[Heralds of Autocthon] OOC

Alright thread is posted, starting with the Rat Games. Yeah basically large mutated rats fighting in an arena with people cheering them on.
When the IC says "all the champions" do it mean all the champions in Thutot or just the group (or are those the same)?
you would be all the champions currently present in Thutot for convenience sake. Most of the others are either in other spheres or not attending the games.
Ah almost forgot feel free to use any setup for your installed charms, just let me known which one you are using right now either in this thread, IC or character sheet.
Deviltigerr said:
Ah almost forgot feel free to use any setup for your installed charms, just let me known which one you are using right now either in this thread, IC or character sheet.
currently I am using the one indicated on my charsheet, through given that all of the charms are favoured I haven't bothered to specify which charm go in which slot. I assume that is okay.
I already have my installed Charms listed, with my backup ones marked.
I am slightly confused on a term. What exactly does "Assembly" mean? I thought that it was the Alchemical equivalent to a Solar "circle", but Sherwoods post seem to imply that it is something else? Do I misremember, because then I have to change one of my intimacies, and if so what is an "Assembly" actually?
Yes, that was what I was referring to, but the term Assembly can also be used in referece to a group of Exalts. I should be more specific in which one I was referring to.
Livewire currently has her intellectual loadout equipped. Her Imprinted Data Clusters are set to give a +3 magitech specialty in craft, and her Metaphysical Reprogramming Protocols are giving her a Initiate Degree in The Science of Probabilistics.
Updated my sheet to show which Charms are installed. Since she's out in the open as one of the "angels of Gulak", she's not using any disguise Charms, and since the only people likely to cause trouble today are ordinary mortals, she left her perfect defense back in the shop too.

Something she may regret by the end of the day...
Well, you are not the only one leaving gear behind. I would think that showing up packing enough firepower to take down a small country would not fit in with the celebration we're attending. So, with our luck, we are about to face a challenge that requires a perfect dodge and ranged attacks to take it down.
Waiting on quicksilver and ebsilon to at least get a reply in, if nothing by tomorrow, will just move forward.
No worries. It gives Hammer a chance to pass on some of his wisdom to the more impulsive members of the Circle.
As for loadout, thankfully some of us have equipment that blends in quite well with other gear. :) But yes, this could get very interesting by day's end.
Millershipper said:
If we want to do something that needs a dice roll, how do we handle that?
There are two different ways that work for me that you can try. First, there is a die roller on the PbP site. Post whatever combat fluff or Per + Awareness stuff that you want, and at the lower right side of the post is a 'roll a dice' button. Click that, and it asks you to give a reason for the roll, and by default will be set for a six sided die. Change the 6 to a ten, and it pops up with one die rolled. Keep clicking 'roll another die' until you have your full die pool accounted for. The die rolls cannot be edited out. For an example, I'll roll some and show you what it looks like.

The second way is to go to a website like Invisible Castle and use their die roller, then copy and paste it into your post. The downside to this way is that it takes more time and back and forth action to get it done.
It is now official.

six out of seven champions think that the rat races are boring.



We probably shouldn't tell people that, otherwise some poor sob might get a demotion

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