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Fantasy Hideout (Accepting Again)


mothafuckin' starboy
see Overview for information

posts can be anywhere from 3-4 lines to multiple paragraphs. You shouldn't feel pressured to make a long post
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The last rays of sunlight set upon the the tall buildings of the kingdom of Dendra. Darkness filled the streets and alleys, and a cool breeze blew through the trees. It was just another normal day in Dendra. The kingdom was still one of the longest-standing and most powerful in the known world. Everything was peaceful...for now.

At the main square, merchants packed up their stands and belongings and headed inside for the night. They went inside to their small candlelit houses where their children and spouses were waiting.

The homeless beggars curled up at the corners of the roads and gave up their search. They were still hungry but were not getting any more food for now. So they lied down where they could see the stars and hoped.

Members of the Imperial guard emerged from the castle to begin their night shift. They talked to each other, laughing and joking, but at the same time urgently on the lookout for enemies of the kingdom.

In the large and impressive stone castle, that stood at the center of the kingdom, the members of the nobility finished their dinners as the servants took away their plates. The Emperor and Empress jointly thanked them for coming, and they all headed off to their rooms.

In an extended corridor in the lower parts of that same kingdom, next to a series of abandoned dungeons, a group of orphans rejoined each other in for the night. It was a closed off room that had once been dusty and cobwebbed, but they had renovated up the place and filled it with stolen cushions and sheets. It was a hideout and a home- no one knew they were there even though the Imperial guard tried so hard to find them.

And on the far end of the kingdom, sinister things were at work. The abandoned house was dark, but you could still see the body of the previous owner. A new person lived there now. He or she-it was impossible to tell- wore a glinting silver mask. It removed something from its pocket, a live black beetle of some sort, and took a knife. Then it cut its own hand with a knife quickly, dripping the blood onto the beetle. Words were whispered- "Kesa Yorunas Thal"- some sort of magic. A purple flame lit up quickly and then disappeared just as quickly. The person smiled- they had done their job for now. Now to see if the kingdom could do the honors...

Okay, that's the first post! Sign up as a character in the Character Sign Up thread! Once I approve it you may post. Also, you cannot sign up as the Evil Guy I mentioned above, since that's gonna be controlled by me. Have fun!

@VioletShadow @billthesomething @Hana Koen @NeverBetter @Drunk Dragon @Elephantom @EXPMIRACLE @LifeIsImagination @StoneWolf18 @CHIMNY @rusticyawn
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Cafurn walked along the woods of the edge of the city. A passer by was walking through as the day ended. This would be Cafurns 3rd kill. The humans should notice soon. "Ruun." The creature whispered through the bushes and trees, making ruffling sounds and running around to scare his victim. "Who's there!?" The human demanded, he was clearly a merchant due to his horse and carriage. Cafurn talked to the horse, convincing it to stop in its tracks. The merchant got off the carriage. Thats when Cafurn pounced on him and slashed his face. The merchant let out a scream as his deformed face burned. The screaming stopped. The creature picked up the body and released the horse. Cafurn then walked into the woods ready to feast.
The city square was loud and vibrant the evening Jun walked down the street, just as he liked it. It was strange, but encouraging to see so many people interacting at the market even as the sun sank in the distance. That's what he enjoyed the most, watching people buy, sell, barter, argue, and most of all laugh. However, tonight he wasn't at the market to watch people live, he was at the market to purchase food for his friends with money he had won off of a drunk in a card game. It wasn't much, but he could buy enough food for dinner tonight and then steal some from some more drunks later on. Jun placed his newly purchased rabbit carcass and bushel of apples in his bag as he stood in the square. He tossed the remaining coins he had to some beggars on one of the corners and started to head home.
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Vera paused in her work, the blade she was forging glinting in the dying twilight. Laying the blade under the counter of her smithy, she lowered her hood and made her way towards the castle. Most people did notice her or didn't bother two, those that knew of her condition casted her harsh glares. Ignoring most people, she made her way to an alternative entrance.

Arriving at a small grate into a dark, unused part of the dungeon, she glanced around to make sure no one was coming before transforming into a bat. It was quite a morbid sight if someone were to look on. Her armor melting into her skin that was now beginning to be covered in a brown fur. She was shrinking down to a small size as he arms deformed into wings. It only took a few seconds but was nevertheless terrifying to watch. Once it was complete, Vera shook herself out before squeezing though one of the hole and flying through the damp cavern.

Nearing where the orphans lived, she transformed back within thin air. Landing lightly on the floor, the woman brushed herself off before approaching further.

