Highschool of a Thousand Terrors - Actual RP


Aki of Hearts ♡

Welcome to Ishika High!
I bet you're wondering what is Ishika High? It's just like any other highschool. Except, well, it's a highschool for monsters! Ishika High, better known as the Highschool of a Thousand Terrors by humans, is where every kind of monster or fantasy being is taught to interact with each other and then how to associate with humans.

In 2003, these monsters revealed themselves to the humans in hopes of bringing peace. Humans surprisingly acknowledged the monsters existence, and were in fact relieved that the creatures they had feared were gentler than expected. All the country leaders banded together and created the Ishika Treaty with the monsters. This treaty enabled the monsters acceptance into humanity as long as they were taught how to associate with them and thus Ishika High was created. The children of the monsters were to attend this school when they came of age to that of a teenage human. They were not to leave this school until their teachers were satisfied that if they left, they could dwell with humans in peace.


No bunnying!

No user fighting! If you have a problem with a user, PLEASE take it into a PM/Conversation.

You are not restricted to how much you must write on each post, Quality is better than Quantity. (I hate it when you have to write a certain amount every post because sometimes you just can't think of anything!)

Have fun! Always!

You can create ANY kind of monster you want as long as you describe its species.

Romance is allowed and encouraged! Keep it PG-13 though!

You can swear but don't go overboard with it.

Please create a character form before posting! Also wait until I accept you:


Ame awkwardly stood underneath a tree, rocking back and forth on her heels. She glanced around her, slightly confused about where to go.

"Wahh..." she whimpered, dropping her bag in defeat.
Nessa saw a girl over by a tree, standing alone, and decided, after long mental deliberation, to go over to the girl and introduce herself.

The more the merrier, right? Besides, this girl might have a clue what to do.

She had declined her parents multiple offers of coming with her to the school, and helping her, but now she kind of wished she hadn't, as maybe that would be better than awkwardly walking around the grounds hoping someone will tell her where she should go, without asking anyone.

"Hello, I'm Nessa." She says when she approaches the girl, holding her hand out for a moment as though to shake the girls, then dropping it back down to her side quickly.
Dark blue hair fluttered in the wind as the humanoid kraken nervously stumbled into the campus of Ishika High - or High School of a Thousand Terrors, as the ugly guppies called it - The young woman didn't know why they cod it that because when she glanced around with her deep sea blue eyes, she didn't sea that many people, just a girl standing underneath a tree. Clearing her throat, the kraken de-baited with herself if she should approach the girl. What if I say the wrong words and make her upset? The kraken fumbled around as she pulled out the necklace with her ID on it.

Eona Adis


Kraken, BHD

The kraken - or Eona - didn't know what BHD stood for, but she did overhear the principal of this school talking about something to Beware and is Highly Dangerous. Eona shuddered at the thought of the thing she had to Beware, was it going to eat her? Just like she had done to all those little fishes in the sea? The principal had said that it was Highly Dangerous, so that must mean that she had to be careful around those creatures.

Working up enough courage to take a few steps towards the girl, Eona suddenly tripped over her own petite feet and fell face first into the ground. The kraken still hadn't gotten used to her legs, it was a lot more easier to just swim around with eight tentacles. If you stood anywhere near Eona, you could smell the ocean come right off of her, she gave off a fresh and salty scent - like the one you would smell at the beach!

"Owie..!" Eona pushed herself off of the ground and dusted off the dirt on her clothing, it was already the first day and she had already fallen and hurt herself. Feeling the side of her cheek with her small hand, Eona glanced down at her fingers to realise that she had cut her cheek! The kraken began to panic when she saw the blood on her hands. "I'm too young to die!" Eona began to sob as she held her hand to her lightly bleeding cheek, freaking out completely. When she was in the sea, the blood would almost instantly be washed away by the current! It felt weird for the red liquid to be still on her skin. I haven't even reached my thousandth year yet!

((Three cheers for fish puns! Hip hip moray! Hip hip moray! Hip hip moray!))
Ame glanced at Nessa and said, "My name is Ame--did...that...girl just trip?"

She started towards the crying give, beckoning Nessa to follow. She crouched down, and said, "Don't have to cry about it."

She pointed to her own elbow, which was scraped up. She grinned and said, "I tripped too."
Lucien looked around at the large building and the foreign grounds, he was amazed by the size of the high school. He wasn't quite sure what to do, but he didn't want to ask anyone around here. Over by a tree he saw some people and noticed that one of them seemed to be freaking out over a cut cheek. They seemed to be talking to each-other like it was no big deal so he tried to treat it like it was no big deal and made his way over to them, as he got closer he felt like he should just turn around and at every step he tried to make an opportunity to walk past without looking strange, but he forced himself onward. When he got to the tree his eyes switched from the each person, "errr... hello.." he said quietly, but loud enough to be heard, hoping they wouldn't notice his blatantly obvious English accent. His eyes made their way to the girl on the ground crying over her cheek, "A-are you alright?" he asked her.
Nessa trailed behind the girl - Ame - towards the girl with the blue hair.

