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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow Signup

TheBlackSwordsman said:

Name: Nathan

Anti-Hero Name: The Wanderer

Group (Optional)Ridin solo

Sexuality: Straight

Race: White

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2


Personality: Nathan is a guy just trying to survive is this harsh world. He will kill if he has to but he generally fights for good.

Powers: He can carry a huge amount of items in his trusty Pip-Boy. Along with carrying shit he can also pause time so that he can pick his shots in V.A.T.S. He has a large stockpile of Stimpaks that can heal most any wound instantaneously. He's also got a lot of sweet old tunes.

Weakness: If he freezes between loading screens or loses save data. Along with that if he gets overwhelmed and cannot get to his Pip-Boy fast enough he can die.


Strength - 4

Perception - 6

Endurance - 9

Charisma - 7

Intellegence - 5

Agility - 10

Luck - 9

Origin: Nathan grew up in a vault having to leave for supplies when he was 20. When he returned a few months later he found the vault empty of all people. He searched the wasteland for any signs of them for 6 years until finding a crashed alien space ship. Onboard he found a small device that when used transported him the this world of Heros.

Weapons - 10mm pistol - Combat shotgun - 50cal sniper rifle - Assault rifle - Combat knife - Fat Man (mini nuclear bomb launcher.)

@Shammy the Shamrock
Kinda eh on this character since he doesn't really fit this but....accepted.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Kinda eh on this character since he doesn't really fit this but....accepted.

He's a bit wacky yeah but aren't we all?

Name: Reid

Anti-Hero Name: She is often called the Human Wall but, she doesn't use it.

Group: None currently

Sexuality: She's unsure

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Age: 17

Personality: She can be summed up with the term kuudere in terms of how she acts.Has a strong sense of justice although it doesn't line up with the method heroes use so she's often considered dangerous.


Healing Factor: Reid has an extremely powerful regeneration ability, capable of healing broken bones and healing wounds and organ damage with ease.However it only functions when she is unconscious.another requirement of this power is that she have the necessary resources to heal the damage as such she tends to eat... a lot.It also allows her to deal with the majority of contaminants just by sleeping it off.

Electricity Manipulation:Reid can absorb and store mass amounts of electric energy and withhold it for future use.She can use it to recharge devices, discharge it for various purposes and detect electric fields, making her a living radar.However for the electric field detection to function she needs a large amount of electrical energy built up meaning she has to choose between tracking or attacking.She cannot generate her own electricity and relies on outside sources for a boost.

Imagination Manifestation: Reid has the ability to manifest whatever comes to her mind however once she chooses something that choice is set in stone until she finishes manifesting what she originally imagined.This power was used to design her gauntlets and now is being used to manifest a suit for her to wear into combat.As such this power won't do anything until she completes the suit and... she's far from there.What this means is she can't manifest a nuclear bomb unless she has the required materials to do so.Which of course she won't be getting anytime soon.Even when it is available it requires a lot of concentration which would leave her open in combat so it's a very risky move.


[Power-based Weaknesses]

Healing Factor:Only functions while she's unconscious, requires the necessary resources to do said healing

Electricity Manipulation: Doesn't generate her own and needs a medium to channel it through aka no shooting lightning bolts for her.Has to choose between attacks and being a living radar.

Imagination Manifestation: As with Healing factor she needs the necessary resources to make it happen, or an equivalent value of another resource.Once she sets her mind to something she can not change it and is currently stuck o na large project which will take a long while to complete.consider this ability disabled for a while.

[Personality-based Weaknesses]

Emotions: Reid doesn't express her emotions most of the time and usually doesn't understand them either leading to confusion.

Other people:She doesn't tend to willingly take help from others thinking of it as a sign of weakness.

Lack of Mercy: Her lack of mercy has ended in quite a few regrettable situations for both her and others.IT also makes her unfit to be a hero.Perhaps this one could be changed with time though.

Abilities: Peak Human Endurance and Durability



Shell Gauntlets: Consider these bad boys her bread and butter.A combination of plasma and physical attack she shreds through most defenses with ease.However they have no built-in power source so she must power them herself.Meaning using them puts a drain on her electrical resources.They come with an outer layer of plated armor which covers her arms but, allows for full mobility. The armor is made of an unidentified material which protects her arms from outside bullets, explosive and melee based sources of harm, it's also the material which withstands the extremely high temperatures the plasma gives off.She can also use them to give off defensive barrier to block projectiles but, they break under stress.These barriers require a recharge time, preventing her from having shields up all of the time.When struck by a melee weapon recoil goes to both her and her attacker.Most of it is directed towards her attacker but, she gets her fair share.They may seem all high and mighty but, they function like a strength booster and allow her to hit much harder.Problem is, is puts a lot of strain on her body and she has pulled things out of socket, torn muscles, tendons broken her bones.Despite this she makes them her default weapon and defensive shell.

