Hogwart's Next Generation RP

Faculty Profiles

Defense Against the Dark Arts - Antera Salisbury; Head of Slytherin House

Name: Antera Salisbury

Age: 43

Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts

Favored House (if any): Switches yearly, depending on her strongest class

Family: Her mother died when Anterra was in her twenties, and her father died six years previously. She has a brother, 34, who works for the Ministry’s Invisibility Task Force, keeping the wizarding world out of the muggle’s eyes.

Appearance: Anterra has red-brown hair, like the tarnished bottom of a copper tea kettle, that is always pulled fiercely back into a ponytail with no signs of stray wisps or loose strands. She is a short witch, very fit with a muscular build which is often hidden under loose robes, but her intimidating demeanor easily makes up for her lack of height. Her eyes are a vivid, dark green that never stay still for long, always alert and searching whatever room she’s in; she likes to keep track of things, and she has a knack for noticing details. While she’s in her office and class room, she hardly ever keeps her robe on, instead casting it off and striding about in black slacks and a navy button-down collared shirt, sleeves rolled up. Her body is riddled with scars and tattoos, although most of them are hidden beneath her clothing; the top of a menacing tribal tattoo can be seen poking out from her collar on the back of her neck, and on her left arm are several Nordic runes. As for scars, she has a slash going from below her right eye to her right temple, as well as claw marks running up her left arm. When her shirt is unbuttoned too low, the remains of what looks to be a blast mark can be seen on her collarbone.

Personality: Antera doesn’t put up with anything from anyone. She takes her subject very seriously, and can be sharp with students if she feels they aren’t giving their full effort or attention. She is, however, exceedingly fair, and is willing to help those who struggle, if they in turn are willing to put in the work. Although her praise is rare, those who impress her can reap the rewards. Around other professors, she is always courteous and enjoys playing cards in the staff room. She collects antique glass bottles, and is only ever openly affectionate towards her cat.

Beast or Being: Pureblood

History: Antera used to work as an Auror for the Ministry of Magic, and only retired after losing control of her right arm due to a curse. She has lost feeling in it permanently, but with a daily potion draught to keep it from involuntary motion, she can now mostly use it, and hides the fact that it’s damaged well. She came of age as the Second Wizarding War was just beginning, and became an auror shortly before its end, meaning that the majority of her time with the Ministry was spent rounding up Death Eaters. Although she has no illusions of Voldemort’s return, she does believe that the unexpected happens more often than people believe, and dark wizards can crop up anywhere. Consequently, after ending her career as an Auror, she came to teach at Beauxbaton’s, then later moving to Hogwarts, where she has been for the last five years. She was promoted to Head of Slytherin house a year ago; Professor McGonagall felt that her personality and demeanor went well with Slytherin, and history as an Auror set the new stance on bloodline-related prejudices that Hogwarts wished to present - that is, that they would no longer be tolerated. Antera upholds this, unflinchingly giving detention to those who continue to harp on those issues, emphasizing instead of Slytherins' ambitious nature.

Wand: 14 inches, yew, unyielding, dragon heartstring core, with a slight bent in it

Pet(s): A Grey owl named Nike and a Siamese cat named Basil, who can vanish.

Extra: Born September 2nd, 1977. Has a knack for magic runes.

Transfiguration - Hexa Sparrowsdale; Head of Ravenclaw

Name: Hexa Sparrowsdale

Age: 35

Class: Transfiguration

Favored House (if any): Ravenclaw

Appearance: Hexa has white hair that seems to possess a luminescence almost of its own; it stands up, although not untidily, and makes her pale skin look almost marble white. Her eyes are large, the main feature of her face, and are a light brown color,. Her eyebrows are delicately arched, and her nose is thin and pointed. She mostly wears black robes, often with dark mauve interiors, as well as silver jewelry, such as several rings, a few bangles, one or two necklaces, and a dragon ear cuff that holds itself gracefully around the cartilage.

