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Fantasy Hidden Magic // (All spots full!)


They found the girls. Worse for wear but alive and safe now. Terran came to the rescue with a way back home and despite all the tension in the air, they all headed back to the beach without much more fighting or arguing. That is until they actually had to get on the brooms and head back, Loire refused to ride with Cyrus and Larkyn was being such a boy about who Dru flew with that Dixie had to step in and give them all partners like they were her students! Sapphira was sent with Larkyn, he was the strongest flyer and flying tandem wasn’t easy. Sapphira had spent approximately no time on a broom and the small amount that she had, she was terrible. So Dixie made the choice to avoid certain death there. Then Cyrus was sent with Dru since Larkyn was being whatever about Hunter. Hunter and Terran flew together and Dixie took the moody Loire.

It was awful but they got back. That was all that mattered.

Upon arrival their suspicions of an angry headmistress were wildly correct. Dixie was the first one to jump in and begin to mediate, making sure that the first act of business was getting the two injured women to the infirmary as quickly as possible and without alarming any students. Thankfully the headmistress agreed with that sentiment and sent both girls off with another professor to help them on their way. That left the remaining six of them to try and explain what the hell had happened.

“Ma’am it really was just a bad situation. I don’t think it was death eater related and it seems like the poor girls were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, I think it could have happened to anyone.”

The fact that Dru noticed her use her magic was unsettling, however after Dru had her vision Loire was sure that she wasn't going to say anything to anyone. They needed to focus on getting out and getting to safety, so when she saw the others behind Hunter she visibly relaxed some. Her blue eyes rolled as Hunter approached her, preparing herself to smack him if he touched her. Thankfully he was off going back to check in on Dru and Larkyn was there checking in on her. She wouldn't hit him, Loire almost never got angry at her brother. "It's nothing, I'm fine. I'm more angry that I let them get the upper hand on me, is all." As always she spoke so matter of fact like, she had a surprisingly high pain tolerance.

When she noticed Cyrus approach her, however, her face hardened. She was still pissed off, but now it was a mixture of relief, sadness, and even more anger. She was relieved to see him, sad that she couldn't be happy to see him, and angry about everything else. Him leaving her in the first place, him recognizing that he was leaving again, and still over the fact that he didn't write her for over two years. He wanted to act like they were friends, a nice lunch wasn't going to just win her back. "You clearly aren't taking no for an answer." As much as she wanted to pull away she just stood there and let him go about making her a sling, something she would appreciate if she wasn't so angry.

While he busied himself with her sling she quietly pouted and looked around, pausing once she saw Hunter hug Dru. It made her... sad? Not about Hunter, god she'd strangle him if he even so much as thought about hugging her, but about the fact that she'd never have that. The only person she ever wanted to hold her during something like this never wanted to be more than friends, and it didn't seem like he wanted to be that either. So when she heard Cyrus's voice her face instantly lit up red and all she wanted was to just disappear. "I'd rather swim." She meant it, too. Thankfully Dixie figured out everyone's flying arrangement, and as far as partners Loire won the jackpot. Dixie was her closes girl 'friend'.

As soon as they were back Loire and Dru thanks to Dixie were sent to the infirmary. After they stitched her up the nurse apologized for the yellow, smoking drink that she was given. It smelled foul, so just to get it done she threw the drink back and taking it like a shot. Surprisingly it wasn't the worst potion she had drank, though there was a bad taste in her mouth as she notice Cyrus walk in. She was so mad at him! Why was he so persistent?

"You know why I'm so mad?" Oh, poor Cyrus. "I-, just-" Loire didn't express emotions well, it typically translated into anger and her throwing her boot at someone. "You're completely fine leaving me, and I hate it." After a second of processing what she said her face lit up red between embarrassment and anger. "And Larkyn. You're just, you left and I understood. But you could of-" written her. Promise not to leave again? "I get we'll never be more than friends, I get it. I just hate it. I miss you, stupid." Her eyes teared up again and she instantly tried to wipe them away. "I have head trauma, don't listen to me. I'm fine. Really."
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To be honest, Hunter really didn't know why he reacted how he did when he seen Dru? He had been worried about the girls, he had worried that they may have gotten hurt, but Dru was all he could really focus on. On the outside she had seemed so perfect, so put together and even a tad bit snobby, but deep down they were kindred spirits. They viewed the world in similar lights, hers was a tad bit more political and he was a hell of a lot more radical than she was, but it was nice to find someone likeminded. He enjoyed teasing her, talking to her, and just being around her in general. He knew Loire was supposed to be his wife some day and that he'd love her one day, but he didn't feel what he felt towards Dru for her. He didn't know how to describe his feelings for Dru, he just felt them and that was it.

He had thought those feelings were pretty one sided though up until she hid her face in his shirt. She was crying? "Whoa, whoa Dru, it's OK! I-" When she said don't, though, he froze for a second. All his life he felt like an outcast, and whenever he tried to really connect or understand someone he was pushed away. He had never wanted someone to want him to stay, especially someone he respected? His heart felt like it jumped in his throat and he went red in the face and speechless. "I-, uh, yeah. OK." His smile became more gentle and he just held her in his arms until she composed herself.

She pushed away from him and moved towards the others, though she didn't seem to forget about him and that made his face heat up again. "Y-Yeah, I'm coming." What the hell was going on? Why did he feel this way? It was then he heard Larkyn and felt some sort of animosity coming from the man, which he lumped up to his suspicions on their disappearance. Fair enough. "Oh, Cyrus is good enough to fly her but he's just a big of criminal as I am! This seems like preferential treatment." Despite his bitching though he got on the broom with Terran and flew them off towards the island. He couldn't have even got paired with someone at least interesting? This pairing was bull shit.

Almost instantaneously the girls were sent to the infirmary and they began their interrogation. The whole time he felt antsy, he could talk himself out of a lot and this was no difference but he needed to know what was going on with the girls. Terran and Dixie spoke first, they didn't know much so they were dismissed, Cyrus was next to go, and then it went to Serraphina. "I, can I get a chance to speak please? I've got places to be." The headmistress gave him a dirty scowl but she gave him a small nod. He explained he checked in with some friends, heard a rumor of getting back at the death eaters by nabbing some purebloods, and he went off to look for the girls. The street they went on? Shady, of course someone would hide out there. It was an answer that would satisfy the headmistress yes, but he knew the explanation would not be good enough for Larkyn.

