Hit on the user above you with your best pick-up lines

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And this would turn me into an alcoholic, this stuff right here
Data restored. I am your healthcare assistant unit. I will help you heal back to full health, by the use of my knowledge of medicine and anatomy. I will introduce you to a healthy lifestyle that will accelerate the rate of recovery of your wounds.
055BDB8D-7CFA-4108-A367-3BDD0BD912F4.jpegomg luffy who did this
3536CDDB-3AB5-4BA9-8974-8ECEA7CAAA4F.jpeg It was me usopp it was me all along
i stole the Kraft Supermac Pasta and Cheese Sauce, SpongeBob SquarePants - Microwavable Cup and framed luffy
i made Franky buy the microwave
it was me
I did it
45207494-B5F4-427D-903F-BE2AE6AAE6BA.jpegsanji why why did you do it how could you
franky Noo sanji stop why are you doinq this
Hi Red...
I'm feeling pretty weak. Most likely from giving birth and then suddenly dying....and then being ressurected....it's been a long day for me.
*pets kitten*
Got any medication that can help me?
*Gives her medicine*
Try this. It will accelerate your celular reproducation rates, which will cause you to heal much faster. Do not worry about anything, I am here for you, Kit.
Hi Red...
I'm feeling pretty weak. Most likely from giving birth and then suddenly dying....and then being ressurected....it's been a long day for me.
*pets kitten*
Got any medication that can help me?
We've got alcohol!
*Takes the top off of a whiskey bottle and begins to drink*
6F748F32-FE38-4570-A638-103501A7CA23.jpeg Yyoure bounty is higher than mine and you Stole Nami from me oh speaking of *gunshot*
752FD58C-962E-40BD-988B-A0F0A7BFD85E.jpegno omg nami sanji how could you I thiguht you loved her
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