[Heralds of Autocthon] OOC

Join battle results gathered for your convenience!tm

Bride: 5

Aegis: 7

Unexpected: 3

Livewire: 4

Hammer: 4

Apostate: 8

Void Golem 1: 4 (3 if extra) (has more dice than the others, if this is accidental then 2)

Void Golem 2: 4 (3 if extra)

Void Golem 3: 5 (3 if extra)

Void Golem 4: 2 (has more dice than the others, if this is accidental then 1)

Void Mutated Rat: 2
Yeah golems and mutated rat are extras. Thanks for this, let see so here it goes:

Tick 0: Apostate

Tick 1: Aegis

Tick 3: Bride

Tick 4: Livewire, Hammer

Tick 5: VG 1, 2, 3, Unexpected

Tick 6: VR, VG 4
If you could repost this list in the IC thread as we go, I'd appreciate it. It helps to keep track of who is up at what time.
Should I take my action now, or should I wait for Mileshipper and QuicksilverFox to roll join battle first? they would have to roll more successes than they have dice, but it is theoretically possible (more likely if they channel a virtue or something)

Are the golem and or apostate within 75 yards of the box we are in, more than 75 yards away but less than 150, within 225 or even futher away?
Do we get to start with our weapons ready (presumably having done so when the apostate made his little speech and killed that guy) or do we need to all start by flurrying that?
Might I suggest that we take one action at a time, resolving them fully before moving on to the next one?

I think that might make it easier to adjucate what happens.
vegetalss4 said:
Might I suggest that we take one action at a time, resolving them fully before moving on to the next one?
I think that might make it easier to adjucate what happens.
Ah sorry, it's just that I'm on my way to bed and didn't want the rest of you held up while I sleep.
Esbilon said:
Ah sorry, it's just that I'm on my way to bed and didn't want the rest of you held up while I sleep.

Perhaps you should say who you intend to attack then, since otherwise we will have to wait anyway.
The apostate himself, I'd written so, but I see now that it's not perfectly clear. Will add that in the ooc comment as well.
Having people withhold their actions is a really bad idea. It slows down the game a LOT. Instead, what you do is have If, Then statements. The game goes a lot faster when you do so.

Such as:

I will attack Guy 1.

If Guy 1 is killed before my action, Then I will attack Guy 2.
That's a matter of taste I guess.

whether one want's to avoid combat being a potentially confusing mess of time disjointed actions and contingencies which have to be untangled if something happens which change the situation in a major way but which was unforeseen, but which is faster than the alternative by the culcomative difference between when somebody is ready to post and when it becomes their turn.

Probably should let the ST chose so that we have consistency at least.
Usually I would declare if you are getting attacked or something, so you can use an appropriate reflexive charm or I guess in some cases items if you have one available. If you want to declare in advance what kind of charm or actions you would use or just want to wait, it doesn't matter to me just be clear in the ooc spoiler tag in your post.
The problem with waiting for your tick is that we are not all sitting at a table, where we can immediately respond when the action comes up. People are frequently unable to respond for several hours, or days. Do you really want to halt everything just because you don't feel like writing a simple if - then statement?

Also, the problem with your 'disjointed contingency' argument, is that it presumes that writing if-then statements prevents us from responding to a changing situation. In those times were something major does change, it will be completely obvious that we should make new statements. We save a huge amount of time by writing simple contingencies, and we can still make new actions if something so fundamental changes that our previous actions no longer apply.

It is more of a gray area when the NPC's are acting on these ticks, but when it is solely PC's acting I see no reason for us to wait.
So, if we are running this way, is Hammer up next?
Incendius said:
The problem with waiting for your tick is that we are not all sitting at a table, where we can immediately respond when the action comes up. People are frequently unable to respond for several hours, or days. Do you really want to halt everything just because you don't feel like writing a simple if - then statement?
Firstly I feel that the implication that this has anything to do with laziness on my side is a dirty rhetorical trick which we should be to mature to use (this is probably not your conscious intend, but it is unpleasant for me nonetheless).

Secondarily when people become unable to respond for days then for not waiting on them to give a significant reduction in time would require us to predict them several actions into the future, at which point a single exalts actions easily shifts the battle enough that we would have to jump back and retcon what everyone else did more often than not.

Instead it would be wiser to simply make a ruling about how long one have to take their action before it is assumed that they just guards until they become available.

Incendius said:
Also, the problem with your 'disjointed contingency' argument, is that it presumes that writing if-then statements prevents us from responding to a changing situation. In those times were something major does change, it will be completely obvious that we should make new statements. We save a huge amount of time by writing simple contingencies, and we can still make new actions if something so fundamental changes that our previous actions no longer apply.

It is more of a gray area when the NPC's are acting on these ticks, but when it is solely PC's acting I see no reason for us to wait.
No I did assume that we would make new statements. I also predict that doing so would be a regular event, which causes a certain degree of confusion each time.

Futhermore I believe that the actions being posted out of order and as a series of spilt, and possibly wildly different actions, would make it harder to gain a overview of the scene and again cause confusion and with it delays as things would have to be cleared up, especially once the "if-then" actions begin getting more and more complex as they depend not only on the actions one other character but also on which "then" each character took before all the way back to the one that is away.

However I honestly doubt either of us will manage to convince the other (this being the internet) and therefore I suggest that we agree to disagree instead and let Deviltigerr make a judgment call for how to do things in his game.
I hope you will forgive me for posting my character's action. She's activating a Charm, not making an attack, so her action (hopefully) won't impinge on the actions of the others.
We will probably have to agree to disagree but I think we may be arguing about different points...

I am not saying we should make If-Then contingencies for several actions, or when NPC's have actions in between ours. I am saying that for the specific instance that there are only PC actions in the next few ticks (or if the state of the battlefield is unclear), it is a good idea to put in If-Then statements .

Also, I am not saying we should relegate all of our actions to if-then statements. I am saying that we should keep them as the primary option, and adjust to changing circumstances. Yes, if a PC knocks 90% of the enemies with an unbeatable super combo, we make new actions, but in general it is not hard to choose two or three options that will apply to the circumstances.

If you don't want to use If-Then statements, don't, but they are a very useful tool to use in a game that is inherently slow, run in a format that is inherently slow. Deviltigerr's ruling is a very good one: use them if you want to, don't if you don't.
Well, my thought is, one of the advantages of the Jade caste is the Speed bonus given to them from their Magaical Material. My base attacks without the use of Charms is a Speed 3, and without the tick system, that partially eliminates my bonus of being able to attack faster than the others around me. I have had games where simple combat has taken several days to get from tick to tick, and it has not been a big deal to the group yet.

My two cents worth.
My apologies for being so late posting. I'm traveling for work today, tomorrow and Friday and thought I would have more time than I'm going to. If I miss my tick Vigil will fall into guard action until I catch up.

How does one activate the OOC tag for a main post? Vigil will be using the Windblade to stay mobile, stay out of close combat range, and will be hucking that Chakram at the nearest golems until the Populat are all evacuated, then will be aiming for Mr. Big himself himself.
No need to keep this conversation about the way people like to declare their actions, this is totally unnecessary. Anyway, let see the ooc is the spoiler tag you use

[spoiler=ooc]text [/spoiler]

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