Good thing Larkyn wasn't his fucking boss, right? "I'll go check in on the girls!" He didn't even look back as he ran off towards the infirmary, robbing a vase of some sunflowers before walking inside. "Dru?" As he walked in he scanned the room. Cyrus was with Loire, poor dude must've been a glutton for punishment but he was glad she looked better, and the next thing he found was what he was looking for. He ran across the infirmary and gave her a small, warm smile. "I, uh, got these for you? Flowers make girls feel better, right? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere one time." Hunter gave a nervous chuckle before he pulled a chair up next to the bed. He tucked the flowers in a vase by the bed before giving a small exhale. "You're not wounded or anything right? They just scared you? Those fuckers will get what's coming to them, I promise."

It...was probably best that Serraphina wasn't in charge of flying the broom. Back in school the poor instructors really did try to teach her, they let her try with the first year students every year, but Serraphina was a liability on a broom. She broke statues and windows on more than one occasion, fell off of it more often than not, and even crashed into a wall at one point. It was kind of awkward to be paired with Larkyn, she sat behind him and she hugged him tightly in hopes she wouldn't fall off. It wasn't so much that she didn't trust him so much as she was absolutely terrified of falling off, drowning, being left behind. She had completely forgotten about her inability to fly after years back in the muggle world and it bothered her, every other witch and wizard was capable but her. Thankfully she was so scared she didn't focus on how awkward it was to be hugging her old school girl crush.

"Thanks for not dropping me and leaving me for the sharks." The red headed woman quickly let Larkyn go and scrambled to get off of the broom. He looked upset and she was pretty sure that it was about more than the kidnapping and his sister getting hurt, though she was sure that didn't help. As much as she wanted to ask if he was feeling OK the headmistress was there however and she quickly started to reem all of them for their tardiness. Loire and Dru were sent off to the infirmary, and each of them were asked individually what happened. Cyrus was dismissed first, then Terran, and then Dixie, and then it was Serraphina's turn to talk. Hunter was quick to interrupt to say his part, which didn't disclose much, and run off.

"It's late. I've got all I really need to know for now, the girls are safe and you guys are all back. We can talk more tomorrow, just get some rest guys." That was it? They didn't need to tell their side? Before she knew it the headmistress was walking off and leaving Larkyn and Sapphira alone. "Larkyn are you OK? I-, there's a lot that happened. Do you want to talk?" He seemed like the guy that always put others first, but she could see his face when he noticed the hug between Dru and Hunter. Serraphina and Larkyn weren't close though, she didn't even know if they were considered friends? There was no guarantee he'd talk to her but she had to at least try. "I, um, can head back to the house if you want to go to the infirmary?" She gave him a warm, gentle smile in hopes that it would try to cheer him up even a little bit.

Well, sharing a broom with a man was a new experience. Most of the time it was pretty women wrapped around his waist while he flew around and shown them sites from the sky. His first pick, of course, was Dixie, but he would have settled for even escorting Dru or Loire. Instead he got his least preferred flying buddy, Hunter. Couldn't he of gotten paired with Larkyn? All he could do was sigh and prepare the broom, but since he was the one that got the brooms he insisted he be the one to fly. So it was Hunter wrapped around his waist... it was not enjoyable, all he did was complain on the way there.

Once they landed they found that Elena was waiting for them and oh boy, she was not happy. Thankfully Dixie got the girls sent to the infirmary to get checked out before the interrogation started. Terran's explanation was super simple; he was at the shop catching up with a friend, walked down an alley and found the bags, and then he got the brooms. That was his part. Dixies was just as simple, the girls went off while her and Serraphina went and waited for them, they were gone for two hours and then they went looking. The headmistress was satisfied with their answers and dismissed the pair.

So there they were in the house preparing dinner for everyone. Terran insisted that Dixie sit down and relax, however when he set off the fire alarm trying to make microwavable mashed potatoes she came to his rescue. "I guess I've never cooked before, now that I think about it. Thanks for your help Dixie, I think we'd be in even more trouble if I burned down the place." He gave a small sigh as he finished chopping up some lettuce for the salad. The lettuce was not chopped evenly and didn't look pretty but at least he didn't cut off a finger. "How are you holding up after today? I'm sorry, maybe I should have been there to protect you guys."
Druella “Dru” Arville

Dru was a strange ball of emotions that she didn’t want to be. First off, she had just been through some insane fucking trauma, the last thing that she needed was to deal with anything on top of that. Then Larkyn was being so weird, first she was sad because he wasn’t reacting the way he should! They had been together since basically forever and he just didn’t care. At least that’s sure as hell what it felt like. Then he had to go and get all… whatever… about Hunter and she was pissed! THEN there was Hunter. What the FUCK was that? Why did she feel that way? Why did he even do any of it to begin with? On top of all of it, her body hurt, her pride hurt and a wicked migraine was setting in.

The two girls were thankfully quickly able to head off to the infirmary, Loire being placed in a bed far away from her to give both girls their space. The nurse checked her over and save for a few scrapes she was mostly okay. Her muscles were mostly just sore, likely from the ground and being tossed around. The headache though… she didn’t mention. Not that anyone would have jumped to the conclusion that she was having headaches due to the insane vision she had but, saying it felt too real.

Across the room Dru noticed Cyrus come in, instantly going to Loire and doting over her. It wasn’t until recently that she ever thought she wanted that. She was perfectly fine with her relationship, she liked what her and Larkyn were. They were great friends, got along well, ran in the same circles and simply made sense. Dru always thought she didn’t need all the other fluff, or thag it would come eventually. But… clearly it never did. And clearly it bothered her more than she thought.

The door opened again and Dru’s eyes went slightly wide. Hunter was quickly making his way over to her and she couldn’t help but just stare at him with raised eyebrows. “You’re bringing me flowers now?” Dru nearly laughed, it was almost comical. A few weeks ago the two were spitting insults at each other nonstop. Now this? “I-thanks.” Her face softened a bit as he tossed the flowers in a vase and pulled up a chair. “I’m just sore, probably from laying on a stone basement floor instead of a princess bed.” Dru attempted to make a joke, get him to calm down a bit. “Seriously Hunter I’m fine. Sore, my head hurts. But fine.” She sat up in the bed a bit more and crossed her arms across her chest. “Now are you going to explain to me what the hell that was all about? I-“ Dru didn’t know Hunter super well, but she knew he wasn’t the type of guy to do something like this. They thought pretty similarly about the way the world should be and went about it in different ways sure but, kidnapping and ransom wasn’t his vibe. “I heard those guys saying they were going to literally cut off pieces of us to send to our families. Losing control over your dogs or what?” There she was normal Dru was coming back.

