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Highschool Life (Fandom for Kat Bjerke & goldcat)

Cammie: *cries* That's not what happened at all Principal Adams!

Me: *smiles* Yeah no problem.

Louis: *gasps and texts niall back "What'd she do?!"*

Zayn: Louis what's wrong.

Louis: *shows them the text*

Zayn: OH NO!
Harry: *frowns* Yes it is what happened. Principal Adams I would never do that..! Besides... Look at her! Of all the girls in my grade, why would I call her sexy!?

Principal Adams: *raises a hand* Harry, that is too far.

Harry: *crosses arms* Sorry. But it's true, I am not attracted to her.

Principal Adams: *looks at both of them again thinking*

Me: *smiles, then class starts doing Frankensteins. Grins* Shall we do partner Frankensteins?

Liam: *eyes widen* Oh god, I hope he's okay...

Niall: *texts Lou, "She was flirting with Harry, and harry was rejecting her flirts, so she got pissed off, and started crying and told Mr. Johnson that Harry said he was going to rape her tonight. And HARRY DIDN'T!"*
Cammie: Good I'm glad you're not attracted to me, you rapist! *cries harder*

Me: *laughs* Of course! *smiles and starts doing partner frankensteins and thinks* I have to ask you something.


Zayn: What happened?

Louis: Read the text Niall sent me. *shows them the text*
Harry: *scowls* I am not a rapist Cammie! And that's a very bad topic to joke about!

Principal Adams: Okay, calm down you two. Since neither of you have any hard proof, I'm just going to have you both stay away from each other, you are not allowed to talk to each other. If you guys both have to come down here again, you'll both be in bigger trouble.

Me: *grins and does partner frankensteins with Kat* Okay, ask away!

Liam: *reads the text and gasps, putting hands to mouth* Holy crap!

Niall: *sends to Lou, "I KNOW! They both got sent to the principal's office and idk what's going to happen to him..! :( "*

Liam: *gulps*
Cammie: *scowls at harry and looks at the principal* Fine with me. *walks out of the office and starts walking to locker*

Me: Do you think that harry possibly likes me...? *bites lip*

Louis: *to niall "well lets just hope nothing bad. :( "*

zayn: gosh i feel bad for harry.
Harry: *looks at principal Adams* I swear, I didn't say that.

Principal Adams: It's not like you Harry to say something like that, so I believe you, but if anything like this happens again... I'm afraid I won't be able to let it go as much.

Harry: *looks down* I know. I understand. Thank you... *leaves office and bites lip hard. Eyes water and starts walking back to the class, and avoids running into Cammie again at all costs*

Me: *looks at Kat and smiles softly* I already told you, he sure acts like he does. He doesn't act the way he does with you, with anyone else.

Niall: *sends to Lou, "Yeah... :/ " Sees harry come back into room* Harry! What happened are you okay?

Harry: *sits, and notices class staring at him* I'm not in trouble if that's what you mean... *Turns away upset*

Niall: *frowns and sends to Lou, "Harry's back in class. He said he's not in trouble, but he looks upset..."*

Liam: *bites lip nervously*
(should we skip to lunch now?)

Cammie: *grabs drugs out of her locker and goes into the bathroom into a stall and starts to take some of the drugs and cries*

Me: *smiles softly* Yeah.. *thinks* It was fun teasing Louis about you, he got jealous whenever I went to hangout with you. *laughs*

Louis: *sends niall a text saying, "Ask him why he's upset."* Harry's upset guys..

Zayn: Why?

Louis: I don't know that's why I asked Niall to ask him why.

Zayn: Ok, gosh I hope that he's alright.. 
(well like in a few messages after we figure out things)

Niall: *gets text and bites lip. Whispers* Harry why are you upset...?

Harry: *looks down* I don't know, it's just so stupid...

Niall: *bites lip and texts lou, "He just said it's stupid. We should talk to him at lunch."*

Me: *smiles and giggles* Oh geez...! *grins*'

Liam: Me too...
(Ok want to skip now?) 
Me: *sits down at a lunch table and waits for the others*

Louis: *waits for Tara at her locker*

Zayn: *is waiting in the lunch line*
Liam: *goes over to Kat and sits by her, and grabs out home lunch* Hey Kat. *smiles softly*

Me: *goes over to locker and sees Louis and smiles brightly* Hey! *goes up to him*

Niall: *waiting in line and sees Zayn* Zaaaaayn! *quickly sneaks up by Zayn in line*

Harry: *walking through hall to cafeteria*
Me: *looks at Liam and smiles* Hey, how has school been so far?

Louis: *hugs Tara* Hey girl I missed you, what are we going to get for lunch.

Zayn: Hey Niall. *laughs and gets food*
Liam: Mostly good. But... *bites lip thinking about Harry*

Me: *smiles and hugs Louis back, then thinks* I don't really mind. Want to just get popcorn chicken or something?

