Highschool,Chocolate and Secrets [Inactive]

-Disconnected?! hmm? something is wrong- Alex quicly grabbed his skateboard and went to Nichole's house. He rang the bell and waited.
Aki opened the door and said"yes? Have you seen Nichole today?" Biting his lip. He got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Cmon." Running to the car. Kouji hot in pursuit.
Alex rushed to the car and said. "I call her a while ago, but her phone got disconnected like someone turned it off."
Alex hopped in the car and he was really worried about Nichole. "I just hope she is okay. Please god don't let no one hurt her..."
Aki drove to a building as it got dark. He saw a lot of cars and vans. He growled. It was an auction. Nichole tried to get her hands untied as the auction was about to start. Then she got drugged.
Aki shushed him and they mingled in with the crowd. "We have something new for you gents! A real life exotic neko!" The auctioneer said as Nichole was brought out. She wobbled some her cheeks flushed and she was uunsteady on her feet. He tilted her head up to the crowd. "Do I hear $1000?!"
"$1000! Going once going twice!" "$3000!" Another man shouted. "I hear $3000!" The auctioneer said. "$10,000!" Aki shouted. "$10,000 going once going twice!" "$20,000!" Shouted kouji. "Oh folks its getting dangerously high! $20,000 going once going twice! Sold to the man in green!" Kouji jogged up the stairs without the case of money and just socked the man and picked up his drugged sister. "Lets go!" He said running. Aki nodded and ran to the car.
"What? We can't just let these guys go free with they have done! They stole her and drugger her!" Alex was angry. He tried to rush to the stairs and punch the man.
"She is so cold.... He must be freezing..." Alex removed his jacket and slowly covered Nichole with it.

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