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Realistic or Modern High School Life... (Always Accepting)

Melody-Rose took a deep breath as she stood in the parking lot of her new high school. It was too early. She was still on Seattle Time and she took a sip of her red-bull as she sat on the hood of her dads car, which she was allowed to borrow for the first time ever. "Come on Mel, its just High School."

Sebastian wakes up right on time as usual.

He gets out of bed and quickly gets into the shower then walks downstairs to the kitchen. He grabs an apple from a bowl and walks out of the house.

Sebastian lives in the good part of town, right near the school. So every morning during the first few months he walks to school.

Letting the nice breeze blow on his neck.

Walking into school he walks to his locker, attempting to open it, which he succeeds.

Sebastian then walks down to the library and waits for class to start.


Lucy wakes up in her vintage looking bedroom from her little floral alarm clock on her dresser.

She sits up and yawns, then stands and opened the white blinds, letting in the nice sunlight and letting it gleam on her pale skin.

Walking over to her bedroom she takes a shower then walks to the kitchen where she sits down with her mother.

They live in a small little cottage near the forest. Its only Lucy and her mother so they don't need that much space.

Lucy takes a few bites of her food then stands, "I should get going... First day of school." She says and throws her food out and then put the plate in the sink, "Love you mom." Before she could say anything Lucy leave.

Lucy isn't really close to her mom, never been.

Once she gets to school Lucy can already start to feel the anxiety rushing through her veins. Quickly, Lucy walks to the back of the library and lights a smoke to calm herself down.

Thankfully people don't really go into the library so she can be there in peace without people bothering her.


Today was Elizabeths first day of school since 8th grade before she became famous.

She was a bit worried about how people would react seeing her. Elizabeth knew she was over reacting about this, hopefully it wasn't going to be that bad.

Elizabeth, after the nice warm lavender shower she took, she went downstairs of her mansion and had a nice portioned breakfast served by the maids before she went to school.

After breakfast Elizabeth went outside to her limo and the driver took her off to school.

Finally at her new school, the limo parked right out front and she already noticed teens staring at her and it made her feel self conscious.

Elizabeth got out of the limo and took in the whole scenario.


Lucas woke up to the scream of her mother arguing with his little sister, Marcy, again.

They always get into arguments since they were completely the same. Marcy was a better version though.

Lucas got out of his bedroom and took a cold shower in the only shower in the house and its the shower that doesn't work."Great".

After his shower he walked into the living room where Marcy was still fighting with their mom.

"Marcy... Lets go..." Lucas grumbles and takes Marcy hand, then glares at his mom and walks to the car outside in their musty neighborhood.


Marcy absolutely hates her mom. Her brother says their so much alike, but Marcy doesn't believe it at all.

She woke up early, hoping to have a great day, changed into a nice black and skull blouse with converse and ripped jeans. Marcy was even hoping to get out of the house early so she could head out to the art gallery, but no.

As Marcy and her mom are arguing, Lucas takes Marcy's hand and guides her to the car, "You need to stop arguing with her, you know you'll never win."

"One day I'll win." Marcy says and crosses her arms once she gets on her seat belt, "I just can't take that drunken bastard!" Marcy yells and slams the door shut.

"Woah, woah there kitty." Lucas laughs and drives down the road.

"Don't tell me to calm down! And, I wish I was a cat." Marcy laughs and tries to lighten the mood.

Once they get to school Marcy gets out of the car and Lucas and Marcy make their separate ways.

Lucas goes to his locker and Marcy goes to hers. Separate sides of the school.

Dennis ran his hands through his dark hair as his alarm buzzed on his Iphone and sighed. He sprung up and padded around his Flat and jumped in the shower. "Last year" Floated around his head repeatedly. One more year and he was out of hell.
Tiana woke up to her alarm blaring, and she banged the off button angrily. She put on summer clothes; A new red dress which accentuates her figure. She put on red sandals with small black wedges. She then applied make-up, which is mostly a natural look, save for the fake lashes. She blew a kiss at herself in the mirror to up her confidence despite her growing anxiety, then walked downstairs to where her mom and dad were. "Hi daddy," she said, purposely ignoring her mom making coffee. She gave her dad a peck on the cheek, grabbed her backpack, and was off to school. She didn't live extremely far, but she still drove whenever it was really hot or really cold out. She got in her car, and when she got to school, headed to her locker that she was given at orientation. Since she was early and her clique wasn't there yet, she stood in front of it with her Beats on, listening to rap music.