(@Any Orphans in the room as well as @Khaz who could've followed her and witnesses the whole ordeal. I would check my CS so you know my character's relation.)
Cafurn had set up a camp fire at his 'territory'. He sat on the wood stumps as he took bites out of the carcass. He had left the carriage back on the trail as he had not needed it. The merchants body was now just bones, thats when Cafurn came up with a great idea. He would put the bones up on display in several areas away from his territory to scare the humans to coming to him. The creature gathered all the bones and went out for a midnight walk. He was mostly nocturnal so he had no problem walking out at night.
Jun turned his head slightly, but kept on turning the rabbit as he slow-roasted it over the fire. A smile broke across his face as the hooded figure walked towards him because he knew immediately it was Vera. He stood up, snatched two apples from his satchel and signalled one of the other orphans to continue roasting the rabbit.

"I hope you didn't come empty handed," He smirked and threw her the apple, "because that would be disappointing. And you would have been proud of me, I won money in a card game today!" Jun bit into his apple and winked at her.
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Catching the apple, she tossed it back with a sigh. "And it's a bit disappointing that you can't remember that I wouldn't be able to consume an apple." Walking over to a crate, she laid 3 finely crafted daggers and a sharpening stone. Lowering her good, Vera walked over and leaned on the wall near the fire. Listening to Jun, she chuckled. "I would be...if that doesn't become habit. Gambling your life savings away is just going to make matters worse."


"It's the principal of the apple, Vera, it represents my victory over a drunken fool." He walked over and picked up one of the daggers and started throwing it in the air and catching it. "And technically I would only be gambling my life savings away if I lost. But as always, I won!" On the last word he caught the dagger and threw it at a crate on the opposite wall. Jun grabbed his belt that housed his two swords that Vera had made for him a few years before and tied it on his waist. He plucked the knife from the crate, admired it for a moment and slid it into one of his knife sheaths on his back just above his hip. Jun push his hair back, out of his face and smiled brightly at Vera.

"Ready to go steal some stuff?"
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Aliana Sithu

Her body tensed as she felt a figure approaching. Aliana was in a wary stance, hand on her dagger in case it was an enemy. As Vera walked closer however, Aliana visibly relaxed and gave a little sigh. She watched Jun greet her and decided to return to her previous action, prepping her meal for the night. A slice of bread, part of the loaf she had stolen from the baker not too long ago, smothered in jam, a rare treat she hadn't eaten for a long time. She bit into it slowly, careful not to waste a single crumb. Her meal was pleasant as she thought of her next move. Tidying the area a little more would be pleasant, and then preferably head to bed for the rest of the night. A sweet strawberry flavour soothingly spread on her tongue, comforting the rougher, but still soft bread texture. Without her even knowing, she had finished the simple delicacy. A little disappointed frown grew on her face, but it quickly returned to her neutral expression.

She heaved a short sigh before continuing her chores, there were so many random cushions strewn around, with cloth hanging in every area. Deciding to continue the next day, at a lack of energy left, Aliana picked up her favored cushion, green with golden embroidery, and headed to her bed. She carefully pulled out her red ribbon hair ties, and felt her long hair sway down her back. Clutching the cushion with a singular hand, she pulled the thin red material she used as her blanket over her chin, and closed her eyes, awaiting a peaceful rest. Hopefully.

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uzoma sterk

uzoma sighed, entering into the small space the orphans shared for the first time since the beginning of the day. it hadn't been an easy day for them, but then again, it seemed like life hardly ever was. as they carried their tired body through the room, uzo realized that it wasn't just them today. vera and jun seemed to be carrying on about something, and in the corner of the room, aliana seemed to be getting ready to wind down for the day. it seemed to be a rather normal day, but uzo couldn't help but feel a little disconcerted about the state of things.

they immediately began to pick up some of the things still leftover from aliana's chores, after a moment, slowly shook her shoulder, trying to gently wake her.
"aliana, aliana," they coax, delicately picking up some of the mess surrounding her. "you've eaten today, right?" they constantly worried about her, and asked this question everyday - she was constantly tired, and so thin, even thinner than the rest of them. uzo felt like if they wasn't careful, she was just going to be so light she'd blow away in the wind, never to be seen again. as they quietly pick up the mess she'd left, they realize just what jun is talking about.

"did i hear you right? you have plans to go out for something right now?"

@Khaz @StoneWolf18 @VioletShadow
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@StoneWolf18 @rusticyawn

Jun turned to face Uzoma, "I was going to ravage some food and supplies from the city and then head to the forest on the outskirts for some hunting," he picked up his satchel and slung it across his back. "I was hoping Vera would accompany me, but you and anyone else are welcome to come." He knelt down and started lacing up his boots. The fire glinted in his eyes as he looked up and grinned at Uzo, "And you never know, we may need a medic."

