Heroes of Evet

Ehh joo speak nonsense, your posts are not shit. To me at least. Just give it your best shot and its all good :-) read more

See the way others write, learn from them, incorporate whatever style you like, try a new word here and there. If u're unsure what to write use your 5 senses as if u were really in your characters place. What do u see? Touch? Smell? Even your emotions. Confusion? Just give it your best :>

Compared to synrei's masterpieces i feel like an overly excited doodling child who still colours the sun green just because.
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@Sincerely Me - I appreciate the compliments, but really, I'm not that great! There are several people on this website that I already admire the writing of. You all create amazing snapshots of your characters that makes me feel worried and inadequate with my static NPCs! I think personally your writing is amazing, Sincerely (harhar, a pun). If I am deluding everyone into thinking I'm keeping up I consider it a win!

@Shnarf - You are doing more than fine and I'll try to post later tonight or tomorrow. I have some sewing deadlines to meet for a cosplay later this month, but I promise to have Kailee discover something!

@StealthMaster - There's only one Goddess of Light (and she's taken), but I have two people who haven't posted yet that were assigned one of the major two gods. Let's keep what deity your character has ambiguous, and if they don't post in a week and a half, you can have one of those two spots! Does that work for you? 

No one needs to go editing posts, but I wanted to put this in:

All of the characters were reborn into new, different bodies. Their body may be very similar to the old one (age, hair color, eye color, etc.) but it will not be identical.

Scenario 1: If you chose your character's 'new' body to have a past (regardless of who picks it) that means their past life was important, famous, infamous, etc. Your character will be recognized as a person they no longer are.

Example: John died on Earth. He was reborn into a new human body on Evet, which he discovers was that of a nefarious serial killer. Oh no!

Scenario 2: If you chose your character's 'new' body does not have a past, that means the body is newly created or their past life was extremely mundane and won't affect the story.

Example: John died on Earth. He was reborn into a new human body with red hair, unlike his previous brown, but was otherwise unremarkable.

I am okay with the two characters that have trinkets from their past (Vain's, Jason's). We'll just assume the gods somehow salvaged that from their previous worlds or whatever... but most of their stuff should be new/foreign to them. Different clothes, different hair, different face, different weapon (if any), etc. etc. And any trinket that is carried over will not have any magical function. Additionally, Evet is medieval in terms of technology, so you won't find anything more advanced than that.

Hope that adds some clarity!
You're not unclear, don't worry, people probably just wanted something for characters to have a more emotional reaction for. Clarification is good though, cheers.

Sadly, I must admit I'm having trouble keeping up with things atm; all these posts are so long and intricate, and I'm too chocked up with revision focus to dedicate myself wholeheartedly like some here. Hopefully I'll grasp it better soon.
As long as you write a paragraph or two, you're fine, really. My posts are just long because I have to respond to multiple people or describe settings to you guys. Since part of this RP's genre is mystery, that means I have a lot of hints to drop!
@Shnarf - Since Kailee is by herself, I'm going to put what lore she discovers in spoiler tags until she reveals it to everyone else. Did you want her to research anything in particular? Creation myth, Killigrew history, Anmentia history, The Valkyrie, recent battles, etc? 
For everyone- there are 'clues' anywhere you go that can be worked in. I do suggest setting up a way to communicate (like Jason's character) so if you split up you can compare notes to figure out what's going on more quickly!

And as I have said before- there are several ways to end the war. There's an option that requires just 1 person, and one option that requires everyone!

@StealthMaster - Your character can wake up whenever you like, just remember he won't have a 'special power' until I know if the two who haven't posted are dropping. =)
hmmmmm, im thinking have her try and figure out why them, anything she can think of for that, religion, reasons for the war, ummmmm beyond that whatever you want is fine with me. i would have responded sooner but i was hangin out with some friends over the weekend
Pardon my tardiness. My data plan has only just reset, so i will be able to post freely for this month.

My apologies for not informing you earlier of my current state of affairs.
@Velcian has messaged me and has said he will post tomorrow. I'm going to post after he does so- everyone except Ayl should feel free to post between now and then! 
@Shnarf - Food will be delivered to Kailee in the next post. =)

For the rest of you, you can leave the temple whenever you want! Stay as long as you like, or adventure out into the great beyond singularly or as a group. Your choice!

