Hero Time: The Start of Project Hero RP


Ellie glanced over at Angel. She never rode in a helicopter before. Ellie grinned with excitement.

"When should the helicopter be arriving?" Luana asked.

Angel glanced at he com again. "Ummm," Angel pondered as she checked the time, "About now."

Just then the sound of a helicopter could be heard. Not much longer a Helicopter came into view and landed close by them.

"That was quick." Luana looked up at the helicopter.

Rila nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, CD's that good," Angel said as she headed to the copter. She then got inside and waved for the others to follow.

Ellie ran after Angel. Rila and Dani followed with Luana hovering next to them. Eve hesitated. She glanced back at the forest. Eve didn't care that her friends trusted Mega and Angel. She didn't. Then again, Eve barely trusted anyone.

"Eve!" Ellie called from inside the helicopter. "Come on!"

Eve hovered a moment by the forest before flying into the helicopter.

Angel buckled up. Once everyone was, the helicopter took off. The outside windows were were blackened and the pilot pulled down his visor. "Don't worry about the windows," Angel said, "Just to keep it show you guys can't see where were going. The pilot's visor lets him see through."

Rila nodded. That made sense to her. She would have done the same. Dani glanced out the window anyway. Seeing nothing, she looked ahead. Eve fidgeted slightly, feeling uncomfortable.
Silver laughed at tank's reaction and gave a nod "Yup a pub and bar are the same thing practically, but would that be fine?"

"The flight should take about 30 minutes," Angel said, "if you want you can talk if you want." Angel looked at her com as she browsed through the menus, eventualy arriving at a text message progam. She read the text then began working on one to send.


"I'll call and check," Tank said as he pulled up his com. Then he patched into a call. There was a brief waiting moment before finally the a voice answered.

"Yes Tank?" answered Brice Mega.

"Silver want to have a talk with you in a bar before he agrees to join," Tank answered.

"Will a hologram work or does he prefer me be there in person?" Brice asked.

Tank looked at Silver bringing the question to he.

"Alright." Rila replied as Luana relaxed in her seat. "El, Dani, are your communicators working yet?"

Dani and Ellie took theirs out and flipped open the top. They each pushed the power button. The screen stayed black.

"Nope." Ellie replied as Dani said, "No."

Rila held out her hand. "Here, lemme see what I can do."

Dani and Ellie gave Rila their communicators. Eve talked softly with Luana. Rila took a small round object out her belt and pushed the bottom of it. A mini screw driver popped out. She unscrewed the bottom of one communicator and moved some of the wires.

"Allright then," Brice said through Tank's Com, "I'll meet you in the (Incest bar name here. Sorry not sure a good name for one)."


Angel glanced up from her com as she watched Rila mess with the comunicators. See seemed to know technology all right. Surely she'd be able help with the invasion. She got another message on her Com so she checked the message. Then wrote out a reply.
with a laugh and a nod he spoke to him "Then the Drunken baby pack it is" he gave a look at tank "When we going?, this should be fun~"

The screen of the communicator Rila was holding slowly blinked on. She scrolled through some menus on it and returned it to Ellie. "Only a short circuit problem." Rila explained unscrewing the second one and moving wires again. She took out another cylinder object for her belt and pushed the bottom. A point poked out from the top. She brought it toward one of the wires and a soft staticky sound could heard. The screen blinked on quickly and Rila handed the communicator back to Dani.

"Thanks," Dani opened it and flicked through the screens.


"I'll be heading there now," Brice said through the Com, "Shouldn't take me long. So I'll see you there."

With that Brice terminated the link. Then Tank looked to Silver to reply to his question, "We could head there now. He might even arrive by the time we get there."


If the devices Rila and her group had, had any kind of tracking or map programs they'll find that they weren't working. Angel's was working fine for the moment since she was an agent of Mega. However, right now she was sending a text back and forth with her Boyfriend.
"Lets go, i think its time for me to get back into this kind of work...." He spoke as his distant look appeared again, lasting longer this time.

He checked his equipment multiple times before he even thought about moving from the spot with a worried look and laughing as he finished, "Lets go now"

Tank gave a nodd as he went back to his truck. There he got in and waited for Silver to follow.

Ellie turned on her communicator and quickly pressed buttons on the screen. She was playing a game on it.

"Rila?" Dani asked keeping her voice low.


"What's going to happen now?"

Rila shrugged. How would she know that? She was curious for the answer though. "Ask if you want,"

Dani nodded and looked to Angel. "I have a question--um..." Dani paused realizing she didn't know the Mega agent's name.

Angel looked up from her Com. Hearing her voice her question. "It's Angel," Angel told her realizing they didn't know her name, "And sure go ahead."
He stepped inside and looked around, wondering what he would see inside, a futuristic truck? many features?, something simple?

"Angel. Okay." Dani nodded. "What's going to happen when we get there?"

Eve looked up when Dani asked and focused on Angel.

Inside the truck had a few buttons and things on the dash panel. Besides that it was a modern assualt truck. Tank started up the truck as he put it in reverse. "Buckle up," Tank said.


"Well," Angel said, "Once you get there they'll have a small mission briefing. After that they'll show you to your accomidations to where You'll be staying until the mission begins."

"Alright," Dani said with a nod, satisfied with the answer.

Eve continued her quiet conversation with Luana and Rila checked some things on her communicator.
He kept looking outside with his face planted against the window, he wouldn't miss anything from the scenario...maybe he had to escape...

Angel watched Dani for a bit longer incase she had another question. Then she went back to her texting. She made not of the time as she looked at the others. "We should be about there," Angel replied.


Tank drove the assualt truck through the modern city as he headed to the local bar. He mostly drove in silence not seeing much need for conversation. If Silver decided to strike up a conversation he wouldn't mind but otherwise he didn't see the need for it.

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