Job: She usually kills the criminals/villains she goes after and takes their money to sustain herself
AliceoHeart said:
Name: Reid

Anti-Hero Name: She is often called the Human Wall but, she doesn't use it.

Group: None currently

Sexuality: She's unsure

Race: Human

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Single

Gender: Female

Height: 5'4

Age: 17

Personality: She can be summed up with the term kuudere in terms of how she acts.Has a strong sense of justice although it doesn't line up with the method heroes use so she's often considered dangerous.


Healing Factor: Reid has an extremely powerful regeneration ability, capable of healing broken bones and healing wounds and organ damage with ease.However it only functions when she is unconscious.another requirement of this power is that she have the necessary resources to heal the damage as such she tends to eat... a lot.It also allows her to deal with the majority of contaminants just by sleeping it off.

Electricity Manipulation:Reid can absorb and store mass amounts of electric energy and withhold it for future use.She can use it to recharge devices, discharge it for various purposes and detect electric fields, making her a living radar.However for the electric field detection to function she needs a large amount of electrical energy built up meaning she has to choose between tracking or attacking.She cannot generate her own electricity and relies on outside sources for a boost.

Imagination Manifestation: Reid has the ability to manifest whatever comes to her mind however once she chooses something that choice is set in stone until she finishes manifesting what she originally imagined.This power was used to design her gauntlets and now is being used to manifest a suit for her to wear into combat.As such this power won't do anything until she completes the suit and... she's far from there.What this means is she can't manifest a nuclear bomb unless she has the required materials to do so.Which of course she won't be getting anytime soon.Even when it is available it requires a lot of concentration which would leave her open in combat so it's a very risky move.


[Power-based Weaknesses]

Healing Factor:Only functions while she's unconscious, requires the necessary resources to do said healing

Electricity Manipulation: Doesn't generate her own and needs a medium to channel it through aka no shooting lightning bolts for her.Has to choose between attacks and being a living radar.

Imagination Manifestation: As with Healing factor she needs the necessary resources to make it happen, or an equivalent value of another resource.Once she sets her mind to something she can not change it and is currently stuck o na large project which will take a long while to complete.consider this ability disabled for a while.

[Personality-based Weaknesses]

Emotions: Reid doesn't express her emotions most of the time and usually doesn't understand them either leading to confusion.

Other people:She doesn't tend to willingly take help from others thinking of it as a sign of weakness.

Lack of Mercy: Her lack of mercy has ended in quite a few regrettable situations for both her and others.IT also makes her unfit to be a hero.Perhaps this one could be changed with time though.

Abilities: Peak Human Endurance and Durability



Shell Gauntlets: Consider these bad boys her bread and butter.A combination of plasma and physical attack she shreds through most defenses with ease.However they have no built-in power source so she must power them herself.Meaning using them puts a drain on her electrical resources.They come with an outer layer of plated armor which covers her arms but, allows for full mobility. The armor is made of an unidentified material which protects her arms from outside bullets, explosive and melee based sources of harm, it's also the material which withstands the extremely high temperatures the plasma gives off.She can also use them to give off defensive barrier to block projectiles but, they break under stress.These barriers require a recharge time, preventing her from having shields up all of the time.When struck by a melee weapon recoil goes to both her and her attacker.Most of it is directed towards her attacker but, she gets her fair share.They may seem all high and mighty but, they function like a strength booster and allow her to hit much harder.Problem is, is puts a lot of strain on her body and she has pulled things out of socket, torn muscles, tendons broken her bones.Despite this she makes them her default weapon and defensive shell.

Job: She usually kills the criminals/villains she goes after and takes their money to sustain herself
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Name: Hugo

Hero Name: Hugo

Group (Optional): ???

Sexuality: Panda

Race: Panda

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Panda

Gender: Male

Height: 8'0

Age: 9

Personality: Hugo is an English panda with a knack for professionalism and all things English. He used to belong to a laboratory which let him grow to these enormous sizes, so he acts as such, being a panda and all.


