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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)



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Annie pointed her gun at TY "Just give me the kid, that is all I want," she said squeezing the trigger. She let out a sigh and kept her finger on the trigger, ready for him to do anything.

Ray then looked up at the broken window "SUPER SNEAKY RAY VANISH!" She yelled turning to her reaper form and flying out the window, she was shot in the chest from Annie's bullet but hid behind the warehouse.

@Otakubeats @Quillicious
@Otakubeats[/URL] @Quillicious
"Ray!" Ty looked at her and his eyes went red. The iris' vanished leaving only a glowing crimson. He held a hand at Annie, and snapped. The sound was amplified and sent her flying back, knocking the gun from her hand and air from her lungs. He did the same to Morgan, acting quickly. The vibration shook the warehouse entirely, sending small fragments of the ceiling falling down.

@Quillicious @Shammy the Shamrock
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Morgan quickly tossed a bucket of water up in the air and froze it in front of him, blocking the soundwave from hurting him. He shot Ty in the feet, melting the soles and then freezing them to the floor before chasing after Ray. He slid down a fire exit out of the window to her.

'See ya, kid!'

@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
Annie growled "She's mine!" She said creating her rifle and running out the door. Annie stayed on the roof before hiding in the shadows, her rifle aimed at anyone trying to get close.

Ray hid behind the warehouse, she looked at the wound and realized it to be a harmless shot. She put her head on her knees and ignored anyone coming towards her.

@Otakubeats @Quillicious
@Otakubeats[/URL] @Quillicious
Quillicious said:
Morgan stepped on a nearby dumpster and leapt off of it, freezing Ray solid. He rolled as he landed, saluting with two fingers to Ann after he holstered his guns.
@Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats
"Ray!!" Ty ran out ignoring his injury and grabbed her. He ran off.
Ann jumped off the roof "First off thanks, here's my card just call if you need someone dead, or just talk. Hey! Get back here you twerp," she yelled throwing her card to him, getting into a running stance and chasing after the two. She created a revolver and ran, trying to get her prize back.

@Quillicious @Otakubeats
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Lui looked at Morgan, he summoned a flame with his hand "You forgot about the other cat." He said messing with the flame, he got distracted and created a tiny flame lion. He snapped back and glared at Morgan, fire burned in his eyes, ready to use his demon form.

Salex said:
(im back guys what'd i miss? sorry i didnt get any notifications)
(Ray has been frozen and taken by Ty as a bounty hunter tries to catch them. A villain named Morgan has come to the warehouse who is right now talking with Lui)
Salex said:
(im back guys what'd i miss? sorry i didnt get any notifications)
((Morgan and Ann attacked the Warehouse and Ray almost got captured. Ty ran away with her. Now Morgan and Lui are at the Warehouse alone.))
Lui smiled as fire covered his body, he went into his demon form and growled. He grabbed the gun by the nozzle and threw Morgan "And you're just a rat," he said staring at him. He punched his hands creating the fire again, engulfing Lui's body.

As Lui grabbed the gun, Morgan fired it. It quenched the fire of Lui's hand, and he still held it as he was thrown. He rolled backwards as we was thrown and smiled, adjusting his goggles.

'That's more like it. Though I'm not here to fight. You probably don't care about that.'

@Shammy the Shamrock
Lui saw his flame burn out but ignored it for the time being "So tell me, why the fuck are you here." He asked, crossing his arms, trying to regain his flame.

@Quillicious @Salex

Annie saw Ty and ran, she kneed him and grabbed Ray. "Mine." She said in a calm voice before running out of the woods and into the city, she shaped shifted into a normal woman. Annie gave a simple smile before walking into a alley, hiding Ray with her jacket.

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@Quillicious[/URL] @Salex

Annie saw Ty and ran, she kneed him and grabbed Ray. "Mine." She said in a calm voice before running out of the woods and into the city, she shaped shifted into a normal woman. Annie gave a simple smile before walking into a alley, hiding Ray with her jacket.

Ty tackled her to the ground, bashing her head on the concrete. He elbowed her throat and took ray setting her nearby. He then beat her more.
'Simple. I need to talk to Bolt. He has someone I need. Just cool off and we can talk, kid. Things don't need to get heated.'

Morgan's voice was smooth as he holstered his cold gun again and raised his hands up.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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