Hogwart's Next Generation RP


Queen of Broken Hearts
I know of one other next generation rp but I decided to make my own. The rules, besides the site's rules, are that romance/ relationships must be approved by both creators of the character, a limit of four OCs to each player, and you must ask for characters such as Scorpius or Albus. As a fair warning those with certain characters by J.K Rowling will have to collaberate with me extensively and help me with the plots, so ask before you are willing to take the job. The plot is centered around the Beast and Being policy made by the Ministry so your characters do not need to be fully human. Since I have two fairy characters, anyone wanting to be a fairy will also have to colaberate with me. As soon as there is enough characters, I will be closing this and start an RP thread. I recommend Third year since that will be where most of J.K's characters will be. Please fill out your character like so-







Beast or Being(if fully human please put blood status):

History(Anything we should know right off the bat?):



Name: Ranunculus Paret (Rosie)

Age/Year: Third year, 13

House: Slytherin

Family: Mum is Tuberose who owns her own plant shop, Dad is Tom who works in Romania with dragons, Gwyneth is her sister, Tarron is her brother

Appearance: Curly red hair cut chin length, bright green eyes, and freckles covering most of her pale skin. Skinny-twigish with an hourglass figure- and short at 5'2. Facial features are similar to a baby doll's, with big eyes, button nose, and pink lips and cheeks. Wings are silver, translucent butterfly shaped wings just a big bigger than her back.

Personality: Childish, kind, and caring. Is a prankster along with her twins. She stands up for what is right and is definitely not one to cross, though she is easy to forgive if it's a sincere apology. Even though her trust isn't given away lightly, once you are her friend she will stick with you come hail or high water. Loves anything Earthy, like gardening.

Beast or Being: Half-fairy from her mother, half-witch from her pureblood dad.

History: Rosie always had an affinity for Earth and it was quite a shock when she was sorted into Slytherin but her family was quick to crack jokes about it, accepting her as a snake. She doesn't quite fit in, but she makes do. Thanks to the new policies, she was allowed to get a wand and attend Hogwarts but that didn't stop people from shunning or making fun of her, though most of the students don't.

Wand: Beech, Unicorn Hair, 9 1/2 inches, swishy. The handle has a ring of small, red-painted roses.

Pet: A yellow pygmy puff named Basil and a family Barn owl named Techni.

Extra: Due to her fairy powers she can talk to animals and plants and preform a variety of powerful Earth magic. Favorite subjects include Potions and Herbology. 
Name: Gwyneth Paret (Gwen)

Age/Year: Third Year, 13

House: Ravenclaw

Family: Mum is Tuberose who owns a plant shop, dad is Tom who works with dragons in Romania, sister is Ranunculus, brother is Tarron.

Appearance: Very layered black hair with bangs that go straight just above her dark brown eyes. Very pale but well-toned from Quidditch. Stands at 5'7 with fierce features. A strong jaw, high cheek bones, piercing eyes, and a thin-bridged nose.

Personality: Very bold, brash, and sarcastic. Gwen has a sharp tongue and it doesn't help that she always speaks her mind. She gets to the point and doesn't handle stupidity well. Yearns for knowledge and she's very clever. Innovative as well as resourceful. Of the Paret children, she is the easiest to cross and holds the longest grudges.

Beast or Being: Half-fairy, half-witch.

History: She was blind at birth but learned to cope. Once she discovered her affinity for fire, she was able to see through something similar to heat signatures. She never let her blindness or the limited brail book selection get in the way of her learning, often enlisting Rosie's help by reading to her. For school she acquired a quill that writes what she speaks to do her essays. It was a no-brainer she was sorted into the Eagle's house.

Wand: Blackthorn, Dragon Heartstring, 10 3/4 inches, unyielding. Plain wand with a white handle.

