Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP


AR-E25 nodded, "Well of course, you are made of particles and visible light is reflected off your particles into my eyes which is perceived by my brain," it liked saying that 'my eyes' and 'my brain' as it liked having eyes and a brain. It may not know much about anything else, but AR-E25 was good with particle physics, it had to be to understand itself.
Spire rose to her feet, looking quizzically down at the odd creature. "Your way of speaking is strange..." Clasping her hands together, she nodded to him. "All aside....Thank you, kind mortal. Most individuals wouldn't care what happens to my kind..."
{I'm not sure what to do.... I don't want to give up on the roleplay, I wanna try but can anyone help me? I'm just having issues being noticed is all. I guess I could put everything I big font letters if that would help, boldface, you know the whole shebang? xD }
((Some people just start out like that, Coy. I guess you have to sort of assert yourself and pick someone to talk to. You know, just jump in.))
(Coyoty, Melody (my second character) can talk to your charrie, she doesn't have any friends yet and is just roaming around rather aimlessly at the moment)
AR-E25 smiled very brightly at the girl as it stood up too, "You're welcome," it said with pride. It had been really helpful today and it loved being helpful.

(Sorry I didn't get any notifications for some reason)
{so did i... Wait THODE TEARS WERE ALLFOR NOT!? THAT IS NOT fair! And thank you @Nanashi I shall interact with Melody, where is she in the snow or something or...? Telithn me!}
((I'm back everyone! The all nighter I pulled turned into me suddenly faalling asleep the moment I closed my eyes. ^^" what's the haps?))
The phantom grinned sheepishly, extending a hand, mentally approving of the worthiness of the young creature. "I'm called Spire."
(Alright here it goes)

Ayra walked around the campus with his head down not knowing what to do or where to go. When he walked one more step and tripped over someone sitting on the ground "Whoa!" he said before face planting on the ground.
(And then this happened....(sorry its not scanned. Havent had the chance))<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.5c8fd134f3687cb5c1a7a6175eea2f9f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5208" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/image.jpg.5c8fd134f3687cb5c1a7a6175eea2f9f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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{Alright, posting! I has a question is a shinagami type character allowed here? ~is thinking of a ghost but he wilds a weapon like a shinagami~}

Coyoty wakes up in her nice decorated room, it took most of the month to get everything here, and it was finally getting to the way she wanted it. She throws the covers off of her and fixes her bed running to the mirror. She pulls back her now snow coloured ears and flicks her matching white tail. "Great their white now.0 she whispered, though she knew this was coming. It was winter and during winter her fur took part in changing for her even if she didn't want to.

Laying on the dresser also white was her weapon, only in the form of a ferret. Coyoty grabbed the actually albino ferret and smiled putting him on his shoulder as he woke up. "Where are we going?" He asked burrowing tiredly into her neck. He was actually there to better his chances of steeling her blood, she knew that but tried not to worry about it. She ignored his half awake state and walked out of the dormitory headed for the front of the school. She passes a girl who looks like she's lost and Coyoty blinks pausing.

"Uh, hai, - hate to be the barer of bad news but you look lost." She smiles at the girl not sure as to what to say.

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