She looked wordlessly at the girls scraped up cheek before crouching down next to Ame, and smiled at the girl.

"She's right - it's nothing to worry or cry about, just a scratch." Nessa knew her confirmation was needless as she said it, but she felt like she had to say something.

"Hello, by the way, I'm Nessa. Pleasure to meet you." She added as an afterthought, and then she heard a male voice beside her.

She turned her head a bit, and beside her was a boy, as she had assumed.

"Hello to you, too. I'm Nessa" She said to the boy, standing up from her crouch on the ground as she felt like they had reassured the girl enough, it was just a scratch, she'd be fine. Besides, she felt a little bit ridiculous about crouching.
Eona looked up at the girl, her ocean blue eyes shimmering with tears. The kraken gasped in horror when the girl showed her her own bloody elbow. Dear Poseidon! The horror! Eona's choked and put an hand to her forehead, hoping that she wouldn't faint. "You're hurt!" The kraken's bottom lip began to tremble as she took the girl's elbow in her hands and mourned for their losses. "Oh no! What fate has fallen upon thee?"

Letting go of the girl, Eona took a step and looked away. "We're all doomed!" Eona hugged herself and began to shiver as she shut her ocean orbs tightly, feeling very freaked out by the little bit of blood that was slowly finding its way down her cheek. When she heard what the other girl - Nessa - had said, Eona gasped, her tears threatening to spill once again. This is called...a scratch..?

"You must tell me more about these...scratches. I need to know their weaknesses! I just can't handle how they're hurting other people!" Eona took Nessa's shoulders in her petite hands. "I think they're planning a revolution." The kraken shuddered at the thought of the scratch apocalypse.
Lucien thought about smiling at the girl who called herself Nessa, but thought it might look silly and decided against it.

Listening to the girl with the cut cheeks ramblings about a scratch revolution caused a smile to paint its way across his face, 'These people are stupid and beneath us, we should mingle with other people who aren't afraid of a little scratch' called an obnoxious voice inside Lucien's head which only he could hear, it was the irritating voice of his other personality which he loathed so much. However like he always did, Lucien chose to ignore the voice.

He thought about reassuring the girl that scratches weren't planning a revolution, but he didn't want to sound mean so he stayed silent.
Nessa looked at Ame for help as the blue-haired girl grabbed her shoulders, but Nessa realized it wasn't with malicious intent as she registered what the girl had said.

"Scratches are..." Nessa struggled for words - and struggled with trying not to laugh-, the right way to describe something she'd known since she was born.

"Scratches are just when you scrape yourself on something, and normally they bleed. They're not something that can plan a revolution, they don't have minds or anything. It's just a reaction your skin has" Nessa said, smiling to try to reassure this strange, strange girl.

"I've gotten tons of scratches, and I'm still alive." She added, gently stepping out of the girls grip on her shoulders.
Eona stared up in awe at Nessa. She's got a lot of those evil scratches....and she's still alive...? "You're a brave warrior, Nessa. Poseidon would be happy to have you." The kraken beamed up at the girl, wondering how she could withstand the iciness of the blood. So, the scratches are something your body does...? And they're not planning a revolution? Eona's face turned red with embarrassment, she had just made a big deal about little scratches. So much for a good first impression.

Not knowing what to say, the kraken decided it was best to just drop the topic about scratches and introduce herself. That's what you would normally do...right? "I'm Eona." Eona reeled back, hoping that she didn't mess up her introduction. The ID tag that still hung around her neck still said her name on it, but it's much more polite to tell the others your name. What if the scratches are trying..to take over our bodies?!
"Thank you." Nessa smiled at the girl, she could tell the girl treated this like it was a big compliment.

"Hello, Eona. It's nice to meet you." She said, still smiling as she wondered what the boys name was - she knew the names of the other two in their small group by the tree, but not his, and she was very curious.
Aeki stepped out of the bus that took him to Ishika High and studied the massive building.

"My my, this is quite a large school." He murmured to himself. The whole front entrance was crowded by kids, all excited to be at the school. He headed toward the entrance, glancing at an small group of people. He could smell blood on someone.

It made Aeki's whole body tingle. It made him want to eat some meat but he would control the urge.
Lucien watched as the girl with a cut on her cheek pulled herself together and noted that she mentioned Poseidon and thought she must be a mermaid or something. Obviously hearing Lucien's thoughts his other personality, 'Mermaid, Shmermaid, she's still a klutz and I bet the rest of them are just as bad. Why not go find some real monsters!' the personality ordered in Lucien's head, 'shut up' Lucien thought back to him and shook his head. Realising that the rest of the people around him could not hear this conversation in his head with effectively himself but could have seen him shake his head for no reason Lucien went red with embarrassment, 'Look what you've done now, idiot, shown yourself up in front of a bunch of idiots' the personality barked in his head. Lucien turned his head away from the group in hopes they wouldn't see him go red.
The smell of blood was getting into Aeki's mind and unfortunately, a small bit of his true form appeared. Aeki hated when it happened because he can never control that one part. Now Aeki was walking around with a pair of wolf ears.