Panda Strength - Hugo is tremendously strong

Panda Speed - Hugo has an impressive panda top speed at 44 miles an hour

Heat Vision - Hugo is capable of shooting fireballs from his eyes.

Panda Durability - Hugo is an incredibly durable panda.


Food - Requires a lot of food!

Bamboo - HE MUST EAT ALL BAMBOO! This also extends to plywood for some reason

Picky Eater - Same as bamboo.



-A wonderful artist



Other: Has a Desiigner mixtape because he lived in Atlanta

Job: (Optional)

(@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX :D )
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JPax42 said:

Name: Hugo

Hero Name: Hugo

Group (Optional): ???

Sexuality: Panda

Race: Panda

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Panda

Gender: Male

Height: 8'0

Age: 9

Personality: Hugo is an English panda with a knack for professionalism and all things English. He used to belong to a laboratory which let him grow to these enormous sizes, so he acts as such, being a panda and all.


Panda Strength - Hugo is tremendously strong

Panda Speed - Hugo has an impressive panda top speed at 44 miles an hour

Heat Vision - Hugo is capable of shooting fireballs from his eyes.

Panda Durability - Hugo is an incredibly durable panda.


Food - Requires a lot of food!

Bamboo - HE MUST EAT ALL BAMBOO! This also extends to plywood for some reason

Picky Eater - Same as bamboo.



-A wonderful artist



Other: (Optional)

Job: (Optional)

(@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX :D )
Another animal for Team Hilbert. Hue.
JPax42 said:
Team Hilbert would be OP if Quetz got in somehow. Good thing he doesn't care about anything xD
Hue. A cat, a talking polar bear cub, and now a giant panda. Team Fourstar!
JPax42 said:

Name: Hugo

Hero Name: Hugo

Group (Optional): ???

Sexuality: Panda

Race: Panda

Status (Single, Married, etc.): Panda

Gender: Male

Height: 8'0

Age: 9

Personality: Hugo is an English panda with a knack for professionalism and all things English. He used to belong to a laboratory which let him grow to these enormous sizes, so he acts as such, being a panda and all.


Panda Strength - Hugo is tremendously strong

Panda Speed - Hugo has an impressive panda top speed at 44 miles an hour

Heat Vision - Hugo is capable of shooting fireballs from his eyes.

Panda Durability - Hugo is an incredibly durable panda.


Food - Requires a lot of food!

Bamboo - HE MUST EAT ALL BAMBOO! This also extends to plywood for some reason

Picky Eater - Same as bamboo.



-A wonderful artist



Other: Has a Desiigner mixtape because he lived in Atlanta

Job: (Optional)

(@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX :D )
*Shoves cookie down throat* Accepted :D


Name: William shull

Hero Name: The Dark Knight

Group (Optional):none



Status (Single, Married, etc.):divorced




Personality: When out of the suit william is seen to be friendly, open-minded, kind, and a charismatic guy who gets along with anyone. When he is the dark knight tho he is seen to be disciplined, a man of order, and one to not take orders or crap from anyone. If he wants answers he will get his answer.

Powers: has managed to reach the peak of human limits in strength, agility, and acrobatic skills. Other than that nothing else.

Weakness:Is a normal man

Abilities: Indomitable will, strategist, escapologist, mastered 50 known martial arts, expert acrobat, master of stealth, is at the peak of human conditioning, expert investigator.

Origin: William was born in the city of sacramento where he was raised for a few years by his parents alongside his older brother charles. His family was but poor and unfortunately due to financial problems william was put up to adoption in hopes that william would be raised with a family that can support him. William did manage to get adopted at the age of 9 by a woman named Alissia Garnett who was a rich middle aged woman, known to be strict, shrewd, and very intelligent. However Alissia showed a more kinder side with william and raised him as her own very child. William had shown the talent and intellect as he grew up to one day run her company. But at the age of 20 william had went off to a prestigious school and things turned out bad in the first year. On the day of christmas eve william was given a call that Alissia was mugged and suffered a very fatal wound. He quickly dropped everything and raced to the designated hospital. By the time he reached her she was already presumed dead and the night he came was devastating. William swore vengeance and did everything he could with the inheritance he received to maintain the business legacy and finding Alissia's murder. William decided to train himself and become a man that will take justice in his own hands. He did manage to find the murderer 9 months later and dressed all in black, chased the man down and beat the living hell out of him. In the end tho he couldn't bring himself to murder the man that took someone precious. He decided to simply send the man to the force and become something that criminals fear. Fearing to the point where they will breath in relief when the sun finally arises. He traveled around the world expanding his company and learning new martial arts and other useful skills. He even went to find his actual biological family but found out his parents had died in a freak accident and only his older brother charles survived. He was glad to work alongside his brother since he recently retired from the military.

