Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Sign up


Aki of Hearts ♡


Welcome to Ishika High!

I bet you're wondering what is Ishika High? It's just like any other highschool. Except, well, it's a highschool for monsters! Ishika High, better known as the Highschool of a Thousand Terrors by humans, is where every kind of monster or fantasy being is taught to interact with each other and then how to associate with humans.

In 2003, these monsters revealed themselves to the humans in hopes of bringing peace. Humans surprisingly acknowledged the monsters existence, and were in fact relieved that the creatures they had feared were gentler than expected. All the country leaders banded together and created the Ishika Treaty with the monsters. This treaty enabled the monsters acceptance into humanity as long as they were taught how to associate with them and thus Ishika High was created. The children of the monsters were to attend this school when they came of age to that of a teenage human. They were not to leave this school until their teachers were satisfied that if they left, they could dwell with humans in peace.



No bunnying!

No user fighting! If you have a problem with a user, PLEASE take it into a PM/Conversation.

You are not restricted to how much you must write on each post, Quality is better than Quantity. (I hate it when you have to write a certain amount every post because sometimes you just can't think of anything!)

Have fun! Always!

You can create ANY kind of monster you want as long as you describe its species.

Romance is allowed and encouraged! Keep it PG-13 though!

You can swear but don't go overboard with it.





Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species):

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance:

Personality (At least a paragraph):

Personal Bio:


My Character

: Aeki Namikito

Age: 300 years old (Human age is 17)

Species: Werewolf

Human Appearance:

True Appearance:


Personality: Aeki is friendly but not very outwardly to people. He won't make any attempt to make any new friends but will gladly talk to anyone who approaches him. His appearance can be a bit scary at first, but he is very gentle towards his fellow classmates. Aeki tends to do his own thing rather than follow class assignments. He gets it done but always the hard way. Teachers don't even bother trying to help him, as long as he gets it done.

Personal Bio: Aeki is the third child and only son of the esteemed Namikito family. Unlike his two older sisters whose true form is grey, his true form is pure black, much like his mother. His father unintentionally ignored his son and spent most of his time with his daughters. His mother on the other hand, spent a lot of her time with Aeki. Aeki was hurt that his father never spent time with him but accepts that his father loves him and doesn't mean to leave him out. He signed into Ishika High when he turned 300 and is ready to learn more about humans as he has been curious about them for quite a while.

Name: Ame Hiragana

Age: Appears to be about sixteen, is actually one thousand six hundred ninety seven.

Species: Fox Demon

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): Well....a fox demon xP

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance:

Personality (At least a paragraph): She's tough, lively, and her personality is literally exactly like a flame. Can be warm and inviting, but if you give it too much fuel, it could burn down a building.

Personal Bio: ...ehhhhhhhhhh my laziness is taking over....

Other: Daisukeeeee xD
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((If you can, think of a bio sometime later :3 The human appearance isn't working though DX)) 
Also can you be a bit more descriptive with your species bio. You might be referring to a Kitsune which would probably not require a species bio.
I amuse myself that her human appearance looks so innocent, then BAM.


Akihito said:
RAWR! I need more peeps to join this! Hopefully @Nanashi will join this.
Hehe, I tagged her so she'll have to join! xD
You and your evil tagging! *mutters about it for a while*

Fine, I'll join. ^-^

Give me a minute to think of a suitable monster. I don't know many monsters. c:

Name: Eona Adis

Age: 713 years old (Human age is 17)

Species: Kraken

Species Bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraken

Human Appearance: They kind of have the same eyes...both are blue..?

True Appearance: Eona's gigantic in her true form! Wikipedia says about 50 feet in length.

Personality (At least a paragraph): Eona Adis is a soft spoken and very gullible young woman/kraken. After being sheltered for almost 700 years under the sea, Eona knows practically nothing about today's technology, although she's not stupid enough to brush her hair with a fork - COUGH Ariel COUGH - This legendary kraken is very curious about the world and tends to ask many questions about things she doesn't know about. She's very fascinated about something called a television and has broken many of the boxes to save the humans that were trapped in there. Because of her unawareness, Eona can be a little blunt when talking to people, but she doesn't mean any harm. Eona may be accident prone and very clumsy with her legs, but she really only means for the good, not the bad. Eona's very sweet and generous, and is easily trampled by other people due to her gullibility. She's very empathetic and loves to help others, Eona doesn't even expect anything back! She says that it gives her a warm feeling to know that she helped someone. Ironically, Eona has a phobia of deep waters and hasn't turned into her kraken form for a few years now. This sea monster has the most amazing luck you could find from the bottom of the sea and up. Eona's a magnet for trouble, but seems to be able to get out perfectly fine with her epic luck. It takes a lot to anger this kraken, in fact, Eona tends to cry than get angry. There's a thin line that you must cross to unleash the inner demon of Eona, but it would be best not to do so if you value your life. I mean, who would want an angry Norwegian sea monster out to get them? Eona's easily embarrassed and it doesn't take much to bring her to tears, she's also what you call a ditz. Although this kraken may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but she can sure be the sweetest.