Evan woke up from his dad's loud calling of "E! Time to go!" He groaned and rolled out of bed. He picked out a short-sleeved powder blue button-up and black jeans with red Vans. He stuffs some pencils and paper in his backpack last-minute, rushes to the kitchen, grabs toast, says "see you later, dad," and leaves. He lived in a good neighborhood around a mile from the school, so he just walked while eating the toast, contemplating what he would do today. The first day of school is an interesting day for those popular as him.
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Erin jumped out of bed at the sound of her phone alarm. Time to go to school. Erin grabbed her phone and yawned as she hit the red 'Dismiss' button. The loud alarm stopped. Erin walked groggily to her closet and picked out a simple outfit for the day. Erin then brushed through her hair and brushed her teeth. After she was all ready, she walked down the stairs and ate a quick bowl of cereal. She grabbed her backpack and rushed out the door. Erin lived about a block and a half away from the school, so she walked when it was nice out. Erin finally arrived to the high school.

Melody sighed In annoyance and Hopped of the Car and started walking to the school entrance. She stripped of her Flannel and tied it around her waist. It was too hot here. She missed the chill of the rain. She continued to the Administration office and grabbed her welcome Packet. She gazed around confused.

Mitch King

Mitch woke up a little late, he slept through the first few alarms he had set last night. His younger brother had to basically drag him out of bed

He quickly took a shower, got changed, fixed his hair and waited downstairs for his brother so they could leave.

They lived about 20 minutes from the school, Mitch hated being late. "Hurry up Bro!!" he yelled up to Nolan before walking out the door

Nolan King

"I'm coming calm down" Nolan yelled back to his brother, he didn't get why, thanks to him Mitch woke up early enough to get ready, taking up most of the time they had in the bathroom. Nolan got dressed grabbed his backpack and walked outside to where is brother was, sitting in their truck. Once they actually got to school they normally went their separate ways, While Mitch went to the locker room, Nolan went to his locker

Trenton Mitchell

Trenton woke up in his basement, sitting in his recliner with his Xbox controller still in is hand. He didn't even realize how long he was playing last night, when he gets into the game everything around him doesn't matter. He stretched and slowly walked upstairs, his parents were arguing over something, his father said something to him, but Trenton was still half asleep so he didn't reply. He threw on a shirt, jeans and his new converse. He grabbed his backpack and walked down stairs, grabbed an orange and headed off to school. Once he arrived he went directly to his locker

Brooklyn West

Brooklyn had made sure to get up early, she wanted to work out and then have enough time to shower and get ready for the day. As she got ready, she got more and more excited, Brooklyn didn't hate school, she just liked socializing mainly. Once she was ready she said good bye to her parents and got into her car and drove to school. Arriving a little later than usual she headed in and went to the locker room to put some things in her locker then went to her main locker.

Dennis walked into school like a god. He glanced around the Halls looking at all the freshman girls and winking flirtatiously. He Texted a Message to his mom, who was on a Business trip and told her he was at school and on his was to class. He scanned the other students and smiled
As Tiana walked to the bathroom because she realized she forgot lipstick, she bumped into someone. She said, "Careful! Dang!" She then looked up at who it was. Dennis. Ugh, this boy gets on my nerves. But he don't needa know that, she thought. She smiled at him. "Oops, my bad," she said, bit her lip, smiled, and walked away, swaying her hips.


Evan arrived at school and a slight grin etched itself onto his face. He made things quick, going to his locker then finding his group. He aimlessly conversed with them, but he really had his mind on other things, and other people.
Erin strolled into the school and went straight to her locker. Once there she put her backpack on a hook and sighed. She knew she only had one year left in this hellhole, but it was one year too many.
Dennis whistled as Tiana walked away. "Damn Its good to be me this morning". He walked to his locker and placed his bag inside. He turned around and winked at a confused Freshman girl and continued onto his French class humming casually.

Melody Rose stood among the halls in confusion. crap She was lost. Her green eyes scanned around the hall in a daze. She sighed and took a swig of her energy drink and attempted to ask a Coloful-haired girl foe help to her first period.
On her way to the bathroom, Tiana noticed a girl with a look on her face like she was a helpless puppy. She don't look like a freshman but I ain't never seen her before... She thought. New girl? She smirked to herself as she contemplated the pros and cons of talking to her. She decided to do it. "Hey," Tiana said in her sweetest voice possible with a very slight undertone of authority, "Are you lost? Let me help you."