Other: carries variety of gadgets and throwing weapons. His suit is known to look similar to look like a medieval suit with bat like features. It is known to be able to be bulletproof. Also has a cape that helps to glide him in the air and also fireproof.

Job: Works as a boss/owner alongside his older brother charles. They both help run the multimillion dollar company that her mother had left behind after she had passed away.
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[QUOTE="general ostruppen]Hero

Name: William shull

Hero Name: The Dark Knight

Group (Optional):none



Status (Single, Married, etc.):divorced




Personality: When out of the suit william is seen to be friendly, open-minded, kind, and a charismatic guy who gets along with anyone. When he is the dark knight tho he is seen to be disciplined, a man of order, and one to not take orders or crap from anyone. If he wants answers he will get his answer.

Powers: has managed to reach the peak of human limits in strength, agility, and acrobatic skills. Other than that nothing else.

Weakness:Is a normal man

Abilities: Indomitable will, strategist, escapologist, mastered 50 known martial arts, expert acrobat, master of stealth, is at the peak of human conditioning, expert investigator.

Origin: William was born in the city of sacramento where he was raised for a few years by his parents alongside his older brother charles. His family was but poor and unfortunately due to financial problems william was put up to adoption in hopes that william would be raised with a family that can support him. William did manage to get adopted at the age of 9 by a woman named Alissia Garnett who was a rich middle aged woman, known to be strict, shrewd, and very intelligent. However Alissia showed a more kinder side with william and raised him as her own very child. William had shown the talent and intellect as he grew up to one day run her company. But at the age of 20 william had went off to a prestigious school and things turned out bad in the first year. On the day of christmas eve william was given a call that Alissia was mugged and suffered a very fatal wound. He quickly dropped everything and raced to the designated hospital. By the time he reached her she was already presumed dead and the night he came was devastating. William swore vengeance and did everything he could with the inheritance he received to maintain the business legacy and finding Alissia's murder. William decided to train himself and become a man that will take justice in his own hands. He did manage to find the murderer 9 months later and dressed all in black, chased the man down and beat the living hell out of him. In the end tho he couldn't bring himself to murder the man that took someone precious. He decided to simply send the man to the force and become something that criminals fear. Fearing to the point where they will breath in relief when the sun finally arises. He traveled around the world expanding his company and learning new martial arts and other useful skills. He even went to find his actual biological family but found out his parents had died in a freak accident and only his older brother charles survived. He was glad to work alongside his brother since he recently retired from the military.

Other: carries variety of gadgets and throwing weapons.

Job: Works as a boss/owner alongside his older brother charles. They both help run the multimillion dollar company that her mother had left behind after she had passed away.

Dude it's batman lol
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]Hero

Name: William shull

Hero Name: The Dark Knight

Group (Optional):none



Status (Single, Married, etc.):divorced




Personality: When out of the suit william is seen to be friendly, open-minded, kind, and a charismatic guy who gets along with anyone. When he is the dark knight tho he is seen to be disciplined, a man of order, and one to not take orders or crap from anyone. If he wants answers he will get his answer.

Powers: has managed to reach the peak of human limits in strength, agility, and acrobatic skills. Other than that nothing else.

Weakness:Is a normal man

Abilities: Indomitable will, strategist, escapologist, mastered 50 known martial arts, expert acrobat, master of stealth, is at the peak of human conditioning, expert investigator.

