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Highschool Life (Fandom for Kat Bjerke & goldcat)

(omg Cammie xD )

Harry: *raises eyebrows and looks at her like shes weird* Yeaaah. Don't bet on it girl.

Niall: *holds back laughter*

Me: *looks at Kat surprised* You do!? Why? *laughs softly* Harry's weird. *smiles reassuringly at Kat*

Liam: *laughs* Why not October... 16th? *chuckles* And I know! *smiles, and fakes a tear* They're growing up so fast.
(Hahah she's already weird since day 1)

cammie: What? Why not?! *looks at him raising an eyebrow*

Me: *giggles* Yeah he is really weird but I dont know, I can't help my feelings.

Zayn: Sure! *laughs* And you sound like a mother or father when they're saying goodbye for their child to go to college. *laughs*
(Definitely xD )

Harry: *looks at her frowning* Cause I barely know you...! *looks at Ni wide eyed*

Niall: *laughs softly*

Me: *smiles* That's true. *laughs* Well you don't have to be worried about that, okay? In all honesty, he acts like he likes you too!

Liam: *laughs then nods in agreement* I know, that's my intention! *enters classroom and sees Lou* Ohh! And there's one of them now!
Cammie: Well you can get to know me! That's the point of a date. *holds his hand*

Me: I don't think he does though *laughs* Probably just messed around with me because it's funny.

Zayn: *laughs* Louis!! *sits next to him* so..

Louis: Yeah *looks at zayn*

Zayn: Hows the big gf coming along?

Louis: Good *chuckles*
Harry: *picks her hand up and moves it away, then scoots away slightly* No thanks. I already got a girlfriend.

Niall: *laughs more and tries to stop*

Me: *laughs* I don't know Kat, he brings you up a lot when we're home. And he flirts with you tons, way more than anyone else. *grins*

Li: *sits by louis as well and grins at him* Oh la la... So you got the guts and asked her out. *pats his back* Good job mate!
CAMMIE: Who?! *gets upset, and knows that his relationship on facebook is still single(stalker) and scoots closer to harry*

Me: Yeah but even if he did like me I probably wouldn't go out with him because that make things awkward, especially for you and Louis. *goes into the locker room* (we have gym so we can talk a lot xD )

Louis: *chuckles* Yeah, I had to. Honestly it's been like two years since I've liked her. I figured it's not or never, you know?

Zayn: *chuckles* Yeah Louis, and we all think you guys are a cute couple. *smiles*

Louis: Thanks *smiles* I really want things to work out between us. I definitely don't want anything to become awkward. 
(haahahahah my signature is da bestttt)
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Harry: *frowns and scoots further away* A girl from another school. You don't know her.

Niall: *looks at Harry feeling bad for him*

Me: *follows Kat* I doubt that. It would be great I think! How could it make things awkward?

Liam: *smiles at Lou reassuringly* Don't worry, I don't think things will get awkward. And besides, you'll have us *gestures to him and zayn* to help you along! *chuckles*

(Lol xD hahaha niiiiice)
Cammie: Not true, I know everybody in the school. Even the new students. *smirks* So then, tell me her name. *scoots closer to him*

Me: I don't know, it just doesn't seem right. You dating my brother, I'm dating yours. That'd just be weird, it couldn't happen. *opens locker*

Louis: Yeah you're right *smiles* I really like her. What do you think I should wear tonight for our date?

(haha xD :) )

Harry: *scoots further away* Umm, yeah, you can know everybody in THIS school. I said she was from a DIFFERENT school. Sorry. *looks at Niall desperately and mouths* Help me!

Niall: *frowns and shrugs, unsure how to help*

Me: *thinks and bites lip* Well, I mean... *purses lips* Aw, I wish you told me you liked him earlier. You never know though... I mean, it could work, if we all gave it a chance.

Liam: *thinks and looks at Zayn* You could wear a tux like this weirdo! *chuckles then looks back at Zayn* I don't know, just wear something nice. Like a button up or something.
Cammie: LIAR! *knocks Harrys stuff off his desk* You're just saying that! *gets mad* Well Harry I don't care if you have a girlfriend or not, we're going on a date tonight. *crosses arms and smirks*

Me: Yeah, but it's fine *smiles* I don't really need a boyfriend right now anyways.

Louis: *smiles* Yeah I don't really own a tux *chuckles* I think I'll wear a button-up.
(Snap xD )

Harry: *gets mad too* Dream on b*tch! *looks for teacher*

Niall: *sighs and picks up Harry's stuff*

Me: *smiles* Okay. But if Harry ever did ask you out, would you say yes?

Liam: *smiles* Okay! *looks at Zayn* Sorry mate, but it doesn't look like you're trendsetting tonight.
(lol xD )

Cammie: Well I'm not dreaming because I'm coming to your house tonight, whether you like it or not, hm. *smirks*

Me: I'd have to think about it. *smiles softly and finishes changing and shuts locker*

Zayn: AWWWW! *pouts*

Louis: *laughs* It's ok Zayn, they'll probably be tons of guys wearing tux's tomorrow. *chuckles*

Zayn: *eyes widen* Really?

Louis: *chuckles* You bet. *smiles*
Harry: *scowls* Yeah, like you know where I live. *coughs* stalker. *coughs*

Me: *looks at her* Aww, you have to though! If Harry does ask you out, you have to say yes!

Liam: *chuckles and pats Zayn on the back* Yeah I agree with Louis! *grins then starts taking some notes*
Cammie: *smirks at harry and then raises hand*

(can you be the teacher)

Me: *laughs* Why do I have to?

