Heroes of Evet

ok, that makes sense then 
i call lies, the jason is never busy, the jason does as the jason pleases right???
(Insert reasons dismissing lame retared excuse here)

(Insert weird trolling face here)

(Insert money here)
I'm going to use the OOC thread to periodically update you folks on what posts we are waiting for and from whom. Hopefully this will keep things moving along as this RP is stagnating here and there. It's helped in another RP that has the same problem of people forgetting who is waiting on a post!

@SkyGinge , @Larbeight , @Sincerely Me

It looks like you folks are traveling together. Sincerely Me is waiting on a post from SkyGinge & Larbeight to proceed!


It looks like you're just waiting on the other groups to react to Kailee. I think Jason's character & Ayl's character left for the stables- feel free to latch onto either group if you like or just wait for them to post. =)

@Jailbird , @Killigrew , @Harbinger, @Jaysunn , @Ayl

Jason's character and Ayl's character are in the stables waiting on you other three to catch up! A word to the wise: In Jason's post he removed the bit from the reins (which is hard to do); you can do the same, but the bits are not actually harmful to the horses unless your character yanks on the reins super hard the entire time or something. I actually do horseback riding on the weekends! A horse without the bit may or may not actually listen to your directions! xD Your characters are welcome to have the misconception, I just wanted it isn't a horse torture device. =)
I'll try to get a post up later, but honestly I've been uber busy (and didn't know people were waiting for me also) so hense the absense of posts. Gotta go do research for school now too, so won't be on properly for a short while and got to keep what little time I do have for RPing atm on my own RP. So yus, hopefully shall post later.
I appreciate everyone's effort in this RP. I want you to know that I honestly did have a story and it was a lot of fun for me to try to run something. I know, however, that several people have more limited time than expected and thus the posts themselves had come to somewhat abrupt stop. At this juncture, I am not sure how to keep things moving at a sufficient pace.

I think I am going to let this darling fall to inactive status. If you have an interest in continuing the story (perhaps in a smaller group), please feel free to drop me a note. I need to dust myself and figure out what worked, what didn't, and what I should do differently... but do let me know your feelings.

Additionally, let me know if you would like me to join any of your endeavors. I know Sincerely Me has reached out to me and I am trying (desperately) to get my friend to find the time to join me there. In particular, I want to wish Killigrew, Ayl, and SkyGinge the best of luck with their RPs and Jaysunn with his future RP setting.


Syrenrei a/k/a Lorilie
:( (((((((((

The posts were all great, it was the irregularity of them that ruined the whole thing. If you decide to reboot, I'll join and put more effort in my character than I did with this one, promise.

:( ((((
I appreciate it. It's just everyone is being pulled different directions and I didn't want to spend all my time sitting down trying to figure out who needed to be prompted. It was a lot! I think in the future I would employ a co-Mod and more selectively recruit so I know I have a few die-hards. I also think I could have executed part of it a lot better than I did.
That makes me feel really bad for not posting as much as I should have :( Really sorry to let this one go, you know I was really impressed with it, now I wish I haven't been so busy recently (have to get off now to do homework and then other stuff so can't even post now). I wish you the best of luck in future endeavors, and maybe in the holidays if I find myself with more time who knows, I may end up in the same Rp as you again. :)
I shall suggest you copy-paste the overview and keep it so you may work on it and stuff like that. If you want.
I really didn't expect to have anyone that disappointed or surprised given it's been dead in here for a bit! I think one of my errors was not thrusting Valkyrie into the setting (who was my "main" NPC) with the lot of you immediately. I was hesitant to reveal the mystery prematurely.

If you folks decide you really want another (smaller) reboot, I will work on it slowly. And again- if you want to do something collaborative or just ask me to join your endeavor, I'd be happy to help. I have had both this RP and another one I joined die recently.
Eh, we might act all grudgy and hateful in the SB Sy, but you know I got a soft spot for you :P Shhhhhhh, dun wan da oders knowin dis!
well damn, i was gonna have some fun playin kailee, looks like that aint gonna happen then, its a shame
Pity it got held up.. Pretty sure Synrei had something going here =\ well if you guys plan on restarting or continuing do count me in =O!

If I may.. on a side note, Synrei mentioned I asked her to join me in a RP. I've tried advertising without much luck.. if you guys are interested ~> http://www.rpnation.com/threads/stormlords-pendant-a-tale-from-the-land-of-andarun.32474/

I should warn you guys, there's quite a bit to read in the background thread though (at least for some people). It's a pretty straightforward fantasy adventure setting. Kinda like an intro to the fantasy world, prologue of greater things to come!

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