Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP

"It's fine. Just be more careful next time." He said, sighing. He had been so lost in thought, yet now he couldn't seem to recall about what. His train of thoughts had been completely derailed.
"Yeah, I guess." He sighed. "Just a bit embarrassed after what happened at the party." He flopped back, laying in the snow.

(Ayra was there for Shadow Flynn's appearance right? Im forgetful sometimes)
{ @Nanashi NO! It's not for you! Kidding, terrible joke, yes, you said she was wandering around aimlessly I translated that to lost, and did you read my OOC? Can I have a shinagami character... Or...?}
Spire narrowed her eyes at the rudely refused gesture, but covered it up by summoning some earl grey and sipping it awkwardly. "Names keep getting weirder and weirder these days...."
(@CoyotyZephyrWolf I read it, I didn't reply because I'm not the best on the council when it comes to defining a monster and all that stuff, but I think that would be OK)

Melody looked at the girl.

"I am not so much lost as I don't know what I'm supposed to do." She admitted, and then she remembered Lark telling her that to find out these people's names, and to be polite, you had to introduce yourself.

"I am Melody." She told the girl, hoping she introduced herself right, as Lark had explained it as telling the other person your name. Then she wondered if this girl knew what to do in return and swiftly decided to cue her, in case she was as new to these polite customs as she was. "What is your name?" She asked the girl.
AR-E25 shrugged, "It's not really my name, it's my experiment name and number, so I use it as a name," it said, but then put its hand over it's mouth, it would put both hands over, but it only had one hand, "Oh I'm not supposed to tell you that!"
He frowned. "Shadow...he appeared. He's sort of like an alternate me...but not at the same time. It's almost like he has a life of his own, like he has his own soul.... It's pretty weird." He explained. "He seems to enjoy knocking me out... That's the only way he can get freed: if I'm asleep. And he usually causes trouble when he appears.... And I can't stop him once he decides that he wants out."
"It's alright, I haven't an idea what you're talking about." She patted his head, or at least pretended to, her hand not actually coming into contact with his head. "You shall be Kevin, and I shall feed you cookies and the strange yet appealing unearthly substance called jello."
Zephyr furrowed around Coyoty's neck making the once still fur collar around her neck not so much as he curled into the furred good behind Coyoty. "Ah I, I am Coyoty." She said smiling, "beautiful name you have." Unlike the girl here she did not often have time for being taught how to socialise with people, all she could do was wing it and hope for the best. She'd been there at least a month, thee had to be something she was by doing right.

{okay, it's going to be a character that is similarly to Sir Flynn's avatar, he is technically a ghost that protects humans but I guess he's a monster. WAIT! He's a pervert so therefore he is a monster, ^~^}

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AR-E25 frowned in confusion. It had no idea what she was on about, but it decided to smile anyway, "Okay."
Ayra nodded and smiled "I understand. Though word of advice anything can be controlled if you try hard enough."
(A pervert who protects humans? Wow. xD )

"Coyoty is a beautiful name also." Melody said. She wondered if this girl could be considered a friend. Melody wasn't sure what exactly the definition of a friend was, but it sounded like a good thing, and she and Eona had called each other friends, so maybe it was just someone you enjoyed the company of? Maybe this Coyoty knew more about friends than Melody did.

"Will you be my friend?" She asked Coyoty, hoping the girl would say yes, if she did, this would be her first friend she had made on land, it was wonderful!
"I've tried. Many times in fact. But it always ends up the same way. He is too strong for me to control yet. I'm only a one-tailed fox...I'm too weak....but maybe..."he pondered the possibility of there being a seal of some sort that could seal Shadow away.


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