“It’s no problem at all.” Dixie hummed as she made her way around the kitchen, the mashed potatoes had to be trashed but that was okay. She tasked Terran with chopping up vegetables for a salad and got to work work on a main dish. They had enough supplies for a chili so she pulled out a large stock pot from the cupboard and began adding her ingredients. Honestly Dixie enjoyed cooking, and usually it was just for herself and Turtle. So it was kind of nice to cook for the whole group!

“I’m holding up fine. I do feel bad for the girls though.” Dixie didn’t scare easily, it was something people often mistook. She was soft spoken and kind but she also knew she was capable. She may have only been the herbology professor but back when she was a student, Dixie was quite adept and dueling and was even a part of the fencing club. “I just want to know why they were in that house. I know what Hunter said to the headmistress but it just doesn’t make any sense to me.” If they were taking the girls to prove a point, make a stance, send a message. Dixie would understand, not really but… at least it would make more sense. It sounded like these men were just trying for personal gain. It was disgusting either way but, that made it feel worse. “Don’t feel bad you weren’t around. But I do appreciate your concern.”

Dixie stirred the chili and pulled some bread from where it had been warming near the wood stove. She placed it on the table before placing out plates for everyone. “I do hope the entire year isn’t like this, it wouldn’t be good for the kids. They don’t deserve what’s going on in the world, all they want to do is be safe at school and grow up. It just feels so unfair.”

They all got back and Loire was swiftly off the the infirmary alongside Dru. Cyrus attempted to be the first one to run off with them but was held back by the headmistress momentarily so she could ask everyone a few questions. Thankfully he was low on her list of conversational partners and soon enough he was able to run off after Loire. He wouldn’t be okay until he knew that she was getting helped and somewhere safe and resting.

The whole situation made him think a bit. Made him realize that he wasn’t the only dangerous and volatile thing in her life. That anything could happen at anytime, with or without him there. It didn’t change the fact that Cyrus had a lot of unfortunate deals to handle and tie up but… it did change his out look on things. Slightly. Just slightly.

Cyrus entered the large wooden door to the infirmary and was about to be shooed off by the nurse until she noticed he was faculty. He could tell the woman wanted to give him some scolding about visiting hours but didn’t have the energy to deal with it right now. Which was good for him, bad for Loire. She was still insanely angry, it wasn’t hard to tell. She had snapped at him back in the village and refused to ride on a broom with him like a pestilent child but… that was what he loved about her. Loire was so fiesty and confident in her own special way. She was herself through and through and not afraid to be so. Even now as she was staring dagger at him he couldn’t help but smile slightly.

That is until she started to talk. Then something rare for Cyrus happened, he found himself moving past frustration to anger. At himself, the situation, hell even Loire in a strange way. What didn’t she understand? How could she look at him and say shit like this? That he was OK with it? “How can you even say that? Do you even know me at all?” He kept his voice down to avoid getting kicked out by the nurse but god he was so done. “You were and always will be the most important person in my life. My best friend even beyond Larkyn. If you think so lowly of me that you think it was fucking easy to leave you Loire then god I don’t understand why you’re so mad I left in the first place! Clearly I’m not that great of a person then.”

This wasn’t fair to her. Cyrus was just hurt and lashing out. He knew it but it was hard to control. “I can’t just NOT handle my family. I can’t just leave them to struggle. I’m not that person. I can help them, I can support them. They don’t fucking deserve it, oh hell do I know that for sure but I still have to. I have to. Not you.” Cyrus sighed and shoved a hand through his shaggy red hair, leaning against her bedside table and taking a few long breaths to calm down.

When Loire spoke next it broke his heart. “Loire…” Cyrus sighed, pushing away from the table and kneeling so he was looking up at her on the bed, placing his hand on her leg and his other reaching for hers. “I miss you. So much. All the time. So much that it hurts, that I think about coming back. That I write letters I don’t send. That I send people to check in on you and Larkyn, to tell me that you’re both okay. I miss you. I-“ Love you. Cyrus stopped short and cleared his throat, squeezing her hand slightly. “I could handle my situation better but you have to let me figure it out myself. And- I’ll do better to be willing to accept help. But not charity. And I’ll try and … I’ll try and be around more. Even after this year.”
The flight back was honestly a bit of a mood lifter. At first he was irritated that he wasn’t able to take his fiancé, then annoyed that she didn’t seem to want to be around him anyways. Then kind of pleased with the situation. Hunter got paired with Terran and Larkyn got Sapphira. The girl was honestly kind of hilarious the whole flight. He felt bad for chuckling but he had to admit it was kind of comical. He had to ensure her multiple times throughout the travel that he wouldn’t drop her. Then if he DID drop her that he would go back and get her.

Finally they all got back and it was time to face Elena. Larkyn wanted to go with Dru and Loire to the infirmary, honestly he was fairly positive the headmistress would have let him but he had a responsibility to report back what he knew. Plus he wanted to hear whatever Hunter had to say. The other three gave their quick run down of what they knew or saw and were quickly off. Then came Hunter who rudely cut off Sapphira. His story sounded true, but also like it was lacking quite a bit of information. Information that Larkyn decided he would simply have to get from Hunter, man to man. But that would come later, when the two of them didn’t have others within earshot.

Larkyn explained what they found at the house, how they got there and let her know that he already sent word back to his supervisor so that they could go back and handle whatever criminal situation was occurring there. Thankfully she seemed pleased with the explanation, at least for tonight, and went back to her regular evening schedule and let them all go free. Hunter and Cyrus had clearly ran off to the infirmary and something told him he wasn’t quite welcome right now, or wanted…

Sapphira’s soft voice pulled him from his thoughts and he gave her a weak smile. “Yeah I’m okay. How about you? It was a rough day for sure.” Honestly he was kind of touched that someone even asked. Dru and Loire were great, and there was no doubt in his mind they both cared about him in their own ways but… Loire was always sick. Then as an adult she was a handful. Larkyn was always put in charge of making sure she was okay and happy, keeping tabs on her and being a good big brother despite them being the same age. Dru was perfectly capable on her own but their relationship came with a lot of rules to follow. Their public image was huge and had to be pristine at all times. She was busy, they were busy. Often times Larkyn simply got lost in the shuffle of all the chaos. “N-no. I think I should give them both some space right now. It seems they both have visitors anyways.” Larkyn said the last part with a little bit of spite.

