[Heralds of Autocthon] OOC

I'm just waiting for attacks and actions to be resolved so I can get my moves in.:cool:
Just to say one last thing because this genuinely confounded me...

I am not advocating eliminating the tick system. I don't know where you guys are pulling these ideas out of, because that isn't what I am saying, and you are arguing against something that doesn't exist. You would still act every 3 ticks, you would still get more actions than everyone else, you would still have speed 3. The difference would be, if Monster A goes down in the tick before yours, you have a clause saying. "If Monster A goes down, I attack Monster B". Thats it, simple, nothing much to it! It isn't a ridiculously involved affair.
Sherwood said:
I'm just waiting for attacks and actions to be resolved so I can get my moves in.:cool:
Don't you mean, get your moves on?

won't be too long basically on their turn, they will take a dash action, so tick 8, except golem 1 who is already close to livewire.
I'm assuming that my attack missed, having only 3 successes with 14 dice. :mad: That is, unless I get some stunt bonuses that bump me up.
I'm back from travel. Shall I post my attack, or am I going at the same time as the other golems given that lousy Join Battle roll? :mad:
When I first posted my action, I forgot that I've got jade hearthstone bracers. The speed of my attack was 4, so I should act next on tick 7.
So... currently we are waiting for the actions of Void golem 1,2,3, the apostate and possibly void golem 4 unless I succeeded in killing it beforehand, together with a summary of the result of our actions, right?
Post updated and I think covered everybody actions. 13 sux coming hammer way...ouch.

Xp award after the fight:

8 xp (sorry for my laziness).
It shouldn't kill me, but It'll hurt a bit. I'll be making a trip to the Vats for some healing time when this fight is over.

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