Origin: William was born in the city of sacramento where he was raised for a few years by his parents alongside his older brother charles. His family was but poor and unfortunately due to financial problems william was put up to adoption in hopes that william would be raised with a family that can support him. William did manage to get adopted at the age of 9 by a woman named Alissia Garnett who was a rich middle aged woman, known to be strict, shrewd, and very intelligent. However Alissia showed a more kinder side with william and raised him as her own very child. William had shown the talent and intellect as he grew up to one day run her company. But at the age of 20 william had went off to a prestigious school and things turned out bad in the first year. On the day of christmas eve william was given a call that Alissia was mugged and suffered a very fatal wound. He quickly dropped everything and raced to the designated hospital. By the time he reached her she was already presumed dead and the night he came was devastating. William swore vengeance and did everything he could with the inheritance he received to maintain the business legacy and finding Alissia's murder. William decided to train himself and become a man that will take justice in his own hands. He did manage to find the murderer 9 months later and dressed all in black, chased the man down and beat the living hell out of him. In the end tho he couldn't bring himself to murder the man that took someone precious. He decided to simply send the man to the force and become something that criminals fear. Fearing to the point where they will breath in relief when the sun finally arises. He traveled around the world expanding his company and learning new martial arts and other useful skills. He even went to find his actual biological family but found out his parents had died in a freak accident and only his older brother charles survived. He was glad to work alongside his brother since he recently retired from the military.

Other: carries variety of gadgets and throwing weapons. His suit is known to look similar to look like a medieval suit with bat like features. It is known to be able to be bulletproof. Also has a cape that helps to glide him in the air and also fireproof.

Job: Works as a boss/owner alongside his older brother charles. They both help run the multimillion dollar company that her mother had left behind after she had passed away.

*Sips coffee* Oh.....I was summoned. Accepted c:
i am such a good staff member of this rp that i havent done anything, no improvements, no accepting, nothing... BEST STAFF FOR RP 2K16!!!
Villain appearance

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8cdd3b503e_images(18).jpg.f25635e362cb863c060e597696d93b60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149484" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8cdd3b503e_images(18).jpg.f25635e362cb863c060e597696d93b60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name- James Nugent

Villian name- Pyro

Group- Nugent Family

Sexuality- Bisexual

Race- human

Status- single

Gender- male

Hight- 6"0"


Personality- ironicly friendly and nice unless he is doing a Job for the Mafia family he is working for then he is cunning, ruthless, and sadistic.

Powers- he has the ability to use magic but only really uses necromancy and pyromancy.

Weaknesses- for his pyromancy he needs flames steady in the environment, he is to loyal to his family boss, he is also a hopeless romantic leading to 2 occasions were cops got into the mafia as a spy, his attention span is someone short, and he is allergic to dust mites

Origin- a teen who flunked out of the military draft who was then picked up by his uncles crime family, this lead him to be loyal to the bone to them, since then he is now one of the most wanted arsonists in the city and is known for bombings, arson, and kidnappings against rivals and haveing a strong arm in weapon smuggling.

Job- a Capo in the Nugent Irish crime family.



  • images (18).jpg
    images (18).jpg
    6.7 KB · Views: 9
[QUOTE="Samurai Jay]Villain appearance
View attachment 330183

Name- James Nugent

Villian name- Pyro

Group- Nugent Family

Sexuality- Bisexual

Race- human

Status- single

Gender- male

Hight- 6"0"


Personality- ironicly friendly and nice unless he is doing a Job for the Mafia family he is working for then he is cunning, ruthless, and sadistic.

Powers- he has the ability to use magic but only really uses necromancy and pyromancy.

Weaknesses- for his pyromancy he needs flames steady in the environment, he is to loyal to his family boss, he is also a hopeless romantic leading to 2 occasions were cops got into the mafia as a spy, his attention span is someone short, and he is allergic to dust mites

Origin- a teen who flunked out of the military draft who was then picked up by his uncles crime family, this lead him to be loyal to the bone to them, since then he is now one of the most wanted arsonists in the city and is known for bombings, arson, and kidnappings against rivals and haveing a strong arm in weapon smuggling.

Job- a Capo in the Nugent Irish crime family.

accepted, although i warn you now... your char is seriously very underpowered compared to the others here
Salex said:
accepted, although i warn you now... your char is seriously very underpowered compared to the others here
(Is it really? I mean it's all on how you use it really. Hue.)
YoungX said:
(Is it really? I mean it's all on how you use it really. Hue.)
yeah... try imagine him fighting saitama, or uera, or ray, or hibiki... just think about that, then you'll kinda get my point xD
Salex said:
accepted, although i warn you now... your char is seriously very underpowered compared to the others here
YoungX said:
(Is it really? I mean it's all on how you use it really. Hue.)
I agree with young its all about how you use them. I like strategy over everything. And besides I have him more as a mastermind who employs powerful people rather then being one
Salex said:
yeah... try imagine him fighting saitama, or uera, or ray, or hibiki... just think about that, then you'll kinda get my point xD
I mean those are just like a select few. Everyone else is on point. Hue.

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