Hero Time: The Start of Project Hero RP

"Okay," Rila replied feeling more curious about this place.

Dani quicky looked out of the window again wondering how close they were. It was still too dark to see. Feeling embarrassed, she casually turned to face ahead. Ellie giggled. Eve and Luana had gone silent, waiting for the landing.

The helichopter began to make it's descend. It continued until it had landed. The Piolet then flipped a switch so that the black tint left the windows so they could see outside. Outside was a huge area with different workers here and there. They were inside a building.
([MENTION=4507]falconeevee[/MENTION] [MENTION=4512]Mouse[/MENTION] [MENTION=4451]TheGreatWarOfMyMind[/MENTION]: I'm half way considering closing this RP down.)
(Well dont worry about me im a perm here, although getting a flu after the accident doesn't help >_>, also time zone diffrences make it hard for me to post more than once when you post back owo)

He noticed the silence and spoke up "Why did you join this team?", that was the only thing he spoke as he kept looking outside
(@JCKane Ah alright. Out of curiosity, why?)

"Where to now?" Rila asked standing up and walking toward Angel.

Ellie, Dani, and Eve looked out of the windows now that black tint was gone. Luana didn't notice they had stopped. She was focusing on her communicator.

(Sure, how's this?)
(@falconeevee @Mouse @TheGreatWarOfMyMind: Well The RP just seems to be going so slow... and I'm doing other RPs too. But honestly it also seemed that some of you just didn't care about it any more.)


"I assume you mean Project hero," Tank said, "Well it's apart of my duty as a Mega agent. Commander Brice selected me and the other two in my team to join the project. So really it seems more of just another Mega assignment."

([MENTION=4512]Mouse[/MENTION]: if you guys are ok with it we can maybe keep going. Also please redo your post mouse. I didn't get it.)
([MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] Start your character somewhere and I can have Blitz and Thend show up or something. Right now we are in the collection process. Remember Blitz and Thend are currently on a road trip, they haven't been asked to join yet, So either on a road, or in a city would be a prefered place.)

([MENTION=4512]Mouse[/MENTION] : Got it.)

Angel got out of the helichopter. "Come on," Angel said.

Rila walked out first, Ellie, Eve, and Dani following behind. Rila paused and stepped back into the helicopter.

"Lu?" She asked.

Luana looked up. She glanced toward the windows and stood up immediately seeing they had arrived. "Right, coming," She chuckled slipping her communicator into her pocket. The book she was reading on it was interesting. They walked out of the helicopter and looked around taking in the sights of the area.
(The RP is back open.)


As Angel lead the group they could see various workers here and there going about their buiness. They wore some kind of uniform based on the job they had. Angel lead the group to a door that lead out of the hangar area. Through there they made there way down a hall and into a another room. It looked to be a conference room with a large table with many chairs up to it. There also seemed to be a metal circle in the center of the table.

([MENTION=4507]falconeevee[/MENTION] I'm going to repost this.)

"I assume you mean Project hero," Tank said, "Well it's apart of my duty as a Mega agent. Commander Brice selected me and the other two in my team to join the project. So really it seems more of just another Mega assignment."

An Hour Ago

Amitie walked around the complex with an aura of bored surrounding her,that also dragged her feet along.She stumbled into her superior's office,"Ugh!Sir,do you have any assignments for me!?"She groaned rather loudly,on accident.The man turned to her with a nonchalant look plastered on,"No,none at the moment,but you could go into town,and handle any small thievery."He mumbled to her as he motioned for her to be gone.


Amitie strutted around town with her Denim Shorts,and tank top with a heart on it,"Now lets see if any of these villains down here will cause any trouble."She said with a smile,as she roamed the city for something to do.

((Is this OK?))
([MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] : Ok, The Mega HQ is in a desert. So you could have her go to a City some where some place. Not nessisary close to the HQ. And yes I reposted what I did before. So if you make the minor edit please reply.)

Two friends walked down the streets of the City. They were infact Blitz and Thend.

"Nice day huh?" Blitz said leaning back putting his hands behind his head, "But you know what would make this better?"

"Let me guess," Thend said, "A run."

"You got it," Blitz said.
An Hour Ago

Amitie walked around the complex with an aura of bored surrounding her,that also dragged her feet aloong.She stumbled into her superior's office,"Ugh!Sir,do you have any assignments for me!?"She groaned rather loudly,on accident.The man turned to her with a nonchalant look plastered on,"No,none at the moment,but you could go into town,and handle any small thievery."He mumbled to her as he motioned for her to be gone.


After and hour long travel into the city,Amitie strutted around town with her Denim Shorts,and tank top with a hearrt on it,"Now lets see if any of these villains down here will cause any trouble."She said with a smile,as she roamed the city for something to do.She stretched her body,to get out the kinks she got from sitting still for an hour,"Ugh!!"She screamed aloud.

( [MENTION=3139]JCKane[/MENTION] :OK I editted,so that it took her an hour to get to town.)
([MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] Ok)

Blitz dropped his arms then gave a two fingured salute, "Later," he said then took off though the city running fast.

About a minute later, Blitz was running past Amite, she might see a blur passing her as well as a breaze.
Amitie barely saw the blur,but with her trained eyes and knowledge of the "natural" world,knew this was not some animals,but someone with a possible power,"Hey,you!"She screamed,as her large bushy tail turned into a cheetah tail,along with her ears into a cheetah's.She ran after the person,not knowing that she would probably never catch him with just cheetah speed.
Along the halls of the mega head quaters, there she walks ina perfect line. Her long blade named crone in her right while her left is down by her side. The head commander held her head high as she turned tthe conner heading down toward the head of mega was. her hair bouncing against her back as she took long strides . '..what does he need today..i am very busy ." she spoke out loud but low to only where only those who were close enough could hear her. She was very busy and had no time for small talk.
([MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] < FYI I do that to show who my post is towards. Note: Mega knows of Blitz.)

Blitz was still running through the City when he began to notice someone attempting to follow him. So he slowed allowing her to catch up. When she did he gave her a grin.

([MENTION=3707]Mitaku[/MENTION] < FYI I do that to show who my post is towards. Note: Mega knows of Blitz.)

Blitz was still running through the City when he began to notice someone attempting to follow him. So he slowed allowing her to catch up. When she did he gave her a grin.
Standing infront of the head mega's door she yawned a little as she used the back of her hand to knock four times. Then standing at attention she did the usual announcement. " Mega, head sir,it is i Edo sir..you called for me.'
(@GoddessOfGod : Didn't noticed that in the profile. But technically, the Head Commander would be Brice Mega. She can be a Commander though.)

Brice was in his office but he seemed like he was about to get ready to leave. But he had one last thing to do before he did. The was the knock on the door and the announcement.

"Come in," Brice said.

Amitie skidded to a stopped,"Hey!Who are you,and why are you speeding through town?"She questioned as her tail and ears flicked back to normal.

Blitz stopped as well though he was a little disappointed she didn't keep up the run while they talked. "The name's Blitz," Blitz told her, "And it's such a nice day that I figured I'd go for a run."
Amitie looked at him,with a look of lostness.To her,the use of free-willing powers,was a little irresponsible.She could probably think of almost 100 things wrong with using your powers in the open,around civilians,"It's not wise to use your powers out in the open.Just by running your endangering people."She knew he probably had full control of his power,but something could rush out in front of him,and Boom!Your dead along with a few other people.She more worried about the well-being of other people,rather than his own safety.

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