[Heralds of Autocthon] OOC

It's just an artifact to change clothing at will? It's pretty expensive for what it does. Yeah sure, just write up the soulsteel description.
I like the Starmetal one, that lets you store 2000 pounds of equpment in pockets of Elsewhere that only the wearere can get to.
Yeah. As long as it can fit through the opening of a pocket that is a foot long, you can store it. Need a sword? Got it. Ten foot pole? Got it. Ten gallons of water? Got it.
It gives MA-friendly armor and bennies, as well as customizable clothing.

Basic: +1 extra success on Resistance/Survival rolls vs environmental conditions, toxins and poisons

Moonsilver: +5B/5L soak, +2 dice to Stealth and disguise rolls

Soulsteel (from Scroll of Exalts): The soulsteel magical material bonus is that the clothing may be reflexively transformed into a mobile construct of a vermin swarm for a cost of one Willpower point. The swarm contains any species of voracious ground-born pests the wearer desires and comes into being centered on its creator with a radius of (creator’s Essence) yards but scuttles at its creator’s move rate in accordance with telepathic directions. On each of its creator’s actions’ ticks, the swarm acts as an environmental hazard with Trauma 3 and 1L levels of damage, gnawing at everything in its radius other than its creator or his personal possessions. A perfect defense stops each interval of gnawing from harming that defender. Successful attacks against the swarm automatically kill individual creatures or even swaths of them, but this is not enough to slow or lessen the swarm in any meaningful way. Sufficiently large area effect attacks wipe out the swarm, breaking and preventing re-attunement to the artifact for one day.

Some martial arts allow armor, not really that much of a problem but anyway let see yeah it doesn't look too bad, sure approved.
Looks like we have a perfect circle of Exalted. One of every caste except for Adamant.
Background and sheet are up. If it's cool by you, Devil, I'm leaving one Intimacy blank until I get a better feel for the guy in play.
I never wrote any up. Do you need them? I can add them on to the sheet quickly enough.

Also, I notice that everyone is starting at Essence 2. Interesting.

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