Personal Bio:

  • Ancient Times: The Norwegian legendary sea monster of giant proportions, Eona comes from the coast of Norway and Greenland. She was born in the 13th Century and was known to terrorize any nearby ships, drowning the men and women on the boats. The locals called her hafgufa, which translates to sea (haf) steam (gufa) in Icelandic. She had been quite the fearful creature, the cause of thousands deaths and tacky horror movies. Now, let's clear all that misunderstanding up. As a little larvae, Eona was about 5 feet in length and was growing everyday that passed. All of the other sea creatures were much too scared to play with her, so, little Eona compromised and began to play with those funny little four legged fish that could breath above the ocean! She found it adorable that they called her hafgufa and even made a nickname for them, ugly guppies. Although, soon Eona found out that those creatures were called humans, they were very ugly looking guppies, they didn't even have any scales! Eona always found it sad that they broke so easily, but there were so many of them it didn't matter! The ugly guppies began to fight back at Eona, hurting her. That was when Eona was about 20 feet, towering over most ships easily. The ugly guppies - or humans - kept bullying Eona, causing her to hide at the bottom of the sea, living the rest of her days alone. In a few years Eona had grown to the maximum of 50 feet long, including her tentacles She was lonely, not many creatures in the deep sea were friendly. Finally, a few years before the 21st Century, Eona heard of a mystical sea witch by the name of Ursula - The Little Mermaid, anyone? - it is said that she's able to grant your wishes in the form of witchcraft. And so, Eona headed over to Ursula's cave and saw a red haired mermaid enter the den. The kraken watched as Ursula began to sing and turn the mermaid into a human. Personally, Eona didn't think that "Ariel" had a perfect voice, it was a little pitchy and the centuries old kraken has heard better. But what really shocked the kraken was when the mermaid's tail turned into legs instead! Eona stared in awe as Ariel's fish friends brought her up to the surface and then jumped into the cave the very moment the smaller fishes left. Her giant size could barely fit into the den, but squids don't have any bones to withstand the pressure. By horridly scarring coaxing Ursula to grant her wish for free, Eona was given a magical potion that would give her the ability to turn human. Not thinking, Eona drank the potion and a bright light shone through the cave, causing Ursula to mess up while putting her lipstick on. And so, Eona turned into a beautiful female human. And we all know that humans can't breath underwater. Unlike Ariel, Eona didn't have any fish friends to help her up to the surface and almost drowned from the lack of air. And that's how Eona developed a fear of large bodies of water. She emerged from the waters and fell unconscious, luckily the kraken-turned-human was rescued by a nearby fisherman who took her in and cared for her along with his wife. From then on, Eona began her life as an immortal human/kraken-turned-human.
  • 21st Century: Over the years Eona had moved from place to place to avoid suspicion of her immortality, hiding her true self from the humans. The old couple that had cared for her when she first stepped on land was now dead. Eona soon got the letter to go to the school for monsters, Ishika High School. It would be a great place to meet people like her, so Eona ditched her centuries of loneliness and was very happy that humans weren't as afraid of her! Although, she still doesn't dare to show them her true form.


Below the thunders of the upper deep;

Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,

His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep

The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee

About his shadowy sides; above him swell

Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;

And far away into the sickly light,

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell

Unnumber'd and enormous polypi

Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.

There hath he lain for ages, and will lie

Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep,

Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;

Then once by man and angels to be seen,

In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.

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OOH I THOUGHT OF ONE OK HERE IT GOES (i hope I did this right sorry if i messed anything up)

Name: Nessa Maroe

Age: Appears to be fifteen, but is actually just over two hundred and fourteen

Species: Dragon!!!