The two of them were standing in the courtyard and he moved to sit on one of the stone benches, looking around the grounds and up at the large main structure of the school. “It used to all be so much simpler when we were students. I would give anything to just have to go to class and play Quidditch again.”

Back when Larkyn first started to bring Cyrus around she didn't treat him any different than she did normal people. Cold shoulder, resting bitch face, she didn't pay him any mind. Most people used them for money, status, and they were all so faked she could smell it on them. It didn't take her long to tell that he was different though. Larkyn protected her physically all of her life so Loire took it upon her to scare off people that weren't good for Larkyn. Cyrus was never scared of her, he even started to sass her back. Maybe that's when she warmed up to him? He had lunch with them, hung out with them, and before she knew it they were going over to each others homes on breaks. He taught them cool magic tricks, he played sports with Larkyn, and he even trained with Loire in her quest to become the greatest wizard. At some point he had somehow found his way into her little cold, black heart.

They had known each for half of their life now and Loire had never seen Cyrus get angry, least of all at her. Her shoulders tensed up and she immediately looked down at her hand like a child being scolded. Maybe she had been too mean? She had just felt so frustrated all of these years not hearing from him! "I don't think low of you at all, you know I don't." Her words were quietly muttered under her breath as he continued to yell at her. His words made her heart ache. There were other ways to make money for his family, right? He was so smart, so talented. He could do whatever he wanted in his life! It made Loire remember the promise she made to his mom before she passed, that Loire would look out for Cyrus and make sure he doesn't fall down the wrong path. Loire was failing fucking miserably at that.

Suddenly he was kneeling next to her and she looked up at him half expecting to be yelled at some more. Much to her surprise the shaggy red haired man was holding her hand and the other one on her leg, her body physically relaxing a little bit and her face softening. She knew that he had to miss the two of them, she didn't think it was easy leaving them at all. She was more mad that he thought that this was his only option? Gently she squeezed his hand back with a small smile. "I... don't want other people checking in on us. I want you to." I want you to stay, but the words wouldn't come out. Instead she just sat there and listened to his words, Loire's other arm slipped from the confines of his flannel she was still hugging, her body nearly leaping out of the bed as she threw her arms around him for a tight hug.

The hug lasted for a good minute, her face was buried in his neck as she tried to think of what to say. Loire had a sharp tongue, but when it came to feelings she found herself at a loss. That's why she kissed him all those years ago, and that's why she was hugging him now. She was horrible with words and he never seemed to judge her for that. "Thank you." With a small smile she pulled away from the hug and took a deep breath. "I'm ready to get out of here. Let's go home." As if nothing had happened Loire immediately bounced from her bed to slip on her shoes, instantly making her way to the exit. Should she have stayed the night like the nurses suggested? Probably, but she wasn't going to.

"Me? Oh, I'm fine! I wish we stopped the girls from going out on their own, if it had been the four of us I'm sure they wouldn't have been about to take us all." The red headed woman returned his smile in hopes she would be able to cheer him up just a little bit. Poor guy, his plate was always so full he couldn't even relax on their free day! As someone who buried her own dreams of staying in the magical world to make her family happy she understood what he was going. Family, relationships, they were the same in the magical world and muggle world apparently.

Her bright green eyes watched him as he moved to the bench, her smile becoming brighter as he spoke of his school days. God, she missed them too. Life was easy, they got to live life so freely it felt like. "I know, right? Some of my favorite memories of school were dragging Dixie to go with me to your games. She absolutely hated me when it was rainy and cold, but I never missed a game." Hopefully he didn't read too much into that? It was just a silly school girl crush, they were both adults now and lived in different worlds. Plus, he was engaged to Dru and her dad would have a coronary if she ever brought home anyone in the magic community.

"But being an adult isn't so bad? I mean, you get to do fun things. You can travel, do things that make you happy. I go rock climbing after work, hiking, biking, shopping. I couldn't do any of that back in school. Surely you've picked up a few hobbies since you've graduated?" Then it hit her. Maybe he didn't have any hobbies and she just made an ass out of herself? "I-I mean to say, um,..." For a moment Sapphira stumbled over her words, something that rarely happened. "You can't be perfect all the time, you need to do stuff that makes you happy. Something that just lets you be happy, free, like you did playing Quidditch?" Sapphira moved next to him and sat down, leaning back and looking up at the main structure of the building like him. "How about we make a deal, you teach me to fly a broom and I'll help you explore every hobby until we find ones you like. We're stuck here until the end of the year, we have plenty of time."
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"Well y'know, I was on my way and I saw the flowers and it reminded me of the sun and I wanted to brighten your shitty day." Hunter was not great with emotions or words. Was he snarky, witty, and smart? Of course, but growing up everything was fake. Fake parents, fake friends, fake, fake, fake. The pureblood world confused him even to this day, he was told he loved Loire and so he assumed that whatever their weird relationship was love. He didn't know what he felt about Dru. She made him smile whether they were bickering or just chatting about class, politics, or whatever else they talked about. Just thinking about her and talking to her made him smile? That was definitely not what he felt for Loire, so it wasn't love, right? Whatever it was, he couldn't get enough of it. All he knew was that he wanted her to smile just as much.

For a second she looked like she wanted to laugh, and to him that was a small accomplishment. He'd take that. "Good to know you're still in good spirits. Before you get kidnapped next make sure you alert them to your princess expectations." He sat up a little bit further as she mentioned her head hurting. "Do you want me to get you the nurse? Or, uh, fluff your pillow or something? Dim the lights?" It was probably a good thing that she was used to his constant talking by now because he talked even more when he was nervous. And then she said something that made him even more nervous, control of his dogs.

With a nervous chuckle he ran a hand through his raven black hair, finally letting out a long sigh and leaning back into his chair. "See, I go away for a few weeks and they start losing their minds. I get it, death eaters are something that shouldn't be turning up, we're already having such a problem finding a balance of status just to make the goddamn purebloods happy. Now everyone else is scared that they're going to be killed by the death eaters and they want to get a little payback. I've never condoned violence at all, we're a peaceful group, not terrorists. One of our most brazen stunts were burning our statement into the fountain park for gods sakes, we don't hurt people. But my partner is scared, I'm not there to keep him level headed. And now we're here. I'm going to be going back tomorrow and kicking some ass though I can tell you that."