Personality: Hexa is typically quiet, and her attitude is almost always calm; her presence often pacifies those surrounding her. Her voice is lower than might be considered usual, and she’s prone to long pauses before speaking: she always carefully considers what she says, and has a habit of pressing her fingers together while she thinks. With faculty members, she tends to remain cool and often takes up student’s cases when she feels that other professors are treating them unfairly. With students, she is often warm when dealing with them individually, and is always happy to talk to students about problems that they’re dealing with, especially those with issues pertaining to lycanthropy and other beast-related problems. Although she does not usually offer up information about herself, she will always listen to others, and if she feels particularly close with a student, will sometimes respond to them with details of her own life. Apart from transfiguration magic, being head of Ravenclaw house is one of the things she loves most in life. Although she does not play any more, Hexa used to be a quite talented seeker, and she often likes to take her broom out in the rain, which she finds quite refreshing.

Beast or Being: Family: Pureblood

History: Hexa has always been top rank when it comes to transfiguration; when she was a student at Hogwarts, she studied a year ahead and took her Transfiguration NEWT early, leaving a year for independent study. She became an animagus at a fairly young age, although she doesn’t often show others her form; her students typically only see it once, on the day she teaches about animagi, and those third years and under who haven’t seen it, it is widely regarded as rumor. After graduating, she worked in the Spirit Division at the Ministry of Magic as part of a loaner team that assisted other wizarding communities internationally; she is said to have been chosen because of her calm and imperturbable nature. Her complexion is rumored to have come from a nasty tangle with a Banshee, and although no one has ever seen Professor Sparrowsdale duel, she supposedly was quite talented while she was working for the Ministry. The breadth and depth of her knowledge about a variety of (obscure) subjects is impressive and leads little doubt as to what house she was in when she attended Hogwarts.

Wand: Fir, 10 inches, unicorn tail

Pet(s): Salt, Snowy owl

Extra: Born April 19th, 1985

Potions - Jenson Elwood; Head of Hufflepuff

Name: Jenson Elwood

Age: 38

Class: Potions

Favored House (if any): Hufflepuff

Appearance: Jenson is a handsome man, often the subject of school girl crushes and the occasional singing valentine. He’s very tall – about 6’7” – and made to appear more so because of how narrow his frame is. His features are finely boned as well with a delicate mouth and jaw line, long nose, and long eyelashes framing hazel eyes. Blond hair comes down to just above his shoulders, but whenever he teaches or works, he ties it back into a short ponytail; his bangs, however, always fall shaggily in his eyes. Although he’s not particularly muscular, he is still fit, and wears a loose-fitting white shirt, billowing sleeves going down to and gathered at the elbow, with a round collar and a few buttons, as well as a pair of slacks and black shoes. Most often, he’s also seen with an apron on over that, a few cutting knives and ladles stuck in the pockets.

Personality: Jenson is much as you would expect the Head of Hufflepuff house to be: He is exceedingly kind, and is always patient with his students; his gentle demeanor makes him easy to approach for help. He smiles easily, shown by the smiling lines around his eyes, but on the rare occasions when he laughs, his laugh almost seems too big for his body. He is slow to anger, and dislikes taking house points, but you can tell when he isn’t pleased, because the cheerful note drops from his voice and the smile which so often seems fixed on his face, drops. Unlike other heads of house, he can often be found in the Hufflepuff common room, chatting with students and jokingly saying he’ll help them with their potions homework. If a student is in trouble, personal, familial, or academic, he’s always willing to help them, much like Professor Sparrowsdale but perhaps more approachable.

Beast or Being: Family: Muggleborn

History: Jenson, being muggleborn, was completely taken aback when he was admitted to Hogwarts all those years ago. Although he came from a loving family, Hogwarts and Hufflepuff house were always truly his home. After graduating, he spent several years as a potion master’s apprentice in Japan, then spent some time traveling China and learning about the wizarding cultures there. Eventually though, when the potions position opened up at Hogwarts, he jumped at the chance to come back, and he has been there since, coming up on fifteen years now. He has no plans on going anywhere, and since getting the Head of House position, he often refers to himself as the happiest man in the world.