Some of the kids backed away, knowing what his true form was. Werewolves were known to be quite ferocious to every monster and humans so it's only natural they would get frightened. Aeki sighed but didn't get embarrassed. The ears would disappear eventually, so now he would have to be stuck looking like a character out of an anime.
Ame slunk over from the group, and went back to her bag that was under the tree.

She found two boys and one girl rifling through her stuff.

Her eyes literally lit on fire.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" she roared, charging them. She snatched her bag away and started to attack.
Eona watched, intrigued, as the man shook his head violently. After a few moments of blankness, Eona finally figured out what had happened to the man. "You've been attacked by the scratches!" The kraken shirked in horror, her eyes filled with fear and concern at the same time. "I knew it! They're trying to take over our bodies!" Eona began to panic again, taking the man's hand in her own smaller ones. "We're all doomed!"

The kraken was in the middle of her mourning for humanity as her nose picked up the scent of a dog. She had eaten a few dogs in her seven hundred years of terrorizing the Norwegian colonies, Eona found dogs quite cute and loved to pet their fur. "Puppy?" The dark blue haired woman perked up at the scent, glancing around for the doggy. I hope the puppy hasn't been taken over by the scratches.
A teacher appeared before Ame and the other students.

"No fighting. Rules. If broken, you will suffer horrible consequences." The teacher growled. Literally growling like a lion.

The teacher glared at all four of them and then disappeared.

Well the teachers are lively. Aeki thought. The three students scampered off, probably looking for other things to loot.

He heard someone say the word "puppy." If she called him that again...well he'll try not to get annoyed.
Nessa heard that girl, Ame's, angry voice behind her and she whirled around, her eyes going wide when she saw her about to attack three people.

She looked behind her, to Eona and saw that she was harrasing that boy about the scratches. Good luck. She mentally sent that thought to the boy, he'd need it to calm her down about those scratches.

Well, she guessed she was going to have to go help Ame. Or at least watch from closer and figure out the story.

She made her way towards Ame, but just as she did, someone walked over to them and said something and the three people went away.

Well, now she was all by herself again.


She looked around for someone else to introduce herself to.
Ame huffed and looked through her bag...

Her eyes twitched. Where was her wallet?

"They will pay...they will all paaaay..." she growled.
Lucien Looked up at the girl holding on to his hand and having a panic attack for.. some reason, "A-are you okay?" he asked her then thought it might be a bad idea for him to ask her since she seemed to get spooked so easily and she might get frightened by his accent that was different to the others, he shook the thought from his mind and sighed mentally thinking about how silly he was being.
Nessa spotted a guy with wolf ears sticking out of his head, not too far from her.

He was by his lonesome too, which was good, she hated approaching groups of people, and most of the other people were grouped up.

She debated for a second about approaching this guy, werewolves were normally aggressive, and then she decided she would - there were teachers all around, nothing could happen to her, right?

She decided to go over and introduce herself.

"Hello, I'm Nessa." She said to him as she reached him, smiling, and realized how many people she'd introduced herself to today.

Wow, maybe this school will be good for me. It's already helped with my 'don't approach people' rule, she thought, smiling wider.
Umbra panted as he stopped in front of the school entrance. He was amazed that he wasn't late, but that doesn't mean he simply arrived without issue. Oh no, his usual string of bad luck was in full force today. Rather than riding the bus in peace, the thing almost ran him over. Rather than drinking his morning tea, he tripped and the hot beverage landed on his face. As he ran to get here, he had been hit by a scooter, which ended up taking him further away. So, it was a pretty average day.

He stared at the huge building and felt himself freeze. 'Maybe I should just turn back. Yes, that's what I'll do! I just got that new book and I could be reading it right now!' Umbra nodded to himself as he got wrapped up in his thoughts.

Umbra turned to go back home an enjoy a good read. 'I was crazy before. I mean, I'm not cut out for a place like this.' As he made his first steps back, a student approached him. "Excuse me, but can you-" The student was cut off by the wind created by Umbra speeding into the school. "I'm sorry!" If Umbra ran like that all the time, he could probably win a gold medal. That is if someone said "Hi" at the starting line...
"Hello. I'm Aeki." Aeki replied. "Do I smell blood?"

He sniffed again. "I smell it somewhere.."

Aeki shrugged and turned to the girl. "This is an interesting first day. What are you? If it's not too personal."

His ears twitched as he listened to sounds around him.
Eona shook her head at the man, concern evident in her ocean blue eyes. "I'm fine," The kraken nodded, feeling her bleeding cheek slowly stop bleeding. "But, are you alright...?" Eona held the man's hand tightly in her own, it seems that he wasn't taken over completely by the scratches. "You know..because of the scratches...?" Eona leaned in closer to the man, their foreheads a few inches away from each other. It seems that the kraken's overactive imagination was going to work overtime today.

The kraken took a deep breath, wondering how long she was holding her breath for. She wasn't a giant squid anymore, she could easily breath on land now! But, then again, old habits die hard. Bringing the man in for a comforting hug, Eona pet the guy's head comfortingly. "It's okay, the scratches don't seem to grow unless you get hurt."

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