Out of the corner of his eye he seen Loire's stubborn ass making her way out of the infirmary and all he could do was side. He had to stay overnight in this infirmary for a head injury far less than hers, but there was no stopping that girl. "What do you say, want to get back to our humble abode? I'm sure you still need a shower, and I can grab you some meds for that headache of yours." Hunter stood to his feet and reached out with one of his large hands to help her up, a warm smile on his face.

Two weeks had passed since their outing and it didn't seem like things were letting up anytime soon. The house energy was tense most days, there was some kind of animosity he could sense in the air and it made him uncomfortable. Why couldn't these people just bury the hatchet? They were lucky the women walked away -nearly- unscathed, the students were thankfully resilient and seeming to be dealing with the death eaters situation, they had plenty to be thankful for. Maybe he just felt that way though because he spent a significant time with Dixie the queen of sunshine? The woman was absolutely radiant, she was unlike anyone he had ever met and just exuded positivity. As a muggle born in the magic world she could of been terrified like some of the students but... she wasn't.

Terran was a positive person but he had never met someone just as positive, it made him actually want to spend more time with her? He spent school hours with her and they lived in the same home, ate most of their meals together, he didn't know why he wanted more time with her, he just did.

It was the end of the first month and as per usual the games were going to be held at the end of the week. The headmistress made her announcement to remind everyone after classes were dismissed. And don't forget my wizards and witches, after your scavenger hunt is completed you'll find your flag, and then you'll race to the finish once you get to your brooms. I'm so excited to see all of your school spirit! The dance will be held that night, come alone, come with friends, or come with a date. Just come and have a good time! Have a great day everyone. That reminded him of something. After dinner Terran took off on his broom to go get something from the town. One, Dixie and him agreed that everyone needed to chill out and relax, perhaps with less drinking though. He had purchased several bags of board games and card games in hopes they could all play something and got along.

Second was the bouquet of yellow dahlia's he had gotten Dixie. Terran spoke in flowers, and as he watched her snipping flowers in the greenhouse the other day he wanted to get her some. This was his first thought, sunny and beautiful like her. "Hey all. You haven't strangled each other yet, have you?" Terran walked through the door of their house and dropped off the bags of games. "Pick one, we're bonding tonight." He normally didn't do family bonding experiences due to the lack of family, but he was tired of the tension. "Is Dixie home?"
Druella “Dru” Arville

“No nurse.” Dru spoke maybe a little too quickly but she meant it, at this point all she wanted was to get out of here and sleep in her own slightly terrible bed rather than this very terrible bed. She adjusted slightly once more, scooting closer to the edge of the bed and turning so her legs hung off the side of the bed as she listened to him talk. Payback huh? The mention of Death Eaters made her flinch slightly. She hated this pure blood, mixed blood, muggle bullshit. Their world was already so divided. The last thing they needed was this sort of shit coming back around yet here they were. “Hunter, seriously.” Dru sighed as she heard him mention going back and kicking some ass. The thought of him doing that made her both kind of giddy but also worried. “It’s not worth it, I don’t want this to come off wrong but… Hunter, you were gone a few weeks and look what already happened. They were so quick to change so drastically, do you think they maybe didn’t really align with you enough to begin with?”

Across the room Dru noticed Loire and Cyrus leave and the moment Hunter stood and offered her hand, Dru jumped up and took it. “Gladly. This place is depressing.”


Two weeks had passed since the incident in town and not one bit of tension had decreased. Every interaction between Larkyn and herself felt forced, the good mornings, the quick kisses, the good nights. All of it. Meanwhile Larkyn and Hunter seemed to be staring daggers at each other at every single opportunity. Loire and Cyrus seemed awkward, more awkward than normal actually. Then the others were fine but… Jesus this was all getting to be awfully annoying.

Dru had tried on multiple occasions to catch Loire alone so she could ask her what she meant, that she had read about something similar to her visions in a book. But everyone was everywhere all the fucking time! So instead she had taken it upon herself to try and find the book in the library herself. But she failed miserably.

Now here they were. Dru sat at the dining room table, looking over some of the assignments she had assigned last week for grading. “Hmm?” She looked up from where she sat, her brow cocking a bit at Terrans entrance. “Yeah, she’s upstairs I think. She was showering because one of the students broke something and she came home a mess.” She chuckled a bit at remembering the sight before looking between the bags and the two brooding men in the room. Hunter was sulking nearby and Larkyn was pacing back and forth behind her in the kitchen. Maybe Terran had a point

The last two weeks had been strange, between the drama retuning ten fold at the house and the students questioning what was going on, it was a lot to handle. Dixie had always been honest with her students, not afraid to discuss messy things like breakups and bullies and trouble at home. That meant a lot of them would come to her with their questions. Unfortunately that meant a lot of them were coming to her about death eaters. Honestly she didn’t know a lot about the history there, and she was willing to share what she could with them in a gentle manner but… she didn’t want to scare them. She also didn’t want to piss off ajh parents. So for two weeks Dixie danced around the subject and eventually that news faded with no new incidents and was replaced with the students excitement for the games.

Then as soon as life got easy. It got hard again. Dixie wasn’t sure how it reached her, or if it was even real. But she was sent notice that her father passed away, shot. Killed in a bar fight back in Georgie. She couldn’t say that she was shocked by the news but… she wasn’t exactly sure how she felt. She wasn’t sad so to speak, he was never a father beyond a biological sense. But a piece of her felt a bit of melancholy, he was still family despite his actions. Part of her was relieved to know she never had to worry about him again. That part was eaten alive though by the fact that the letter was finished off with her mother hoping to hear back, hoping they could start over and fix things. Dixie didn’t trust it, her brain didn’t at least. But her heart was hoping, that was dangerous.

As if that wasn’t enough, one of the students made a mess of a planter AND a whole basin full of gillyweed. Dixie ended up covered in green snot like material and dirt by the end of the day and once classes were over she bee lined it to the house to take a long calming shower. Downstairs she could hear voices finally besides the STARK silence left by the others, which led her to believe Terran was finally home. Dixie was out of the shower and in her room, drying off her hair with a towel and getting dressed. She pulled on a light pink turtleneck and pulled a pair of paint splattered overalls and plain knit socks before opening her door. She heard him ask if she was home and Dru respond, to which she simply rolled her eyes a bit. “Yeah, up here! I’ll be down in a minute!” Dixie just needed to get her hair a bit more dry and brush it quick, then she could head down and join the others for a rousing night of awkwardness.