He stood up and walked down the corridor to the room that stored the weapons they had acquired from Vera and from stealing. Jun picked up the bow and a bundle of arrows and walked out with it. He had recently discovered the ample amount of game in the woods they lay outside of the kingdom, most likely due to the overwhelming amount of dark and dangerous creatures that discouraged other hunters from entering, and although he was no where near as talented with a bow as he was a sword, he was improving steadily. He strapped the bow and arrows on his back and smiled encouragingly at the pair that lay in front of him.
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Vera looked to Uzoma. "No. With the increased guard activity, I would say the least amount of people stealing and hunting the better. Besides, nothing too exciting is going to be happening anyway." Checking her own daggers and putting up her hood, the vampiric woman asked Jun. "You ready? I would like to also gather some blood before the night is through."

@Khaz @rusticyawn
@rusticyawn @StoneWolf18

"The night is till very young," Jun pointed out. He frowned at the rejection of Uzoma and winked reassuringly at them. He walked up to Vera and put his hand on her shoulder, "Why are you always so negative, we should let Uzo come, they don't have to do any of the stealing or fighting," he argued as he stared at Vera's unconvinced eyes. However her eyes didn't discourage him and he pressed on, "What if one of the misunderstood creatures in the forest attack us while we're hunting and we need a medic?" Jun removed his hand from her shoulder and acted out being attacked with his hands, "let's face it there's no better healer than Uzo. Besides what' the worst that could happen?" He grinned.
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uzoma sterk

uzoma took a deep breath, smiling a wary smile at the suggestion. they weren't pleased with the casual mention of potential injury, but they felt more sick at the idea of potentially losing them both to some sudden, unexpected complication, with none of them even knowing what had happened until it was too late. they rubbed their hands nervously together, looking at vera knowingly. uzoma did want to go, desperately, despite their better judgment, but they had to concede.

"that's alright," uzo says softly, almost unconvincingly, giving a small nod as they look over to jun. "vera's right - the increased security means it'd be smart for you two to go alone. if we were found out, i don't think i'd be much help, and it wouldn't be ideal to lose any of us." they look back over to vera, a worried look clouding their features. "enjoy your meal, but... make sure he gets home soon. and in one piece." losing one of their own would be terrible enough on it's own, but losing one of the older kids meant it was even harder to make sure the rest got their fill. it was good that jun was going with someone like vera though - she'd probably keep him in line.

"i'll see you two when you get back."

@Khaz @StoneWolf18
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Jun scrunched his face with slight disappointment. He was excited to go on a run and share the experience with Uzoma, but he had to respect their decision to stay. He couldn't understand why Uzo seemed worried, it had been years since any major incident happened to their little family. Besides, Uzo was younger and smaller, Jun thought it should be him worrying about them.

He looked at Uzo and reassured them, "You don't need to worry, Uzo. We've done these runs a million times, we'll be fine," he gave an encouraging smile and patted them on the back.

He turned to face Vera and smirked, "After you."

They ran down the corridor until they arrived at the grate leading to the city. He opened it up and climbed out of the dark corridor with Vera. Jun ran to a nearby building and scaled it skillfully. It was unmanned and it gave him an opportunity to oversee the city. He pulled the hood from his cloak over his head and peered over top the barrels that lay on the roof. Vera was right there was an increase in security. Palace guards were patrolling the streets in greater numbers and there were men on scattered roof tops. Jun peered at Vera with excitement.

"It's always more fun when there's a challenge, anyway."

@rusticyawn @StoneWolf18
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"We don't need to loose our only medic." Vera sighed before following Jun out. Scaling the building after the orphan she grasped the side as if it was the most casual thing in the world. "Let me go check how many are out tonight." And with that, she leaped off the building before transforming. Letting the wind take her, the woman turned bat made her way towards the roof tops. Hovering within mid air she counted 10 guards within the small area. Silently cussing, Vera flew back over to where her partner had been clinging to the building. Not bothering to shift back, the vampire hung upside down on one of the upper windowsills that was right in front of him. Folding her wings around herself, she gave 10 squeaky barks to signal how many she had seen.

This was going to be a long night.

Cafurn had displayed the bones on trees in several places around his territory. This would give people a good scare. Thats when he heard noises, behind him on the trail was a small group of guards. "A merchant was supposed to arrive at Dendra by today, he didnt. Our job is to find out what happened." The head of the group said. There was 4 of them, each had a sword and their torches.

"Ruuuun." Cafurn whispered through the trees. The soldiers pulled out their swords but the creature was too fast. Cafurn had clawed his way through them. He didnt even bother to display the bodies now. The humans would notice for sure, they would hunt for him but in reality, HE WOULD HUNT THEM.