Marcy opened her locker and noticed a boy next to her locker. He looked nice, and familiar... From where... Ah yes, English last year! But then she realized she was staring too long.

She quickly turned back around and quickly got the things she needed out of her locker then turned around and smiled at him, "Hey, I'm Marcy." She says and extends her dainty hand, "I don't know if you remember me, but we were in the same english class last year." Marcy laughs a bit and smiles cheekily.

Crimson Smiled and sighed in relief "I'm trying to find the Arts Wing? Room M044? I am hopeless. Sh giggled in embarrassment and looked at her helper for guidance. "I'm Crimson-Rose." she blushed shyly
Tiana smiled back at her. "I had drama class near there last year. Follow me. I'm Tiana." She ran a hand through her hair as she turned around, not waiting for the girl to follow in confidence that she would. She had to. She walked to the far end of the building where all the arts are, and pointed at M044 without turning around.
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Lucy got bored of just smoking so she decided to face her fears and attempt to go back out into the hallways.

She lit out her cigarette then shrugged and lit another cigarette. None of the teachers care at this school anyway.

She walked out of the library and into the hallways.

Lucy noticed a few people were giving her some rude looks which startled her.

Then she bumped into someone as she was caught up in her own mind.

Lucy's cigarette fell to the ground and she quickly stepped on it, "I'm so sorry." Lucy said worriedly as she looked up at him her eyes widened, shit, it was Evan.

Lucy stepped back a bit, still startled.

She smile and thank the girl repeatedly as i run into my Art History class with A breath of confidence. This wasn't going to be so bad. She took a gulp of her energy drink and walked in the class relaxed.

Nolan King

Nolan was placing his binders in his locker, he turned when he heard someone talking to him. He somewhat recognized the girls, one of his imperfections was that he was terrible at remembering names. "Well hello Marcy, yeah I do remember you from English" he gently shook her hand "I'm Nolan, nice to meet you" he said not really sure if she knew his name​


Marcy laughed a bit more, she tends to do that when she's nervous or just meeting someone, etc.

Oh god.. I don't remember his name...

"Uhm..." Marcy said trying to think of what to say next, "Oh!" She said a bit loudly, "What you have first period?" Marcy said as she squinted her eyes, maybe if she read the binders it would have his name on it, and it does. His name is Nolan.

Marcy rubbed her shoulder then fixed her eyes back to Nolan's, "So, what class?" She continued to smile her cheeky smile.

Evan was pulled out of his thoughts as some girl bumped into him. Lucy, he thought. He contemplated being rude but instead kept a straight face. "It's all right," he said plainly but with a hint of "don't-do-it-again." He flashed a very small smile at her. He knew he should assert dominance on the first day, but it's not like he needed to, with people who already knew of him. It's the freshmen he mainly had to worry about.

Tiana watched the girl walk into class, grinned, and walked away. She realized she had to go, too, eventually. She made a face and looked down at her schedule. First period, French. Why did I even take French, she thought, I'd rather learn Spanish. Oh well. She looked at the room number. It was almost all the way at the other side of the school. She decided to make use of this in whatever way she could. Walking there, she gave out a couple winks and even blew a kiss at certain guys. She knew part of her reputation was "slut," so she owned it. She ran into her clique as they were dispersing, which made her more than a little upset, but she just kept walking.
Dennis sat in his French class and tapped his pens against the table like drum set. His baby blue eyes scanning across the classroom and resting on the TAs ass. god he was already bored

Tiana walked into French with a grin on her face, then she saw Dennis. Her grin faltered unnoticeably as she walked over to the seat next to him. "Is that seat taken?" She asked, fluttering her eyelashes, purposely leaning over a bit.

Mitch King

Mitch headed to his locker, smiling and waving to people he recognized. He put some of his things in his locker, and headed to his first class. He went by his brother noticing him talk to a girl, he smiled at him, and continued on to Chemistry

Nolan King

"Umm I have History, what about you" he looked at the girl who was still smiling at him "What about you" he asked her​


Trenton Mitchell

Trenton got to his class early, per usual he didn't like being late along with having the pleasure of sitting where ever he wanted. He didn't mind Geometry, it definitely wasn't his strongest subject but he needed it to graduate

Brooklyn West

Brooklyn couldn't be happier with her schedule, she had study hall most of the day, and her first class was study hall. She signed out to go to the library, when she got there she sat down at one of the tables. Looking through a fashion magazine​

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