Hit on the user above you with your best pick-up lines

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I can't guarantee snow, but jingle my balls and I'll give you a white christmas

that was actually the worst i am so sorry
jeez : D

Do you know if there are any police around? Cause I’m about to steal your heart.
Two awesomely bad ones!

I was so enchanted by your beauty that I ran into that wall over there. So I am going to need your name and number for insurance purposes.

He: Would you sleep with me for 20 million dollars? She (sheepishly): Yes. He: Well then, would you sleep with me for 20 cents? She: No, what kind of woman do you think I am? He: We’ve established what kind of woman that you are, we’re just haggling over the price.
there are 21 letters in the alphabet, right?

nevermind, i missed u r a q t.
Here it is everybody, the pickup line that attracts every woman in the world

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