Pet: Family Barn owl Techni

Extra: Has special powers over fire. She's a keeper in Quidditch and her best subjects are Charms and Transfiguration. 
Name: Tarron Paret

Age/Year: Third Year,13

House: Gryffindor

Family: Mum is Tuberose, dad is Tom, sisters are Ranunculus and Gwyneth

Appearance: Shaggy dark brown hair that falls to his chin. Sparkling blue/green eyes go well with his tanned skin and toned body. He has very handsome facial features, a strong jaw, charming smile, and proportionate nose. He's tall at 5'9.

Personality: A major prankster. Also a major flirt but he doesn't ask out girls unless he has a real interest. Doesn't take school seriously though he's a great wizard. He's like an older brother to his twin sisters, threatening any guy who flirts with them but he's threats are good-humored.

Beast or Being: Halfblood since he didn't inherit fairy from his mum

History: Was always the one to receive less attention but he made up for that by banding together with his twins to pull pranks on their parents.

Wand: Dogwood, Phoenix feather, 12 3/4 inches, springy. Has a small design of fireworks on the handle.

Pet: A tarantula named Trix and the family Barn owl Techni.

Extra: He's a beater and his favorite subjects are Charms and Astronomy
Name: Alaska Cruor Nacht

Age/Year: 15, fifth year

House: Ravenclaw

Family: Mother is Ellie, Father Patrick, passed on older brother Connor

Appearance: Alaska has biologically black hair and brown eyes, but usually chooses for bright teal/blue hair and grey eyes. She's fairly short at only 5"4, and also has a couple different piercings. No tattoos at the moment.

Personality: Alaska is an aspiring girl, who doesn't mind embarrassing herself doing something ridiculous infront of the class. When meeting new people though, she can be very shy and doesn't tell much about herself until they are proven good at heart. She isn't afraid to get into a scuffle though, as long as it's in the name of protecting a friend.

Beast or Being: Pure blood human, but inherited the Metamorphagus gene.

History: Alaska was born in London, but her family traveled around Scotland, Ireland, and the mediterranian for a while. When she was only 9, she witnessed her brother murdered by a man in venice; causing her to be able to see Thestrals, hence the Thestral tail hair core in her wand.

Wand: Willow, Thestral tail hair, 13 inches, springy. Carries a design of thorns and runes along the handle.

Pet: A white cat named Flusternen.

Extra: N/A
Name: Sky Ocreesha

Age/Year: 13, 3rd Year

House: Gryffindor

Family: Only child of Juliette and Adam Ocreesha

Appearance: Sky is a bit tall for her age and is thin. She's pretty bony. Her skin is extremely pale with a dusting of freckles on her nose and cheeks. Her eyes are a pale, crystal blue and a bit large. Her hair is platinum blond, reaching her waist. She constantly puts different colored extensions in it.

Personality: Sky is pretty shy and secluded while still being her own person. She is very individual which is why she wears vibrant colored extensions a lot. She prefers animals and books to people most of the time. She does have a temper when she feels threatened. She is very emotional though.

Beast or Being: Half Siren

History: Sky was born in a small town in the outskirts of London. Her mother died soon after giving birth. Her father and stepmother soon moved into the woods into a house near a lake once they learned what she had inherited from her mother. She spent most of her time in the water, sleeping eating, and even eating in her siren form. It was where she felt comfortable growing up. Around the age of 10 she started developing a touch for magic from her father which led them to instantly enroll her in Hogwarts.

Wand: 13 inches long, made from Alder wood, Kelpie Mane core. It a simple wand with what appears to be silver wire wrapped around it, but it is just the pattern in the wood.

Pet: A fluffy gray cat named Cinder.

Extra: Due to her siren half, she can't stay in water for extended periods of time without sprouting a tail and gills. Small periods of time in water will cause a thin webbing between her fingers and toes. She also has a lovely singing voice but she doesn't enjoy it too much.
Absolutely approve, love the Siren thing! Now are you either of you guys willing to take on some of J.K's characters?
I'm gonna say no. I don't think I could do them justice. I'm working on another character that's either gonna be a werewolf or a pureblood wizard.
Sure! What characters would need to be filled in? I'm not particularly used to multiple characters, but with something HP related I don't think it would be that big of an issue.
Alleycat, if it's a werewolf we are going to need to collaborate with each other hope you don't mind. Ayezombie, I need a Scorpius, Albus, James, Rose, Hugo, Pansy's daughter, and there are some teachers as well. Alleycat, you're welcome to teachers as well, I'm Minerva McGonagall who is Headmistress and Slughorn, potions and head of Slytherin.
Name: Jaycee Warlon

Age/Year: 13, 3rd year

House: Slytherin

Family: Eldest daughter of Arianna and Issac Warlon. Has two baby brothers.

