Hogwart's Next Generation RP

That's what I did to make sure I was right about merpeople actually existing in the Potter universe.

So do you know when the rp will be set up? I'm itching to rp. xD
I want to wait until we get Albus and Scorp before we start at the school but the rp is up and we can do train scenes for now. It's Hogwart's Next Generation RP
ayezombie said:
Totally. I'll write them up now. How old would they be right now?
We started the RP already, Hogwart's Next Generation, and you can hop in with you're approved character and then with Albus and Scorp once you make their sheets. And in case you don't know, they'd both be 13, third year
Name: Scorpius Malfoy

Age/Year: 13, third year.

House: Slytherin

Family: Father is Draco Malfoy, mother is Astoria Greengrass

Appearance: Striking blonde hair, slicked back on most occasions. Grey eyes, and a scar running down his right arm from an accident as a toddler when he fell from the stairs. His mother and father tried many times to use spells to remove the scar, but none sufficed.

Personality: A kind boy at first meeting, he carries a charm that his father and mother seemed to have passed on. Though if his nerves are pricked, he has tendencies to turn into almost a drop dead resemblance of an adolescent Draco Malfoy.

Beast or Being: Pureblood

History: Scorpius was raised under the Malfoy ways, always taught to have pride in his pureblood upbringings. Though after his father's last year, he was also raised in a much less harsh manner. His father encouraged him to accept others much tot he contrary as what he did in his schooling years. He still holds much pride over other students, and refuses to be pushed around.

Wand: 15" Elm, with dragon heartstring; much like two of his Father's wands.

Pet: A ferret named Moody, gifted by his father.

Name: Albus Severus Potter

Age/Year: 13, third year

House: Gryffindor

Family: Harry Potter is his father, Ginny Weasley as his mother. He has his younger sister Lily Luna Potter, and his older brother James Sirius Potter.

Appearance: Short brown hair and blue eyes, he's also a little shorter much like his father was.

Personality: Albus is a shyer kid, but has the determination and inspiration both of his parents have. When presented with a fear, he used to always shy away so he had low hopes for being sorted into Griffindor. But he was finally sorted not on the qualities he shows now, but on the ones he has but just needs to believe in himself to show.

Beast or Being: Halfblood

History: His father used to constantly remind him of who he was named after, but he would always retort with "That's who I'm made after, not who I am." After bullying in elementary school he started to be particularly shy, but was always a kind boy to those who returned the act.

Wand: 11 inches, Ash wood with a unicorn tail hair core.

Pet: An owl names Dobby 
Okay! Thank you!
Sadly I want to keep it limited to four per person but you can always put the sheet up here for someone to claim if they want to play it
It depends like the werewolves might want to but no one has to. Gwen and Rosie don't because the new policies the Ministry passed has considered werewolves and other "beasts" like siren or fairy as beings as long as they follow the rules, such as werewolves taking Wolfsbane potion regularly
Hey! Um, I'm Vega. I'm already involved in a couple HP RPs, but I was wondering if you would be interested in me playing people who would usually wouldn't have players, like Hogwarts faculty? I could have a main professor that I played as, but I would just round out the cast so you guys wouldn't have to NPC it. c: It was just a fun idea that occurred to me looking at your thread, since my werewolf character doesn't really fit with your in-game universe.~
Vega said:
Hey! Um, I'm Vega. I'm already involved in a couple HP RPs, but I was wondering if you would be interested in me playing people who would usually wouldn't have players, like Hogwarts faculty? I could have a main professor that I played as, but I would just round out the cast so you guys wouldn't have to NPC it. c: It was just a fun idea that occurred to me looking at your thread, since my werewolf character doesn't really fit with your in-game universe.~
That would be perfect thanks, Flitwick, Longbottom (Herbology), and Hagrid (care) are open along with the elective teachers if you'd like to create some for those classes. Much appreciated! ^^
I'm not too crazy about playing canon characters myself, so I'll leave Longbottom and Flitwick alone, but according to your timeline, I don't think Hagrid would still the be Care of Magical Creatures teacher? By the time that the trio's kids got to Hogwarts, he'd be in his 90s, going on 100. Thoughts?
You have a point with hagrid...If by the time we get to that class we still don't have a teacher, I'll make one myself, thanks for pointing that out ^^ and thanks for taking those teachers off my hands. It might be a few before they are incorporated, hope that's okay
Mkay! I'll start making skeletons for the teachers. They'll be shorter than my usual ones, but I'll make a bunch. Also, if people see ones that they're super super super in love with, I'd be down to have a conversation about them being taken over. Also, I am totally fine with my characters not being incorporated for a while. c: I figured as much.
Vega you want to create a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher? You don't have to play him/her if you don't want to I just can't think of anything xp rp block
Totally! I would love to. c: DADA teachers are my favorite. I'll whip up a skeleton, post it, and then hop into the RP?
Sounds perfect, it'll have to be in a few though. I'm debating about whether or not to move on since AlleyKat666 isn't on and hasn't been for awhile
Why certainly, put your character up, we'll tweak some details if need be, and we can let you jump in ^^

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