Species Bio (Only if you are creating a new species): It's a dragon, so I don't think I need one. ^-^

Human Appearance(Picture is suggested, Anime or Real/Realistic):

True Appearance:

Personality : Shy until she gets to know someone, but then she is bubbly and cheerful and often quite blunt, becuase she is often more honest than needed. Despite how she often appears as bubbly and cheerful, she is a large fan of dark humor and will sometimes laugh at innapropiate times, although she often keeps this to herself.

Personal Bio: She has lived with her mother and father since she was born, and for a long while she also had a brother named Aspen, whom was recently murdered, the murderer is still unknown.

Since the murder of her brother her parents became over-protective, stifling Nessa so much she was glad when she had to go to the School.
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Oh my...

Hahhahaaaa xD

Wish my luck, second day of school! And I'm wearing my most ridiculous pants. Nobody tells Rai what to do.
paipai900 said:
Name: Eona Adis

Age: 713 years old (Human age is 17)

Species: Kraken

Species Bio: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraken

Human Appearance: They kind of have the same eyes...both are blue..?

True Appearance: Eona's gigantic in her true form! Wikipedia says about 50 feet in length.

Personality (At least a paragraph): Eona Adis is a soft spoken and very gullible young woman/kraken. After being sheltered for almost 700 years under the sea, Eona knows practically nothing about today's technology, although she's not stupid enough to brush her hair with a fork - COUGH Ariel COUGH - This legendary kraken is very curious about the world and tends to ask many questions about things she doesn't know about. She's very fascinated about something called a television and has broken many of the boxes to save the humans that were trapped in there. Because of her unawareness, Eona can be a little blunt when talking to people, but she doesn't mean any harm. Eona may be accident prone and very clumsy with her legs, but she really only means for the good, not the bad. Eona's very sweet and generous, and is easily trampled by other people due to her gullibility. She's very empathetic and loves to help others, Eona doesn't even expect anything back! She says that it gives her a warm feeling to know that she helped someone. This sea monster has the most amazing luck you could find from the bottom of the sea and up. Eona's a magnet for trouble, but seems to be able to get out perfectly fine with her epic luck. It takes a lot to anger this kraken, in fact, Eona tends to cry than get angry. There's a thin line that you must cross to unleash the inner demon of Eona, but it would be best not to do so if you value your life. I mean, who would want an angry Norwegian sea monster out to get them? Eona's easily embarrassed and it doesn't take much to bring her to tears, she's what you call a ditz. Although this kraken may not be the smartest tool in the shed, she can sure be the sweetest.

Personal Bio:

  • Ancient Times: The Norwegian legendary sea monster of giant proportions, Eona comes from the coast of Norway and Greenland. She was born in the 13th Century and was known to terrorize any nearby ships, drowning the men and women on the boats. The locals called her hafgufa, which translates to sea (haf) steam (gufa) in Icelandic. She had been quite the fearful creature, the cause of thousands deaths and tacky horror movies. Now, let's clear all that misunderstanding up. As a little larvae, Eona was about 5 feet in length and was growing everyday that passed. All of the other sea creatures were much too scared to play with her, so, little Eona compromised and began to play with those funny little four legged fish that could breath above the ocean! She found it adorable that they called her hafgufa and even made a nickname for them, ugly guppies. Although, soon Eona found out that those creatures were called humans, they were very ugly looking guppies, they didn't even have any scales! Eona always found it sad that they broke so easily, but there were so many of them it didn't matter! The ugly guppies began to fight back at Eona, hurting her. That was when Eona was about 20 feet, towering over most ships easily. The ugly guppies - or humans - kept bullying Eona, causing her to hide at the bottom of the sea, living the rest of her days alone. In a few years Eona had grown to the maximum of 50 feet long, including her tentacles She was lonely, not many creatures in the deep sea were friendly. Finally, a few years before the 21st Century, Eona heard of a mystical sea witch by the name of Ursula - The Little Mermaid, anyone? - it is said that she's able to grant your wishes in the form of witchcraft. And so, Eona headed over to Ursula's cave and saw a red haired mermaid enter the den. The kraken watched as Ursula began to sing and turn the mermaid into a human. Personally, Eona didn't think that "Ariel" had a perfect voice, it was a little pitchy and the centuries old kraken has heard better. But what really shocked the kraken was when the mermaid's tail turned into legs instead! Eona stared in awe as Ariel's fish friends brought her up to the surface and then jumped into the cave the very moment the smaller fishes left. Her giant size could barely fit into the den, but squids don't have any bones to withstand the pressure. By horridly scarring coaxing Ursula to grant her wish for free, Eona was given a magical potion that would give her the ability to turn human. Not thinking, Eona drank the potion and a bright light shone through the cave, causing Ursula to mess up while putting her lipstick on. And so, Eona turned into a beautiful female human. And we all know that humans can't breath underwater. Unlike Ariel, Eona didn't have any fish friends to help her up to the surface and almost drowned from the lack of air. And that's how Eona developed a fear of large bodies of water. She emerged from the waters and fell unconscious, luckily the kraken-turned-human was rescued by a nearby fisherman who took her in and cared for her along with his wife. From then on, Eona began her life as an immortal human/kraken-turned-human.
  • 21st Century: Over the years Eona had moved from place to place to avoid suspicion of her immortality, hiding her true self from the humans. The old couple that had cared for her when she first stepped on land was now dead. Eona soon got the letter to go to the school for monsters, Ishika High School. It would be a great place to meet people like her, so Eona ditched her centuries of loneliness and was very happy that humans weren't as afraid of her! Although, she still doesn't dare to show them her true form.