Zayn: Oooh! Yes! I want to be the new trend setter! *smiles and takes notes, more than liam*

Louis: That'll be easy for you Zayn *smiles* You have a great fashion sense. *takes notes*
(Yeah :) )

Mr. Johnson: *looks at Cammie* Yes Cammie?

Harry: *scoots away from her quickly and looks at Niall with a disgusted face.*

Niall: *laughs nervously*

Me: Beeeeecaaauuuse! *looks at her grinning* You like him!

Liam: *chuckles in agreement then notices Zayn taking more notes and rolls eyes, starting to take more than him*
Cammie: *tears up* That boy right there said he was going to rape me tonight... *points to harry and cries*

Me: *laughs* I know. But it doesn't necessarily mean I would say yes.

Zayn: *looks at liam and starts to take more notes*

Louis: *watches both of them and laughs*
Class: *everyone turns towards Harry scowling, or wide-eyed*

Harry: *gapes* What!? I did not! *looks at Mr. Johnson desperately*

Mr. Johnson: *surprised, and caught of guard* What? Harry Styles go to the principals office!

Niall: *shakes head* Mr. Johnson, that's not true! She *points at Cammie* Is mad at Harry, because he won't go out with her!

Mr. Johnson: *looks at Harry*

Harry: *nods desperately*

Mr. Johnson: *sighs* It's the first day of school, and I'm already going to do this. Cammie, Harry, come with me. I'll escort you both to the principals office.

Harry: *glares straight ahead and stands up following Mr. Johnson.

Niall: *looks at Cammie disgusted at her actions*

Me: *pouts* But you would want to say yes, so you have to! *shakes Kat excitedly*

Liam: *scowls from Zayn and writes down notes furiously. Thinks and smirks* Difference between you and me, Zayn, is that I don't need to write down the notes to remember this stuff.
Cammie: *follows Mr.Johnson and tears fall from eyes acting*

Me: *laughs* No it doesn't always work like that.

Zayn: *stops taking notes* Ha, then I won't either *smirks*

Louis: *laughs* Come on you guys. You're both acting like two year olds. 
(when should we skip to lunch? after cammie and harry talk to the principal?)
(Yeah, we can do that :) Do you want to play the principal or should I?)

Mr. Johnson: *drops off Harry and Cammie at the principals office, and explains to secretary what happened and told her to keep an eye on both of them, then goes back to class*

Niall: *looks at the rest of the class worried about Harry*

Harry: *stands with arms crossed, ignoring cammie*

Me: *sighs* fine, but promise me you won't let me and Lou stop you, pleeease?

Liam: *smirks and stops taking notes* It's a bet Louis. *thinks* Hmm, zayn what do I get when I win? *smirks*
(you can)

Cammie: *ignores harry and cries more*

Me: *nods* Yeah I promise. *smiles softly*

Zayn: You mean if you win. We'll if you win I have to wear a tutu and tights to school and if I win then you have to dress up like a clown to school *laughs*

Louis: Oh dear *chuckles*

Principal: *Calls Harry and Cammie in*

Harry: *sighs and goes into the principal's office, frustrated*

Me: *smiles* Good! *going with Kat to gym*

Liam: *grins* Deal! And how long is this bet going on, when do we decided who won?
Cammie: *Goes into the principal's office, cries and sits down*

Me: *smiles and goes into the gym* Do you know that my brother has liked you since you were in 8th grade. *giggles* He finally got the guts to ask you out.

Zayn: Until the end of this first term.
Harry: *sits down and rests palm on face, and sighs*

Principal Adams: *looks between the two of them* Okay, so will anyone like to tell me what's going on?

Harry: *looks at Cammie* Well you seem really into you're act. Why don't you tell your story first? *glares ever so softly*

Me: *blushes* Oh my god... Really? *giggles* Well... I mean... The feeling's pretty mutual at least. *looks at Kat* Are you for sure you don't mind us... You know, dating?

Liam: *grins* It's on mate! *holds out hand to Zayn*
Cammie: Principal Adams... I sat down in a seat that was next to Harrys and I was minding my own business until Harry's like, "Hey Cammie, you're looking pretty sexy. Do you want to go on a date tonight?" I said, "No thank you I'm not really looking for a boyfriend right now." and then Harry's like "Bitch! I'm coming to your house tonight whether you like it or not. Because we're going to do it." I said, "NO." and he said, "I'm planing on raping you tonight." *cries* he's a horrible person!

Me: I don't mind at all Tara *smiles* I'm really happy for the both of you.

Zayn: *shakes liams hand* Oh it's on.

Louis: *texts niall, "Hey bro I'm bored. :P *
Principal Adams: *Raises eyebrows surprised and looks at Harry in disbelief.*

Harry: *groans softly. Saracastic* Totally. *looks at Principal* Come on Principal Adams you know I wouldn't do that. Now here's what really happened- I was talking with my friend in class, then all of a sudden Cammie came up to me, and she was being all flirty, and I was just kind of dumbfounded. I told her I wasn't interested and she told me she didn't care whether I liked it or not, we we're going on a date. Then I started to get mad, and may or may not have called Cammie a female dog. Then she just smirked at me, and raised her hand. And when Mr. Johnson called on her, she accused me saying I said that I was going to rape her. Then Mr. Johnson took us down here. *shrugs and rolls eyes* That's it.

Principal Adams: *looks at Cammie*

Me: *smiles happily* Thank you! *hugs her*

Niall: *texts Louis, "There's a girl named Cammie in my grade and she got Harry in a huge amount of trouble. I'm worried about him..."*

Liam: *chuckles and looks at Louis*

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