Niall: *grins softly and gets food too. Raises eyebrows from the proportions* Wha!? What is this!? Is this supposed to fill up a growing, male, teenager!? No! I don't think so! It surely won't fill me up! *grumbles more* Well, they're just lucky I packed chips...

Harry: *enters cafeteria and decides he's not hungry, so he starts walking to table Kat and Liam are at*
Me: *looks at Liam concerned* But what?

Louis: Ok *smiles* sounds good to me *holds her hand and starts walking to the lunch line*

Zayn: *chuckles and goes to pay for lunch*
Liam: *about to answer but sees Harry coming and bites lip more*

Harry: *sits at table and looks down*

Liam: *looks at Kat nervously*

Me: *blushes softly and walks with louis*

Ni: *pays for lunch and starts going to table with Zayn*
Me: *looks at both of them* What's going on?

Zayn: *starts walking to the table with Niall*

Louis: So how was school so far for you?
Niall: *sits at table and looks at Harry then Liam, and then Kat*

Liam: Harry, what happened today?

Harry: *looks at Kat for a moment then flashes eyes back down*

Niall: *bites lip* Do you want me to explain the first part?

Harry: *shrugs*

Niall: *sighs* Well in our first class today, one of our classmates, Cammie came up to Harry today. She started to flirt with him big time...

Harry: *looks at Kat again*

Me: It's been pretty good. Kind of boring. What about you? *starts to get food*
Me: *smile falters* Oh.. *turns away and looks down somewhat jealous and upset*

Zayn: *sits down at the lunch table and starts eating*

Louis: It's been a rollercoaster. *laughs*
Liam: *looks at Kat then back at Ni* Go on Niall.

Niall: Well, Harry completely rejected her. He just kept trying to scoot away from her, and show he was uninterested but the girl kept on trying. She actually had the guts to say "I don't care if you have a girlfriend or not, you and I are going on a date tonight." *scowls*

Liam: *tsks in disgust*

Harry: *feels sickened from memory*

Me: *looks at Louis curious and concerned* What do you mean a roller coaster?
Me: Ok.. *feels bad for Harry and wants to punch that girl in the face*

Louis: It was really exciting in the morning and in first block.. Not so much. Harrys been having a really bad day.
Niall: Harry started to get mad, and kind of told the girl to knock it off, when she started fake crying, and told the teacher that Harry said he was going to rape tonight. By the way I was there, and Harry said no such thing!

Harry: *Scowls* No kidding...

Niall: But as you might expect, the teacher didn't know what to think so he escorted them both to the principal's office... That's all I know... *looks at Harry*

Harry: *bites lip*

Me: *eyes widen slightly concerned* What do you mean, is he okay? *pays for food.*
Zayn: *looks at Kat*

Me: *is upset but hides it and looks at Harry* So what happened at the principals office?

Zayn: *thinks Kat's upset but is not sure*

Louis: *pays for food* Yeah, I hope. This girl just kept flirting with him in class.. Then he rejected her so she got pissed and faked cried and told the teacher that he was going to rape her tonight. So they both went down to the principals office, they didn't get into any trouble. But Harry seemed pretty upset.
Harry: *looks down* Well the principal asked for our stories, and I kindly let the 'lady' go first. She was all sobby while telling her story... And then I told my story- which was the truth- And Cammie was all like "No! He said he was going rape me, blah blah blah!" *rolls eyes and looks back up at them* Then I just told the principal, of all the girls in my grade... Why would I ever pick Cammie!? She's not 'sexy' AT ALL! *clenches fists* Then Principal Adams just said that since neither of us had hard proof, we're not allowed to talk to each other, and if we do, we'll get in trouble. Cammie left after that, so I told Principal Adams I would never do something like that. He believed me, but he said if it happens again, he won't be able to just let it go... *looks down and shakes head* It's probably stupid to be upset about, but just... Why me? *bites lip*

Ni and Li: *shake heads sadly*

Me: *alarmed* What!? That b-! *bites tongue* Harry better be okay! *walks to table*
Me: *bites lip and looks down speechless*

Zayn: Harry just forget about it for now... What happened, happened and you can't change that. Cammie probably won't do anything more to hurt you like that. She was probably just upset and still needed to cool off... I don't want to see your first day of school be shit to you man... Please try to be happy from now on for today. Just pretend like she's doesn't exist and nothing happened for a day. You're with your friends now and we all want to have a good time *smiles*

Me: *looks at Harry*

Louis: Yeah. *walks to able and sits down*
Harry: *looks at Zayn and smiles softly* Thanks Zayn... I guess I was just upset because I didn't really see something like that coming. But you're right. It's done. And I just want to not worry about it. *looks down then at Kat*

Me: *sits and looks at Harry* Are you okay?

Harry: *smiles softly and nods* Yeah...

Me: *nods* Good.

Liam: *looks at Zayn and smiles softly*

Niall: *crunches on chips loudly to lighten the mood*

Harry, me and Li: *raise eyebrows at Ni* 
(Hey, I got to go for a bit but I'll be back in about an hour, okay?)

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