Below the thunders of the upper deep;

Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,

His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep

The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee

About his shadowy sides; above him swell

Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;

And far away into the sickly light,

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell

Unnumber'd and enormous polypi

Winnow with giant arms the slumbering green.

There hath he lain for ages, and will lie

Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep,

Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;

Then once by man and angels to be seen,

In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.

Accepted! AMAZING Character! :)  
We have 3 girls and 1 boy. All we need now is a few more characters then we can start!
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YAY :3


Age: 17 (yes that's his REAL age too, gosh he's like a newborn baby)

Species: Elementalist

Species Bio: The Elementalists look and behave like humans and normally pass for real humans, but they are blessed with the curse of controlling natures elements: earth, air, fire and water. Unlike most creatures the elementalists live a lifespan similar to a human's. Many years ago - at least 10,000 years ago - the humans and elementalists lived together in peace in a place not far from what we now call Japan. They lived in a place these days named Yonaguni, the peace was broken when the humans realised that the water around them could be a dangerous place and asked the elementalists to guard them from the waters, the elementalists denied their claims that water was dangerous put the humans persisted, threatening to kill them if they did not do as they asked.

In anger at the elementalists used their collective power to submerge the human's beloved temples and cities in water. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yonaguni_Monument)

Human Appearance:

True Appearance: His true form is more like another personality who is better at controlling the elements, he is very different to Lucien's normal form, he can be rude and obnoxious.
(I know he still looks human, but that's kinda in the nature of an elementalist, hope that's okay?)

Normal Personality: Lucien is a quiet boy who normally keeps to himself and has a limited social life. When he does talk to people he tries not to be the one who starts the conversation or the one who ends it. He is rather intelligent as he spends most his days learning either through reading or sitting on the internet researching. Unlike most elementalists he doesn't carry any hatred towards humans as the events from 10,000 years ago didn't involve him and a grudge from 8000 BCE is an old grudge to hold against a civilization that did not even exist anymore. In fact Lucien cares very little about the history of his species, he cares more about the future of his species and wonders if they will ever stop hating the humans.

Other Personality: In this form Lucien becomes a very rude person who doesn't care about anybody or how he makes anyone feel, the only thing he cares about is himself and he loves that. He thinks he is the coolest person in the whole world and the best at everything he does. He is the opposite to Lucien's normal personality as he isn't very smart, but can fight well. The altered personality exists in all elementalists to be an uncaged version of their powers. When first using their altered form an elementalist has complete control of changing and changing back, but as the altered form is used it begins to become aware and it become harder to change back until the choice to change back falls to the altered state, not the normal state. Frequent users of their altered state find themselves unable to control it and may become consumed by that state, never to be seen again.

Personal Bio: Lucien is a single child of sweet parents who try their hardest to keep their son happy in an ever-changing world, luckily for them Lucien never asked for much.

But when he asked to join Ishika they were very reluctant, 'why should you change yourself for the humans?' they would say, or 'this is a waste of your time, why should you go to America (assuming it's in America since it's a high school) when there's better education to be had here?" Eventually Lucien was at the airport waving his parents goodbye and waving England goodbye as he had won the argument to go to Ishika.

Whad'dya think? :3

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