Wand: Beech, 14”, dittany stalk core

Pet(s): Barn owl, Linnaeus

Flying/Quidditch Referee - Aliza Boulstridge

Name: Aliza Boulstridge

Age: 31

Class: Flying (first years only), quidditch referee

Favored House (if any): Carefully impartial, but does pick favorite students, usually the talented ones

Appearance: Aliza has thick, dark brown hair with a slight wave and strands of honeyblond running through it. She keeps it pulled up into a pony tail, where most of it stays, but she always has a wind-whipped look about her with loose strands tucked behind her ears and framing her face. Her eyes are a dark brown as well, and it is obvious that she is strong and very well muscled, even with her quidditch robes. She’s on the taller side for a woman at about 5’8”, and possesses few curves with her straight figure and small chest. Although she isn’t stunning and has a rather plain face with her thick eyebrows and button nose, her charisma makes her attractive in her own way. Her only distinctive features are the beauty mark at the corner of her left eye, and her right hand right finger, which has an awkward crook in it after being smashed by a bludger and getting improperly healed. Typically, she wears a weather-beaten pair of boots that lace up to the calf over a slightly baggy pair of black pants, as well as a green shirt bearing two small K’s embroidered on the breast under white and black robes that mark her as a Quidditch referee.

Personality: Aliza is an informal sort of person and most often cheery, with an excellent sense of humor. She’s one of the youngest teachers at Hogwarts, but very skilled in quidditch. Unlike Professors Elwood or Sparrowsdale, she’s not as open to having students come to her with their problems, but she’s always up for a good joke, even if it’s at her expense so long as it’s not malicious. Sixth and seventh year students have been known to call her Aliza, but it’s Coach Boulstridge to the rest. Her cheery attitude will disappear immediately at the first sign of cheating or unnecessarily dangerous behavior on a broom; while quidditch is a dangerous sport, she won’t have anyone needlessly putting themselves in harms’ way. Cheaters are the sorts of students who she absolutely detests, and she is quick to take away house points and award detentions to those that do; on the other hand, those students who are most talented at flying or quidditch easily win themselves into her favor. As a teacher for the first years, she’s very good at explaining the basics and teaching them how to fly; the students, however, who just can’t seem to stay on their broomsticks begin to elicit exasperation from her after a while though, and she can get irritable when she has to send too many to the infirmary. As a referee, she is hawkeyed and extremely fair. Even her favorites don’t get special treatment during a match, and it’s near impossible to sneak anything by her; in fact, she seems to have a preternatural disposition for detecting hexes and jinxes on the pitch. Quidditch is her passion, and she takes the game and respecting it very seriously.

Beast or Being: Family: Halfblood

History: Aliza used to be a chaser for the Kenmare Kestrels from age 19 to 27, during which time the team had a very successful record and often dominating quidditch in Ireland. Hers was absolutely a recognized name on the team, and she was almost always in the top three of the teams’ rankings. Unfortunately, in a particularly nasty match that would determine one of the entrants to the Quidditch World Cup, a jinxed bludger smashed her lower back, shattering her pelvis and lower spine, as well as many of her nerve endings. Although the medical team got to her quickly, the jinx on the bludger made the injury much more difficult to repair, and although she regained the use of her legs, she has since had much more difficulty walking on the ground than she did before, and limited sensation in her arms. This effectively ended her quidditch career, and since, she has acted as a Quidditch referee for Great Britain professionally, as well as a talent scout for several Irish and British teams. Her teaching job came soon after her injury, and she enjoys it, although Aliza is not around nearly as much as other professors due to her other jobs out in the professional Quidditch world.