Larkyn didn’t even know anyone made sure they went to every game, unless they were actual players. The thought kind of made him smile, he didn’t really know anyone anymore who liked Quidditch as much as he did. Dru tolerated it, back in school she came to games but was often busy with potions club or debate. Cyrus played but he didn’t stick with it like Larkyn. Honestly at this point he was just thrilled to have something in common with someone, these days that was feeling less and less possible.

Then she said something that made him stop and think. Hobbies? Something that made him happy? Larkyn couldn’t honestly remember the last time he did something just for him. Not that he wasn’t happy, he was! But he just liked making everyone else happy? Keeping people safe? But Sapphira was right, he needed to have hobbies, likes, dislikes! He couldn’t just work and follow around Dru. Sapphira went on to mention her deal and Larkyn found himself grinning for the first time all day, “That sounds like a great plan.”


During the last two weeks Larkyn did very few things. His job. Argue and grumble with or at Hunter. Try to get back to normal with Dru. And teach Sapphira how to ride a broom. Only one of those things made him even remotely happy recently. His job was so fucking stressful, Dru was acting like she was angry with him. But with Sapphira? He could just let loose. Be free. Have fun. She was quite the awful flyer but that was okay because it meant it would take longer!

Larkyn was so stressed about whatever was going on with Dru and Hunter that he even went to Cyrus for advice. It was advice he didn’t want to hear but it was true. That they couldn’t just HOPE a relationship happened, there had to be feelings and work. Also if he was that worried about it that he should step up and do something about it. But Larkyn just wasn’t that kind of guy, plus he didn’t even know what he would do? But he had to do something. Even if Dru and Larkyn weren’t engaged, she was too good of a woman to be with someone like Hunter.

Today Larkyn was been cooped up in the house, handling paperwork and reports to send back to the ministry of all his findings from the week. It was making him antsy, it only got worse as people began to come back from classes and such from the day. Now he found himself pacing, trying to get out some of his nervous energy and avoiding a full mental breakdown. His attention pulled when Terran came home with bags.

“You’re not attempting drinking night round two right? Please god tell me we’re not going there.” Larkyn made his way over to the bags and peered inside them, humming softly with surprise. “Games huh?” It wasn’t a bad plan. It actually sounded kind of fun. Well fun if someone out Hunter out in the backyard where he belonged so he couldnt bother them all.

The hug caught Cyrus off guard but after a moment of shock he found himself wrapping his arms around her tightly and just sitting for a long moment. In that moment he wished he could split his body in two, leave one here with her forever and send the other off to handle shit for his father. In that moment he hated the promise he made to his mother, that he would handle everything and keep the family safe and happy. Shit he was fucking up half off that anyways. Why the fuck was it him? Why did this shit all have to happen.

After a while Loire was the first to move and speak. “Right, let’s get you home yeah?”


Two more weeks had past, two more weeks of sleeping in the library. The only difference was now he and Loire were actually getting along. Things weren’t awkward and weird. They weren’t like 100% back to old times, but a giant step in the right direction.

“Man oh man. I need a nap after my day of napping.” Cyrus yawned, tossing an arm around Loires shoulder as the two of them neared the house in their way home for the night. “I get why you like that job so much now. However, if you would let me TOUCH the books, maybe just maybe you could actually relax a bit too.”

"It's a bit hard trusting a pyromaniac with my books." When his arm wrapped around her she gave him a curious look, all she did was . Loire liked being close to him, she'd just never admit it. "If you're so bored then fine, do what you want." The past few years she liked staying busy; it kept her from being bored and it distracted her from the embarrassment of having her power. Loire knew her brother accepted her, that was a given, but she didn't want Cyrus to look at her different? She was fearful of the possibility of losing him again. All she could manage to do was sigh quietly and lean her head on his shoulder as they approached the house. Back to the annoying lot of roommates. "I expect you'll keep me company in this new found free time of mine, then.

Once inside she went to head straight for her room though she stopped when she noticed her brother taking an interest in the bag. Games? Her brother clearly had a competitive spirit playing quidditch all those years, Loire had board games. Plus, this would hopefully help the tension in the house... or cause things to boil over. Either or, she didn't care. Something needed to fucking happen to make them all bearable again. "Come. I'm finally going to beat you in Monopoly." Loire quickly grabbed Cyrus's hand and led him over to the table in the living room, angry at all the times that Cyrus used to beat her. There she went through all of the games, Clue, Exploding Kittens (no cats actually got hurt, that's all Lore cared about), Monopoly,

And so everyone played for the next few hours. It was Mr. Peacock with the candlestick in the library (hats off to Larkyn), Hunter surprisingly won Exploding Kittens, and then it came down to Monopoly. They were probably a good three hours into it at this point and Loire had gone bankrupt twenty minutes ago due to her making a deal, yet again, with Cyrus that she thought was beneficial. Why did she always cave when he asked her to sell to him? Good thing Sapphira made popcorn.

The tension was getting worse and worse by the minute as Larkyn and Hunter battled it out for the win. Time to stir the pot. "Larkyn did you get your suit so you could match Dru yet? You guys have always color coordinated." With a straight face she took a bite of the popcorn, internally smirking at the drama she just set up to unfold. Sorry, Larkyn.
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The last two weeks really flew by! Sapphira was so tired of everyone being scared, everyone at risk with the death eaters about was the students that came from mixed blood backgrounds, or muggle blooded individuals like her. So Sapphira dedicated class time to cheering up the kids, and with Elena's approval Sapphira did movie marathons for her classes. It taught technology and what muggles did to relax, she also made popcorn for everyone all week and smoothies. The students were leaving the class with a smile and she just wished she could do that for her friends at the house. Thankfully Larkyn seemed to be smiling after their broom lessons? Probably pity for her pathetic skills, but a smile is a smile.

In the small free time she had she was making a list of hobbies to try out with Larkyn. The two weeks were busy with prepping for the race and dance so they hadn't gotten much free time, but once everything was settled maybe, just maybe, they could go off campus just for a few hours. Hiking, swimming, biking? Did they bike here? She didn't know, but it was worth a try.