Appearance: Jaycee is tall and average weight. Her hair is extremely long and raven black. She usually braids it and lets her bangs hang down. Her skin is pale and her eyes are small and jade green. She features are sharp.

Personality: Once a nice and wonderful girl, Jaycee became cruel and rude after being treated so harshly by her mother. She is nice to others at times but closer to the full moon, she becomes irratable most of the time.

Beast or Being: Werewolf

History: Jaycee was born in Scotland. Her family moved to London when she was six. At the age of eight, she was out hiking in the woods with her family when she was attacked by a werewolf. Her father was also bit, but died of wounds. Jaycee's mother kept the attack shrouded in secret, too proud to let anyone know that her daughter was a monster. Her mother remarried when she turned 10.

Wand: 11 inches, ash wood, dragon heartstring core. Is black with a prominent hand shaped like a snake wrapped around a skeleton.

Pet: Gray owl named Perkins.

Extra: N/A
I'm assuming you are okay with working with me with a plot since she's a werewolf? Oh and she's accepted ^^ Very creative backstory.

Join people, join! 
Name: Michael Wendridge

Age/Year: 13, 3rd year

House: Ravenclaw

Family: Youngest child of Dorothy and Andrew Wendridge. Has an older brother.

Appearance: Michael's hair is a bit messy. It's dark brown with some lighter natural highlights in it. It hangs right over his eyes. He wears thick glasses over his deep blue eyes. His skin is tanned from spending so much time outdoors.

Personality: Michael is easy and outgoing. He tries his best to get along with everyone and see the best in everyone. He keeps his emotions bottled up s soetimes he cna kind of flip out.

Beast or Being: Pureblood Wizard

History: Michael was born in the North part of London as the second and final child in his family. His parents did their best to give both their children the same amount of attention, but tended to favor Michael over his brother, Phillip. Michael was sad to see his brother leave home a year before him but soon joined him in Hogwarts.

Wand: 10 inches, Cedar wood, unicorn hair core. Is black and kind of bent.

Pet: A white fluffy cat named Eldridge.

Extra: N/A

Name: Phillip Wendridge

Age/Year: 14, 4th year

House: Ravenclaw

Family: Eldest child of Dorothy and Andrew Wendridge. Has a younger brother.

Appearance: Phillip has dark blonde hair and dark, tanned skin. His is average height for his age but a bit too thin. His eyes are a pale green.

Personality: Phillip is kind, but a bit more irritable than his brother. He gets along with others, but doesn't try nearly as hard.

Beast or Being: Pureblood Wizard

History: Phillip was born a year before his brother and was especially eager to get out of the house when he reached his 11th birthday. He loved his parents, but he didn't always get along with his dad.

Wand: 11 inches, Cedar wood, Phoenix Feather core. Is a simple brown with a white tip and faint white lines.

Pet: A rat named Bella.

Extra: N/A
Both accepted, I love the rat! I kind of want to pair my character Gwen with Michael, you got a hot-head with a do-gooder xD  
Ayezombie, I would love for you to take them but one of those falls into the plot, are you alright with that? If so, make character sheets and I'll PM you the details.
Awesome, we have a romance already set up and we haven't even started! xD Ah, young love xD
I know the feeling, I find myself overusing the same name so I eventually have to ban myself from using it xD
Totally. I'll write them up now. How old would they be right now?
I think it's 3rd year for Albus and 2nd year for Scorpius?

I just love Sky so much! She's my favorite character ever!
No, they all entered the same year together in the Epilouge in the last book, so they would both be in third.

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