Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

This is the most BEAUTIFUL reunion I have ever seen!

(( I think I researched way too much on youkais...Oh well, at least I learned many new things today~))


Name: Shou

Age: 502 years old (He appears 16-18 years)

Species: Inugami (Dog god)

Personality: Shou is the ignoring type, and doesn't care much for others. He can be slightly-hot tempered at times, and is often revengeful over small things(Since he's an Inugami :P ). He's not loud, nor is he exactly "quiet" either. His tone of voice almost always sounds bored, although when annoyed/angry he will pick up his voice. He finds overly-cheerful/peppy/boasting people annoying, and he can be quite the party pooper. He is negative towards most situations.

Personal Bio: Shou used to work for a master, as that's what most Inugamis with no choice did. His master ordered him around, commanding Shou to commit bad deeds such as murder, kidnapping, and torture towards humans. One day, Shou was sickened by his actions and turned against his own master, killing him in the process. Many years passed as Shou was merely a wandering youkai, having the burden of his past weigh him down. He regrets his foul history, and as a result, he rarely trusts others now. Even if he tried to approach other humans, they would quickly avoid him, calling him bad names and throwing racial slurs around. This also caused him to become negative about many things.

When Shou had heard news about Ishika High opening, he thought it would be a good opportunity to cover up his past and himself. (Although secretly, he wants to gain others trust again)

He has a small, clay necklace that he wears at all times (As you can see in the appearances). It's his most prized possession because he had found it right after running from his master's dead body. He wears it to symbolize his escape/freedom from the wicked person that controlled him.

Human Appearance: (Yes yes, I know it's a picture of a Houndoom gijinka. And he doesn't have big Houndoom ears sticking out like in the pictures, and since this is a highschool try to imagine him wearing a school uniform, I guess? :P ).



True Appearance:


(Kudos to anyone who knows what show I got his "true appearance" off of. ;) )
I think we need to make an actual OOC talk thread. I'd put it to the council, but they'll see it anyway :3

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