When she walked into the house she noticed the twins looking through a bag and as soon as she found out it was board games she was SO excited. Larkyn had a busy day with paperwork, and she hoped that this would squash the tension in the house. Oh, how wrong she was. Things were so fun in the beginning! Detective Larkyn won Clue, Hunter won the confusing game of Exploding Kittens, and then it became some kind of pissing competition when it came to Monopoly. Most of everyone were now bankrupt and Sapphira just had to give Larkyn all of her properties and funds so now she was also bankrupt.

"You guys know there's, like, no grand prize for winning this game, right?" Sapphira sat down on the couch and sat down the bowl of popcorn before taking a quick drink of her water. However, when Loire spoke up she nearly choked on her water. Abort, abort! Don't ask that question! It didn't seem that Loire could read her mind though and she finished up her antagonistic question. Did she know what she was doing? "Oh, matching colors are SO out dated. I heard that mismatching colors are totally all the rage lately. A-And we've all been so busy lately I'm sure no one has gotten around to asking their date yet." Oh, please let that be enough to avoid a fight.

Terran was completely unaware of the things that had been going on in Dixie's life, she never really shared anything about her home life despite Terran inquiring. He summed it up to it not being the greatest and he could understand that, he respected it. The flowers were to just brighten her day like she brightened everyone else's day, at least his. So when she came downstairs he presented her the bouquet of flowers before going into the kitchen and pouring some water into a vase for them.

Everyone was surprisingly receptive with the games! Hunter seemed a bit disinterested but he also seemed like a fairly competitive guy so he joined in. Good. Also, Terran only knew how to play Monopoly from the dorm rooms days back in school, Clue and the Kitten games were new to him, but with the amount of people they had made their selection of games slightly limited. Hey, whatever he could do to get them to bond.

Let's be real, Terran was awful at these games but it was the idea that counted, right? Clue was about getting down to who did what where with what, it required a good poker face and he was god awful at that. He was the first person out. Kittens? Same thing, he sucked at it. At least he was decent at Monopoly! ...Until he ended up having to give Hunter everything he owned. That wasn't very nice. Terran was just doing this to have some fun, the other guys seemed to getting a little too much into the competitive spirit. The tension they had over the few weeks? It was probably ten fold now.

"Dixie dear I don't mean to pry, but has something been bothering you today? You just seem a little off, is all." He gave her a gentle smile as he held some popcorn for Fleur to munch on. A little conversation to break the ice, right? And then he heard Loire's comment and he instantly knew that it was all over with. Any chance of peace went right out the window. Sapphira seemed to try to distract them, but even Terran had enough sense to him to know that it wouldn't work. Boys will be boys, maybe they just needed to fight to solve their issues? After that they'd be fine. "I disagree Sapphira, matching your partner is a very important thing in a dance." Usually instigation wasn't his goal but everyone was tired of the tension. Somebody needed to throw the first punch.

As much as he hated to admit it, Dru was right. He was gone a few weeks and everyone lost their mind, they completely diverted from their awareness goal and made it into a terror mission. It made the next few weeks harder than he would like. Elena would not let him leave the island, said that whoever left needed to have a buddy to avoid what happened, and we all know Hunter wasn't going to bring anyone to meet the group with him. Maybe Cyrus, but he seemed busy as of lately too.

On top of the disappointment of not being able to leave the island he had Larkyn's annoying ass to deal with. What, Hunter was good enough to be engaged to his sister but he couldn't be friends with Dru? If Larkyn gave a fucking shit about Dru he would be asking how her day was, how she was holding up since the incident, he'd be taking an interest in how class was going for her. Fuck, he'd just take an interest in her! Instead him and Sapphira were running off and flying brooms late at night like school kids. Being in the house with him was just awkward, and tense. Loire still wanted Hunter to drop dead. The ONLY saving grace to this whole experience was Dru. He didn't know why he gravitated to her but he did, and here they were.

Hunter walked inside the house after yet another failed attempt to leave the island. He felt defeated, frustrated, hopeless. What if they did this to another group of girls? What if they actually succeeded the next time? He made sure to write a letter to one of his most loyal men and he had promised to keep him in the loop, but even he couldn't see everything. He'd just have to hope nothing happened. It had of distracted him from the games and dance thankfully. "What are you all on about? Games, huh?" Hunter was going to pass, but Larkyn was planning to play. Suddenly Hunter was on board and he was practically begging Dru to play with all of them.

How long had they been playing? It was probably close to midnight now. Hunter made his guess in Clue and he had wanted to wait one more turn before guessing, however Larkyn beat him and that pissed him off. Fuck him. The second game? The kittens game or whatever? He played with his men back at the base and was surprisingly good at it, so he was happy to bury Larkyn in the dirt. Then it came to Monopoly and the gloves were off.

Everyone else was out, he owned most of the board but was broke and Larkyn owned the most expensive properties and was flushed with cash. Hotels were on nearly every property and at this point they were nose to nose. As he shook his dice with the most serious shake of his life he was praying that he wouldn't end up on Larkyn's spaces. Then he heard Loire's question and he dropped the dice, rolling a 7 and ending up on Larkyn's Boardwalk and all he could do was feel the anger bubble up. "Oh, fuck you." He grumbled quietly but took this opportunity to egg on Larkyn. "Well in order to get Dru to ask you I'm sure you have to make up with her. You haven't done that yet, have you buddy boy?"

Great. Games. Amazing. Everyone else joined in so it would have been a dick move for him to not as well but Larkyn was not exactly thrilled to be joining. Not because he didn’t want to hang out with the others, no that part was fine. The part that bothered him was Hunter. Recently Larkyn felt like he could explode at any moment and he simply did not want to do it with an audience. So instead he put all of that energy into the games they were playing, it might have been a bit too serious at times but it kept him from punching Hunter in the face. That is until people started to open their mouths.

His sister was first. It caused Larkyn to look up from the board and over to his twin who was popping popcorn in her mouth as she gave him a smirk. The dance was currently a subject that he didn’t dare bring up, they were being forced to chaperone and of course he assumed he would attend with his fiancé but she all but ran away from him when the subject came up. Sapphira chimed in next, Larkyn could tell the was trying to help and diffuse the situation but unfortunately Terran came in and swiftly squashed that attempt. It was all making Larkyn slightly annoyed, more than he already was. Loire was correct, if this was any other event he and Dru would already have their outfits planned and coordinated. She would have bought his tie when she got her dress! But here it seemed like she would have much rather gone with someone else.