Wand: Hazel, unicorn hair, 12”

Pet(s): Harper, Tawny Owl

Extra: Born November 12th, 1989


Astronomy: Mnemosyne Hollinburst; Head of Gryffindor

Care of Magical Creatures - Ambrill Moore

Ancient Runes - Elda Thornburn

Arithmancy: Rowan Angelo

Muggle Studies: Leroy Eddison

Divination: Orrick Ipswitch

Note: I feel comfortable using this many characters because they are faculty and will often not be needed. c: I just figured this would be a fun way to add a little bit of three dimensionality and color to the RP that you don't often see in Hogwarts ones.
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Vega Oh.My.God. I LOVE HOW MUCH DETAIL SHE HAS! Accepted!! Oh and I would like to keep the Headmistress as one of my characters and as Minerva that way I can keep the plot going in it's direction. Think you'd be up for doing a Muggle studies and divination as well? Oh and I love the names, as soon as their up I'll see if anything needs changing before I approve them cause I mostly do already xD Love the names too! 
Xynia1998 that's alright, wherever we are in the plot we'll help you jump in. ^^
AlleyKat666 said:
Sorry. I was away all day.
It's fine, are you okay with moving on to tomorrow and doing classes? Sorry we moved ahead so much, I didn't know what to do really first Rp and all xD
OK! In canon, Minerva had already retired and I didn't realize we were extending her tenure. c: Totally cool though! I can do those two electives as well. ^^
Vega said:
OK! In canon, Minerva had already retired and I didn't realize we were extending her tenure. c: Totally cool though! I can do those two electives as well. ^^
....I didn't realize she retired... xD oh well we can fudge it a bit and thanks sooo much! Did you know Rosie's pygmy puff is named Basil as well? xD
Lmao! Haha, twin pets. x3

Edit: but yeah, Minerva retired some time between 2008 and 2017, and since it's 2020 if their kids are in third year, canonically speaking we're out of luck. AU FTW though xD
Vega ayezombie AlleyKat666 okay we can do the classes one of two ways. We can fudge the details and they can have main classes together instead of separating by houses and do electives with the characters that have the same electives (Example- Rosie and Albus in care of magical creatures while Sky and Jaycee and in Muggle studies) oooor we can do it in the book and separate which two houses will be having which class together...I myself vote for fudging the details
Fudging is fine! How much detail do you guys want for the classes? Is me giving the topic of the class and a set of instructions good enough to get you guys started, then I can just hang around and supervise/yell at offending students? xD I'm also totally down to run detentions and if students want extra help. Before we jump in though, can I get a brief recap of stuff that's gone down so far? You guys RP fast, and I've been at work all day so I haven't had a chance to catch up on the last, like, ten pages. x3
Vega said:
Fudging is fine! How much detail do you guys want for the classes? Is me giving the topic of the class and a set of instructions good enough to get you guys started, then I can just hang around and supervise/yell at offending students? xD I'm also totally down to run detentions and if students want extra help. Before we jump in though, can I get a brief recap of stuff that's gone down so far? You guys RP fast, and I've been at work all day so I haven't had a chance to catch up on the last, like, ten pages. x3
That'd be fine yeah for these first classes just an introduction of the subject and the teacher is perfect along with an easy lesson and so far nothing besides our students meeting and Minerva saying that some of greyback's followers have attacked the ministry and are looking to start the next war and how Quidditch try-outs are after classes. Could you let me know which teacher is the head of the houses in the skeletons? Like the potions being head of Slytherin and charms being Ravenclaw and such
Sure! Filius Flitwick was Head of Ravenclaw during canon era, but he's gotten substantially older. Do you mind if I switch it up a bit?

Also, do you want me to make an Arithmancy teacher? I forgot about that too.
Vega said:
Sure! Filius Flitwick was Head of Ravenclaw during canon era, but he's gotten substantially older. Do you mind if I switch it up a bit?
Also, do you want me to make an Arithmancy teacher? I forgot about that too.
If you want to go right ahead ^^ and yeah I think the only canon character we'll keep would be Minerva go ahead and mix it up as much as you want
The faculty members I'm not playing as then would be Minerva, Neville, Flitwick, and Professor Binns then, right? c:
I'd rather not play as them. c: Sorry if it takes me a while to get all the profiles done btw! There are quite a efw of them x33
Perfectly fine I am extremely grateful for you to take so many of them off my hands! Thanks sooo much Vega! ^_^
Cool, updated the professors list with head of house business. (sorry for the break, I'm still at work and had to take care of some stuff.)

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