Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up

@ethericalAlchemist sorry for the late response. We will love to have you as a member in the roleplay. Thank you so much for modifying the character sheet, you are now accepted!! ^-^

The link to the RP thread is above, if you would like to join in. :)
You said you need males. I give you a male. I will finish his personality and history soon because I am on my tablet and can't scroll down and stuff.


Name: Ajax Sarrok

Age: 218

Species: Sphinx

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphinx

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance: Erm, remove the wings and change the fur colour to a soft yellow.

Personality (At least a paragraph): Ajax is a laid-back and nonchalant kind of guy, he‘s really lazy and tends to find most things bothersome. This sphinx may come off as cold and uncaring, but he really is just like a cat. Distant and somehwat rude to those he first meets, it takes awhile for Ajax to warm up to someone, but when he does, he's cute, cuddly, and very affectionate. Sometimes Ajax can be a little too protective over the things he cares about, he can be very selfish and greedy. Ajax hasn't seen much of the world but is very hard to impress. This guy just can't get angry! He usually justs handles most things with a calm demeanor, but this sphix gets jealous very easily. Ajax can be quite the sadist at times and enjoys dark jokes.

Personal Bio: Ajax is a reletively young sphinx, nothing much has happened to him. I WILL ADD MORE LATER

Other: P.S. he loves tuna and enjoys to get scratched behind the ear.
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Oh gosh, I think your charrie is staking her claim on him, Meow. xD

Name: Sedrian

Age: He doesn't care. (If you need it, it's approximately 1,876)

Species: vampire

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance:

Personality (At least a paragraph): Sedrian is very bipolar. He constantly goes on and off on his killing instinct. It all depends on his moods, and the attitude of the people around him. He can either be completely psychotic, or a total laid back individual. When he transforms he just goes into a total blood lust, killing everything that moves. When he is transformed he cannot be reasoned with, or bargained, he won't stop until either he calms down, or passes out. When he's normal he is very unpredictable as to whether he will be killer, or peaceful.

Personal Bio: Alot of Sedrian's history is clouded in mystery, the only things he can recall from his life are when he became a vampire because he developed a picture perfect memory. However he prefers not to talk about it. But after he became a vampire, he wandered the world and slaughtered his parents who abused him as a child, which is one of the few memories he as left. When he first became a vampire, he didn't have control of lightning, it was a skill taught to him by the ancient spirits of one the first vampires in history, in exchange, Sedrian had to give up any chance he could ever have to become human again. Ever since he gave up on finding love because he believed no one could love a vampire. After that he slaughtered a royal family and took control of their money and became very rich, but then his mansion was set ablaze when he was revealed to be inhuman. After that he wandered the world searching for a place that he could just be left alone for eternity.

Other: he can only use lightning when he's in his true form because his human form restricts him from using his full potential.
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@Sedrian hello! Thanks for applying! We would like to request that you maybe add a bit more to your application, the bio, personality, etc., and maybe clarify a bit on how a vampire came to possess control over lightning? Once you do that, we will look over your application again and decide on whether to accept you. Thanks again! :)
Name: Zarathos Kuntoruko

Age: 1207 (looks 17)

Species: Vampire

Appearance (human):


True appearance:


(Think of it without hair)

Personality (at least a paragraph): He is a calm laid back person that always keeps a head. He doesn't get nervous or scared. He isn't cocky or arrogant but he knows when he is right. He is protective the people that his friends or family. If he sees someone being bullied or attacked he will help them. He is always kind and considerate of others. Until someone offends his friends or family. Especially if he makes his friends or family cry.

Personal Bio: He was raised in a nice enough home with good siblings and better parents. No one knows what happened to his family except him. When families are mentioned he will become uncomfortable and leave the room if asked about his own family. He was turned into a vampire and had spent his life trying to try to fix himself, but no matter what he did or tried it never worked. So he decided that he wouldn't drink human blood. For the first 200 years he struggled with this but by the time he was 317 years old he could resist human blood. When he turned 865 years old he saw a man being attacked by 3 vampires and came to the aid of the old man. He quickly dispatched the 3 vampires and the old man offered him a reward. Little did know that the old man was a monk at the temple of "Shun Ra" were they learned how to bend ice, water and snow to their will. The old man taught Zarathos how to do this. It took 150 years but it worked and Zarathos was now a master of "Shun Ra". Zarathos decided that with his new skill coupled with his vampiric skills he would help humanity any way he could.
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Name: Noah Kumo-Oni

Age: 327 (Number off the top of my head) but appears 17

Species: Oni or Japanese Demon

Species Bio: My character is a demon but because he is japanese I decided to make him a japanese demon or oni. I felt that regular oni are too boring or weird and decided to make it with spider like qualities.

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic): I will try my best to make one and post it later but for now I have a description. Noah has brown hair with black steaks in it. He is quite tall and medium built. His eyes are green with brown irises. He often wears long sleeved shirts and jeans to hide his slightly hair arms and legs. His skin is pale and he has sharp canine teeth that become evident when he smiles. He can make four appendages protrude from his back. There is a tattoo of the japanese symbol for demon ? on his right hand

True Appearance: From his hips up, He looks like his human form with the exception of an extra pair of eyes and his canine teeth are more prominent. From the hips down he has a large abdomen with six legs. Each one is bulky and covered with brown hair, with black highlights. On his abdomen there is the japanese symbol for demon. ?

Personality (At least a paragraph): Noah is more of a reclusive person who isn't evil unlike what most oni's are portrayed as. Noah, at first comes off as an unfeeling person but he is very respectful and honorable. However, if you insult him, he might snap back with another insult that might sting even more. Noah is quite acrobatic and good with weaving however tends to act awkward around kind girls.

Personal Bio: Noah often watched humans from afar as a spider and saw how horrible and wretched they acted. He would often hunt interesting ones down and consume them. Then one day, he saw how nice humanity could be. Noah was in his human form and hit by a car. A young caring lady took him in and healed him. He realized that humans can be good as well. Noah then goes to attend the High school of 1000 terrors to interact with other humans.

Other: Likes spiders.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be01007c1_OniKumo1.png.db0aa1e7aba4f07cba3a07fd38844717.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4899" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be01007c1_OniKumo1.png.db0aa1e7aba4f07cba3a07fd38844717.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be0107a82_OniKumo2.png.922344eb19d18065676dd416fd980b0e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4900" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be0107a82_OniKumo2.png.922344eb19d18065676dd416fd980b0e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • OniKumo 1.png
    OniKumo 1.png
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  • OniKumo 2.png
    OniKumo 2.png
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@Sedrian you are now accepted! Feel free to join in the RP whenever, we will love to have you. :) Thanks for your amazing revisions!

@Zabuza we would like to request that you add more to the personality section before we make our ruling. Thanks so much for applying!

@Noah we will wait until you have your pictures up to decide, thank you for applying. :)
Yeah because there are not a lot of spider demon pictures that I like on the internet so I try to draw them so it captures what I want them to look like. It won't be an awesome picture. Is it ok it is in black and white? I hate coloring.
@Noah that's really cool that you draw you're own characters, I really envy your drawingness can't wait to see the drawings.
Oh, and I will try to make it later in the day. Thnx for all the likes and compliments. 
I added the pictures as an attached file to the post.

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