Then that very someone else had to go and open his mouth and Larkyn could have sworn he felt a blood vessel pop in his brain. Suddenly he stood from the couch he was sitting on, staring over at Hunter with a glare before he started going. “I do not need you giving me any sort of relationship advice. You -you bloody moron.” It was rare for Larkyn to boil over, when he did it was often more frustrated ramblings more than insults so he wasn’t the greatest at trash talk. “I’m so don’t listening to you talk, you sit here and try and play nice and be friends when everyone around you is paying the price for your crime!” Larkyn moved past the table and got a bit closer to Larkyn as he yelled.

“I have never been thrilled that you’re engaged to my sister. I have tried thousands of times to get her out of it. Told my parents what a loser you are, that just because of your last name doesn’t mean your fit to marry Loire. Even if she is the way she is. They don’t listen unfortunately. However you know one thing I can control? This. Whatever this is.” Larkyn pointed between Hunter and Dru quickly. “I don’t know what this friendship is but it’s ridiculous. Dru this man is literally the opposite of everything you’ve worked for, he’s gotten you tangled up in this mess and if it wasn’t for your father things could have been much worse. And now what? You guys are good chums? It’s insane! You used to be so logical and smart but lord since we came here, I don’t know what’s going on with you!”

Larkyn reached out his hand towards Dru and waved her to come over, “You know what, let’s go. Let’s go explain to the headmistress that being here, living with everyone just isn’t going to work for the year. I’m sure a sizable donation will suffice to change her mind.”
Druella “Dru” Arville

The games were whatever, the only one she really liked was Clue because it took thought and deduction. The second one was nonsense and the third was too damn long. Though she was starting the think that the third was mainly because of Larkyn and Hunter being big headed idiots. Now it was just the two of them going back and forth while the others all sat back and watched. Dru was nestled into the couch, her feet tucked under her while she sat near Sapphira on the couch. She only moved when the popcorn arrived, quickly leaning forward to take a handful of the salty snack and begin eating.

Then the drama began.

Loire spoke up with a question that Dru noticed got a quick reaction from Larkyn. It made Dru simply sigh. Sapphira jumped in trying to smooth things over but it was quickly negated by the clueless Terran. “Matching or not doesn’t matter because I’m going alone.” Dru said it simply, as if it was obvious. She knew it wasn’t, she knew it would probably make Larkyn more upset but at this point it was all getting old quick. Larkyn wouldn’t speak to her but she was supposed to ask him to go to a dance with her as chaperones? First off, they were engaged. It should have been a given and if he didn’t want to take it as such that’s on him. Second? Why should she talk to him first? He was the one acting like an idiot!

Speaking of idiots, Hunter spoke up next and Dru instantly knew things were about to get bad. Larkyn stood up and got closer and closer to Hunter as he spoke, it was a Larkyn she had never seen before. One that was being just plain mean for no real reason. Dru unfolded her legs and moved forward on the couch, “Larkyn stop. Come on!” Then he pointed to her and Hunter and Dru felt a wave of anger accompanied by guilt wash over her. Whatever they were? God she didn’t like this feeling. “What is your problem! Am I not allowed to have friends? I’m so sorry I completely forgot I have to run everything by you.”

Dru felt herself tear up slightly, she wasn’t sad or happy, she was angry. So angry that she was literally going to fucking cry in front of everyone. “I do not understand what in the HELL has gotten into you. You’re not YOU. You’re supposed to be my best friend Larkyn, outside of all this fiancé shit. We’ve always been best friends but now you’re not talking to me? And when you do it’s like you’re trying to control me? I- I don’t like this version of you.”

“Hmmm?” Dixie hummed, tuning back into the world around her after being kicked out of the game fairly early on. The whole concept was lost on her and she just had kept giving everyone the things they asked for, then they told her she lost. Oh well. It’s not like she was super focused on it all anyways, her brain was focused on the letter from earlier still. “Oh. I’m okay, I just heard from someone I haven’t talked to in a while. Caught me by surprise is all.” Dixie gave Terran a kid smile, hoping that would be enough to explain the situation. He had been so sweet bringing her flowers earlier, it had made her very bad day much better with one simple action. Dixie liked Terran, she didn’t mind the thought of opening up and being close friends but… her family was a subject she didn’t like talking about with anyone. “I think Sapphira is right! Wearing all sorts of colors makes things so much more exciting anyways! Terran has a point too though. Honestly I think to each his own! Whatever makes you happy!” Dixie chimed in quickly for two reasons; one was to hopefully avoid an argument. Two was to avoid any further discussion of what Terran had asked her.

It didn’t work.

Soon the two bullheaded men were going at each other and before anyone could stop it Larkyn was standing up and taking it all a bit too far. Dru was crying. “Great. I hope you all are happy.” Dixie refused to be a part of this, she simply stood from her spot on one of the loveseats and grabbed her cup of tea. She swiftly removed herself from the living room and made her way to the front porch. “I don’t condone this but if you are going to hash it out, you’re hashing it out. Anyone who tried to leave I will literally toss you back inside. With that she closed the door and sat on the porch swing, wand ready if anyone chose to test her threat.

Cyrus was one of the last three standing in monopoly, only thanks to his shady deal with Loire but still. However it wasn’t the best of deals, just a lifeline and by the next turn his was out. That left Larkyn and Hunter, meaning this was now the most hostile game of monopoly that Cyrus had ever witnessed. “I thought you said you were going to finally beat me?” He peered over at Loire from where they sat and smirked. That is until he noticed the look on her face, it was the look of boredom that was slowly turning into a plan. That plan was almost always mischievous. “Loire what are you about to do?” He whispered but she didn’t answer, however he didn’t have to wait long to learn what she had up her sleeve.

“You’re going to get them to kill each other.” Cyrus sighed and listened as everyone tried to smooth things over but it was no use. Cyrus had only ever seen Larkyn like this one other time and it was a long time ago, it was when some kid was making fun of Loire for being sick when they were younger. But this, this was different. Cyrus had never known Larkyn to be someone to try and control Dru, nor had the guy literally ever tried to throw his money around. The stress of this situation was clearly getting to him.

Cyrus looked over at Loire as Dru began to yell at him, “This isn’t good. I-I’m actually kind of worried about him Loire. This isn’t like him at all…” Dixie stood and removed herself and Cyrus didn’t blame her. If it wasn’t for the fact that Cyrus was worried this was going to turn physical, he probably would have as well.

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