Aliana Sithu

As Uzoma awoke her, her eyes blinked multiple times before she regained her consciousness. Aliana gave a weary smile as she struggled to remember what she had eaten, as her mind was only half-awake. "This morning...I had a few mint leaves? I..didn't eat anything at lunch, but I had a piece of bread just now. With jam." She calmly thought about a few things, as Uzoma continued talking to Jun and Vera. "I don't mind going out tonight, if you'd like. I need to practise my...power anyway." Her words were spoken quietly, as her weary body slowly returned to it's awoken form. "The best time to do so is at night anyway." She sat up, brushing her hair with her fingers as her bright green eyes wandered round the room, adjusting to the light. A petite laugh escaped her lips, as she witnessed Uzoma's aid in tidying. "Thank you, for helping me clean the place." She calmly folded her makeshift blanket in half, shifting the shades of red in the candle light.


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Jun gave a quick nod as he hung on to the side of the building. He understood that Vera meant there was 10 guards near them. Being one of the oldest and most experienced of the orphans meant that it was his responsibility to go on midnight runs, and Vera accompanied him more often then not. They had gotten to know and understand each others habits pretty well over the years and could practically guess what the move the other was going to make. As a team they had made the imperial guards very angry.

He glanced from side to side over the city until he found what he was looking for, an area where there was a low number of guards, the local brothel. The brothel is always filled with gold,but is usually untouchable due to the amount of guards near it. The guards must have simply been moved to areas where the thieves usually target. Jun looked at the bat that was Vera and subtly gestured to the brothel and shrugged as if to say "why not?"

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The bat shook her head. If Jun knew her that well, then he should know her response would be something along the lines of him being too young to be in or near a vile place like that. Instead, she gestured towards a large merchant caravan that was parked in front of a nearby tavern. Most of them would be drunk off their arses but one less than able guard would be conveniently stationed for a quick meal. The benefit would be stealing money as well as goods. If all went well, they would have quite the haul.

Members of the Imperial Guard started their night shift, patrolling the merchants' caravans in the main city square, and the local brothel.

"What are we even looking for?" one of them said roughly. "You know the only ones who steal anything at this time of night are those dirty kids."

"That's exactly who we are looking for," replied the head guard. "Those kids. They may be just 'kids' but they are by far the most successful thieves in the city. Every day, we have merchants complain to us. Every day."

They walked down the stone path in file, looking around the edges of the street. Just then another guard came rushing up, panting.

"Sir," he panted. "They're coming from the castle. We saw at least one unidentified
young person scaling from the side of the castle into the adjacent streets."

The head guard grinned. "Thank you, Targo." This was huge information. All this time they had thought that the kids came from some abandoned alleyway in the streets. But no. They were coming from inside the castle itself. They had them now.
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Aleister Rosenkreuz, as opposed to the majority of the other orphans, was already out hunting in the woods; he had been for several days now, as it would happen. Such was his modus operandi: absence for protracted periods of time, and then a brief visit, to deliver a decent bounty of coinage and food, rest for a night or three, and then set out again. It kept him at arm's length from his adoptive family, but at least he knew they were safe, and being fed. He wouldn't want any of them taking the kinds of risks he did, travelling outside of the walls of the city, robbing bandits and hunting game.

Speaking of which, at that very moment the eyepatch-clad youth stumbled upon a small clearing in the woods, out in front of the mouth of a cave. The clearing was covered in hoofprints, and there were even bones adorning the trees on its perimeter. Looked like the hideout of... some sort of cannibals, maybe? Rosenkreuz had encountered them before on his voyages, although never this close to the city. Particularly savage highwaymen, in that case-- perhaps that was the explanation.

Still, he couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was off about the place, as he came to the mouth of the grotto near the edge of the clearing. It was... the smell, he decided. It smelled almost like horse-crap, but there was some other foetor mingled in, which he couldn't fully identify. Then, in the distance he heard screams-- what was going on here? (@CHIMNY)
Jun frowned at Vera’s disproval. He disliked the idea robbing a caravan, that was something they did every night. Robbing the brothel would be a new adventure for him and would give him some excitement. But Vera was stubborn and he didn’t want to get in a fight with her right now. He nodded in agreement to rob the caravan and climbed the rest of the building.

He kept a low profile on the roof and making very little noise sprinted and jumped to the next roof. He landed with a barrel roll and continued the same pattern until he reached the tavern roof that lay above the merchant caravan.

@StoneWolf18 @Pashpu
Lucian closed his eyes as he imaged sunlight in the isolated room while he leaned again the wall. He wished he could of went out into the forest with Aleister to help but was left behind as it would be complicated if he was out too long with the other. The boy knew that he was the younger than the others but that meant nothing he told himself as he remembered how scary a Death-Bear could be. It didn't help that he had been especially weak lately but he knew or rather hoped it would pass like always.

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