careful with their emotions.
Wow, I like them, very interesting. Accepted and go ahead and find a place to jump in, we all have the same core classes together and different electives. ^^ ayezombie AlleyKat666 Vega I'm closing the sign ups now that way it doesn't get too full and we can keep it organized alright?
Eh so do I, I like building on them more than writing the past ^^ Just a quick question, they aren't fairies are they?
No. No they are not I am still trying to figure out their father's heritage at the moment.But if I do figure it out I will tell you,but I don't think it is fairy.
Alright, sounds good and if you wait I'll tag you in a post where you can jump in cause I want to wait for Ayezombie to get back before we introduce new people okay?
Cause I have a history and stuff all set up the fairies and when they reach a certain point in puberty, half fairies grow their wings and gain their powers and you mentioned wings ^^
lol yeah thats just a weird physical feature.Jez doesn't have wings,but when ever she bends down her shoulder blades pokes out weirdly.
So fairies, even half fairies have split personalities cause they share a bond with an element. It's because there are two sides to each element. Air can be wonderful like a happy breeze or fierce like a tornado. Fire could be wam like a fireplace or sizzling like a roaring inferno. Water can be calm like a lake or strong like the raging rapids. And earth is the worse. It can be sweet and caring because it is the home to all but it can also be unforgiving and cruel because all of the elements have an affect on it and it can kill it's inhabitants mercislessly by earth quakes. Basically Earth is dangerous because it takes the bad and the good from the other elements so much that it eventually snaps.
Hey Bree, did you post Daisy's profile on here? I've been looking for it but seem to keep missing it O_o
Name: Daisy Zabini

Age/Year: Third Year-13

House: Slytherin

Family: Pansy and Blaise Zabini

Appearance: Spitting image of Pansy. Enough said.

Personality: Controlling, spiteful, manipulative, obsessed, ambitious, cunning, evil. A b*tch

Beast or Being(if fully human please put blood status): Pureblood.

History(Anything we should know right off the bat?): Raised in an overall nice house to her, learning from an early age Pureblood was best.

Wand: Silver lime, Veela hair, 8 1/2 inches long, unyielding. Straight and the only embellishment being a swirl of small diamond gems from either end.

Pet: None.

Extra: Has an obsession with Scorpius Malfoy.

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