Highschool,Chocolate and Secrets [Inactive]

-Kiss? I've never kissed a girl before what do i do... oh my god im so nervous- "M-maybe yes... hahaha..." Alex said with a fake smile.
Alex kissed back. -I just kissed her...- Alex felt like his mind could fly. He couldn't believe it. "Nico-chan, i love you"
Alex hugged Nichole and looked up to the stars. "It's a really nice sky" He said. "I love this florest." He closed his eyes and felt the air once more.
Alex grabbed some cheesecake and gave a little to Nichole. "Im so happy..." He said smiling. -Oh snap, he really kissed! What should i do now?-
Alex continued to run and then stopped. "Where am i?! Nichole!" Alex was screaming. "Nichole!" -I'm lost in the middle of the forest.- "Nichole!"
"Haaaaaargh!" Alex felt down in the floor with his eyes wide open. "Ufff. don't...scare...me...like that uff." Alex was trying to talk.

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