Also, I've talked to Velcian about his absence- he is having ISP issues but will return. Vain is sadly gone. >.< @Jailbird & @Elixanator have until next week to post or they will be replaced.
Oh god has this started? Sorry I didn't realise >.< I'll post as soon as I can, I'm at work right now :P

Tapatapatapatapatapatapatapatapa Batman~ 
Is it possible to get a tl;dr these posts are so long and detailed! I'm so sorry for not joining earlier, I didn't realize this had started already
I'm out and about this afternoon/evening, but if it helps you can just read my posts =)

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ok, now that i am back from my friends place this weekend, i will be able to post, the weekends are pretty much taken up by being over at a friends place playin on our PS4s and having fun
@Jason Rorstiel , @Larbeight , @Ayl , @Shnarf

You all need to pick where you want to go and you can deviate at your discretion. Your characters can stay the night, leave immediately, stay around a little, chat, etc. Aiden's a pretty boring NPC, sorry! He's just to get everyone started and isn't too important to the plot. Here are some ideas to chose from:

LOCATION- what you might discover

  • Killigrew's temple (God of Justice)- finding out their view of things & Azel's history
  • Anmentia's temple (Goddess of Love)- finding out their view on things
  • Trying to find The Valkyrie- finding out why she started the war
  • Seeking out secret town- trying to find the most recent record of events
  • Seeking out local towns- rumors, current state of war, past lives of characters' current bodies
  • Battlefields- armor & weapons, clues as to how the war's going, who's involved, etc.
  • Palace Sunstill- temples of your deities, past lives of characters' current bodies, new NPCs, etc.
  • Yaden's temple- history of realm, including Killigrew's pre-war history

I am open to suggestions you might all have and I am flexible to your desires. The Valkyrie will make an appearance soon to make things more exciting!
@Jason Rorstiel

We should start a party ;)

Also, pplz that want to group up, make it known to me or whomever :0 I dont wanna be aloneeeee so I'll tag along with whoever is willing to babysit Bitter :> and her dainty eating habits.
If you want my guy can go with u. He doesn't mind a little company. And he's going to the battlefield btw, that's his natural habitat xD
Battlefield is not the best place to get armor, just saying. I'm pretty sure @Syrenrei can tell you some armory somewhere.

You can tag along eitherway xD
xD Actually, they can try to find an armory but the battlefield is what Aiden suggested. The temple is a place of worship (not war) so they do not have an armory. Pay attention Jason! <3

All of your characters do regenerate, but if they engage in combat they will still feel the pain of injury and it will take some time to heal. As an aside, they can die by decapitation, excessive damage (like if they were drained of all their blood or something), acid, etc.- so try not to abuse them too much! And the gods can kill your characters as well. Armor isn't a bad idea if your character wants to minimize the abuse they take and The Valkyrie may be at the battlefield.
lol sorryyyyyyy xD

And the followers of the 2 gods are fighting each other right?
What you know thus far:

Killigrew and Anmentia are the gods at war

Anmentia (Goddess of Love) is sending her followers out to fight and her base of operations is presumably her temple

Killigrew (God of Justice) is sending out his followers to fight and his avatar, The Valkyrie, is also engaged in the battles; his followers are presumably operating out of his temple

You can find their followers just about anywhere (temples, towns, palace, battlefield, etc.) but the higher-ups are probably at the temples organizing things. There are a lot of people that got dragged into the fight because the followers of one of the two gods destroyed their village, killed their relative, or did something else that made them mad and coaxed them into taking up arms 
@SkyGinge , @Velcian , @Sincerely Me , @Jailbird , @Larbeight , @Ayl , @Shnarf

Killi's character, Jason's character, and Harbinger's character are adventuring together. Did any of you have ideas on what you wanted to do?

As an aside, Elixanator still has not posted, so I am opening her spot. You'll see the opening reflected on the FIRST page of the RP. She had the god of fire, Mikael, who gave the blessing of weapon conjuration. If Ayl or Shnarf want that spot, they lose their current blessing and I will open the spot they vacate. You can, if you so wish, invite your friends to join to fill the spot or make another character so long as you remain active!

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