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Fantasy High School for special kids

Saikoro heard a thud sound and some searing and turned back to see Adrian on the ground. She glanced back at the boy who was sitting under the tree, shook her head and continued walking.
Revnoir stood up, the stool he was sitting on disappearing almost immediately. He glanced at Adrian, then went off to get his schedule while muttering something inaudible under his breath.
Saikoro noticed the boy who sitting under the tree coming in after her. Ignoring him, she continued walking towards the office. She had memorised the map of the school. She knew exactly where everything was.
Adrian stood up and glanced at the guy under the tree and was just hoping that this wasn't a sign of war, because he definitely wasn't going to loose a war. He walked away from school property to calm his nerves
Once inside, Revnoir was pretty much lost. He got his schedule, and sighed when he realized he had no way of knowing where to go for these things. Not like I'm going to ask anyone where to go. Besides, there's a chance that most of them dont know, either... Even if he was in a bad mood, tripping that guy cheered him up a little.
The little cat who had watched the hole thing relized that this people was people you didn't want to fight with. I really hope I won't take one of those peoples bed tonight at the dorms, i really didn't want to get any of them on my neck... Well the guy that was sitting under the tree seemed most dangerous maybe I can follow him to see what room he has so I don't take it by mistake... Letha carfully follows the creepy guy on a "safe" distance
Receiving her schedule and dorm key, Saikoro quickly hurried to her dorm, passing the guy from under the tree who seemed lost. She offered him a small smile as she passed by him.

Reaching her dorm, she quickly unpacked her suitcase and memorised her schedule. Then she left her dorm and started to explore the school.
Letha continued to follow the scary guy and saw this girl walked past and smiles at him. Why didn't you ask her about the way so I can find out where you live? You are a strange creature for being a guy... She thinks and then concentrate on her target again.
Revnoir didn't notice that the cat lady was following him, since he seriously wasn't operating as he would if it were later in the day. He had his keys, and left the building already knowing from pure common sense that dorms weren't in the main building. He frowned, getting annoyed. Why'd I even agree to going here..?! Seriously, this isn't even worth the hassle I'm having right now. I'd hate to ask someone, seeing as I've already messed up a bit with what I said to that guy...
After Max finished his song he stood up and looked around, everyone was gone. "Shit," he mumbled under his breath. After he put his IPod In his pocket he jogged into the school and made his way to his dorm room. I wonder if we have roommates. Max thought
Saikoro noticed the guy from under the tree again. This time, she decided that she would go and talk to him. Approaching him, she said, "Hi, I'm Saikoro."
Revnoir jumped at the sudden approach, and stared at Saikoro for a short moment. "I'm... Revnoir." He said a bit awkwardly. He didn't really know how to speak to others, but he was obviously trying. "Nice to meet you..?" That's what you say in this situation, right..? Tch, conversation's so complicated!
The cat, letha followed him saw that he now was talking to that girl. Should I follow him more or should I look some other way well, I maybe I have to get little closer to them, maybe I can see the room number she sneaks closer
Saikoro smiled mischievously internally. It was obvious that this guy - Revnoir - was about as experienced in talking with people as she was. "Nice to meet you too, Revnoir," she said, with a pleasant smile. "Are you on your way to your dorm room?" She had already guessed that he was lost by the way he was awkwardly looking around.
Max made his way to the dorm and looked down the hall seeing two people engaged in a conversation and someone watching quietly "What's going on?" Max whispered to her possibly ruining her cover @RoleGirl
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Revnoir nodded and internally sighed as a significant amount of his stress evaporated. "Yeah, I'm a bit lost, though. Could you uh, point me in the right direction?" You damned idiot, she obviously knows you're lost by how stupid you look right now..!
Grimmlock said:
Max made his way to the dorm and looked down the hall seeing two people engaged in a conversation and someone watching quietly "What's going on?" Zack whispered to her possibly ruining her cover
[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]Revnoir nodded and internally sighed as a significant amount of his stress evaporated. "Yeah, I'm a bit lost, though. Could you uh, point me in the right direction?" You damned idiot, she obviously knows you're lost by how stupid you look right now..!

"Better," grinned Saikoro, "I can take you there. I was just there myself. Come on!" She hesitantly grabbed his hand, then started to walk towards the dorm room building.


Grimmlock said:
(Shhhh that never happened)
(My lips are zipped)
Revnoir reluctantly let her more or less drag him to the dorm building, and wondered if this girl was actually nice, unlike the thousands upon thousands upon thousands of terribly rude, annoying, or outright insane people out there that he's heard about and read about on the internet.
Letha who was unaware that someone was coming up behind her gave a little skreem and pressed herself against the wall and looked on max and then take a steady grip on his arm and tries to push him up against the wall behind a big flower. "Schhh... Are you trying to get me killed?" She wispers as she laying her hand over his mouth



Grimmlock said:
(Shhhh that never happened)
hahaha !!! I'm dying!! xD
Revnoir gave her a charming smile. "Thanks, I'm sure I'll be able to find my room from here." I have a strong feeling I should say something else but if I do I'll end up making myself look like a NEET... He pulled out the key to his room and looked at the little tag-piece on it with his room number on it. Can't mess this up, can I?
"You're welcome," said Saikoro, feeling happy that she was actually able to help someone. "I guess that I'll see you around then." She turned around and started to leave.
Revnoir gave her a quick wave before awkwardly making his way to wherever the heck his room was, telling himself how idiotic and awkward he is the whole way. Hey... I wonder if we have roommates. If we do, I'm in huge trouble. We'll end up absolutely despising each other by the end of the week, I'm sure.

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